class FriendQLearner: def __init__(self, num_states=(2 * 4) * (2 * 4) * 2, num_actions=5, alpha=0.05, alpha_decay=0.99999, gamma=0.9, epsilon=1.0, max_steps_per_episode=1000, max_num_episodes=10000000, save_model_per=1000000, verbose=True): = World() = Play_game() # inputs self.alpha = alpha self.alpha_decay = alpha_decay self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.max_steps_per_episode = max_steps_per_episode self.max_num_episodes = max_num_episodes self.save_model_per = save_model_per # initialize self.num_states = num_states # 4x2 grid, two players, with or without ball self.num_actions = num_actions q_table = np.full(shape=(num_states, num_actions, num_actions), fill_value=0.0) self.q_tables = {'A': deepcopy(q_table), 'B': deepcopy(q_table)} self.state = {} # error self.ERRs = [] self.steps_to_plot = [] self.verbose = verbose def friendQ_agent(self): self.step_count = 1 for episode in range(self.max_num_episodes): # reset game self.all_states, self.state, _ = # play game and learn for t in range(self.max_steps_per_episode): # get actions current_actions = self.get_actions() # observe state_prime, r, done, _ = # update self.update_Q(current_actions, state_prime, r['A'], 'A') self.update_Q(current_actions, state_prime, r['B'], 'B') self.state = state_prime self.step_count += 1 # save and plot if self.step_count > 0 and self.step_count % self.save_model_per == 0: experiment_id = 1 self.save_data(experiment_id) self.plot_error(experiment_id) if done: self.alpha *= self.alpha_decay break if self.verbose: print('episode: ', episode) if self.step_count > 1000000: break def get_actions(self): # off-policy actions = {} actions['A'] = rand.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) actions['B'] = rand.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) # if t == 0: # self.actions = actions return actions def update_Q(self, actions, state_prime, r, player_name): state_index = self.all_states[self.state] state_prime_index = self.all_states[state_prime] # other_player = set(['A', [B]]) - set(player_name) # print other_player # update Q table V = np.amax(self.q_tables[player_name][state_prime_index]) # error = (((1 - self.gamma) * r + self.gamma * V) - self.q_tables[player_name][state_index, actions['A'], actions['B']]) * self.alpha error = ((r + self.gamma * V) - self.q_tables[player_name][state_index, actions['A'], actions['B']]) * self.alpha self.q_tables[player_name][state_index, actions['A'], actions['B']] += error # collect errors if player_name == 'A' and self.state == 'B21' and actions[ 'A'] == 1 and actions['B'] == 4: self.ERRs.append(abs(error)) self.steps_to_plot.append(self.step_count) # print self.ERRs if self.verbose: print('Action of B at state s: ', np.argmax(self.q_tables['B'][self.all_states['B21']]) % 5) def plot_error(self, experiment_id): err_to_plot = self.ERRs[::20] step_to_plot = self.steps_to_plot[::20] plt.plot(step_to_plot, err_to_plot, '-', linewidth=1.3) plt.ylim(0, 0.5) plt.xlim(0, 1000000) plt.xlabel("Simulation Iteration") plt.ylabel("Q-value Difference") plt.title("Friend-Q") plt.savefig('outputs/FriendQ_exp_' + str(experiment_id) + '_' + str(self.step_count) + '.png') def save_data(self, experiment_id): error_file_name = 'outputs/data_FriendQ_error_exp_' + str( experiment_id) + '.txt' error_file = open(error_file_name, 'w') for item in self.ERRs: error_file.write("%s\n" % item) # step_file = open('step_test.txt', 'w') step_file_name = 'outputs/data_FriendQ_step_exp_' + str( experiment_id) + '.txt' step_file = open(step_file_name, 'w') for item in self.steps_to_plot: step_file.write("%s\n" % item) if self.verbose: print('epsilon:', self.epsilon) print('alpha: ', self.alpha)
class CeQLearner: def __init__( self, num_states=(2 * 4) * (2 * 4) * 2, num_actions=5, alpha=1.0, alpha_decay=0.99997, gamma=0.9, epsilon=1.0, max_steps_per_episode=1000, #1000 max_num_episodes=10000000, #10000000 save_model_per=10000, verbose=True): = World() = Play_game() # inputs self.alpha = alpha self.alpha_decay = alpha_decay self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.max_steps_per_episode = max_steps_per_episode self.max_num_episodes = max_num_episodes self.save_model_per = save_model_per # initialize self.num_states = num_states # 4x2 grid, two players, with or without ball self.num_actions = num_actions q_table = np.full(shape=(num_states, num_actions, num_actions), fill_value=1.0) self.q_tables = {'A': deepcopy(q_table), 'B': deepcopy(q_table)} self.state = {} # error self.ERRs = [] self.steps_to_plot = [] self.verbose = verbose def ceQ_agent(self): self.step_count = 1 for episode in range(self.max_num_episodes): # reset game self.all_states, self.state, _ = # play game and learn for t in range(self.max_steps_per_episode): # get actions current_actions = self.get_actions() # observe state_prime, r, done, _ = # update self.update_Q(current_actions, state_prime, r['A'], r['B']) self.state = state_prime self.step_count += 1 # save and plot if self.step_count > 0 and self.step_count % self.save_model_per == 0: experiment_id = 1 self.save_data(experiment_id) self.plot_error(experiment_id) if done: self.alpha *= self.alpha_decay break if self.step_count > 1000000: break def get_actions(self): # off-policy actions = {} actions['A'] = rand.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) actions['B'] = rand.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) return actions def get_V(self, q_table_0, q_table_1, state_prime): num_states, num_action_0, num_action_1 = q_table_0.shape q_table_0 = q_table_0[state_prime] q_table_1 = q_table_1[state_prime] c = -(q_table_0.flatten() + q_table_1.flatten()) A_ub = [] for i in range(num_action_0): for j in range(num_action_0): if i != j: A_ub.append( np.vstack([ np.zeros((i, num_action_1)), q_table_0[j, :] - q_table_0[i, :], np.zeros((num_action_0 - i - 1, num_action_1)) ]).flatten()) for i in range(num_action_1): for j in range(num_action_1): if i != j: A_ub.append( np.vstack([ np.zeros((i, num_action_0)), q_table_1[:, j] - q_table_1[:, i], np.zeros((num_action_1 - i - 1, num_action_0)) ]).transpose().flatten()) A_ub = np.stack(A_ub, 0) b_ub = np.zeros([A_ub.shape[0]]) A_eq = [[1.0] * num_action_0 * num_action_1] b_eq = [1.0] bounds = [[0.0, None]] * num_action_0 * num_action_1 res = linprog(c, A_ub=A_ub, b_ub=b_ub, A_eq=A_eq, b_eq=b_eq, bounds=bounds) return res def update_Q(self, actions, state_prime, r_A, r_B): state_index = self.all_states[self.state] state_prime_index = self.all_states[state_prime] # update Q table # V = np.amax(self.q_tables[player_name][state_prime_index]) res = self.get_V(self.q_tables['A'], self.q_tables['B'], state_prime_index) if res.success: V = error_A = (((1 - self.gamma) * r_A + self.gamma * V) - self.q_tables['A'][state_index, actions['A'], actions['B']]) * self.alpha error_B = (((1 - self.gamma) * r_B + self.gamma * V) - self.q_tables['B'][state_index, actions['A'], actions['B']]) * self.alpha else: error_A = 0. error_B = 0. self.q_tables['A'][state_index, actions['A'], actions['B']] += error_A self.q_tables['B'][state_index, actions['A'], actions['B']] += error_B # collect errors if self.state == 'B21' and actions['A'] == 1 and actions['B'] == 4: self.ERRs.append(abs(error_A)) self.steps_to_plot.append(self.step_count) # print self.ERRs # if self.verbose: # print 'Action of B at state s: ', np.argmax(self.q_tables['B'][self.all_states['B21']]) % 5 def plot_error(self, experiment_id): err_to_plot = self.ERRs step_to_plot = self.steps_to_plot plt.plot(step_to_plot, err_to_plot, '-', linewidth=0.8) plt.ylim(0, 0.5) # plt.xlim(0, 1000000) plt.xlabel("Simulation Iteration") plt.ylabel("Q-value Difference") plt.title("Ce-Q") plt.savefig('outputs/CeQ_exp_' + str(experiment_id) + '_' + str(self.step_count) + '.png') def save_data(self, experiment_id): error_file_name = 'outputs/data_CeQ_error_exp_' + str( experiment_id) + '.txt' error_file = open(error_file_name, 'w') for item in self.ERRs: error_file.write("%s\n" % item) step_file_name = 'outputs/data_CeQ_step_exp_' + str( experiment_id) + '.txt' step_file = open(step_file_name, 'w') for item in self.steps_to_plot: step_file.write("%s\n" % item) if self.verbose: print(self.ERRs) print('epsilon:', self.epsilon) print('alpha: ', self.alpha)
class QLearner: def __init__(self, num_states=(2 * 4) * (2 * 4) * 2, num_actions=5, alpha=1.0, alpha_decay=0.99996, gamma=0.9, epsilon=1.0, epsilon_decay=0.99996, max_steps_per_episode=1000, max_num_episodes=1000000, save_model_per=1000000, verbose=False): = World() = Play_game() # inputs self.alpha = alpha self.alpha_decay = alpha_decay self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.epsilon_decay = epsilon_decay self.max_steps_per_episode = max_steps_per_episode self.max_num_episodes = max_num_episodes self.save_model_per = save_model_per # initialize self.num_states = num_states # 4x2 grid, two players, with or without ball self.num_actions = num_actions self.q_table = np.full(shape=(num_states, num_actions), fill_value=1.0) self.q_tables = { 'A': deepcopy(self.q_table), 'B': deepcopy(self.q_table) } self.state = {} self.actions = { 'A': 0, 'B': 0 } # map N, S, E, W, and stick to [0,1,2,3,4] # error self.ERRs = [] self.steps_to_plot = [] self.verbose = verbose def Qlearning_agent(self, verbose): self.step_count = 1 for episode in range(self.max_num_episodes): # reset game self.all_states, self.state, _ = self.actions = self.get_first_actions(self.state) # play game and learn for t in range(self.max_steps_per_episode): # update q_table seperately state_prime, r, done, _ = self.actions['A'] = self.update_Q(state_prime, r['A'], 'A') self.actions['B'] = self.update_Q(state_prime, r['B'], 'B') self.state = state_prime self.step_count += 1 # save and plot if self.step_count > 0 and self.step_count % self.save_model_per == 0: experiment_id = 1 self.save_data(experiment_id) self.plot_error(experiment_id) if done: self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay self.alpha *= self.alpha_decay break if self.step_count > 1000000: break def get_first_actions(self, s): first_actions = {} first_actions['A'] = rand.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) first_actions['B'] = rand.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) if self.verbose: print('s =', s, 'a =', first_actions) return first_actions def update_Q(self, state_prime, r, player_name): # epsilon-greedy selection function state_index = self.all_states[self.state] state_prime_index = self.all_states[state_prime] if rand.random() < self.epsilon: action = rand.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) else: action = np.argmax(self.q_tables[player_name][state_prime_index]) # update Q table V = np.amax(self.q_tables[player_name][state_prime_index]) error = ( ((1 - self.gamma) * r + self.gamma * V) - self.q_tables[player_name][state_index, self.actions[player_name]]) * self.alpha self.q_tables[player_name][state_index, self.actions[player_name]] += error # collect errors if player_name == 'A' and self.state == 'B21' and self.actions[ 'A'] == 1 and error != 0.0: self.ERRs.append(abs(error)) self.steps_to_plot.append(self.step_count) # print self.ERRs if self.verbose: print('s =', state_prime, 'a =', action, 'r =', r) return action def plot_error(self, experiment_id): err_to_plot = self.ERRs[::20] step_to_plot = self.steps_to_plot[::20] plt.plot(step_to_plot, err_to_plot, '-', linewidth=0.3) plt.ylim(0, 0.5) plt.xlim(0, 1000000) plt.xlabel("Simulation Iteration") plt.ylabel("Q-value Difference") plt.title("Q-learner") plt.savefig('outputs/Q_exp_' + str(experiment_id) + '_' + str(self.step_count) + '.png') def save_data(self, experiment_id): error_file_name = 'outputs/data_Q_error_exp_' + str( experiment_id) + '.txt' error_file = open(error_file_name, 'w') for item in self.ERRs: error_file.write("%s\n" % item) # step_file = open('step_test.txt', 'w') step_file_name = 'outputs/data_Q_step_exp_' + str( experiment_id) + '.txt' step_file = open(step_file_name, 'w') for item in self.steps_to_plot: step_file.write("%s\n" % item) if self.verbose: print(self.ERRs) print('epsilon:', self.epsilon) print('alpha: ', self.alpha)
class FoeQLearner: def __init__(self, num_states=(2 * 4) * (2 * 4) * 2, num_actions=5, alpha=1.0, alpha_decay=0.99997, gamma=0.9, epsilon=1.0, max_steps_per_episode=1000, max_num_episodes=1000000, save_model_per=20000, verbose=True): = World() = Play_game() # inputs self.alpha = alpha self.alpha_decay = alpha_decay self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.max_steps_per_episode = max_steps_per_episode self.max_num_episodes = max_num_episodes self.save_model_per = save_model_per # initialize self.num_states = num_states # 4x2 grid, two players, with or without ball self.num_actions = num_actions q_table = np.full(shape=(num_states, num_actions, num_actions), fill_value=1.0) self.q_tables = {'A': deepcopy(q_table), 'B': deepcopy(q_table)} self.state = {} # error self.ERRs = [] self.steps_to_plot = [] self.verbose = verbose def foeQ_agent(self): self.step_count = 1 for episode in range(self.max_num_episodes): # reset game self.all_states, self.state, _ = # play game and learn for t in range(self.max_steps_per_episode): # get actions current_actions = self.get_actions() # observe state_prime, r, done, _ = # update self.update_Q(current_actions, state_prime, r['A'], 'A') self.update_Q(current_actions, state_prime, r['B'], 'B') self.state = state_prime self.step_count += 1 # save and plot if self.step_count > 0 and self.step_count % self.save_model_per == 0: experiment_id = 3 self.save_data(experiment_id) self.plot_error(experiment_id) if done: self.alpha *= self.alpha_decay break if self.step_count > 1000000: break def get_actions(self): # off-policy actions = {} actions['A'] = rand.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) actions['B'] = rand.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) # if t == 0: # self.actions = actions return actions def get_V(self, q_table, state_prime): num_states, num_action_0, num_action_1 = q_table.shape # -1.0 because we need to maximize c = [-1.0] + [0.0] * num_action_0 A_ub = np.transpose( np.concatenate([[[1.0] * num_action_0], -q_table[state_prime]], 0)) b_ub = [0.0] * num_action_1 A_eq = [[0.0] + [1.0] * num_action_0] b_eq = [1.0] bounds = [[None, None]] + [[0.0, None]] * num_action_0 res = linprog(c, A_ub=A_ub, b_ub=b_ub, A_eq=A_eq, b_eq=b_eq, bounds=bounds) V = res.x[0] if type(res.x) != float else 1.0 # V = res.x[0] return V def update_Q(self, actions, state_prime, r, player_name): state_index = self.all_states[self.state] state_prime_index = self.all_states[state_prime] # update Q table # V = np.amax(self.q_tables[player_name][state_prime_index]) V = self.get_V(self.q_tables[player_name], state_prime_index) error = (((1 - self.gamma) * r + self.gamma * V) - self.q_tables[player_name][state_index, actions['A'], actions['B']]) * self.alpha self.q_tables[player_name][state_index, actions['A'], actions['B']] += error # collect errors if player_name == 'A' and self.state == 'B21' and actions[ 'A'] == 1 and actions['B'] == 4: self.ERRs.append(abs(error)) self.steps_to_plot.append(self.step_count) # print self.ERRs # if self.verbose: # print 'Action of B at state s: ', np.argmax(self.q_tables['B'][self.all_states['B21']]) % 5 def plot_error(self, experiment_id): err_to_plot = self.ERRs step_to_plot = self.steps_to_plot plt.plot(step_to_plot, err_to_plot, '-', linewidth=0.5) plt.ylim(0, 0.5) plt.xlim(0, 1000000) plt.xlabel("Simulation Iteration") plt.ylabel("Q-value Difference") plt.title("Foe-Q") plt.savefig('outputs/FoeQ_exp_' + str(experiment_id) + '_' + str(self.step_count) + '.png') def save_data(self, experiment_id): error_file_name = 'outputs/data_FeoQ_error_exp_' + str( experiment_id) + '.txt' error_file = open(error_file_name, 'w') for item in self.ERRs: error_file.write("%s\n" % item) # step_file = open('step_test.txt', 'w') step_file_name = 'outputs/data_FoeQ_step_exp_' + str( experiment_id) + '.txt' step_file = open(step_file_name, 'w') for item in self.steps_to_plot: step_file.write("%s\n" % item) if self.verbose: print(self.ERRs) print('epsilon:', self.epsilon) print('alpha: ', self.alpha)