def construct(self):
        page = super(MessagePropertyPage, self).construct()

        item = self.item
        subject = item.subject

        if not subject:
            return page

        if item.is_communication():
            self._messages = CommunicationMessageModel(item)
            tree_view = create_tree_view(self._messages, (_("Message"),))
            frame ="Additional Messages"))
            page.pack_start(frame, True, True, 0)

            self._inverted_messages = CommunicationMessageModel(item, inverted=True)
            tree_view = create_tree_view(self._inverted_messages, (_("Message"),))
            frame ="Inverted Messages"))
            page.pack_end(frame, True, True, 0)
            hbox = create_hbox_label(self, page, _("Message sort"))

            sort_data = self.MESSAGE_SORT
            lifeline = None
            cinfo = item.canvas.get_connection(item.tail)
            if cinfo:
                lifeline = cinfo.connected

            # disallow connecting two delete messages to a lifeline
            if (
                and lifeline.is_destroyed
                and subject.messageSort != "deleteMessage"
                sort_data = list(sort_data)
                assert sort_data[4][1] == "deleteMessage"
                del sort_data[4]

            combo = self.combo = create_uml_combo(
                sort_data, self._on_message_sort_change
            hbox.pack_start(combo, False, True, 0)

            index = combo.get_model().get_index(subject.messageSort)

        return page
    def construct(self):
        page = Gtk.VBox()

        if not self.item.subject:
            return page

        # Show operations toggle
        hbox = Gtk.HBox()
        label = Gtk.Label(label="")
        hbox.pack_start(label, False, True, 0)
        button = Gtk.CheckButton(label=gettext("Show operations"))
        button.connect("toggled", self._on_show_operations_change)
        hbox.pack_start(button, True, True, 0)
        page.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 0)

        def create_model():
            return ClassOperations(self.item, (str, bool, bool, object))

        self.model = create_model()
        tip = """\
Add and edit class operations according to UML syntax. Operation syntax examples
- call()
- + call(a: int, b: str)
- # call(a: int: b: str): bool
        tree_view = create_tree_view(
            self.model, (gettext("Operation"), gettext("A"), gettext("S")), tip
        page.pack_start(tree_view, True, True, 0)

        def handler(event):
            if not tree_view.props.has_focus and self.item and self.item.subject:
                self.model = create_model()
                tree_view.set_model(self.model)"", handler).watch(
            "ownedOperation.isAbstract", handler
        ).watch("ownedOperation.visibility", handler).watch(
            "ownedOperation.returnResult.lowerValue", handler
            "ownedOperation.returnResult.upperValue", handler
            "ownedOperation.returnResult.typeValue", handler
            "ownedOperation.formalParameter.lowerValue", handler
            "ownedOperation.formalParameter.upperValue", handler
            "ownedOperation.formalParameter.typeValue", handler
            "ownedOperation.formalParameter.defaultValue", handler
        tree_view.connect("destroy", self.watcher.unsubscribe_all)

        return page
    def construct(self):
        page = Gtk.VBox()

        if not self.item.subject:
            return page

        # Show attributes toggle
        hbox = Gtk.HBox()
        label = Gtk.Label(label="")
        hbox.pack_start(label, False, True, 0)
        button = Gtk.CheckButton(label=gettext("Show attributes"))
        button.connect("toggled", self._on_show_attributes_change)
        hbox.pack_start(button, True, True, 0)
        page.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 0)

        def create_model():
            return ClassAttributes(self.item, (str, bool, object))

        self.model = create_model()

        tip = """\
Add and edit class attributes according to UML syntax. Attribute syntax examples
- attr
- + attr: int
- # /attr: int
        tree_view = create_tree_view(
            self.model, (gettext("Attributes"), gettext("S")), tip
        page.pack_start(tree_view, True, True, 0)

        def handler(event):
            # Single it's asynchronous, make sure all properties are still there
            if not tree_view.props.has_focus and self.item and self.item.subject:
                self.model = create_model()
                tree_view.set_model(self.model)"", handler).watch(
            "ownedAttribute.isDerived", handler
        ).watch("ownedAttribute.visibility", handler).watch(
            "ownedAttribute.isStatic", handler
            "ownedAttribute.lowerValue", handler
            "ownedAttribute.upperValue", handler
            "ownedAttribute.defaultValue", handler
            "ownedAttribute.typeValue", handler
        tree_view.connect("destroy", self.watcher.unsubscribe_all)
        return page