def extract_random_features(inshp, nfeat, outshp, is_percentage=None): """ Extract Random features from one Feature Class and save them in a new file """ import numpy as np from import shp_to_obj from import obj_to_shp from import get_epsg_shp # Open data df = shp_to_obj(inshp) # Get number of random features n = int(round(nfeat * df.shape[0] / 100, 0)) if is_percentage else nfeat # Get random sample df['idx'] = df.index rnd = np.random.choice(df.idx, n, replace=False) # Filter features rnd_df = df[df.idx.isin(rnd)] rnd_df.drop('idx', axis=1, inplace=True) # Save result epsg = get_epsg_shp(inshp) return obj_to_shp(rnd_df, 'geometry', epsg, outshp)
def shpext_to_boundary(in_shp, out_srs=None): """ Read one feature class extent and create a boundary with that extent """ from import get_ext from import create_polygon # Get Extent ext = get_ext(in_shp) # Create points of the new boundary based on the extent boundary_points = [(ext[0], ext[3]), (ext[1], ext[3]), (ext[1], ext[2]), (ext[0], ext[2]), (ext[0], ext[3])] polygon = create_polygon(boundary_points) if out_srs: from import get_epsg_shp in_srs = get_epsg_shp(in_shp) if in_srs != out_srs: from gasp.g.prj import prj_ogrgeom poly = prj_ogrgeom(polygon, in_srs, out_srs, api='shply') return poly else: return polygon else: return polygon
def buffer_ext(inShp, meterTolerance, outShp, inEpsg=None): """ For all geometries, calculate the boundary given by the sum between the feature extent and the Tolerance variable """ from import tbl_to_obj from import df_to_shp from import df_buffer_extent from import get_epsg_shp inDf = tbl_to_obj(inShp) epsg = get_epsg_shp(inShp) if not inEpsg else inEpsg result = df_buffer_extent(inDf, epsg, meterTolerance) return df_to_shp(result, outShp)
def proj(inShp, outShp, outEPSG, inEPSG=None, gisApi='ogr', sql=None, db_name=None): """ Project Geodata using GIS API's Available: * ogr; * ogr2ogr; * pandas; * ogr2ogr_SQLITE; * psql; """ import os if gisApi == 'ogr': """ Using ogr Python API """ if not inEPSG: raise ValueError( 'To use ogr API, you should specify the EPSG Code of the' ' input data using inEPSG parameter' ) from osgeo import ogr from gasp.g.lyr.fld import copy_flds from import get_gtype from import drv_name from import get_sref_from_epsg, get_trans_param from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop def copyShp(out, outDefn, lyr_in, trans): for f in lyr_in: g = f.GetGeometryRef() g.Transform(trans) new = ogr.Feature(outDefn) new.SetGeometry(g) for i in range(0, outDefn.GetFieldCount()): new.SetField(outDefn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetNameRef(), f.GetField(i)) out.CreateFeature(new) new.Destroy() f.Destroy() # ####### # # Project # # ####### # transP = get_trans_param(inEPSG, outEPSG) inData = ogr.GetDriverByName( drv_name(inShp)).Open(inShp, 0) inLyr = inData.GetLayer() out = ogr.GetDriverByName( drv_name(outShp)).CreateDataSource(outShp) outlyr = out.CreateLayer( fprop(outShp, 'fn'), get_sref_from_epsg(outEPSG), geom_type=get_gtype( inShp, name=None, py_cls=True, gisApi='ogr' ) ) # Copy fields to the output copy_flds(inLyr, outlyr) # Copy/transform features from the input to the output outlyrDefn = outlyr.GetLayerDefn() copyShp(outlyr, outlyrDefn, inLyr, transP) inData.Destroy() out.Destroy() elif gisApi == 'ogr2ogr': """ Transform SRS of any OGR Compilant Data. Save the transformed data in a new file """ if not inEPSG: from import get_epsg_shp inEPSG = get_epsg_shp(inShp) if not inEPSG: raise ValueError('To use ogr2ogr, you must specify inEPSG') from gasp import exec_cmd from import drv_name cmd = ( 'ogr2ogr -f "{}" {} {}{} -s_srs EPSG:{} -t_srs EPSG:{}' ).format( drv_name(outShp), outShp, inShp, '' if not sql else ' -dialect sqlite -sql "{}"'.format(sql), str(inEPSG), str(outEPSG) ) outcmd = exec_cmd(cmd) elif gisApi == 'ogr2ogr_SQLITE': """ Transform SRS of a SQLITE DB table. Save the transformed data in a new table """ from gasp import exec_cmd if not inEPSG: raise ValueError(( 'With ogr2ogr_SQLITE, the definition of inEPSG is ' 'demandatory.' )) # TODO: Verify if database is sqlite db, tbl = inShp['DB'], inShp['TABLE'] sql = 'SELECT * FROM {}'.format(tbl) if not sql else sql outcmd = exec_cmd(( 'ogr2ogr -update -append -f "SQLite" {db} -nln "{nt}" ' '-dialect sqlite -sql "{_sql}" -s_srs EPSG:{inepsg} ' '-t_srs EPSG:{outepsg} {db}' ).format( db=db, nt=outShp, _sql=sql, inepsg=str(inEPSG), outepsg=str(outEPSG) )) elif gisApi == 'pandas': # Test if input Shp is GeoDataframe from import shp_to_obj from import df_to_shp df = shp_to_obj(inShp) # Project df newDf = df.to_crs({'init' : 'epsg:{}'.format(str(outEPSG))}) # Save as file return df_to_shp(df, outShp) elif gisApi == 'psql': from gasp.sql.db import create_db from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import shp_to_psql from import dbtbl_to_shp from gasp.gql.prj import sql_proj # Create Database if not db_name: db_name = create_db(fprop( outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql' ) else: from gasp.sql.i import db_exists isDb = db_exists(db_name) if not isDb: create_db(db_name, api='psql') # Import Data inTbl = shp_to_psql(db_name, inShp, api='shp2pgsql', encoding="LATIN1") # Transform oTbl = sql_proj( db_name, inTbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), outEPSG, geomCol='geom', newGeom='geom' ) # Export outShp = dbtbl_to_shp( db_name, oTbl, 'geom', outShp, api='psql', epsg=outEPSG ) else: raise ValueError('Sorry, API {} is not available'.format(gisApi)) return outShp
def get_ref_raster(refBoundBox, folder, cellsize=None): """ Get Reference Raster """ import os from import check_isRaster # Check if refRaster is really a Raster isRst = check_isRaster(refBoundBox) if not isRst: from import check_isShp if not check_isShp(refBoundBox): raise ValueError(( 'refRaster File has an invalid file format. Please give a file ' 'with one of the following extensions: ' 'shp, gml, json, kml, tif or img' )) else: # We have a shapefile # Check SRS and see if it is a projected SRS from import get_epsg_shp epsg, isProj = get_epsg_shp(refBoundBox, returnIsProj=True) if not epsg: raise ValueError('Cannot get epsg code from {}'.format(refBoundBox)) if not isProj: # A conversion between SRS is needed from import proj ref_shp = proj( refBoundBox, os.path.join(folder, 'tmp_ref_shp.shp'), outEPSG=3857, inEPSG=epsg, gisApi='ogr2ogr' ) epsg = 3857 else: ref_shp = refBoundBox # Convert to Raster from import shp_to_rst refRaster = shp_to_rst( ref_shp, None, 2 if not cellsize else cellsize, -1, os.path.join(folder, 'ref_raster.tif'), api='gdal' ) else: # We have a raster from import get_rst_epsg epsg, isProj = get_rst_epsg(refBoundBox, returnIsProj=True) if not epsg: raise ValueError('Cannot get epsg code from {}'.format(refBoundBox)) # Check if Raster has a SRS with projected coordinates if not isProj: # We need to reproject raster from import reprj_rst refRaster = reprj_rst( refBoundBox, os.path.join(folder, 'refrst_3857.tif'), epsg, 3857 ) epsg = 3857 else: refRaster = refBoundBox return refRaster, epsg
def lnh_to_polygons(inShp, outShp, api='saga', db=None): """ Line to Polygons API's Available: * saga; * grass; * pygrass; * psql; """ if api == 'saga': """ Converts lines to polygons. Line arcs are closed to polygons simply by connecting the last point with the first. Optionally parts of polylines can be merged into one polygon optionally. """ from gasp import exec_cmd rcmd = exec_cmd(("saga_cmd shapes_polygons 3 -POLYGONS {} " "LINES {} -SINGLE 1 -MERGE 1").format(outShp, inShp)) elif api == 'grass' or api == 'pygrass': # Do it using GRASS GIS import os from import run_grass from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop # Create GRASS GIS Session wk = os.path.dirname(outShp) lo = fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True) gs = run_grass(wk, lo, srs=inShp) import grass.script as grass import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(gs, wk, lo, 'PERMANENT') # Import Packages from import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp from import line_to_polyline from import geomtype_to_geomtype from import boundary_to_areas # Send data to GRASS GIS lnh_shp = shp_to_grs(inShp, fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), asCMD=True if api == 'grass' else None) # Build Polylines pol_lnh = line_to_polyline(lnh_shp, "polylines", asCmd=True if api == 'grass' else None) # Polyline to boundary bound = geomtype_to_geomtype(pol_lnh, 'bound_shp', 'line', 'boundary', cmd=True if api == 'grass' else None) # Boundary to Area areas_shp = boundary_to_areas(bound, lo, useCMD=True if api == 'grass' else None) # Export data outShp = grs_to_shp(areas_shp, outShp, 'area', asCMD=True if api == 'grass' else None) elif api == 'psql': """ Do it using PostGIS """ from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from gasp.sql.db import create_db from import shp_to_psql from import dbtbl_to_shp from gasp.gql.cnv import lnh_to_polg from import get_epsg_shp # Create DB if not db: db = create_db(fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql') else: from gasp.sql.i import db_exists isDB = db_exists(db) if not isDB: create_db(db, api='psql') # Send data to DB in_tbl = shp_to_psql(db, inShp, api="shp2pgsql") # Get Result result = lnh_to_polg(db, in_tbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True)) # Export Result outshp = dbtbl_to_shp(db, result, "geom", outShp, api='psql', epsg=get_epsg_shp(inShp)) else: raise ValueError("API {} is not available".format(api)) return outShp
def shp_to_djg_mdl(in_shp, app, mdl, cols_map, djg_proj): """ Add Geometries to Django Model """ from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry from django.contrib.gis.db import models from gasp import __import from gasp.web.djg import open_Django_Proj from import shp_to_obj from import get_epsg_shp from shapely.geometry.multipolygon import MultiPolygon def force_multi(geom): if geom.geom_type == 'Polygon': return MultiPolygon([geom]) else: return geom application = open_Django_Proj(djg_proj) mdl_cls = __import('{}.models.{}'.format(app, mdl)) mdl_obj = mdl_cls() in_df = shp_to_obj(in_shp) # Check if we need to import the SHP FID if 'FID' in cols_map.values(): in_df["FID"] = in_df.index.astype(int) epsg = int(get_epsg_shp(in_shp)) if not epsg: raise ValueError('Is not possible to recognize EPSG code of in_shp') OGR_GEOMS = [ 'POLYGON', 'MULTIPOLYGON', 'MULTILINESTRING', 'LINESTRING', 'POINT', 'MULTIPOINT' ] def updateModel(row): for FLD in cols_map: if cols_map[FLD] not in OGR_GEOMS: # Check if field is foreign key field_obj = mdl_cls._meta.get_field(FLD) if not isinstance(field_obj, models.ForeignKey): setattr(mdl_obj, FLD, row[cols_map[FLD]]) else: # If yes, use the model instance of the related table # Get model of the table related com aquela cujos dados # estao a ser restaurados related_name = field_obj.related_model.__name__ related_model = __import('{}.models.{}'.format( app, related_name)) related_obj = related_model.objects.get( pk=int(row[cols_map[FLD]])) setattr(mdl_obj, FLD, related_obj) else: if cols_map[FLD] == 'MULTIPOLYGON': geom = force_multi(row.geometry) else: geom = row.geometry setattr(mdl_obj, FLD, GEOSGeometry(geom.wkt, srid=epsg)) in_df.apply(lambda x: updateModel(x), axis=1) return 1
def thrd_viewshed_v2(dbname, dem, pnt_obs, obs_id): """ Compute Viewshed for all points in pnt_obs using a multiprocessing approach """ import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal import multiprocessing as mp from import shp_to_obj from gasp.pyt.oss import cpu_cores, mkdir from gasp.pyt.df.split import df_split from import run_grass from import get_epsg_shp from import df_to_db from gasp.pyt.oss import del_file from gasp.sql.db import create_db # Get Work EPSG epsg = get_epsg_shp(pnt_obs) # Points to DataFrame obs_df = shp_to_obj(pnt_obs) # Split DF by the number of cores n_cpu = cpu_cores() dfs = df_split(obs_df, n_cpu) def run_viewshed_by_cpu(tid, db, obs, dem, srs, vis_basename='vis', maxdst=None, obselevation=None): # Create Database new_db = create_db("{}_{}".format(db, str(tid)), api='psql') # Points to Database pnt_tbl = df_to_db(new_db, obs, 'pnt_tbl', api='psql', epsg=srs, geomType='Point', colGeom='geometry') # Create GRASS GIS Session workspace = mkdir( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dem), 'work_{}'.format(str(tid)))) loc_name = 'vis_loc' gbase = run_grass(workspace, location=loc_name, srs=dem) # Start GRASS GIS Session import grass.script as grass import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(gbase, workspace, loc_name, 'PERMANENT') from import rst_to_grs, grs_to_rst from import grs_viewshed from import del_rst # Send DEM to GRASS GIS grs_dem = rst_to_grs(dem, 'grs_dem', as_cmd=True) # Produce Viewshed for each point in obs for idx, row in obs.iterrows(): # Get Viewshed raster vrst = grs_viewshed(grs_dem, (row.geometry.x, row.geometry.y), '{}_{}'.format(vis_basename, str(row[obs_id])), max_dist=maxdst, obs_elv=obselevation) # Export Raster to File frst = grs_to_rst(vrst, os.path.join(workspace, vrst + '.tif')) # Raster to Array img = gdal.Open(frst) num = img.ReadAsArray() # Two Dimension to One Dimension # Reshape Array numone = num.reshape(num.shape[0] * num.shape[1]) # Get Indexes with visibility visnum = np.arange(numone.shape[0]).astype(np.uint32) visnum = visnum[numone == 1] # Get rows indexes visrow = visnum / num.shape[0] visrow = visrow.astype(np.uint32) # Get cols indexes viscol = visnum - (visrow * num.shape[1]) # Visibility indexes to Pandas DataFrame idxnum = np.full(visrow.shape, row[obs_id]) visdf = pd.DataFrame({ 'pntid': idxnum, 'rowi': visrow, 'coli': viscol }) # Pandas DF to database # Create Visibility table df_to_db(new_db, visdf, vis_basename, api='psql', colGeom=None, append=None if not idx else True) # Delete all variables numone = None visnum = None visrow = None viscol = None idxnum = None visdf = None del img # Delete GRASS GIS File del_rst(vrst) # Delete TIFF File del_file(frst) frst = None thrds = [ mp.Process(target=run_viewshed_by_cpu, name='th-{}'.format(str(i + 1)), args=(i + 1, dbname, dfs[i], dem, epsg, 'vistoburn', 10000, 200)) for i in range(len(dfs)) ] for t in thrds: t.start() for t in thrds: t.join() return 1
def shply_break_lines_on_points(lineShp, pointShp, lineIdInPntShp, splitedShp): """ Break lines on points location The points should be contained by the lines; The points table should have a column with the id of the line that contains the point. lineIDInPntShp is a reference to the FID of lineShp """ from shapely.ops import split from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString from import shp_to_obj from gasp.pyt.df.mng import col_list_val_to_row from import get_epsg_shp from import df_to_shp from import dict_to_df srs_code = get_epsg_shp(lineShp) # Sanitize line geometry def fix_line(line, point): buff = point.buffer(0.0001) splitLine = split(line, buff) nline = LineString( list(splitLine[0].coords) + list(point.coords) + list(splitLine[-1].coords) ) return nline pnts = shp_to_obj(shp_to_obj) lines = shp_to_obj(shp_to_obj, output='dict') # Split Rows def split_geom(row): # Get related line rel_line = lines[row[lineIdInPntShp]] if type(rel_line["GEOM"]) != list: line_geom = fix_line(rel_line["GEOM"], row.geometry) split_lines = split(line_geom, row.geometry) lines[row[lineIdInPntShp]]["GEOM"] = [l for l in split_lines] else: for i in range(len(rel_line["GEOM"])): if rel_line["GEOM"][i].distance(row.geometry) < 1e-8: line_geom = fix_line(rel_line["GEOM"][i], row.geometry) split_lines = split(line_geom, row.geometry) split_lines = [l for l in split_lines] lines[row[lineIdInPntShp]]["GEOM"][i] = split_lines[0] lines[row[lineIdInPntShp]]["GEOM"] += split_lines[1:] break else: continue return row pnts = pnts.apply(lambda x: split_geom(x), axis=1) # Result to Dataframe linesDf = dict_to_df(lines) # Where GEOM is a List, create a new row for each element in list linesDf = col_list_val_to_row( linesDf, "GEOM", geomCol="GEOM", epsg=srs_code ) # Save result return df_to_shp(linesDf, splitedShp)
def shp_to_psql(dbname, shpData, pgTable=None, api="pandas", mapCols=None, srsEpsgCode=None, encoding="UTF-8", dbset='default'): """ Send Shapefile to PostgreSQL if api is equal to "pandas" - GeoPandas API will be used; if api is equal to "shp2pgsql" - shp2pgsql tool will be used. """ import os from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import get_epsg_shp # If defined, srsEpsgCode must be a integer value if srsEpsgCode: if type(srsEpsgCode) != int: raise ValueError('srsEpsgCode should be a integer value') if api == "pandas": from import tbl_to_obj from import df_to_db from import get_gtype elif api == "shp2pgsql": from gasp import exec_cmd from gasp.sql import psql_cmd from gasp.pyt.oss import del_file else: raise ValueError( 'api value is not valid. options are: pandas and shp2pgsql') # Check if shp is folder if os.path.isdir(shpData): from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff shapes = lst_ff(shpData, file_format='.shp') else: from gasp.pyt import obj_to_lst shapes = obj_to_lst(shpData) epsgs = [get_epsg_shp(i) for i in shapes] if not srsEpsgCode else [srsEpsgCode] if None in epsgs: raise ValueError( ("Cannot obtain EPSG code. Use the srsEpsgCode parameter " "to specify the EPSG code of your data.")) tables = [] for _i in range(len(shapes)): # Get Table name tname = fprop(shapes[_i], 'fn', forceLower=True) if not pgTable else \ pgTable[_i] if type(pgTable) == list else pgTable if len(shapes) == 1 \ else pgTable + '_{}'.format(_i+1) # Import data if api == "pandas": # SHP to DataFrame df = tbl_to_obj(shapes[_i]) if not mapCols: df.rename(columns={x: x.lower() for x in df.columns.values}, inplace=True) else: renameD = { x : mapCols[x].lower() if x in mapCols else \ x.lower() for x in df.columns.values } df.rename(columns=renameD, inplace=True) if "geometry" in df.columns.values: geomCol = "geometry" elif "geom" in df.columns.values: geomCol = "geom" else: raise ValueError("No Geometry found in shp") # GeoDataFrame to PSQL df_to_db(dbname, df, tname, append=True, api='psql', epsg=epsgs[_i] if not srsEpsgCode else srsEpsgCode, colGeom=geomCol, geomType=get_gtype(shapes[_i], name=True, py_cls=False, gisApi='ogr')) else: sql_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(shapes[_i]), tname + '.sql') cmd = ('shp2pgsql -I -s {epsg} -W {enc} ' '{shp} public.{name} > {out}').format( epsg=epsgs[_i] if not srsEpsgCode else srsEpsgCode, shp=shapes[_i], name=tname, out=sql_script, enc=encoding) outcmd = exec_cmd(cmd) psql_cmd(dbname, sql_script, dbcon=dbset) del_file(sql_script) tables.append(tname) return tables[0] if len(tables) == 1 else tables