def main():
    m = MapBuilder()

    # Make rooms
        desc="You wake up in a dimly lit room, not entirely sure where you are \
        or how you got there. The paint on the walls is cracked and peeling, \
        yellowed stains stretching from the ceiling to the floor. \
        the curtains hang tattered, light from the sunset casting shadows across the floor.",
        desc2="You look around the room and notice the door to the East. There's a lighter on the floor."

    # Add items
    window = m.addItem('start', 'window', pickupable=False).addState(
        shortdesc='There is a window to the South.', examine="The window faces South, It's dirty, and cracked, but you can look through it easily enough. The sun is setting over the forest below.")
    painting = m.addItem('start', 'ugly painting', pickupable=False).addState(
        0, shortdesc="There's a painting on the North Wall.", examine="The painting hangs crookedly and is extremely ugly, the colors are mottled and grotesque. You can't even understand the actual forms on the canvas. The left side of the frame is a quarter-inch away from the wall, but the right side is flush with it.")
    # TODO add "use painting"
    key = m.addItem('start', 'key', pickupable=True).addState(
        0, hidden=True
        1, shortdesc="There's a key taped to the back of the painting.", examine="It's small and worn.", hidden=False)
def main():
    m = MapBuilder()

    # Make rooms
        desc="You wake up in a dimly lit room, not entirely sure where you are \
        or how you got there. The paint on the walls is cracked and peeling, \
        yellowed stains stretching from the ceiling to the floor. \
        the curtains hang tattered, light from the sunset casting shadows across the floor.",
        desc2="You look around the room and notice the door to the East.."

    # Add items
    window = m.addItem('start', 'window', pickupable=False).addState(
        shortdesc='There is a window to the South.', examine="The window faces South, It's dirty, and cracked, but you can look through it easily enough. The sun is setting over the forest below.")
    painting = m.addItem('start', 'painting', pickupable=False).addState(
        0, shortdesc="There's a painting on the North wall.", examine="The painting hangs crookedly and is extremely ugly, the colors are mottled and grotesque. You can't even understand the actual forms on the canvas. The left side of the frame is a quarter-inch away from the wall, but the right side is flush with it.").addState(
        1, shortdesc="There's a painting on the North wall.", examine="The painting hangs crookedly and is extremely ugly, the colors are mottled and grotesque. You can't even understand the actual forms on the canvas. There's a key taped to the back of the painting.")
    lighter = m.addItem('start', 'lighter', pickupable=True).addState(
        shortdesc="There's a lighter on the floor.", examine="It's a prosaic yellow BIC lighter.")
    key = m.addItem('start', 'key', pickupable=True).addState(
        0, hidden=True
        1, shortdesc="There's a key taped to the back of the painting.", examine="It's small and worn.", hidden=False)
    painting.addItemUse(0, pickup=False, use_pattern="(look behind)|lift NAME", use_message="You lift the painting away from the wall.", change_self=1, on_item=key.getState(0), change_other=1)
    painting.addItemUse(1, pickup=False, use_pattern="(look behind)|lift NAME", use_message="There's nothing else behind the painting.")

    m.makeRoom('room2', 'Second floor', desc="You walk down the stairs and into the next room.", desc2="You cast your gaze around the room and take note of the four doors. The West door is the one you came from has a set of stairs beyond and leads to the attic. There are three other doors, one to the North, one to the South and one to the East. There's a cabinet in one of the corners with a vase full of long dead flowers on top. There's also a desk next to the North door, papers strewn across the floor.")

    door = m.connectRooms('start', 'room2', 'east', locked=True)

    # todo add key use
    key.addKeyUse(state=1, on_door=door)
def main():
    mapBuilder = MapBuilder()

    # Make rooms
    mapBuilder.makeRoom('Living Room')

    # Connect Rooms
    mapBuilder.connectRooms('Kitchen', 'Living Room', 'east')
def main():
    mapBuilder = MapBuilder()

    # Make rooms
        desc="You wake up in a dimly lit room, not entirely sure where you are \
        or how you got there. The paint on the walls is cracked and peeling, \
        yellowed stains stretching from the ceiling to the floor. There is a window \
        to the South, the curtains hang tattered, light from the sunset casting shadows across the floor.",
        desc2="You look around the room and notice the door to the East. There's a painting on the North Wall, and a lighter on the floor."

    # Add items
    mapBuilder.addItem('start', 'window', fixed=True, examine="The window faces South, It's dirty, and cracked, but you can look through it easily enough. The sun is setting over the forest below.")
    mapBuilder.addItem('start', 'painting', fixed=True, examine=" The painting hangs crookedly and is extremely ugly, the colors are mottled and grotesque. You can't even understand the actual forms on the canvas.")
    # TODO add "use painting"
    mapBuilder.addItem('start', 'key', fixed=False, examine="It's small and worn.", hidden=True)

    mapBuilder.makeRoom('room2', 'Second floor', desc="You walk down the stairs and into the next room.", desc2="You cast your gaze around the room and take note of the four doors. The West door is the one you came from has a set of stairs beyond and leads to the attic. There are three other doors, one to the North, one to the South and one to the East. There's a cabinet in one of the corners with a vase full of long dead flowers on top. There's also a desk next to the North door, papers strewn across the floor.")

    mapBuilder.connectRooms('start', 'room2', 'east', locked=True)
def main():
    m = MapBuilder()

    # Make rooms
        desc="You wake up in a dimly lit room, not entirely sure where you are \
        or how you got there. The paint on the walls is cracked and peeling, \
        yellowed stains stretching from the ceiling to the floor. \
        The curtains hang tattered, light from the sunset casting shadows across the floor.",
        desc2="You look around the room and notice the door to the East."
    m.makeRoom('room2', 'Second floor', desc="You walk down the stairs and \
        into the next room.", desc2="You cast your gaze around the room and \
        take note of the four doors. The West door has a set of stairs beyond \
        and leads to the attic. There are three other doors, one to the North, \
        one to the South and one to the East.")
    m.makeRoom('northroom', 'A study', desc="You enter the North room.", 
        desc2="There are several tables pressed up against the walls. There are many books \
        that have been left negligently around the room that are wormeaten \
        and moldy. There's a wooden box on one of the tables.")
    # can't access this room yet - the door needs to lock behind you
    # haven't implemented that yet
    m.makeRoom('room3', 'A bedroom', desc="")
    # currently no access - illumination is not supported yet
    m.makeRoom('eastroom', 'Dark', desc="It's completely dark. You can't see a \
    thing apart from the door you just came from, not even the walls.")
    # Connect rooms
    door = m.connectRooms('start', 'room2', 'east', locked=True)
    northdoor = m.connectRooms('room2', 'northroom', 'north', locked=True)
    southdoor = m.connectRooms('room2', 'room3', 'south', locked=True)
    bluedoor = m.connectRooms('room2', 'eastroom', 'east', locked=True)
    # Add items
    # starting room (Attic)
    window = m.addItem('start', 'window', pickupable=False).addState(
        shortdesc='There is a window to the South.', examine="The window faces \
        South. It's dirty and cracked, but you can look through it easily enough. \
        The sun is setting over the forest below.")
    painting = m.addItem('start', 'painting', pickupable=False).addState(
        0, shortdesc="There's a painting on the North wall.", examine="The \
        painting hangs crookedly and is extremely ugly, the colors are mottled \
        and grotesque. You can't even understand the actual forms on the \
        canvas. The left side of the frame is a quarter-inch away from the \
        wall, but the right side is flush with it.").addState(
        1, shortdesc="There's a painting on the North wall.", examine="The \
        painting hangs crookedly and is extremely ugly, the colors are mottled \
        and grotesque. You can't even understand the actual forms on the \
        canvas. There's a key taped to the back of the painting.")
    m.addItem('start', 'lighter', pickupable=True).addState(
        shortdesc="There's a lighter on the floor.", examine="It's a plain lighter.")
    key = m.addItem('start', 'key', pickupable=True).addState(
        0, hidden=True
        1, shortdesc="There's a key taped to the back of the painting.", 
        examine="It's small and worn.", hidden=False)
    painting.addItemUse(0, pickup=False, use_pattern="look behind|lift NAME", 
        use_message="You lift the painting away from the wall. There's a key taped to the back.", 
        change_self=1, on_item=key.getState(0), change_other=1)
    painting.addItemUse(1, pickup=False, use_pattern="look behind|lift NAME", 
        use_message="There's nothing else behind the painting.")

    # Room 2
    # get key to north door
    desk = m.addItem('room2', 'desk', pickupable=False).addState(
        0, shortdesc="There's a desk next to the North door.", 
        examine="The desk has three drawers: one on the left, one on the right, \
        and one in the very middle. The right drawer is jammed shut.").addState(
        1, shortdesc="There's a desk next to the North door.",
        examine="The desk has three drawers. The left drawer is open. The \
        right drawer is jammed shut.").addState(
        10, shortdesc="There's a desk next to the North door.", examine="The \
        desk has three drawers. The middle drawer is open. The right drawer \
        is jammed shut.").addState(
        11, shortdesc="There's a desk next to the North door.", examine="The \
        desk has three drawers. The left drawer and the middle drawer are open. \
        The right drawer is jammed shut.")
    redkey = m.addItem('room2', 'red key', pickupable=True).addState(
        0, hidden=True).addState(
        1, shortdesc="There's a red key in the middle drawer.",
        examine="It's painted red.")
    # UseDecoration object
    desk.addItemUse(0, pickup=False, use_pattern="open left drawer", 
        use_message="There's a spare light bulb in the drawer.", change_self=1)
    desk.addItemUse(0, pickup=False, use_pattern="open middle drawer", 
        use_message="There's another key inside, this one painted red.", change_self=10,
        on_item=redkey.getState(0), change_other=1)
    desk.addItemUse(10, pickup=False, use_pattern="open left drawer", 
        use_message="There's a spare light bulb in the drawer.", change_self=11)
    desk.addItemUse(1, pickup=False, use_pattern="open middle drawer", 
        use_message="There's another key inside, this one painted red.", change_self=11,
        on_item=redkey.getState(0), change_other=1)
    # get key to south door
    cabinet = m.addItem('room2', 'cabinet', pickupable=False).addState(
        0, shortdesc="There's a cabinet in the corner of the room.", 
        examine="A pair of doors is set in the front.").addState(
        1, shortdesc="There's a cabinet in the corner of the room.", 
        examine="The cabinet is open.")
    key2 = m.addItem('room2', 'rusty key', pickupable=True).addState(
        0, hidden=True
        1, shortdesc="There's a rusty key inside the cabinet.", 
        examine="It looks like it fits that door to the south.", hidden=False)
    cabinet.addItemUse(0, pickup=False, use_pattern="open NAME( doors)?", 
        use_message="There's a rusty key inside.", change_self=1, 
        on_item=key2.getState(0), change_other=1)
    # get key to east door
    vase = m.addItem('room2', 'vase', pickupable=False).addState(
        0, shortdesc="A vase full of long-dead flowers sits on top of the cabinet.", 
        examine="There's no water in the vase, and upon picking it up, all the \
        flowers fall apart.").addState(
        1, shortdesc="A vase sits on top of the cabinet.", 
        examine="The vase is empty.")
    bluekey = m.addItem('room2', 'blue key', pickupable=True).addState(
        0, hidden=True
        1, shortdesc="Another key, painted blue, was hidden inside the vase.", 
        examine="The East door looks like it might have been blue once.", hidden=False)
    vase.addItemUse(0, pickup=False, use_pattern="(tip|turn) over NAME", 
        use_message="A key, this one painted blue, falls out.", change_self=1, 
        on_item=bluekey.getState(0), change_other=1)
    # Match keys to doors
    # east door in starting room
    key.addKeyUse(state=1, on_door=door)
    # north door
    redkey.addKeyUse(state=1, on_door=northdoor)
    # south door - fake use-case - tell the player the key failed to unlock the door
    key2.addItemUse(1, pickup=True, use_pattern="(unlock|use NAME on) south door",
        use_message="The key sticks in the lock and, despite your best efforts, \
        breaks in half.", consumed=True)
    # east door
    bluekey.addKeyUse(state=1, on_door=bluedoor)
文件: test03.py 项目: jorshi/seng330
def main():
    mapBuilder = MapBuilder()

    # Make rooms
    mapBuilder.makeRoom('Living Room')

    # Connect Rooms
    mapBuilder.connectRooms('Kitchen', 'Living Room', 'east')
def main():
    m = MapBuilder()

    # Make rooms
        desc="You wake up in a dimly lit room, not entirely sure where you are \
        or how you got there. The paint on the walls is cracked and peeling, \
        yellowed stains stretching from the ceiling to the floor. \
        the curtains hang tattered, light from the sunset casting shadows across the floor.",
        desc2="You look around the room and notice the door to the East..")

    # Add items
    window = m.addItem('start', 'window', pickupable=False).addState(
        shortdesc='There is a window to the South.',
        "The window faces South, It's dirty, and cracked, but you can look through it easily enough. The sun is setting over the forest below."

    painting = m.addItem('start', 'painting', pickupable=False).addState(
        shortdesc="There's a painting on the North wall.",
        "The painting hangs crookedly and is extremely ugly, the colors are mottled and grotesque. You can't even understand the actual forms on the canvas. The left side of the frame is a quarter-inch away from the wall, but the right side is flush with it."
        shortdesc="There's a painting on the North wall.",
        "The painting hangs crookedly and is extremely ugly, the colors are mottled and grotesque. You can't even understand the actual forms on the canvas. There's a key taped to the back of the painting."

    lighter = m.addItem('start', 'lighter', pickupable=True).addState(
        shortdesc="There's a lighter on the floor.",
        examine="It's a prosaic yellow BIC lighter.")

    key = m.addItem('start', 'key', pickupable=True).addState(
        0, hidden=True).addState(
            shortdesc="There's a key taped to the back of the painting.",
            examine="It's small and worn.",

        use_pattern="(look behind)|lift NAME",
        use_message="You lift the painting away from the wall.",
        use_pattern="(look behind)|lift NAME",
        use_message="There's nothing else behind the painting.")

        'Second floor',
        desc="You walk down the stairs and into the next room.",
        "You cast your gaze around the room and take note of the four doors. The West door is the one you came from has a set of stairs beyond and leads to the attic. There are three other doors, one to the North, one to the South and one to the East. There's a cabinet in one of the corners with a vase full of long dead flowers on top. There's also a desk next to the North door, papers strewn across the floor."

    door = m.connectRooms('start', 'room2', 'east', locked=True)

    # todo add key use
    key.addKeyUse(state=1, on_door=door)
def main():
    mapBuilder = MapBuilder()

    # Make rooms
    mapBuilder.makeRoom('Living Room')
    mapBuilder.makeRoom('start', title='Entrance Hall')

    # Connect Rooms
    mapBuilder.connectRooms('Kitchen', 'Living Room', 'east')

    # Add items
    mapBuilder.addItem('start', 'iron key', fixed=True)
    mapBuilder.addItem('start', 'iron key', fixed=False)