def __init__(self, player_from, player_to, trick):
     check_param(player_to in range(4) and ((player_from+1)% 4 == player_to or (player_from-1)% 4 == player_to), param=(player_from, player_to))
     check_isinstance(trick, Trick)
     check_param(Card.DRAGON is trick.last_combination.card)
     self._trick = trick
     self._to = player_to
 def __init__(self, straight):
     check_isinstance(straight, Straight)
         for c in straight
     }) == 1)  # only one suit (takes also care of the phoenix)
     self._height = straight.height + 1000  # 1000 to make sure it is higher than any other non straightbomb
 def __init__(self, player_pos, trick):
     :param player_pos: the player winning the trick
     :param trick: The won trick
     check_isinstance(trick, Trick)
     self._trick = trick
 def __init__(self, player_pos, trick, hand_cards):
     :param player_pos:
     :param hand_cards: The HandCardSnapshot of the players when the trick finished
     from .handcardsnapshot import HandCardSnapshot
     check_isinstance(hand_cards, HandCardSnapshot)
     super().__init__(player_pos=player_pos, trick=trick)
     self._hand_cards = hand_cards
    def merge(self, combs, target_comb):

        :param combs: the combinations that merged
        :param target_comb: the combination resulting from the merge
        :return: Returns a Partition with combs removed and the target added
        check_isinstance(target_comb, Combination)
        return Partition(
 def __init__(self, team1, team2, winner_team, points, target_points,
     check_isinstance(team1, Team)
     check_isinstance(team2, Team)
     check_isinstance(winner_team, Team)
     check_isinstance(points, tuple)
     check_param(len(points) == 2)
     check_isinstance(target_points, int)
     check_all_isinstance(rounds, RoundHistory)
     check_param(len(rounds) > 0)
 def __init__(self, pair, trio):
     check_isinstance(pair, Pair)
     check_param(trio, Trio)
         not (pair.contains_phoenix()
              and trio.contains_phoenix()))  # phoenix can only be used once
     cards = set( +
     check_param(len(cards) == 5, param=(pair, trio))
     self._height = trio.height
     self._pair = pair
     self._trio = trio
    def __lt__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Bomb):
            return True
        check_isinstance(other, Single)
        check_true(self.card is not Card.DOG and other.card is not Card.DOG,
                   msg="Can't compare")  # dog can't be compared
        if self.card is Card.DRAGON:
            return False  # dragon is the highest single card
        if other.is_phoenix() and other.height == Card.PHOENIX.card_height:
            return True  # if the phoenix is on the right hand side of '<' and its value has not been changed, return True

        return self.height < other.height
    def search(self, start_state):
        check_isinstance(start_state, MctsState)
        if start_state not in self:
            _ = self.clear()

        iteration = 0
        while not self.is_end_search(iteration):
            iteration += 1
            leaf_states = self._tree_policy(start_state)
            for ls in leaf_states*self._nbr_rollouts:
                rollout_result, final_state = self._rollout_policy(ls)
                self.backup(ls, rollout_result)
        action = self.best_action(start_state)
        return action
 def set_phoenix_height(self, newheight):
     Set the height of tis single to the given height ONLY IF the Phoenix is the card of this single.
     Otherwise the call is ignored and a warning is printed.
     :param newheight:
     :return: the height of the single after this call
     check_isinstance(newheight, (int, float))
         newheight == Card.PHOENIX.card_height or 2 <= newheight < 15,
         param=newheight)  # newheight must be between 2 and 14 (TWO and As)
     if self._card is Card.PHOENIX:
         self._height = newheight
     # else:
     #    warnings.warn("Tried to set the height of a non-phoenix single. The height was not set.")
     return self.height
    def __init__(self, initial_points):
        check_param(len(initial_points) == 2)
        check_isinstance(initial_points, tuple)

        self._initial_points = initial_points
        self._points = initial_points
        empty_hcs = HandCardSnapshot(ImmutableCards([]), ImmutableCards([]),
                                     ImmutableCards([]), ImmutableCards([]))
        self._grand_tichu_hands = empty_hcs  # A HandCardSnapshot (initially all hands are empty)
        self._before_swap_hands = empty_hcs  # A HandCardSnapshot (initially all hands are empty)
        self._swap_actions = set()
        self._complete_hands = empty_hcs  # A HandCardSnapshot (initially all hands are empty)
        self._announced_grand_tichus = set()
        self._announced_tichus = set()
        self._tricks = list()
        self._current_trick = UnfinishedTrick()
        self._handcards = list()
        self._ranking = list()
        self._events = list()
    def __init__(self, parent, state=None, initial_reward_ratio=float("inf")):

        :param parent: MonteCarloTreeNode; The parent node of this None
        :param state: MctsState of this none
        :param initial_reward_ratio: The initial reward ratio (when the node was not yet visited)
        check_isinstance(state, MctsState)
        parent is None or check_isinstance(parent, MonteCarloTreeNode)
        super().__init__(parent=parent, data=state)

        self._visited_count = 0
        self._reward_count = 0
        self._reward_ratio = self._reward_count / self._visited_count if self._visited_count != 0 else initial_reward_ratio

        self._possible_actions = set(state.possible_actions())
        assert check_all_isinstance(self._possible_actions, PlayerAction)
        self._expanded_actions = set()
        self._remaining_actions = list(self._possible_actions)
    def __init__(self, cards, phoenix_as=None):
        check_param(len(cards) >= 5)
        if Card.PHOENIX in cards:
            check_isinstance(phoenix_as, Card)
            check_param(phoenix_as not in cards, param=(phoenix_as, cards))
            check_param(phoenix_as.suit is not CardSuit.SPECIAL,

        cards_phoenix_replaced = [c for c in cards if c is not Card.PHOENIX
                                  ] + [phoenix_as] if phoenix_as else cards
                 for c in cards_phoenix_replaced
                 }) == len(cards_phoenix_replaced))  # different card values
        cardheights = [c.card_height for c in cards_phoenix_replaced]
            max(cardheights) - min(cardheights) +
            1 == len(cards_phoenix_replaced))  # cards are consecutive

        self._height = max(cardheights)
        self._ph_as = phoenix_as
    def play_combination(self, game_history, wish):
        Called by the the tichu manager to request a move.
        :param game_history: The history of the tichu game so far.
        :param wish: The CardValue beeing wished, None if no wish is present
        :return: pass, or the combination the players wants to play as CombinationAction or PassAction.
        assert len(self._hand_cards) > 0
        action = self._agent.play_combination(wish=wish,

        check_isinstance(action, (CombinationAction, PassAction))
        check_true(action.player_pos == self._position)
        with ignored(AttributeError, ValueError):
            action.combination.set_phoenix_height(game_history.current_round.last_combination.height + 0.5)

        action.check(played_on=game_history.current_round.last_combination, has_cards=self)
        TichuPlayer._check_wish(game_history.current_round.last_combination, action, self.hand_cards, wish)

        if isinstance(action, CombinationAction):
        return action
 def _append_round(self, round_history):
     check_isinstance(round_history, RoundHistory)
 def team2(self, team):
     check_isinstance(team, Team)
     self._team2 = team
 def winner_team(self, team):
     check_isinstance(team, Team)
     self._winner_team = team
 def wish(self, val):
     check_isinstance(val, CardValue)
     self._wish = val
 def trick_on_table(self, val):
     if isinstance(val, Trick):
         self._trick_on_table = UnfinishedTrick.from_trick(val)
         check_isinstance(val, UnfinishedTrick)
         self._trick_on_table = val.copy()
 def __add__(self, other):
     check_isinstance(other, ImmutableCards)
     return ImmutableCards(self._cards.union(other._cards))
 def complete_hands(self, hands):
     check_isinstance(hands, HandCardSnapshot)
     self._complete_hands = hands
 def grand_tichu_hands(self, hands):
     check_isinstance(hands, HandCardSnapshot)
     self._grand_tichu_hands = hands
 def __lt__(self, other):
     check_isinstance(other, (type(self), Bomb), msg="Can't compare")
     return self.height < other.height
 def __init__(self, parent, data=None):
     # assert action is None or isinstance(action, PlayerAction), f"action: {action}"
     parent is None or check_isinstance(parent, GameTreeNode)
     self._parent = parent  # the parent node (None for root)
     self._data = data  # any object
     self._children = set()
 def points(self, points):
     check_isinstance(points, tuple)
     check_param(len(points) == 2)
     check_all_isinstance(points, int)
     self._points = points
    def __init__(self, initial_points, final_points, points, grand_tichu_hands,
                 before_swap_hands, card_swaps, complete_hands,
                 announced_grand_tichus, announced_tichus, tricks, handcards,
                 ranking, events):
        check_isinstance(initial_points, tuple)
        check_isinstance(final_points, tuple)
        check_isinstance(points, tuple)
            len(initial_points) == len(final_points) == len(points) == 2)

            [grand_tichu_hands, before_swap_hands, complete_hands],

        if card_swaps != frozenset():
            check_isinstance(card_swaps, frozenset)
            check_all_isinstance(card_swaps, SwapCardAction)
            check_param(len(card_swaps) == 12, param=card_swaps)
            check_param(len({sca.player_pos for sca in card_swaps}) == 4)
            check_param(len({ for sca in card_swaps}) == 4)

        check_isinstance(announced_grand_tichus, frozenset)
        check_isinstance(announced_tichus, frozenset)

        check_all_isinstance(tricks, Trick)

        check_all_isinstance(handcards, HandCardSnapshot)
        check_param(len(tricks) == len(handcards))

        check_isinstance(ranking, tuple)
        check_param(len(ranking) <= 4)

        check_isinstance(events, tuple)
        check_all_isinstance(events, GameEvent)

 def before_swap_hands(self, hands):
     check_isinstance(hands, HandCardSnapshot)
     self._before_swap_hands = hands
 def hand_cards(self, val):
     check_isinstance(val, HandCardSnapshot)
     self._hand_cards = val
 def append_event(self, event):
     check_isinstance(event, GameEvent)
 def add_won_trick(self, pos, trick):
     check_isinstance(trick, Trick)