def move_to(area1: Area, area2: Area, map_name=None): map_serv.switch_conn_graph(map_name) # raises MoveException _check_move(area1, area2) is_cannon_fire = area1.unit == 'art' and bool(area2.unit) is_conquer = area2.tile == 'city' and area2.iso != area1.iso # cannons do not move position when they attack if not is_cannon_fire: area2.exhaust = 1 # move to area area2.iso = area1.iso area2.unit = area1.unit area1.unit = None if area2.tile: # exhaust unit, can't move next round conf = items[area2.tile] area2.exhaust = conf.get('exhaust', 1) if is_conquer: # conquer area area2.iso = area1.iso else: # artillery attacks area2.unit = None area1.exhaust = 1 is_conquer = False return is_conquer
def load_gtml(filename, skip=None): if skip is None: skip = [] l_countries = [] l_areas = [] l_calls = [] l_options = {} f_countries = [] area_pattern = re.compile(r"(?P<id>\w+)\((?P<iso>\w*),?(?P<buildtile>\w*),?(?P<unit>\w*)\)") with open(filename) as fh: status = None for line in fh: if not line or line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '\n': continue if line[0] == '>': status = line[1:-1] if status == 'STOP_TEST': l_calls.append((status,None)) break elif status[:9] == 'COUNTRIES': f_countries = status[10:].split() status = 'COUNTRIES' continue if status in skip: continue if status == 'COUNTRIES': attrs = line.split() cc = Country() for val,attr in zip(attrs, f_countries): if attr in ('iso', 'name', 'color'): if attr == 'name': val = val.replace('_', ' ') setattr(cc, attr, val) elif attr in ('emperor', 'ai'): setattr(cc, attr, val == 'true') else: setattr(cc, attr, int(val)) l_countries.append(cc) elif status == 'AREAS': match = area_pattern.findall(line) for (aid, iso, btile, unit) in match: area = Area(id=aid) if iso: area.iso = iso if btile in ('barr','house','cita'): = btile area.tile = 'city' else: area.tile = btile if unit: area.unit = unit l_areas.append(area) elif status == 'OPTIONS': k,v = line.split() l_options[k] = v elif status == 'TEST_AREAS': ff = [] sareas = line.split() for sarea in sareas: sarea = sarea.split(',') area = Area(iso=sarea[0]) if len(sarea) > 1 and sarea[1]: tile = sarea[1] if tile in ('barr','house','cita'): area.tile = 'city' = tile else: area.tile = tile if len(sarea) > 2: area.unit = sarea[2] ff.append(area) l_areas.append(ff) elif status == 'TEST_CALLS': method,params,iso,exps = line.split() params = params.split(',') try: exp_js = list(map(json.loads, exps.split('|'))) except: raise Exception("Failed to parse call: {}".format(exps)) if method == 'BUY': call = ('Game:buy', {'area_id': params[0], 'item_id': params[1]}, iso) elif method == 'MOVE': call = ('Game:move', {'area_id': params[0], 'to_id': params[1]}, iso) elif method == 'END': call = ('Game:end_turn', {}, iso) else: continue l_calls.append((call, exp_js)) if len(l_calls) == 0 and len(l_options) != 0: l_calls = l_options return l_countries, l_areas, l_calls