def test_get_close_price(asset, interval, since, until, recorder): df = glassnode_model.get_close_price(asset, interval, since, until) recorder.capture(df)
def display_btc_rainbow( since: int, until: int, export: str = "", external_axes: Optional[List[plt.Axes]] = None, ): """Displays bitcoin rainbow chart [Price data from source:] [Inspired by:] Parameters ---------- since : int Initial date timestamp. Default is initial BTC timestamp: 1_325_376_000 until : int Final date timestamp. Default is current BTC timestamp external_axes : Optional[List[plt.Axes]], optional External axes (1 axis is expected in the list), by default None """ df_data = get_close_price("BTC", "24h", since, until) if df_data.empty: return # This plot has 1 axis if not external_axes: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=plot_autoscale(), dpi=cfgPlot.PLOT_DPI) else: if len(external_axes) != 1: logger.error("Expected list of one axis item.") console.print("[red]Expected list of one axis item./n[/red]") return (ax, ) = external_axes d0 = datetime.strptime("2012-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d") x = range((df_data.index[0] - d0).days, (df_data.index[-1] - d0).days + 1) y0 = [ 10**((2.90 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1400) for val in x] ] y1 = [ 10**((2.886 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1375) for val in x] ] y2 = [ 10**((2.872 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1350) for val in x] ] y3 = [ 10**((2.859 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1320) for val in x] ] y4 = [ 10**((2.8445 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1293) for val in x] ] y5 = [ 10**((2.8295 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1275) for val in x] ] y6 = [ 10**((2.815 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1250) for val in x] ] y7 = [ 10**((2.801 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1225) for val in x] ] y8 = [ 10**((2.788 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1200) for val in x] ] ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y0, y1, color="red", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y1, y2, color="orange", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y2, y3, color="yellow", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y3, y4, color="green", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y4, y5, color="blue", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y5, y6, color="violet", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y6, y7, color="indigo", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y7, y8, color="purple", alpha=0.7) ax.semilogy(df_data.index, df_data["v"].values) ax.set_xlim(df_data.index[0], df_data.index[-1]) ax.set_title("Bitcoin Rainbow Chart") ax.set_ylabel("Price ($)") ax.legend( [ "Bubble bursting imminent!!", "SELL!", "Everyone FOMO'ing....", "Is this a bubble??", "Still cheap", "Accumulate", "BUY!", "Basically a Fire Sale", "Bitcoin Price", ], prop={"size": 8}, ) sample_dates = np.array( [datetime(2012, 11, 28), datetime(2016, 7, 9), datetime(2020, 5, 11)]) sample_dates = mdates.date2num(sample_dates) ax.vlines(x=sample_dates, ymin=0, ymax=10**5, color="grey") for i, x in enumerate(sample_dates): ax.text(x, 1, f"Halving {i+1}", rotation=-90, verticalalignment="center") ax.minorticks_off() ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, _: int(x) if x >= 1 else x)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( matplotlib.ticker.LogLocator(base=100, subs=[1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0])) theme.style_primary_axis(ax) if not external_axes: theme.visualize_output() export_data( export, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "rainbox", df_data, )
def display_btc_rainbow(since: int, until: int, export: str = ""): """Displays bitcoin rainbow chart [Price data from source:] [Inspired by:] Parameters ---------- since : int Initial date timestamp. Default is initial BTC timestamp: 1_325_376_000 until : int Final date timestamp. Default is current BTC timestamp """ df_data = get_close_price("BTC", "24h", since, until) if df_data.empty: print("Error in glassnode request\n") else: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=plot_autoscale(), dpi=cfgPlot.PLOT_DPI) d0 = datetime.strptime("2012-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d") x = range((df_data.index[0] - d0).days, (df_data.index[-1] - d0).days + 1) y0 = [ 10**((2.90 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1400) for val in x] ] y1 = [ 10**((2.886 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1375) for val in x] ] y2 = [ 10**((2.872 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1350) for val in x] ] y3 = [ 10**((2.859 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1320) for val in x] ] y4 = [ 10**((2.8445 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1293) for val in x] ] y5 = [ 10**((2.8295 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1275) for val in x] ] y6 = [ 10**((2.815 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1250) for val in x] ] y7 = [ 10**((2.801 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1225) for val in x] ] y8 = [ 10**((2.788 * ln_x) - 19.463) for ln_x in [np.log(val + 1200) for val in x] ] ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y0, y1, color="red", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y1, y2, color="orange", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y2, y3, color="yellow", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y3, y4, color="green", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y4, y5, color="blue", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y5, y6, color="violet", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y6, y7, color="indigo", alpha=0.7) ax.fill_between(df_data.index, y7, y8, color="purple", alpha=0.7) ax.semilogy(df_data.index, df_data["v"].values, c="k", lw=1.2) ax.set_xlim(df_data.index[0], df_data.index[-1]) ax.set_title("Bitcoin Rainbow Chart") ax.set_xlabel("Time") dateFmt = mdates.DateFormatter("%m/%d/%Y") ax.set_ylabel("Price ($)") ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dateFmt) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelrotation=45) ax.legend( [ "Bubble bursting imminent!!", "SELL!", "Everyone FOMO'ing....", "Is this a bubble??", "Still cheap", "Accumulate", "BUY!", "Basically a Fire Sale", "Bitcoin Price", ], prop={"size": 6}, ) sample_dates = np.array([ datetime(2012, 11, 28), datetime(2016, 7, 9), datetime(2020, 5, 11) ]) sample_dates = mdates.date2num(sample_dates) ax.vlines(x=sample_dates, ymin=0, ymax=10**5, color="grey") for i, x in enumerate(sample_dates): ax.text(x, 1, f"Halving {i+1}", rotation=-90, verticalalignment="center") ax.grid(alpha=0.2) ax.minorticks_off() ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, _: int(x) if x >= 1 else x)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( matplotlib.ticker.LogLocator(base=100, subs=[1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0])) if gtff.USE_ION: plt.ion() print("") export_data( export, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "rainbox", df_data, )