def FinalizeClusterDestroy(master_uuid):
    """Execute the last steps of cluster destroy

  This function shuts down all the daemons, completing the destroy
  begun in cmdlib.LUDestroyOpcode.

    livelock = utils.livelock.LiveLock("bootstrap_destroy")
    cfg = config.GetConfig(None, livelock)
    modify_ssh_setup = cfg.GetClusterInfo().modify_ssh_setup
    runner = rpc.BootstrapRunner()

    master_name = cfg.GetNodeName(master_uuid)

    master_params = cfg.GetMasterNetworkParameters()
    master_params.uuid = master_uuid
    ems = cfg.GetUseExternalMipScript()
    result = runner.call_node_deactivate_master_ip(master_name, master_params,

    msg = result.fail_msg
    if msg:
        logging.warning("Could not disable the master IP: %s", msg)

    result = runner.call_node_stop_master(master_name)
    msg = result.fail_msg
    if msg:
        logging.warning("Could not disable the master role: %s", msg)

    result = runner.call_node_leave_cluster(master_name, modify_ssh_setup)
    msg = result.fail_msg
    if msg:
            "Could not shutdown the node daemon and cleanup"
            " the node: %s", msg)
def GatherMasterVotes(node_names):
  """Check the agreement on who is the master.

  This function will return a list of (node, number of votes), ordered
  by the number of votes. Errors will be denoted by the key 'None'.

  Note that the sum of votes is the number of nodes this machine
  knows, whereas the number of entries in the list could be different
  (if some nodes vote for another master).

  We remove ourselves from the list since we know that (bugs aside)
  since we use the same source for configuration information for both
  backend and boostrap, we'll always vote for ourselves.

  @type node_names: list
  @param node_names: the list of nodes to query for master info; the current
      node will be removed if it is in the list
  @rtype: list
  @return: list of (node, votes)

  myself = netutils.Hostname.GetSysName()
  except ValueError:
  if not node_names:
    # no nodes left (eventually after removing myself)
    return []
  results = rpc.BootstrapRunner().call_master_node_name(node_names)
  if not isinstance(results, dict):
    # this should not happen (unless internal error in rpc)
    logging.critical("Can't complete rpc call, aborting master startup")
    return [(None, len(node_names))]
  votes = {}
  for node_name in results:
    nres = results[node_name]
    msg = nres.fail_msg

    if msg:
      logging.warning("Error contacting node %s: %s", node_name, msg)
      node = None
      node = nres.payload

    if node not in votes:
      votes[node] = 1
      votes[node] += 1

  vote_list = [v for v in votes.items()]
  # sort first on number of votes then on name, since we want None
  # sorted later if we have the half of the nodes not responding, and
  # half voting all for the same master
  vote_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)

  return vote_list
文件: 项目: badp/ganeti
def ActivateMasterIP():
    # activate ip
    cfg = config.ConfigWriter()
    master_params = cfg.GetMasterNetworkParameters()
    ems = cfg.GetUseExternalMipScript()
    runner = rpc.BootstrapRunner()
    # we use the node name, as the configuration is only available here yet
    result = runner.call_node_activate_master_ip(
        cfg.GetNodeName(master_params.uuid), master_params, ems)

    msg = result.fail_msg
    if msg:
        logging.error("Can't activate master IP address: %s", msg)
def ActivateMasterIP():
    # activate ip
    # Create a livelock file
    livelock = utils.livelock.LiveLock("masterd_activate_ip")
    cfg = config.GetConfig(None, livelock)
    master_params = cfg.GetMasterNetworkParameters()
    ems = cfg.GetUseExternalMipScript()
    runner = rpc.BootstrapRunner()
    # we use the node name, as the configuration is only available here yet
    result = runner.call_node_activate_master_ip(
        cfg.GetNodeName(master_params.uuid), master_params, ems)

    msg = result.fail_msg
    if msg:
        logging.error("Can't activate master IP address: %s", msg)
def GatherMasterVotes(node_names):
  """Check the agreement on who is the master.

  This function will return a list of (node, number of votes), ordered
  by the number of votes. Errors will be denoted by the key 'None'.

  Note that the sum of votes is the number of nodes this machine
  knows, whereas the number of entries in the list could be different
  (if some nodes vote for another master).

  @type node_names: list
  @param node_names: the list of nodes to query for master info
  @rtype: list
  @return: list of (node, votes)

  if not node_names:
    # no nodes
    return []
  results = rpc.BootstrapRunner().call_master_node_name(node_names)
  if not isinstance(results, dict):
    # this should not happen (unless internal error in rpc)
    logging.critical("Can't complete rpc call, aborting master startup")
    return [(None, len(node_names))]
  votes = {}
  for node_name in results:
    nres = results[node_name]
    msg = nres.fail_msg

    if msg:
      logging.warning("Error contacting node %s: %s", node_name, msg)
      node = None
      node = nres.payload

    if node not in votes:
      votes[node] = 1
      votes[node] += 1

  vote_list = [v for v in votes.items()]
  # sort first on number of votes then on name, since we want None
  # sorted later if we have the half of the nodes not responding, and
  # half voting all for the same master
  vote_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)

  return vote_list
def _GatherMasterVotes(node_names):
    """Check the agreement on who is the master.

  This function will return a list of (node, number of votes), ordered
  by the number of votes.

  Note that the sum of votes is the number of nodes this machine
  knows, whereas the number of entries in the list could be different
  (if some nodes vote for another master).

  @type node_names: list
  @param node_names: the list of nodes to query for master info
  @rtype: list
  @return: list of (node, votes)

    if not node_names:
        # no nodes
        return []
    results = rpc.BootstrapRunner().call_master_node_name(node_names)
    if not isinstance(results, dict):
        # this should not happen (unless internal error in rpc)
        logging.critical("Can't complete rpc call, aborting master startup")
        return [(None, len(node_names))]

    votes = {}
    for (node_name, nres) in results.iteritems():
        msg = nres.fail_msg
        if msg:
            logging.warning("Error contacting node %s: %s", node_name, msg)
        node = nres.payload
        if not node:
                ('Expected a Node, encountered a None. Skipping this'
                 ' voting result.'))
        if node not in votes:
            votes[node] = 1
            votes[node] += 1

    vote_list = votes.items()
    vote_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    return vote_list
 def _CheckNodeDaemon():
     # Pylint bug <>
     # pylint: disable=E1101
     result = rpc.BootstrapRunner().call_version([node_name])[node_name]
     if result.fail_msg:
         raise utils.RetryAgain()
def MasterFailover(no_voting=False):
    """Failover the master node.

  This checks that we are not already the master, and will cause the
  current master to cease being master, and the non-master to become
  new master.

  @type no_voting: boolean
  @param no_voting: force the operation without remote nodes agreement

  @returns: the pair of an exit code and warnings to display
    sstore = ssconf.SimpleStore()

    old_master, new_master = ssconf.GetMasterAndMyself(sstore)
    node_names = sstore.GetNodeList()
    mc_list = sstore.GetMasterCandidates()

    if old_master == new_master:
        raise errors.OpPrereqError(
            "This commands must be run on the node"
            " where you want the new master to be."
            " %s is already the master" % old_master, errors.ECODE_INVAL)

    if new_master not in mc_list:
        mc_no_master = [name for name in mc_list if name != old_master]
        raise errors.OpPrereqError(
            "This node is not among the nodes marked"
            " as master candidates. Only these nodes"
            " can become masters. Current list of"
            " master candidates is:\n"
            "%s" % ("\n".join(mc_no_master)), errors.ECODE_STATE)

    if not no_voting:
        vote_list = GatherMasterVotes(node_names)

        if vote_list:
            voted_master = vote_list[0][0]
            if voted_master is None:
                raise errors.OpPrereqError(
                    "Cluster is inconsistent, most nodes did"
                    " not respond.", errors.ECODE_ENVIRON)
            elif voted_master != old_master:
                raise errors.OpPrereqError(
                    "I have a wrong configuration, I believe"
                    " the master is %s but the other nodes"
                    " voted %s. Please resync the configuration"
                    " of this node." % (old_master, voted_master),
    # end checks

    rcode = 0
    warnings = []"Setting master to %s, old master: %s", new_master,

        # Forcefully start WConfd so that we can access the configuration
        result = utils.RunCmd([
            pathutils.DAEMON_UTIL, "start", constants.WCONFD, "--force-node",
            "--no-voting", "--yes-do-it"
        if result.failed:
            raise errors.OpPrereqError(
                "Could not start the configuration daemon,"
                " command %s had exitcode %s and error %s" %
                (result.cmd, result.exit_code, result.output),

        # instantiate a real config writer, as we now know we have the
        # configuration data
        livelock = utils.livelock.LiveLock("bootstrap_failover")
        cfg = config.GetConfig(None, livelock, accept_foreign=True)

        old_master_node = cfg.GetNodeInfoByName(old_master)
        if old_master_node is None:
            raise errors.OpPrereqError(
                "Could not find old master node '%s' in"
                " cluster configuration." % old_master, errors.ECODE_NOENT)

        cluster_info = cfg.GetClusterInfo()
        new_master_node = cfg.GetNodeInfoByName(new_master)
        if new_master_node is None:
            raise errors.OpPrereqError(
                "Could not find new master node '%s' in"
                " cluster configuration." % new_master, errors.ECODE_NOENT)

        cluster_info.master_node = new_master_node.uuid
        # this will also regenerate the ssconf files, since we updated the
        # cluster info
        cfg.Update(cluster_info, logging.error)

        # if cfg.Update worked, then it means the old master daemon won't be
        # able now to write its own config file (we rely on locking in both
        # backend.UploadFile() and ConfigWriter._Write(); hence the next
        # step is to kill the old master"Stopping the master daemon on node %s", old_master)

        runner = rpc.BootstrapRunner()
        master_params = cfg.GetMasterNetworkParameters()
        master_params.uuid = old_master_node.uuid
        ems = cfg.GetUseExternalMipScript()
        result = runner.call_node_deactivate_master_ip(old_master,
                                                       master_params, ems)

        msg = result.fail_msg
        if msg:
            warning = "Could not disable the master IP: %s" % (msg, )
            logging.warning("%s", warning)

        result = runner.call_node_stop_master(old_master)
        msg = result.fail_msg
        if msg:
            warning = ("Could not disable the master role on the old master"
                       " %s, please disable manually: %s" % (old_master, msg))
            logging.error("%s", warning)
    except errors.ConfigurationError, err:
        logging.error("Error while trying to set the new master: %s", str(err))
        return 1, warnings
        utils.Retry(_check_ip, (1, 1.5, 5), total_timeout, args=[False])
    except utils.RetryTimeout:
        warning = ("The master IP is still reachable after %s seconds,"
                   " continuing but activating the master IP on the current"
                   " node will probably fail" % total_timeout)
        logging.warning("%s", warning)
        rcode = 1

    if jstore.CheckDrainFlag():"Undraining job queue")
        jstore.SetDrainFlag(False)"Starting the master daemons on the new master")

    result = rpc.BootstrapRunner().call_node_start_master_daemons(
        new_master, no_voting)
    msg = result.fail_msg
    if msg:
            "Could not start the master role on the new master"
            " %s, please check: %s", new_master, msg)
        rcode = 1

    # Finally verify that the new master managed to set up the master IP
    # and warn if it didn't.
        utils.Retry(_check_ip, (1, 1.5, 5), total_timeout, args=[True])
    except utils.RetryTimeout:
        warning = ("The master IP did not come up within %s seconds; the"
                   " cluster should still be working and reachable via %s,"
                   " but not via the master IP address" %
def MasterFailover(no_voting=False):
    """Failover the master node.

  This checks that we are not already the master, and will cause the
  current master to cease being master, and the non-master to become
  new master.

  Note: The call to MasterFailover from lib/client/ checks that
  a majority of nodes are healthy and responding before calling this. If this
  function is called from somewhere else, the caller should also verify that a
  majority of nodes are healthy.

  @type no_voting: boolean
  @param no_voting: force the operation without remote nodes agreement

  @returns: the pair of an exit code and warnings to display
    sstore = ssconf.SimpleStore()

    old_master, new_master = ssconf.GetMasterAndMyself(sstore)
    node_names = sstore.GetNodeList()
    mc_list = sstore.GetMasterCandidates()

    if old_master == new_master:
        raise errors.OpPrereqError(
            "This commands must be run on the node"
            " where you want the new master to be."
            " %s is already the master" % old_master, errors.ECODE_INVAL)

    if new_master not in mc_list:
        mc_no_master = [name for name in mc_list if name != old_master]
        raise errors.OpPrereqError(
            "This node is not among the nodes marked"
            " as master candidates. Only these nodes"
            " can become masters. Current list of"
            " master candidates is:\n"
            "%s" % ("\n".join(mc_no_master)), errors.ECODE_STATE)

    if not no_voting:
        vote_list = _GatherMasterVotes(node_names)
        if vote_list:
            voted_master = vote_list[0][0]
            if voted_master != old_master:
                raise errors.OpPrereqError(
                    "I have a wrong configuration, I believe"
                    " the master is %s but the other nodes"
                    " voted %s. Please resync the configuration"
                    " of this node." % (old_master, voted_master),
    # end checks

    rcode = 0
    warnings = []"Setting master to %s, old master: %s", new_master,

        # Forcefully start WConfd so that we can access the configuration
        result = utils.RunCmd([
            pathutils.DAEMON_UTIL, "start", constants.WCONFD, "--force-node",
            "--no-voting", "--yes-do-it"
        if result.failed:
            raise errors.OpPrereqError(
                "Could not start the configuration daemon,"
                " command %s had exitcode %s and error %s" %
                (result.cmd, result.exit_code, result.output),

        # instantiate a real config writer, as we now know we have the
        # configuration data
        livelock = utils.livelock.LiveLock("bootstrap_failover")
        cfg = config.GetConfig(None, livelock, accept_foreign=True)

        old_master_node = cfg.GetNodeInfoByName(old_master)
        if old_master_node is None:
            raise errors.OpPrereqError(
                "Could not find old master node '%s' in"
                " cluster configuration." % old_master, errors.ECODE_NOENT)

        cluster_info = cfg.GetClusterInfo()
        new_master_node = cfg.GetNodeInfoByName(new_master)
        if new_master_node is None:
            raise errors.OpPrereqError(
                "Could not find new master node '%s' in"
                " cluster configuration." % new_master, errors.ECODE_NOENT)

        cluster_info.master_node = new_master_node.uuid
        # this will also regenerate the ssconf files, since we updated the
        # cluster info
        cfg.Update(cluster_info, logging.error)

        # if cfg.Update worked, then it means the old master daemon won't be
        # able now to write its own config file (we rely on locking in both
        # backend.UploadFile() and ConfigWriter._Write(); hence the next
        # step is to kill the old master"Stopping the master daemon on node %s", old_master)

        runner = rpc.BootstrapRunner()
        master_params = cfg.GetMasterNetworkParameters()
        master_params.uuid = old_master_node.uuid
        ems = cfg.GetUseExternalMipScript()
        result = runner.call_node_deactivate_master_ip(old_master,
                                                       master_params, ems)

        msg = result.fail_msg
        if msg:
            warning = "Could not disable the master IP: %s" % (msg, )
            logging.warning("%s", warning)

        result = runner.call_node_stop_master(old_master)
        msg = result.fail_msg
        if msg:
            warning = ("Could not disable the master role on the old master"
                       " %s, please disable manually: %s" % (old_master, msg))
            logging.error("%s", warning)
    except errors.ConfigurationError as err:
        logging.error("Error while trying to set the new master: %s", str(err))
        return 1, warnings
        # stop WConfd again:
        result = utils.RunCmd(
            [pathutils.DAEMON_UTIL, "stop", constants.WCONFD])
        if result.failed:
            warning = ("Could not stop the configuration daemon,"
                       " command %s had exitcode %s and error %s" %
                       (result.cmd, result.exit_code, result.output))
            logging.error("%s", warning)
            rcode = 1"Checking master IP non-reachability...")

    master_ip = sstore.GetMasterIP()
    total_timeout = 30

    # Here we have a phase where no master should be running
    def _check_ip(expected):
        if netutils.TcpPing(master_ip,
                            constants.DEFAULT_NODED_PORT) != expected:
            raise utils.RetryAgain()

        utils.Retry(_check_ip, (1, 1.5, 5), total_timeout, args=[False])
    except utils.RetryTimeout:
        warning = ("The master IP is still reachable after %s seconds,"
                   " continuing but activating the master IP on the current"
                   " node will probably fail" % total_timeout)
        logging.warning("%s", warning)
        rcode = 1

    if jstore.CheckDrainFlag():"Undraining job queue")
        jstore.SetDrainFlag(False)"Starting the master daemons on the new master")

    result = rpc.BootstrapRunner().call_node_start_master_daemons(
        new_master, no_voting)
    msg = result.fail_msg
    if msg:
            "Could not start the master role on the new master"
            " %s, please check: %s", new_master, msg)
        rcode = 1

    # Finally verify that the new master managed to set up the master IP
    # and warn if it didn't.
        utils.Retry(_check_ip, (1, 1.5, 5), total_timeout, args=[True])
    except utils.RetryTimeout:
        warning = ("The master IP did not come up within %s seconds; the"
                   " cluster should still be working and reachable via %s,"
                   " but not via the master IP address" %
                   (total_timeout, new_master))
        logging.warning("%s", warning)
        rcode = 1"Master failed over from %s to %s", old_master, new_master)
    return rcode, warnings