class Game: """ Constants """ DEFAULT_BLIND_RAISING_SCHEME = lambda old_blinds, initial_blinds: old_blinds + initial_blinds ### Default mechanism to increase blinds: add the initial blind to the new blind MIN_STARTING_CHIP_COUNT = 4 ### Absolute amount of starting chips per player NUM_CARDS_FOR_BOARD_TYPE = [3, 1, 1] ### Number of cards to turn on each street NUM_HOLE_CARDS = 2 ### Number of hole cards per player NUM_PLAYERS_MIN = 2 ### Minimum number of players to start the game NUM_PLAYERS_MAX = 12 ### Maximum number of players to start the game REQUIRED_RAISE_MULTIPLE = 2 ### Required raise is this value times the current bet SHOW_FOLDED_HANDS = True ### Show the remaining player's hand if folded to that player? """ Constructor """ def __init__(self): """ Properties """ self._blinds_maxed_out = False ### Are the blinds at the highest value? self._board_name_idx = 0 ### List address for the name of the board self._game_data = GameData() ### Poker Data Interface Object self._game_play_code = GameCode.NEW_GAME ### What kind of game are we playing or playing back (new/load)? self._game_save = None ### Object that manages saving a game finished or in progress self._game_theater = None ### Plays back a finished game self._hand_actions = list( ) ### List of actions that were made in a hand self._ui = GameUI() ### User Interface Object self._num_remaining_players = 0 ### Number of remaining players in the game """ Public methods """ def setup(self): """ Set up the game structure with user-entered or loaded values Get the name of a game save and assume it is a new game """ game_save_name = self._ui.get_game_save_name() self._game_save = GameSave(game_save_name) self._game_play_code = GameCode.NEW_GAME """ If the save name exists, set up a saved (loaded) game """ if self._game_save.save_exists(): self._setup_saved_game() else: self._setup_new_game() """ Set up the game's hot key commands """ self._ui.setup_save_command(self._handle_save_game) def play_game(self): """ Play or play back a game """ if self._game_play_code == GameCode.PLAYBACK_GAME and self._game_theater is not None: """ Play back a game """ self._game_theater.playback_game() elif self._game_play_code != GameCode.NO_PLAY: """ Play a game (new or loaded) """ self._start_new_or_loaded_game() """ Callback Methods """ def _handle_save_game(self): """ Serialize game save data and display a confirmation message to the user """ save_successful = save_name = self._game_save.get_game_save_name() self._ui.display_game_save_confirm(save_successful, save_name) def _handle_time_expired(self): """ Alert the user that time is up and set the next round number """ self._ui.display_time_expired() self._game_data.mark_next_round() """ Private Methods """ def _start_new_or_loaded_game(self): """ Start Game Activate hot key listeners """ self._ui.listen_for_hot_keys() """ Initialize the round number if this is a new game """ if self._game_play_code == GameCode.NEW_GAME: self._game_data.mark_next_round() """ Display welcome message """ game_over = False winner = None self._welcome() """ Game Loop """ while not game_over: self._ui.display_round_border() self._setup_hand() self._play_hand() winner = self._cleanup_hand() game_over = winner is not None """ Game Finished: Display the winner and attempt to save the game's history for playback """ self._ui.display_winner(winner) self._attempt_save_game_history() def _setup_hand(self): """ Check the timer, initialize hand players and pot, make blind bets, and pass out cards """ current_time = self._manage_timer() self._game_data.setup_hand_players() self._game_data.setup_pot() self._game_data.make_blind_bets() self._game_data.pass_cards(Game.NUM_HOLE_CARDS) """ Display all players with their positions """ players_preflop = self._game_data.get_players() small_blind_pos, big_blind_pos = self._game_data.get_blind_positions() self._ui.display_player_data(players_preflop, self._game_data.get_button_positions()) """ Begin hand save snapshot """ self._hand_actions.clear() round_number = self._game_data.get_round_number() self._game_save.begin_hand_snapshot(round_number, players_preflop, current_time) def _perform_showdown(self): """ Find the best hand(s) and pay off the winning players """ num_pots = self._game_data.get_num_pots() display_multiple_pots = num_pots > 1 for pot in range(num_pots): """ Determine winning players """ ordered_player_hand_triples, winner_positions = self._game_data.evaluate_hands( pot) """ Display winning players and pass the pot to them """ self._ui.display_showdown_results( ordered_player_hand_triples, len(winner_positions), pot_idx=pot, display_multiple_pots=display_multiple_pots) self._game_data.pass_pot_to_winners( pot, player_pos_list=winner_positions) def _play_hand(self): """ Execute a hand Preflop """ round_folded = self._open_for_betting(preflop=True) if not round_folded: """ Postflop streets """ self._board_name_idx = 0 while self._board_name_idx < len( Game.NUM_CARDS_FOR_BOARD_TYPE) and round_folded is False: """ Flip board cards and open the round for betting """ board_cards = self._game_data.flip_board_cards( Game.NUM_CARDS_FOR_BOARD_TYPE[self._board_name_idx]) self._game_data.add_board_cards(board_cards) round_folded = self._open_for_betting() self._board_name_idx += 1 if round_folded: """ Pass pot to the only remaining player """ num_pots = self._game_data.get_num_pots() for pot_idx in range(num_pots): self._game_data.pass_pot_to_winners(pot_idx) """ Display results """ remaining_player = self._game_data.get_hand_player( pot_idx=pot_idx) self._ui.display_folded_round(remaining_player, Game.SHOW_FOLDED_HANDS, pot_idx=pot_idx) else: """ Showdown """ self._perform_showdown() def _cleanup_hand(self): """ Remove any players who are out of chips """ game_over = False winner = None eliminated_players = self._game_data.eliminate_busted_players() """ Display eliminated players with their ranks And update the number of remaining players in the game """ for player in eliminated_players: self._ui.display_player_eliminated(player, self._num_remaining_players) self._num_remaining_players -= 1 """ Get player data, current time stamp, and board cards to complete hand snapshot """ players = self._game_data.get_players() timestamp = self._game_data.get_remaining_time() board = self._game_data.get_board() self._game_save.end_hand_snapshot(self._hand_actions, board, players, timestamp) """ Check if there is a winner of the game and end the game if there is one """ winner = self._game_data.get_winner() if winner is None: """ If there are multiple players left, rotate the dealer, clear the game board, and reset cards """ self._game_data.rotate_dealer() self._game_data.clear_board() self._game_data.reset_cards() else: game_over = True """ Set the game code to continue to prevent reloading of saved values """ self._game_play_code = GameCode.CONTINUE_GAME """ Return game over status and winner if there is one """ return winner def _setup_new_game(self): """ Get setup information from the user """ game_setup = GameSetup() game_setup.starting_num_players = self._ui.get_num_players( Game.NUM_PLAYERS_MIN, Game.NUM_PLAYERS_MAX) game_setup.starting_chip_count = self._ui.get_starting_chip_count( Game.MIN_STARTING_CHIP_COUNT) game_setup.starting_big_blind = self._ui.get_starting_big_blind( game_setup.starting_chip_count) game_setup.blind_increase_interval = self._ui.get_blind_increase_interval( ) game_setup.handle_time_expired = self._handle_time_expired game_setup.blind_increase_scheme = Game.DEFAULT_BLIND_RAISING_SCHEME """ Initialize the number of remaining players """ self._num_remaining_players = game_setup.starting_num_players """ Set up the game data """ self._game_data.setup_game_data(game_setup) """ Save the button positions """ game_setup.button_positions = self._game_data.get_button_positions() """ Snapshot the game setup for the game save """ self._game_save.snap_game_setup(game_setup) def _setup_saved_game(self): """ If this is a game in progress, prompt user to continue or overwrite If this is a complete game, prompt user for playback Load the existing game data to see if it is a finished or in-progress game """ self._game_save.load() if self._game_save.is_game_complete(): """ Loaded game is already finished Prompt user to play back the completed game """ load_game_history = self._ui.prompt_load_game_history() """ If the user wishes to play back the loaded game, set up the theater Otherwise quit the game """ if load_game_history: """ Get the saved game data """ loaded_game = self._game_save.get_game_save() """ Parse the saved game data """ game_setup, game_hands = loaded_game """ Create a game theater and set the play protocol to playback """ self._game_theater = GameTheater(game_setup, game_hands) self._game_play_code = GameCode.PLAYBACK_GAME else: """ User cancellation: quit game """ self._ui.display_load_game_history_cancellation() self._game_play_code = GameCode.NO_PLAY else: """ Game is not complete yet Prompt user to load and continue this game or continue creating a new game with risk of overwriting this one """ load_existing_game = self._ui.prompt_load_game() if load_existing_game: """ Get the loaded game data """ loaded_game = self._game_save.get_game_save() """ Parse loaded game data as setup and player state values """ game_setup, game_hands = loaded_game round_number = GameData.INITIAL_ROUND_NUMBER player_state_final = None timestamp_final = None if len(game_hands) > 0: """ If at least one hand was saved, load the player data and timestamp saved after the last saved hand Otherwise do not load any player or timestamp data Also set the number of remaining players """ last_hand = game_hands[-1] round_number, _, _, _, _, player_state_final, timestamp_final = last_hand self._num_remaining_players = len(player_state_final) else: """ No hands played yet: Set the number of remaining players to the initial number of players specified in setup """ self._num_remaining_players = game_setup.starting_num_players """ Package the load game values and set up the loaded game """ game_setup.init_timestamp = timestamp_final game_setup.round_number = round_number game_setup.init_player_state = player_state_final game_setup.handle_time_expired = self._handle_time_expired game_setup.blind_increase_scheme = Game.DEFAULT_BLIND_RAISING_SCHEME self._game_data.setup_game_data(game_setup) self._game_play_code = GameCode.PLAY_LOAD_GAME else: """ User decides to create and play a new game under the same name This means that if the user saves this new game at any point, the old game will be completely overwritten """ self._game_save.clear_hand_history() self._ui.display_overwrite_warning() def _welcome(self): """ Display the game title and hot key commands """ self._ui.display_round_border() self._ui.display_title() self._ui.display_hot_key_commands() self._ui.display_round_border() def _attempt_save_game_history(self): """ Prompt user for saving the game history at the end of the game """ save_game_hist = self._ui.prompt_save_game_history() save_name = None if save_game_hist: """ Attempt to save the game history, and if successful store the name of the file """ save_success = if save_success: save_name = self._game_save.get_game_save_name() """ Display confirmation message to user """ self._ui.display_game_history_save_status(save_game_hist, save_name) def _manage_timer(self): """ If the game is in load mode, start the timer now """ if self._game_play_code == GameCode.PLAY_LOAD_GAME: self._game_data.start_timer() """ Get the current round number and timestamp """ round_number = self._game_data.get_round_number() remaining_time = self._game_data.get_remaining_time() """ Reset the timer and increase the blinds if the timer is off """ if remaining_time == 0: """ Raise the blinds if they are not at their maximum value """ if not self._blinds_maxed_out: """ Raise the blinds if this is not the first round """ if round_number != GameData.INITIAL_ROUND_NUMBER: self._game_data.raise_blinds() """ Determine if the blinds are now at the maximum """ if self._game_data.blinds_maxed_out(): self._blinds_maxed_out = True """ Set the timer and display a confirmation message """ self._game_data.start_timer() remaining_time = self._game_data.get_remaining_time() big_blind = self._game_data.get_big_blind_amt() self._ui.display_timer_set(round_number, big_blind, remaining_time) else: """ Display that the current big blind amount will not be raised Do not restart the timer """ self._ui.display_blinds_maxed_out( self._game_data.get_big_blind_amt()) else: """ If the timer is currently on, display the remaining time """ self._ui.display_current_timer_value(round_number, remaining_time) """ Return Result (remaining time) """ return remaining_time def _get_available_moves(self, player, preflop=False): """ Local Variables """ available_moves = list() action_to_play = 0 max_action = self._game_data.get_max_action() player_stack = player.get_stack_size() player_action = player.get_action() player_can_afford_to_raise = player_stack + player_action > max_action """ If the player does not have any chips left, there are no options available """ if player_stack > 0: """ Available moves are dependent on the player's action relative to the current highest action (and one exception in the preflop round) """ if player_action < max_action: available_moves.append(GameMove.CALL) """ If all other players are all-in or this player cannot afford to raise the action Then the player cannot raise the action """ if self._has_multiple_available_betters( ) and player_can_afford_to_raise: available_moves.append(GameMove.RAISE) """ Minimum raise is a multiple of the current maximum bet in play """ action_to_play = min(player_stack, Game.REQUIRED_RAISE_MULTIPLE * max_action) else: available_moves.append(GameMove.CHECK) """ If all other players are all-in, this player cannot raise the action even higher """ if self._has_multiple_available_betters(): if preflop and player_can_afford_to_raise: available_moves.append(GameMove.RAISE) else: available_moves.append(GameMove.BET) """ Minimum amount to introduce betting with is the size of the big blind EXCEPTION: On preflop, the big blind may raise the big blind """ if preflop: action_to_play = min( player_stack, Game.REQUIRED_RAISE_MULTIPLE * self._game_data.get_big_blind_amt()) else: action_to_play = min(player_stack, self._game_data.get_big_blind_amt()) """ Folding is always an option if the player has chips left """ available_moves.append(GameMove.FOLD) """ Return result """ return (available_moves, action_to_play) def _is_hand_over(self): """ Determine if the hand is over Check if there is at least one side pot. In this case, the main pot must go to showdown Check if there are at least two players contending in the main pot. In this case, betting can still take place """ num_pots = self._game_data.get_num_pots() num_players_in_hand = self._game_data.get_num_players_in_hand() return (num_pots < 2) and (num_players_in_hand < 2) def _has_multiple_available_betters(self): """ Check if there is more than one available better in the current hand """ return self._game_data.get_num_available_betters() > 1 def _start_betting_round(self, preflop=False): """ Local Variables """ _, big_blind_idx = self._game_data.get_blind_positions() current_player_idx = None round_over = False """ Get the position of the first player to act """ if preflop: current_player_idx = self._game_data.get_next_player_pos( big_blind_idx) else: current_player_idx = self._game_data.get_next_player_pos( GameData.DEALER_IDX) """ Game data setup for a betting round """ self._game_data.init_betting_round() """ Round loop: keep cycling turns until the round is over """ while not round_over: """ Setup: Get a copy of the acting player for UI puproses """ player = self._game_data.get_hand_player( player_idx=current_player_idx) """ Play: Determine, prompt, and play a legal move """ available_moves, action_to_play = self._get_available_moves( player, preflop=preflop) if len(available_moves) > 0: """ Show the pot and community cards if postflop """ if preflop is False: self._ui.display_board(self._game_data.get_board(), board_name_idx=self._board_name_idx) chosen_move, chosen_amount = self._ui.prompt_available_moves( player, available_moves, action_to_play) adjusted_amount = self._game_data.play_move( current_player_idx, chosen_move, chosen_amount) self._ui.display_move_made(player, chosen_move, adjusted_amount) """ Store the action for the save snapshot """ self._hand_actions.append( (player.ID, chosen_move, adjusted_amount)) else: """ Player has no available moves: Skip player and move on """ self._ui.display_no_moves_available(player) self._game_data.skip_player(current_player_idx) """ Cleanup: Find the next player to act and determine if the round is over """ current_player_idx = self._game_data.get_next_player_pos( current_player_idx) round_over = self._game_data.is_round_over() def _open_for_betting(self, preflop=False): """ Display the current pot """ self._ui.display_pot(self._game_data.get_pot()) """ Start a betting round if more than one player is able to bet """ if preflop or self._has_multiple_available_betters(): self._start_betting_round(preflop=preflop) else: if preflop is False: self._ui.display_board(self._game_data.get_board(), board_name_idx=self._board_name_idx) """ Insufficient amount of remaining betters in the hand: no betting can take place """ self._ui.display_no_bet_from_all_in() """ Move all player action to the pot and display it """ self._game_data.move_action_to_pot() """ Determine if the hand has ended prematurely and return it """ return self._is_hand_over()
class GameTheater: """ Constructor """ def __init__(self, setup, hands): """ Properties """ self._setup = setup ### Game setup data self._hands = hands ### List of all played hands in the game self._ui = GameUI() ### Interface object to display game history """ Public Methods """ def playback_game(self): """ Game Playback: * Display how the game was set up * Show the hand history of the game in order * Display which player won the game """ self._announce_setup() self._display_hands() self._display_winner() """ Private Methods """ def _announce_setup(self): """ Display how the game was set up """ self._ui.display_game_setup(self._setup.starting_num_players, self._setup.starting_chip_count, self._setup.starting_big_blind, self._setup.blind_increase_interval) """ Pause interface and wait for user acknowledgement """ self._ui.get_user_acknowledgement() def _display_hands(self): """ Show the hand history of the game in order """ for hand in self._hands: """ Separate each hand """ self._ui.display_round_border() """ Gather all data from the hand """ round_number, init_player_state, timestamp_init, actions, cards, _, _ = hand starting_big_blind = self._setup.starting_big_blind current_big_blind = starting_big_blind """ Determine the current big blind size """ for _ in range(1, round_number): current_big_blind = self._setup.blind_increase_scheme( current_big_blind, starting_big_blind) """ Display all hand data """ self._ui.display_timer_set(round_number, current_big_blind, timestamp_init, past=True) self._ui.display_player_data(init_player_state, self._setup.button_positions) self._ui.display_board(cards) self._ui.display_actions(actions) """ Wait for user acknowledgement """ self._ui.display_round_border() self._ui.get_user_acknowledgement() def _display_winner(self): """ Make the following assumptions: * The game has had at least one completed hand * There is one and only one player left after the most recent hand """ last_hand = self._hands[-1] _, _, _, _, _, player_state_final, _ = last_hand winner = player_state_final[0] """ Display the winner """ self._ui.display_winner(winner)