    def test_update_component_tarballs(self, repo):
        Test importing new version with additional tarballs works
        # Import 2.8
        orig = self._orig('2.8', dir='dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs')
        ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--component=foo', '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 0)
        self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],
                               tags=['debian/2.6-2', 'upstream/2.6', 'upstream/2.8'])
        self._check_component_tarballs(repo, [b'foo/test1', b'foo/test2'])

        dsc = DscFile.parse(_dsc_file(self.pkg, '2.8-1', dir='dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs'))
        # Check if we can rebuild the upstream tarball and additional tarball
        ptars = [('hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar', '', dsc.tgz),
                 ('hello-debhelper_2.8.orig-foo.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar^', 'foo', dsc.additional_tarballs['foo'])]

        p = DebianPristineTar(repo)
        outdir = os.path.abspath('.')
        for f, w, s, o in ptars:
            eq_(repo.get_subject(w), 'pristine-tar data for %s' % f)
            old = self.hash_file(o)
            p.checkout('hello-debhelper', '2.8', 'gzip', outdir, component=s)
            out = os.path.join(outdir, f)
            new = self.hash_file(out)
            eq_(old, new, "Checksum %s of regenerated tarball %s does not match original %s" %
                (f, old, new))

        # Import 2.9
        orig = self._orig('2.9', dir='dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs')
        ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--component=foo', '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 0)
        self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],
                               tags=['debian/2.6-2', 'upstream/2.6', 'upstream/2.8', 'upstream/2.9'])
        self._check_component_tarballs(repo, ['foo/test1', 'foo/test2', 'foo/test3'])

        dsc = DscFile.parse(_dsc_file(self.pkg, '2.9-1', dir='dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs'))
        # Check if we can rebuild the upstream tarball and additional tarball
        ptars = [('hello-debhelper_2.9.orig.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar', '', dsc.tgz),
                 ('hello-debhelper_2.9.orig-foo.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar^', 'foo', dsc.additional_tarballs['foo'])]

        p = DebianPristineTar(repo)
        outdir = os.path.abspath('.')
        for f, w, s, o in ptars:
            eq_(repo.get_subject(w), 'pristine-tar data for %s' % f)
            old = self.hash_file(o)
            p.checkout('hello-debhelper', '2.9', 'gzip', outdir, component=s)
            new = self.hash_file(os.path.join(outdir, f))
            eq_(old, new, "Checksum %s of regenerated tarball %s does not match original %s" %
                (f, old, new))
    def test_import_30_additional_tarball_pristine_tar(self):
        """Test that importing a package with additional tarballs works"""
        def _dsc(version):
            return os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR,
                                'hello-debhelper_%s.dsc' % version)

        dscfile = _dsc('2.8-1')
        assert import_dsc([
            'arg0', '--verbose', '--pristine-tar', '--debian-branch=master',
            '--upstream-branch=upstream', dscfile
        ]) == 0
        repo = ComponentTestGitRepository('hello-debhelper')
        self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master',
                               ['master', 'pristine-tar', 'upstream'])
        commits, expected = len(repo.get_commits()), 2
        commitmsg = repo.get_commit_info('HEAD')['body']
        ok_("hello-debhelper (2.8-1) unstable; urgency=low" in commitmsg)
        ok_("hello (1.3-7) experimental; urgency=LOW" in commitmsg)

        for file in [b'foo/test1', b'foo/test2']:
                file in repo.ls_tree('HEAD'),
                "Could not find component tarball file %s in %s" %
                (file, repo.ls_tree('HEAD')))

        ok_(commits == expected,
            "Found %d commit instead of %d" % (commits, expected))

        dsc = DscFile.parse(dscfile)
        # Check if we can rebuild the tarball and component
        ptars = [('hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar', '',
                 ('hello-debhelper_2.8.orig-foo.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar^',
                  'foo', dsc.additional_tarballs['foo'])]

        p = DebianPristineTar(repo)
        outdir = os.path.abspath('.')
        for f, w, s, o in ptars:
            eq_(repo.get_subject(w), 'pristine-tar data for %s' % f)
            old = self.hash_file(o)
            p.checkout('hello-debhelper', '2.8', 'gzip', outdir, component=s)
            new = self.hash_file(os.path.join(outdir, f))
                old, new,
                "Checksum %s of regenerated tarball %s does not match original %s"
                % (f, old, new))
 def __init__(self, path):
     super(DebianGitRepository, self).__init__(path)
     self.pristine_tar = DebianPristineTar(self)
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(DebianGitRepository, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.pristine_tar = DebianPristineTar(self)