def __init__(self, rom, config): '''Set up and show the main view.''' self.rom = rom self.config = config self.currentScriptgroup = None self.startvars = {} try: self.mapmgr = PokeMapManager(self.rom) self.overworld = OverWorldSprites(self.rom) self.mainview = MainView(self) self.mapchange(4, 0) except Exception as e: print(e) showError( None, "There was an unexpected error, the program will quit.\n\n" + "Possible cautions:\n1) the opened ROM is no GBA Pokemon Game, or\n2) the" + "provided METADATA file is incomplete, or contains invalid values.\n\n" + "DEBUG information:\n" + str(e), quitapp=False) raise e
def __init__(self, rom, config): '''Set up and show the main view.''' self.rom = rom self.config = config self.currentScriptgroup = None self.startvars = {} try: self.mapmgr = PokeMapManager(self.rom) self.overworld = OverWorldSprites(self.rom) self.mainview = MainView(self) self.mapchange(4, 0) except Exception as e: print(e) showError(None, "There was an unexpected error, the program will quit.\n\n"+ "Possible cautions:\n1) the opened ROM is no GBA Pokemon Game, or\n2) the"+ "provided METADATA file is incomplete, or contains invalid values.\n\n"+ "DEBUG information:\n"+str(e), quitapp=False) raise e
class Controller(): def __init__(self, rom, config): '''Set up and show the main view.''' self.rom = rom self.config = config self.currentScriptgroup = None self.startvars = {} try: self.mapmgr = PokeMapManager(self.rom) self.overworld = OverWorldSprites(self.rom) self.mainview = MainView(self) self.mapchange(4, 0) except Exception as e: print(e) showError( None, "There was an unexpected error, the program will quit.\n\n" + "Possible cautions:\n1) the opened ROM is no GBA Pokemon Game, or\n2) the" + "provided METADATA file is incomplete, or contains invalid values.\n\n" + "DEBUG information:\n" + str(e), quitapp=False) raise e def getOverworld(self): return self.overworld def showcommandslist(self): def showpokescriptdoc(self): def mapchange(self, bankid, mapid): currentMap = self.mapmgr.getMap(bankid, mapid) self.mainview.setScriptList(currentMap) def setScripts(self, scriptStructs): ''' Sets the current script, based on the info in the scriptEvent. ScriptEvent should be a subclass of: gbahackpkmn.pokemap.MapScriptStruct. Gets a list of objects that subclass gbahackpkmn.pokemap.scripts.scriptStruct. ''' startvars = {} #Create a scriptgroup with all structs loaded scriptgroup = pokescript.ScriptGroup() startvarname = "$start" prescript = "" uniqueid = 0 for scriptstruct in scriptStructs: scriptoffset = scriptstruct.scriptpointer if len(scriptStructs) > 1: startvarname = "$start[%d]" % uniqueid uniqueid += 1 startvars[startvarname] = scriptstruct if scriptoffset: pokescript.loadGroup(self.rom, scriptoffset, scriptgroup, startvarname) else: prescript += "'No script attatched to the selected scriptstruct %s\n" % repr( scriptstruct) prescript += "' If you want to attatch a script, you can uncomment the following lines:\n\n" prescript += "'#script %s\n" % startvarname prescript += "' end\n\n" self.currentScriptgroup = scriptgroup self.startvars = startvars self.updateResources(scriptgroup) self.resourceSelected(('scripteditor', None)) self.mainview.setScript(prescript + self.scriptToText(scriptgroup)) def scriptToText(self, scriptgroup): ''' Starts decompiling at a given pointers. Returns all the related scripts as a text-string. ''' starts = [] scripts = [] others = [] for varname in sorted(scriptgroup.getPointerlist().keys(), key=natsort): if varname.startswith("$start"): starts.append(varname) elif varname.startswith("$script"): scripts.append(varname) else: others.append(varname) text = "" for varname in starts + scripts + others: text += scriptgroup.getAST(varname).text() + "\n\n" return text def testScript(self): '''Try to compile the script in the sourceview.''' sg = self._compileandtest() if sg != None: showInfo(self.mainview, "Test OK, the script contains no errors.") def _compileandtest(self): try: sg = self._compile() except Exception as e: showError(self.mainview, "Compiling failed.\n\nDEBUG: " + str(e)) raise e return None try: self._validate(sg) except Exception as e: showError(self.mainview, "There are one or multiple error in script:\n" + str(e)) raise e return None return sg def burnScript(self): '''Compiles the source, if succesful updates the in-game scripts.''' sg = self._compileandtest() if sg == None: return try: try: pointers = self.currentScriptgroup.getPointerlist() except: pointers = {} rom = self.rom #set pointers in new scriptgroup related to old scriptgroup for varname in sg.getPointerlist(): if varname in pointers: sg.setPointer(varname, pointers[varname]) print("______________________") print("Burning") b = ScriptBurner(rom) _ = b.burn(sg) #newpointers print("______________________") print("Update script pointers") pointerslist = sg.getPointerlist() for varname, resource in self.startvars.items(): try: resource.scriptpointer = pointerslist[varname] except: resource.scriptpointer = 0 self.rom.getRM().store(resource) print("") print("!! All done! Script injection was succesful!") self.currentScriptgroup = sg showInfo(self.mainview, "Script was succesfully written to the ROM.") except Exception as e: showError( self.mainview, "The script compiled succesfully, but writing the changes to the ROM failed.\n\nDEBUG: " + str(e)) raise e def _compile(self): '''Compiles the Pokescript, returns a unrelated to original source scriptgroup.''' script = self.mainview.getScript() print("---------------------") print("Compiling") try: c = ScriptParser(self.rom.getScriptLang()) c.parselines(script.split("\n"), None) print("> Compiling was succesful!") return c.scriptgroup() except Exception as e: print("> Someting went wrong:") print(str(e)) raise e def _validate(self, scriptgroup): '''Validates a scriptgroup. Throws an exception if there are errors in it.''' #TODO: Move to somewhere else? :P import gbahackpkmn.pokescript.analysis as ana w, e = ana.analyzeScript(scriptgroup) errors = [] for _, w_ in w: errors.append(w_) for _, e_ in e: errors.append(e_) if len(errors) > 0: raise Exception("\n".join(errors)) def resourceSelected(self, data): rtype, value = data if rtype == "trainerbattle": from gbapkmneditor.trainers.controller import TrainerEditorController self.mainview.setEditor( TrainerEditorController(self.rom, value).getView()) else: self.mainview.setEditor(None) def updateResources(self, scriptgroup): # Look up different kind of resources in the script # Think of: TrainerBattles # Movements # Shop lists (TODO) trainerbattles = FindTrainerBattles() for astnode in scriptgroup.getASTNodes(): astnode.collectFromASTs([trainerbattles]) resources = [] for trainerbattle in trainerbattles.getTrainerBattles(): resources.append(("trainerbattle", trainerbattle)) self.mainview.setResoursesList(resources) def startEmulator(self): '''Starts the loaded ROM in an emulator.''' print(self.config) if not 'emulator' in self.config: showInfo( self.mainview, "No emulator is set in the config file! Can not emulate the ROM." ) return try: command = [ x if x != "%u" else self.rom.filename for x in shlex.split(self.config['emulator']) ] subprocess.Popen(command) except Exception as e: showError(self.mainview, "Could not start the emulator:\n" + repr(e))
class Controller(): def __init__(self, rom, config): '''Set up and show the main view.''' self.rom = rom self.config = config self.currentScriptgroup = None self.startvars = {} try: self.mapmgr = PokeMapManager(self.rom) self.overworld = OverWorldSprites(self.rom) self.mainview = MainView(self) self.mapchange(4, 0) except Exception as e: print(e) showError(None, "There was an unexpected error, the program will quit.\n\n"+ "Possible cautions:\n1) the opened ROM is no GBA Pokemon Game, or\n2) the"+ "provided METADATA file is incomplete, or contains invalid values.\n\n"+ "DEBUG information:\n"+str(e), quitapp=False) raise e def getOverworld(self): return self.overworld def showcommandslist(self): def showpokescriptdoc(self): def mapchange(self, bankid, mapid): currentMap = self.mapmgr.getMap(bankid, mapid) self.mainview.setScriptList(currentMap) def setScripts(self, scriptStructs): ''' Sets the current script, based on the info in the scriptEvent. ScriptEvent should be a subclass of: gbahackpkmn.pokemap.MapScriptStruct. Gets a list of objects that subclass gbahackpkmn.pokemap.scripts.scriptStruct. ''' startvars = {} #Create a scriptgroup with all structs loaded scriptgroup = pokescript.ScriptGroup() startvarname = "$start" prescript = "" uniqueid = 0 for scriptstruct in scriptStructs: scriptoffset = scriptstruct.scriptpointer if len(scriptStructs) > 1: startvarname = "$start[%d]"%uniqueid uniqueid+=1 startvars[startvarname] = scriptstruct if scriptoffset: pokescript.loadGroup(self.rom, scriptoffset, scriptgroup, startvarname) else: prescript += "'No script attatched to the selected scriptstruct %s\n"%repr(scriptstruct) prescript += "' If you want to attatch a script, you can uncomment the following lines:\n\n" prescript += "'#script %s\n"%startvarname prescript += "' end\n\n" self.currentScriptgroup = scriptgroup self.startvars = startvars self.updateResources(scriptgroup) self.resourceSelected(('scripteditor', None)) self.mainview.setScript(prescript+self.scriptToText(scriptgroup)) def scriptToText(self, scriptgroup): ''' Starts decompiling at a given pointers. Returns all the related scripts as a text-string. ''' starts = [] scripts = [] others = [] for varname in sorted(scriptgroup.getPointerlist().keys(), key=natsort): if varname.startswith("$start"): starts.append(varname) elif varname.startswith("$script"): scripts.append(varname) else: others.append(varname) text = "" for varname in starts + scripts + others: text += scriptgroup.getAST(varname).text()+"\n\n" return text def testScript(self): '''Try to compile the script in the sourceview.''' sg = self._compileandtest() if sg != None: showInfo(self.mainview, "Test OK, the script contains no errors.") def _compileandtest(self): try: sg = self._compile() except Exception as e: showError(self.mainview, "Compiling failed.\n\nDEBUG: "+str(e)) raise e return None try: self._validate(sg) except Exception as e: showError(self.mainview, "There are one or multiple error in script:\n"+str(e)) raise e return None return sg def burnScript(self): '''Compiles the source, if succesful updates the in-game scripts.''' sg = self._compileandtest() if sg == None: return try: try: pointers = self.currentScriptgroup.getPointerlist() except: pointers = {} rom = self.rom #set pointers in new scriptgroup related to old scriptgroup for varname in sg.getPointerlist(): if varname in pointers: sg.setPointer(varname, pointers[varname]) print("______________________") print("Burning") b = ScriptBurner(rom) _ = b.burn(sg) #newpointers print("______________________") print("Update script pointers") pointerslist = sg.getPointerlist() for varname, resource in self.startvars.items(): try: resource.scriptpointer = pointerslist[varname] except: resource.scriptpointer = 0 self.rom.getRM().store(resource) print("") print("!! All done! Script injection was succesful!") self.currentScriptgroup = sg showInfo(self.mainview, "Script was succesfully written to the ROM.") except Exception as e: showError(self.mainview, "The script compiled succesfully, but writing the changes to the ROM failed.\n\nDEBUG: "+str(e)) raise e def _compile(self): '''Compiles the Pokescript, returns a unrelated to original source scriptgroup.''' script = self.mainview.getScript() print("---------------------") print("Compiling") try: c = ScriptParser(self.rom.getScriptLang()) c.parselines(script.split("\n"), None) print("> Compiling was succesful!") return c.scriptgroup() except Exception as e: print("> Someting went wrong:") print(str(e)) raise e def _validate(self, scriptgroup): '''Validates a scriptgroup. Throws an exception if there are errors in it.''' #TODO: Move to somewhere else? :P import gbahackpkmn.pokescript.analysis as ana w, e = ana.analyzeScript(scriptgroup) errors = [] for _, w_ in w: errors.append(w_) for _, e_ in e: errors.append(e_) if len(errors) > 0: raise Exception("\n".join(errors)) def resourceSelected(self, data): rtype, value = data if rtype == "trainerbattle": from gbapkmneditor.trainers.controller import TrainerEditorController self.mainview.setEditor(TrainerEditorController(self.rom, value).getView()) else: self.mainview.setEditor(None) def updateResources(self, scriptgroup): # Look up different kind of resources in the script # Think of: TrainerBattles # Movements # Shop lists (TODO) trainerbattles = FindTrainerBattles() for astnode in scriptgroup.getASTNodes(): astnode.collectFromASTs([trainerbattles]) resources = [] for trainerbattle in trainerbattles.getTrainerBattles(): resources.append(("trainerbattle", trainerbattle)) self.mainview.setResoursesList(resources) def startEmulator(self): '''Starts the loaded ROM in an emulator.''' print(self.config) if not 'emulator' in self.config: showInfo(self.mainview, "No emulator is set in the config file! Can not emulate the ROM.") return try: command = [x if x != "%u" else self.rom.filename for x in shlex.split(self.config['emulator'])] subprocess.Popen(command) except Exception as e: showError(self.mainview, "Could not start the emulator:\n"+repr(e))