def osm_from_geofabrik(out_folder): """ Get all OSM Files in GeoFabrik """ import os from import get_file from gasp.cons.osm import osm_files from gasp.pyt.oss import mkdir main_url = "{}/{}-latest.osm.pbf" for c in osm_files: if c == 'russia': get_file( "", os.path.join(out_folder, "russia-latest.osm.pbf") ) continue # Create folder for that continent cf = mkdir(os.path.join(out_folder, c)) # Download files of every continent for _c in osm_files[c]: get_file(main_url.format(c, _c), os.path.join( cf, "{}-latest.osm.pbf".format(_c.replace('/', '_')) ), useWget=True) return out_folder
def def_prj(shp, epsg=None, template=None, api='ogr'): """ Create/Replace the prj file of a ESRI Shapefile API options: * ogr; * epsgio; """ import os import shutil prj_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(shp), '{}.prj'.format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(shp))[0] )) if api == 'ogr': if epsg and not template: s = osr.SpatialReference() s.ImportFromEPSG(int(epsg)) s.MorphToESRI() prj = open(prj_file, 'w') prj.write(s.ExportToWkt()) prj.close() return prj_file elif not epsg and template: prj_template = '{}.prj'.format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(template))[0] ) if not os.path.exists(prj_template): return 0 try: os.remove(prj_file) shutil.copyfile(prj_template, prj_file) except: shutil.copyfile(prj_template, prj_file) elif api == 'epsgio': if not epsg: raise ValueError(( "TO use epsgio option, epsg parameter must be given" )) from import get_file from gasp.pyt.oss import del_file url = '{}.wkt?download' if os.path.exists(prj_file): # Delete file del_file(prj_file) # Get new prj get_file(url.format(str(epsg)), prj_file) return prj_file
def get_capabilities(): """ Get GetCapabilities XML Data """ import os import xmltodict from import get_file from gasp.cons.gsrv import con_gsrv from gasp.pyt.char import random_str from gasp.pyt.oss import del_file conparam = con_gsrv() url = ("{}://{}:{}/geoserver/wms?request=GetCapabilities" "&service=WMS&version=1.1.1").format(conparam["PROTOCOL"], conparam["HOST"], conparam["PORT"]) xml = get_file( url, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), random_str(10) + '.xml')) with open(xml) as xmlf: xmld = xmltodict.parse( del_file(xml) return xmld
def osm_countries(out_shp): """ Get the boundary representing areas with OSM data in every OSM PBF country file in GeoFabrik """ import os import codecs import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon from gasp.cons.osm import osm_files from import get_file from import df_to_shp from gasp.pyt.oss import del_file url = '{}/{}.poly' url_russia = '' countries_boundaries = [] for c in osm_files: for _c in osm_files[c]: # Get poly file ff = get_file( url.format(c, _c) if c != 'russia' else url_russia, os.path.join( os.path.dirname(out_shp), "{}_{}.poly".format(c, _c.replace('/', '_')) if c != 'russia' else "russia.poly")) # Get Polygon Coordinates in_ring = False coords = [] with open(ff, 'r') as txt: i = 0 for l in txt.readlines(): if i == 0: # first line is junk i += 1 continue elif i == 1: # second line is the first polygon ring. coords.append([[], []]) ring = coords[-1][0] in_ring = True i += 1 elif in_ring and l.strip() == 'END': # we are at the end of a ring, perhaps with more to come. in_ring = False elif in_ring: # we are in a ring and picking up new coordinates. pnt = l.strip().split(' ') ring.append((float(pnt[0]), float(pnt[1]))) elif not in_ring and l.strip() == 'END': # we are at the end of the whole polygon. break elif not in_ring and l.startswith('!'): # we are at the start of a polygon part hole. coords[-1][1].append([]) ring = coords[-1][1][-1] in_ring = True elif not in_ring: # we are at the start of a polygon part. coords.append([[], []]) ring = coords[-1][0] in_ring = True polygon = MultiPolygon(coords) countries_boundaries.append([c, _c, polygon]) del_file(ff) countries_boundaries = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.DataFrame( countries_boundaries, columns=['continent', 'country', 'geometry']), crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, geometry='geometry') return df_to_shp(countries_boundaries, out_shp)
def download_by_boundary(input_boundary, folder_out, osm_name, epsg, GetUrl=True, db_name=None, geomCol=None, justOneFeature=None): """ Download data from OSM using a bounding box """ import os from osgeo import ogr from import get_file from gasp.pyt.oss import os_name OS_NAME = os_name() EXTENTS = [] if db_name and geomCol: """ Assuming input_boundary is a PostgreSQL Table """ from gasp.pyt import obj_to_lst from gasp.gql.prop import tbl_ext for t in obj_to_lst(input_boundary): EXTENTS.append(tbl_ext(db_name, t, geomCol)) else: if type(input_boundary) == dict: if 'top' in input_boundary and 'bottom' in input_boundary \ and 'left' in input_boundary and 'right' in input_boundary: EXTENTS.append([ input_boundary['left'],input_boundary['right'], input_boundary['bottom'], input_boundary['top'] ]) else: raise ValueError(( 'input_boundary is a dict but the keys are not correct. ' 'Please use left, right, top and bottom as keys' )) elif type(input_boundary) == list: if len(input_boundary) == 4: EXTENTS.append(input_boundary) else: raise ValueError(( 'input boundary is a list with more than 4 objects. ' 'The list should be like: ' 'l = [left, right, bottom, top]' )) elif type(input_boundary) == ogr.Geometry: EXTENTS.append(input_boundary.GetEnvelope()) else: # Assuming input boundary is a file #Check if file exists if not os.path.exists(input_boundary): raise ValueError(( "Sorry, but the file {} does not exist inside the folder {}!" ).format( os.path.basename(input_boundary), os.path.dirname(input_boundary) )) # Check if is a raster from import check_isRaster isRst = check_isRaster(input_boundary) # Get EPSG if not epsg: from import get_epsg epsg = get_epsg(input_boundary) if isRst: from import rst_ext # Get raster extent EXTENTS.append(rst_ext(input_boundary)) else: from import drv_name # Todo: check if it is shape # Open Dataset inSrc = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name( input_boundary)).Open(input_boundary) lyr = inSrc.GetLayer() i = 1 for feat in lyr: geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() featext = geom.GetEnvelope() EXTENTS.append(featext) if justOneFeature: break if epsg != 4326: from import new_pnt from gasp.g.prj import prj_ogrgeom for i in range(len(EXTENTS)): bottom_left = prj_ogrgeom(new_pnt( EXTENTS[i][0], EXTENTS[i][2]), epsg, 4326) top_right = prj_ogrgeom(new_pnt( EXTENTS[i][1], EXTENTS[i][3]), epsg, 4326) left , bottom = bottom_left.GetX(), bottom_left.GetY() right, top = top_right.GetX() , top_right.GetY() EXTENTS[i] = [left, right, bottom, top] #url = "{}" url = "{}" RESULTS = [] for e in range(len(EXTENTS)): bbox_str = ','.join([str(p) for p in EXTENTS[e]]) if GetUrl: RESULTS.append(url.format(bbox_str)) continue if len(EXTENTS) == 1: outOsm = os.path.join(folder_out, osm_name + '.xml') else: outOsm = os.path.join(folder_out, "{}_{}.xml".format(osm_name, str(e))) osm_file = get_file( url.format(bbox_str), outOsm, useWget=None if OS_NAME == 'Windows' else None ) RESULTS.append(osm_file) return RESULTS[0] if len(RESULTS) == 1 else RESULTS