def txts_to_db(folder, db, delimiter, __encoding='utf-8', apidb='psql', rewrite=None): """ Executes tbl_to_db for every file in a given folder The file name will be the table name """ from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop from gasp.sql.i import db_exists if not db_exists(db): # Create database from gasp.sql.db import create_db create_db(db, api=apidb, overwrite=None) else: if rewrite: from gasp.sql.db import create_db create_db(db, api=db, overwrite=True) __files = lst_ff(folder, file_format=['.txt', '.csv', '.tsv']) """ Send data to DB using Pandas """ for __file in __files: tbl_to_db( __file, db, fprop(__file, 'fn'), delimiter=delimiter, encoding_=__encoding, api_db=apidb )
def osm_to_psql(osmXml, osmdb): """ Use GDAL to import osmfile into PostGIS database """ from gasp import exec_cmd from gasp.cons.psql import con_psql from gasp.sql.i import db_exists is_db = db_exists(osmdb) if not is_db: from gasp.sql.db import create_db create_db(osmdb, api='psql') con = con_psql() cmd = ("ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL \"PG:dbname='{}' host='{}' port='{}' " "user='******' password='******'\" {} -lco COLUM_TYPES=other_tags=hstore" ).format(osmdb, con["HOST"], con["PORT"], con["USER"], con["PASSWORD"], osmXml) cmdout = exec_cmd(cmd) return osmdb
def break_lines_on_points(lineShp, pntShp, outShp, lnhidonpnt, api='shply', db=None): """ Break lines on points location api's available: - shply (shapely); - psql (postgis); """ if api == 'shply': result = shply_break_lines_on_points( lineShp, pntShp, lnhidonpnt, outShp) elif api == 'psql': from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from gasp.sql.db import create_db from import shp_to_psql from import dbtbl_to_shp from gasp.gql.brk import split_lines_on_pnt # Create DB if not db: db = create_db(fprop(lineShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql') else: from gasp.sql.i import db_exists isDb = db_exists(db) if not isDb: db = create_db(db, api='psql') # Send Data to BD lnhTbl = shp_to_psql(db, lineShp, api="shp2pgsql") pntTbl = shp_to_psql(db, pntShp, api="shp2pgsql") # Get result outTbl = split_lines_on_pnt( db, lnhTbl, pntTbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), lnhidonpnt, 'gid' ) # Export result result = dbtbl_to_shp( db, outTbl, "geom", outShp, inDB='psql', tableIsQuery=None, api="pgsql2shp" ) else: raise ValueError( "API {} is not available".format(api) ) return result
def line_intersect_to_pnt(inShp, outShp, db=None): """ Get Points where two line features of the same feature class intersects. """ from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import dbtbl_to_shp from gasp.sql.db import create_db from import shp_to_psql from gasp.gql.ovly import line_intersection_pnt # Create DB if necessary if not db: db = create_db(fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql') else: from gasp.sql.i import db_exists isDb = db_exists(db) if not isDb: create_db(db, api='psql') # Send data to DB inTbl = shp_to_psql(db, inShp, api="shp2pgsql") # Get result outTbl = line_intersection_pnt(db, inTbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True)) # Export data from DB outShp = dbtbl_to_shp(db, outTbl, "geom", outShp, inDB='psql', tableIsQuery=None, api="pgsql2shp") return outShp
def tbl_to_areamtx(inShp, col_a, col_b, outXls, db=None, with_metrics=None): """ Table to Matrix Table as: FID | col_a | col_b | geom 0 | 1 | A | A | .... 0 | 2 | A | B | .... 0 | 3 | A | A | .... 0 | 4 | A | C | .... 0 | 5 | A | B | .... 0 | 6 | B | A | .... 0 | 7 | B | A | .... 0 | 8 | B | B | .... 0 | 9 | B | B | .... 0 | 10 | C | A | .... 0 | 11 | C | B | .... 0 | 11 | C | D | .... To: classe | A | B | C | D A | | | | B | | | | C | | | | D | | | | col_a = rows col_b = cols api options: * pandas; * psql; """ if not db: import pandas as pd import numpy as np from import shp_to_obj from import obj_to_tbl # Open data df = shp_to_obj(inShp) # Remove nan values by -9999 df = df[pd.notnull(df[col_a])] df = df[pd.notnull(df[col_b])] # Get Area df['realarea'] = df.geometry.area / 1000000 # Get rows and Cols rows = df[col_a].unique() cols = df[col_b].unique() refval = list(np.sort(np.unique(np.append(rows, cols)))) # Produce matrix outDf = [] for row in refval: newCols = [row] for col in refval: newDf = df[(df[col_a] == row) & (df[col_b] == col)] if not newDf.shape[0]: newCols.append(0) else: area = newDf.realarea.sum() newCols.append(area) outDf.append(newCols) outcols = ['class'] + refval outDf = pd.DataFrame(outDf, columns=outcols) if with_metrics: from gasp.pyt.dtcls.eval import get_measures_for_mtx out_df = get_measures_for_mtx(outDf, 'class') return obj_to_tbl(out_df, outXls) # Export to Excel return obj_to_tbl(outDf, outXls) else: from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from gasp.sql.db import create_db from gasp.sql.i import db_exists from import shp_to_psql from gasp.gql.tomtx import tbl_to_area_mtx from import db_to_tbl # Create database if not exists is_db = db_exists(db) if not is_db: create_db(db, api='psql') # Add data to database tbl = shp_to_psql(db, inShp, api='shp2pgsql') # Create matrix mtx = tbl_to_area_mtx(db, tbl, col_a, col_b, fprop(outXls, 'fn')) # Export result return db_to_tbl(db, mtx, outXls, sheetsNames='matrix')
def merge_dbs(destinationDb, dbs, tbls_to_merge=None, ignoreCols=None): """ Put several database into one For now works only with PostgreSQL """ import os from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop, del_file from gasp.sql import psql_cmd from gasp.sql.i import db_exists, lst_tbl from gasp.sql.db import create_db, drop_db from gasp.sql.tbl import rename_tbl, tbls_to_tbl from import dump_tbls from import restore_tbls from gasp.sql.tbl import distinct_to_table, del_tables # Prepare database fdb = fprop(destinationDb, ['fn', 'ff']) if os.path.isfile(destinationDb): if fdb['fileformat'] == '.sql': newdb = create_db(fdb['filename'], overwrite=True, api='psql') psql_cmd(newdb, destinationDb) destinationDb = newdb else: raise ValueError(( 'destinationDb is a file but is not correct. The file must be' ' a SQL Script' )) else: # Check if destination db exists if not db_exists(destinationDb): create_db(destinationDb, overwrite=None, api='psql') # Check if dbs is a list or a dir if type(dbs) == list: dbs = dbs elif os.path.isdir(dbs): # list SQL files from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff dbs = lst_ff(dbs, file_format='.sql') else: raise ValueError( ''' dbs value should be a list with paths to sql files or a dir with sql files inside ''' ) TABLES = {} for i in range(len(dbs)): # Create DB DB_NAME = fprop(dbs[i], 'fn') create_db(DB_NAME, overwrite=True, api='psql') # Restore DB psql_cmd(DB_NAME, dbs[i]) # List Tables if not tbls_to_merge: tbls__ = lst_tbl(DB_NAME, excludeViews=True, api='psql') tbls = [t for t in tbls__ if t not in ignoreCols] else: tbls = tbls_to_merge # Rename Tables newTbls = rename_tbl(DB_NAME, {tbl : "{}_{}".format( tbl, str(i)) for tbl in tbls}) for t in range(len(tbls)): if tbls[t] not in TABLES: TABLES[tbls[t]] = ["{}_{}".format(tbls[t], str(i))] else: TABLES[tbls[t]].append("{}_{}".format(tbls[t], str(i))) # Dump Tables SQL_DUMP = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(dbs[i]), 'tbl_{}.sql'.format(DB_NAME) ); dump_tbls(DB_NAME, newTbls, SQL_DUMP) # Restore Tables in the destination Database restore_tbls(destinationDb, SQL_DUMP, newTbls) # Delete Temp Database drop_db(DB_NAME) # Delete SQL File del_file(SQL_DUMP) # Union of all tables max_len = max([len(TABLES[t]) for t in TABLES]) for tbl in TABLES: # Rename original table NEW_TBL = "{}_{}".format(tbl, max_len) rename_tbl(destinationDb, {tbl : NEW_TBL}) TABLES[tbl].append(NEW_TBL) # Union tbls_to_tbl(destinationDb, TABLES[tbl], tbl + '_tmp') # Group By distinct_to_table(destinationDb, tbl + '_tmp', tbl, cols=None) # Drop unwanted tables del_tables(destinationDb, TABLES[tbl] + [tbl + '_tmp']) return destinationDb
def proj(inShp, outShp, outEPSG, inEPSG=None, gisApi='ogr', sql=None, db_name=None): """ Project Geodata using GIS API's Available: * ogr; * ogr2ogr; * pandas; * ogr2ogr_SQLITE; * psql; """ import os if gisApi == 'ogr': """ Using ogr Python API """ if not inEPSG: raise ValueError( 'To use ogr API, you should specify the EPSG Code of the' ' input data using inEPSG parameter' ) from osgeo import ogr from gasp.g.lyr.fld import copy_flds from import get_gtype from import drv_name from import get_sref_from_epsg, get_trans_param from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop def copyShp(out, outDefn, lyr_in, trans): for f in lyr_in: g = f.GetGeometryRef() g.Transform(trans) new = ogr.Feature(outDefn) new.SetGeometry(g) for i in range(0, outDefn.GetFieldCount()): new.SetField(outDefn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetNameRef(), f.GetField(i)) out.CreateFeature(new) new.Destroy() f.Destroy() # ####### # # Project # # ####### # transP = get_trans_param(inEPSG, outEPSG) inData = ogr.GetDriverByName( drv_name(inShp)).Open(inShp, 0) inLyr = inData.GetLayer() out = ogr.GetDriverByName( drv_name(outShp)).CreateDataSource(outShp) outlyr = out.CreateLayer( fprop(outShp, 'fn'), get_sref_from_epsg(outEPSG), geom_type=get_gtype( inShp, name=None, py_cls=True, gisApi='ogr' ) ) # Copy fields to the output copy_flds(inLyr, outlyr) # Copy/transform features from the input to the output outlyrDefn = outlyr.GetLayerDefn() copyShp(outlyr, outlyrDefn, inLyr, transP) inData.Destroy() out.Destroy() elif gisApi == 'ogr2ogr': """ Transform SRS of any OGR Compilant Data. Save the transformed data in a new file """ if not inEPSG: from import get_epsg_shp inEPSG = get_epsg_shp(inShp) if not inEPSG: raise ValueError('To use ogr2ogr, you must specify inEPSG') from gasp import exec_cmd from import drv_name cmd = ( 'ogr2ogr -f "{}" {} {}{} -s_srs EPSG:{} -t_srs EPSG:{}' ).format( drv_name(outShp), outShp, inShp, '' if not sql else ' -dialect sqlite -sql "{}"'.format(sql), str(inEPSG), str(outEPSG) ) outcmd = exec_cmd(cmd) elif gisApi == 'ogr2ogr_SQLITE': """ Transform SRS of a SQLITE DB table. Save the transformed data in a new table """ from gasp import exec_cmd if not inEPSG: raise ValueError(( 'With ogr2ogr_SQLITE, the definition of inEPSG is ' 'demandatory.' )) # TODO: Verify if database is sqlite db, tbl = inShp['DB'], inShp['TABLE'] sql = 'SELECT * FROM {}'.format(tbl) if not sql else sql outcmd = exec_cmd(( 'ogr2ogr -update -append -f "SQLite" {db} -nln "{nt}" ' '-dialect sqlite -sql "{_sql}" -s_srs EPSG:{inepsg} ' '-t_srs EPSG:{outepsg} {db}' ).format( db=db, nt=outShp, _sql=sql, inepsg=str(inEPSG), outepsg=str(outEPSG) )) elif gisApi == 'pandas': # Test if input Shp is GeoDataframe from import shp_to_obj from import df_to_shp df = shp_to_obj(inShp) # Project df newDf = df.to_crs({'init' : 'epsg:{}'.format(str(outEPSG))}) # Save as file return df_to_shp(df, outShp) elif gisApi == 'psql': from gasp.sql.db import create_db from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import shp_to_psql from import dbtbl_to_shp from gasp.gql.prj import sql_proj # Create Database if not db_name: db_name = create_db(fprop( outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql' ) else: from gasp.sql.i import db_exists isDb = db_exists(db_name) if not isDb: create_db(db_name, api='psql') # Import Data inTbl = shp_to_psql(db_name, inShp, api='shp2pgsql', encoding="LATIN1") # Transform oTbl = sql_proj( db_name, inTbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), outEPSG, geomCol='geom', newGeom='geom' ) # Export outShp = dbtbl_to_shp( db_name, oTbl, 'geom', outShp, api='psql', epsg=outEPSG ) else: raise ValueError('Sorry, API {} is not available'.format(gisApi)) return outShp
def lnh_to_polygons(inShp, outShp, api='saga', db=None): """ Line to Polygons API's Available: * saga; * grass; * pygrass; * psql; """ if api == 'saga': """ Converts lines to polygons. Line arcs are closed to polygons simply by connecting the last point with the first. Optionally parts of polylines can be merged into one polygon optionally. """ from gasp import exec_cmd rcmd = exec_cmd(("saga_cmd shapes_polygons 3 -POLYGONS {} " "LINES {} -SINGLE 1 -MERGE 1").format(outShp, inShp)) elif api == 'grass' or api == 'pygrass': # Do it using GRASS GIS import os from import run_grass from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop # Create GRASS GIS Session wk = os.path.dirname(outShp) lo = fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True) gs = run_grass(wk, lo, srs=inShp) import grass.script as grass import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(gs, wk, lo, 'PERMANENT') # Import Packages from import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp from import line_to_polyline from import geomtype_to_geomtype from import boundary_to_areas # Send data to GRASS GIS lnh_shp = shp_to_grs(inShp, fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), asCMD=True if api == 'grass' else None) # Build Polylines pol_lnh = line_to_polyline(lnh_shp, "polylines", asCmd=True if api == 'grass' else None) # Polyline to boundary bound = geomtype_to_geomtype(pol_lnh, 'bound_shp', 'line', 'boundary', cmd=True if api == 'grass' else None) # Boundary to Area areas_shp = boundary_to_areas(bound, lo, useCMD=True if api == 'grass' else None) # Export data outShp = grs_to_shp(areas_shp, outShp, 'area', asCMD=True if api == 'grass' else None) elif api == 'psql': """ Do it using PostGIS """ from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from gasp.sql.db import create_db from import shp_to_psql from import dbtbl_to_shp from gasp.gql.cnv import lnh_to_polg from import get_epsg_shp # Create DB if not db: db = create_db(fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql') else: from gasp.sql.i import db_exists isDB = db_exists(db) if not isDB: create_db(db, api='psql') # Send data to DB in_tbl = shp_to_psql(db, inShp, api="shp2pgsql") # Get Result result = lnh_to_polg(db, in_tbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True)) # Export Result outshp = dbtbl_to_shp(db, result, "geom", outShp, api='psql', epsg=get_epsg_shp(inShp)) else: raise ValueError("API {} is not available".format(api)) return outShp