def resolve(string, root=None, namespace={}):
    Resolve an address into a Python object. A more powerful version of `eval`.
    The main advantage it has over `eval` is that it automatically imports
    whichever modules are needed to resolve the string.
    For example:
        >>> address_tools.resolve('[list, [1, 2], email]')
        [<type 'list'>, [1, 2], <module 'email' from
    `root` is an object (usually a module) whose attributes will be looked at
    when searching for the object. `namespace` is a `dict` whose keys will be
    searched as well.

    # Resolving '' to `None`:
    if string == '':
        return None

    # If the string is a simple address, like 'email.encoders', our job is
    # easy:
    if _address_pattern.match(string):
        return get_object_by_address(string, root=root, namespace=namespace)

    # Getting the true namespace `dict`:
    (_useless, namespace_dict) = _get_parent_and_dict_from_namespace(namespace)

    # We're putting items into `our_namespace` instead of using the given
    # namespace `dict`:...
    our_namespace = {}
    # ...because we intend to modify it, and we don't want to be modifying the
    # user's arguments.

    # The string that we have is not a plain address, but it may contain plain
    # addresses. For example, '{email.encoders: 1}' contains an address. We
    # find all these contained addresses:
    re_matches = re_tools.searchall(_contained_address_pattern, string)
    addresses = [re_match.group('address') for re_match in re_matches]

    # We make sure all the addresses are (1) imported and (2) in
    # `our_namespace` dict, so we could access them when we `eval` the string:
    for address in addresses:
            get_object_by_address(address, root=root, namespace=namespace)
        except Exception:
            big_parent_name = address.split('.', 1)[0]
            big_parent = get_object_by_address(big_parent_name,
            our_namespace[big_parent_name] = big_parent

    return eval(string, our_namespace)
def resolve(string, root=None, namespace={}):
    Resolve an address into a Python object. A more powerful version of `eval`.
    The main advantage it has over `eval` is that it automatically imports
    whichever modules are needed to resolve the string.
    For example:
        >>> address_tools.resolve('[list, [1, 2], email]')
        [<class 'list'>, [1, 2], <module 'email' from
    `root` is an object (usually a module) whose attributes will be looked at
    when searching for the object. `namespace` is a `dict` whose keys will be
    searched as well.
    # Resolving '' to `None`:
    if string == '':
        return None
    # If the string is a simple address, like 'email.encoders', our job is
    # easy:
    if _address_pattern.match(string):        
        return get_object_by_address(string, root=root, namespace=namespace)

    # Getting the true namespace `dict`:
    (_useless, namespace_dict) = _get_parent_and_dict_from_namespace(namespace)
    # We're putting items into `our_namespace` instead of using the given
    # namespace `dict`:...
    our_namespace = {}
    # ...because we intend to modify it, and we don't want to be modifying the
    # user's arguments.
    # The string that we have is not a plain address, but it may contain plain
    # addresses. For example, '{email.encoders: 1}' contains an address. We
    # find all these contained addresses:
    re_matches = re_tools.searchall(_contained_address_pattern, string)
    addresses = [re_match.group('address') for re_match in re_matches]
    # We make sure all the addresses are (1) imported and (2) in
    # `our_namespace` dict, so we could access them when we `eval` the string:
    for address in addresses:
            get_object_by_address(address, root=root, namespace=namespace)
        except Exception:
            big_parent_name = address.split('.', 1)[0] 
            big_parent = get_object_by_address(big_parent_name, root=root,
            our_namespace[big_parent_name] = big_parent
    return eval(string, our_namespace)
def test_searchall():
    '''Test the basic workings of `searchall`.'''
    s = 'asdf df sfg s'
    result = searchall('(\w+)', s)
    assert len(result) == 4
文件: repo.py 项目: cool-RR/cute_git
 def branches(self):
     ''' '''
     re_matches = re_tools.searchall(r'\n[* ] ([^\n]*)',
                                     '\n%s' % self._run('branch').std_out)
     return tuple(re_match.groups()[0] for re_match in re_matches)
def test_searchall():
    '''Test the basic workings of `searchall`.'''
    s = 'asdf df sfg s'
    result = searchall('(\w+)', s)
    assert len(result) == 4