def display_overview(country: str = "united states", limit: int = 10, export: str = ""): """Displays an overview of the main funds from a country. Parameters ---------- country: str Country to get overview for limit: int Number to show export : str Format to export data """ overview = investpy_model.get_overview(country=country, limit=limit) overview["Assets (1B)"] = overview.total_assets / 1_000_000_000 overview = overview.drop(columns=["country", "total_assets"]) if gtff.USE_TABULATE_DF: t_console.print( rich_table_from_df( overview, title=f"[bold]Fund overview for {country.title()}[/bold]")) else: t_console.print(overview.to_string()) export_data( export, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), f"overview_{country.replace(' ','_')}", overview, ) t_console.print("\n")
def display_search( by: str = "name", value: str = "", country: str = "united states", limit: int = 10, sortby: str = "", ascending: bool = False, ): """Display results of searching for Mutual Funds Parameters ---------- by : str Field to match on. Can be name, issuer, isin or symbol value : str String that will be searched for country: str Country to filter on limit: int Number to show sortby: str Column to sort by ascending: bool Flag to sort in ascending order """ searches = investpy_model.search_funds(by, value) if searches.empty: t_console.print("No matches found.\n") return if country: searches = searches[ == country] if searches.empty: t_console.print(f"No matches found in {country}.\n") return searches = searches.drop(columns=["country", "underlying"]) if sortby: searches = searches.sort_values(by=sortby, ascending=ascending) # If we want to move forward with rich -- should rename this gtff # Additionally, I recreated the tabulate functions with the rich.Table class. if gtff.USE_TABULATE_DF: t_console.print( rich_table_from_df( searches.head(limit), show_index=False, title=f"[bold]Mutual Funds with {by} matching {value}[/bold]", )) else: t_console.print(searches.head(limit).to_string()) t_console.print("\n")
def display_equity(fund: str): """Display equity holdings for fund Parameters ---------- fund: str Fund symbol """ title_map = { "priceToCashflow": "Price To Cash Flow", "priceToSales": "Price To Sales", "priceToBookCat": "Price To Book Cat", "priceToEarningsCat": "Price To Earnings Cat", "medianMarketCapCat": "Median Market Cap Cat", "threeYearEarningsGrowthCat": "3Yr Earnings Growth Cat", "threeYearEarningsGrowth": "3Y Earnings Growth", "medianMarketCap": "Median Market Cap", "priceToEarnings": "Price To Earnings", "priceToBook": "Price To Book", "priceToSalesCat": "Price To Sales Cat", "priceToCashflowCat": "Price To Cashflow Cat", } equity_hold = yfinance_model.get_information(fund)["equityHoldings"] df_weight = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(equity_hold, orient="index") df_weight = df_weight.apply(lambda x: round(100 * x, 3)) df_weight.index = if gtff.USE_TABULATE_DF: console.print( rich_table_from_df( df_weight, show_index=True, index_name="Equity", headers=["Holding"], title=f"[bold]{fund.upper()} Equity Holdings[/bold] ", )) else: console.print(df_weight.to_string()) console.print("\n")
def display_fund_info(fund_name: str, country: str = "united states"): """Display fund infomration. Finds name from symbol first if name is false Parameters ---------- fund: str Fund name to get info for country : str Country of fund """ info = (investpy_model.get_fund_info(fund_name, country).reset_index( drop=False).applymap(lambda x: np.nan if not x else x).dropna()) if gtff.USE_TABULATE_DF: t_console.print( rich_table_from_df( info, title=f"[bold]{fund_name.title()} Information[/bold]", show_index=False, headers=["Info", "Value"], )) else: t_console.print(info.to_string()) t_console.print("\n")
def display_sector(fund: str, min_pct_to_display: float = 5, export: str = ""): """Display sector weightings for fund Parameters ---------- fund: str Fund symbol min_pct_to_display: float Minimum percentage to display sector export: str Type of format to export data """ sector_weights = yfinance_model.get_information(fund) if "sectorWeightings" not in sector_weights.keys(): console.print( f"Sector Weights are not found f for {fund}. Either the symbol is incorrect or there is an issue " "in pulling from yahoo.\n") return sector_weights = sector_weights["sectorWeightings"] weights = {} for weight in sector_weights: weights.update(weight) df_weight = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(weights, orient="index") if df_weight.empty: console.print("No sector data found.\n") df_weight = df_weight.apply(lambda x: round(100 * x, 3)) df_weight.columns = ["Weight"] df_weight.sort_values(by="Weight", inplace=True, ascending=False) df_weight.index = [ "Real Estate" if x == "realestate" else x.replace("_", " ").title() for x in df_weight.index ] if gtff.USE_TABULATE_DF: console.print( rich_table_from_df( df_weight, show_index=True, index_name="Sector", headers=["Weight (%)"], title=f"[bold]{fund.upper()} Sector Weightings[/bold] ", )) else: console.print(df_weight.to_string()) console.print("\n") main_holdings = df_weight[df_weight.Weight > min_pct_to_display].to_dict()[ df_weight.columns[0]] if len(main_holdings) < len(df_weight): main_holdings["Others"] = 100 - sum(main_holdings.values()) legend, values = zip(*main_holdings.items()) leg = [f"{le}\n{round(v, 2)}%" for le, v in zip(legend, values)] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=plot_autoscale(), dpi=PLOT_DPI) ax.pie( values, labels=leg, wedgeprops={ "linewidth": 0.5, "edgecolor": "white" }, labeldistance=1.05, startangle=90, ) ax.set_title(f"Sector holdings of {fund.upper()}") fig.tight_layout() if gtff.USE_ION: plt.ion() export_data(export, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "sector", df_weight)