def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__( self, game_env, size=38) # initilizing parent class with default text color as red self.__game_env = game_env self.__gameover = Text(self.__game_env, "GAME OVER", 60) self.__replaytext_surf = self.font.render( "Replay ", 1, self.color) # creating surface with the Replay text self.__y_selected_surf = self.font.render( "Yes", 1, self.__game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with Yes text when highlighted self.__n_surf = self.font.render( "/No", 1, self.color) # creating surface with No text self.__y_surf = self.font.render( "Yes/", 1, self.color) # creating surface with Yes text self.__n_selected_surf = self.font.render( "No", 1, self.__game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with No text when highlighted self.__replaytext_pos_x = / 2 - ( self.__replaytext_surf.get_width() + self.__y_selected_surf.get_width() + self.__n_surf.get_width()) / 2 self.__highlight_yes( ) # calling method to highlight Yes (the default choice)
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__(self, game_env, size=20) self.__game_env = game_env seperator = self.font.render(' ', 1, self.color) header = self.font.render('=== HELP ===', 1, self.color) footer = self.font.render('=== GOOD LUCK ===', 1, self.color) all_surfaces = [] all_surfaces.append(seperator) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('Your objective should you choose to accept is to navigate your jet without getting hit by', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('the incoming missiles. For self-defence you can shoot down the enemy missiles. You are', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('armed with 100 special missiles. Level-up awards you another 50 special missiles and a', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('power-up star which will instantly deactivate all the enemy missiles.', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('Your jet can carry maximum 999 special missiles.', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(seperator) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('With keyboard input, you should use your keyboard arrow keys to navigate and spacebar', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('to shoot. With mouse as input, you should use your mouse to navigate your jet and', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('mouse click to shoot', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render(' ', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('POINTS: Destroy Missle -> 10 pts. Power-up Star -> 100 pts. Level-up -> 10 pts.', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(seperator) = Surface((all_surfaces[1].get_width(), all_surfaces[0].get_height() * (len(all_surfaces) + 2)), self.__game_env.SRCALPHA), ( - header.get_width()/2, 0)) for index, temp_surf in enumerate(all_surfaces):, (0, header.get_height() + index * temp_surf.get_height())), ( - footer.get_width()/2, - footer.get_height())) self.rect =, self.__game_env.static.screen_height/2))
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__( self, game_env, size=32) # initilizing parent class with default text color as red self.__game_env = game_env self.__header = Text(self.__game_env, "=== ENTER YOUR NAME ===", 36) self.__footer = Text(self.__game_env, "===============================", 36) self.__player_name = '' # default player name self.render(self.__player_name)
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__(self, game_env, size=20) self.__game_env = game_env name_length = self.__game_env.static.name_length * 2 leaders = LeaderBoardHandler().load() seperator = self.font.render( '===================================================================================================', 1, self.color) header = self.font.render('=== HALL OF FAME ===', 1, self.color) all_surfaces = [] all_surfaces.append(seperator) all_surfaces.append( self.font.render( '{} {} {} {} {} {}'.format('RANK'.ljust(5), 'NAME'.ljust(name_length), 'SCORE'.ljust(10), 'LEVEL'.ljust(5), 'ACCURACY'.ljust(8), 'TIME'.rjust(21)), 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(seperator) try: if len(leaders) == 0: all_surfaces.append( self.font.render( 'No records, make sure you have working internet connectivity', 1, self.color)) for index, score in enumerate(leaders['scores']): all_surfaces.append( self.font.render( '{} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( str(index + 1).ljust(5), score['name'][:name_length].ljust(name_length), str(score['score']).ljust(10), str(score['level']).ljust(5), str(score['accuracy'] + '%').ljust(8), str(time.ctime(int(score['epoch']))).rjust(25)), 1, self.color)) except: pass all_surfaces.append(seperator) = Surface( (all_surfaces[2].get_width(), all_surfaces[0].get_height() * (len(all_surfaces) + 1)), self.__game_env.SRCALPHA), ( / 2 - header.get_width() / 2, 0)) for index, temp_surf in enumerate(all_surfaces): temp_surf, (0, header.get_height() + index * temp_surf.get_height())) self.rect = center=(self.__game_env.static.screen_width / 2, self.__game_env.static.screen_height / 2))
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__( self, game_env, size=36) # initilizing parent class with default text color as red self.__game_env = game_env self.__jet = Jet(game_env) # creating a of jet self.__prefix_surf = self.font.render( "What's your input {}?".format( self.__game_env.dynamic.player_name), 1, self.color) # creating surface with the prefix text self.__mouse = self.font.render( ' Mouse', 1, self.color) # creating surface with mouse text self.__keybrd = self.font.render( ' Keyboard', 1, self.color) # creating surface with mouse text keybrd_surf = self.font.render( ' Keyboard', 1, game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with Keyboard text when highlighted self.__keybrd_selected = Surface( ( + keybrd_surf.get_width(), keybrd_surf.get_height()), game_env.SRCALPHA ) # creating surface for jet and highlighted keyboard text self.__keybrd_selected.blit(, (0, 0)) # drawing the jet self.__keybrd_selected.blit( keybrd_surf, (, 0)) # drawing the highligted keyboard text after the jet image mouse_surf = self.font.render( ' Mouse', 1, game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with mouse text when highlighted self.__mouse_selected = Surface( ( + mouse_surf.get_width(), mouse_surf.get_height()), game_env.SRCALPHA ) # creating surface for jet and highlighted mouse text self.__mouse_selected.blit(, (0, 0)) # drawing the jet self.__mouse_selected.blit( mouse_surf, (, 0)) # drawing the highligted mouse text after the jet image self.__left_padding = self.__prefix_surf.get_width( ) / 2 - self.__keybrd_selected.get_width() / 2 self.__highlight_keyboard( ) # calling method to highlight keyboard (the default choice)
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__(self, game_env, size=38) self.__game_env = game_env self.__title = Text(self.__game_env, "Do you want to quit?", 48) self.__y_selected_surf = self.font.render( "Yes", 1, self.__game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with Yes text when highlighted self.__n_surf = self.font.render( "/No", 1, self.color) # creating surface with No text self.__y_surf = self.font.render( "Yes/", 1, self.color) # creating surface with Yes text self.__n_selected_surf = self.font.render( "No", 1, self.__game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with No text when highlighted self.__choices = / 2 - ( self.__y_selected_surf.get_width() + self.__n_surf.get_width()) / 2 self.__highlight_no()
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__(self, game_env, text="LEVEL 00 TIME 0 AMMO 0 SCORE 0", size=28, color=(103,103,103)) # initializing parent class with defautl text and color self.__game_env = game_env self.rect = + 30, 2)) # creating rectangle from text surface