def handle_notification(self, message, order_id, order, context): """ Handle the rest of the messages. This Demostrates that it is not neccessary to override specific handlers -- everything could be done inside this one handler. """ assert order is not None if message.__class__ == gmodel.authorization_amount_notification_t: order.authorized += message.authorization_amount.value elif message.__class__ == gmodel.risk_information_notification_t: # do nothing -- ignore the message (but process it) return gmodel.ok_t() elif message.__class__ == gmodel.refund_amount_notification_t: order.refunds += message.latest_refund_amount.value if order.refunds != message.total_refund_amount.value: raise AssertionError('Total refunded amount does not match!') elif message.__class__ == gmodel.chargeback_amount_notification_t: order.chargebacks += message.latest_chargeback_amount.value if order.chargebacks != message.total_chargeback_amount.value: raise AssertionError('Total chargeback amount does not match!') else: # unknown message - return None to indicate that we can't process it return None return gmodel.ok_t()
def handle_charge_amount(self, message, order_id, order, context): """ GC has charged this order -- great! Save it. """ assert order is not None order.charges = float(order.charges) + message.latest_charge_amount.value if order.charges != message.total_charge_amount.value: raise AssertionError, 'Total charged amount does not match!' if order.charges == if order.state == 'NEW': # process order order.state = 'PROCESSING' self.process_order(order_id) # deliver order order.state = 'DELIVERED' self.deliver_order(order.google_id, carrier=None, tracking_number=None, send_email=True) return gmodel.ok_t()
def handle_charge_amount(self, message, order_id, order, context): assert order is not None if order.state == 'NEW': order.state = 'PROCESSING' order.local_status = '0' order.is_active = None self.process_order(order_id) return gmodel.ok_t()
def handle_new_order(self, message, order_id, order, context): """ Create a new Order instance in the database if everything is ok. """ # First verify the currency if message.order_total.currency != settings.GCHECKOUT_CURRENCY: raise Exception("Currency mismatch! %s != %s" % ( message.order_total.currency, settings.GCHECKOUT_CURRENCY )) # Check if the order already exist in the database if order is not None: raise Exception("Order with google_id('%s') already exists" % (order_id,)) #TODO from gchecky_common.models import ORDER_NATURE merchant_data = message.shopping_cart.merchant_private_data nature = 'unknown' for (ntag, ntitle) in ORDER_NATURE: if ntag == merchant_data: nature = ntag # Good to create a fresh new order in DB if message.buyer_billing_address.contact_name is not None: owner_id = message.buyer_billing_address.contact_name elif message.buyer_billing_address.company_name is not None: owner_id = message.buyer_billing_address.company_name else: owner_id = message.buyer_id order = Order(user_id = owner_id, nature = nature, google_id = order_id, cart_xml = message.toxml(), state = message.fulfillment_order_state, payment = message.financial_order_state, currency = message.order_total.currency, total = message.order_total.value) # parse cart items purchases = [Purchase(order = order, item_xml = 'TODO', title =, brief = item.description, price = item.unit_price.value, currency = item.unit_price.currency, quantity = item.quantity, merchant_id = item.merchant_item_id, merchant_data = str(item.merchant_private_item_data)) for item in message.shopping_cart.items] for purchase in purchases: purchase.order = order return gmodel.ok_t()
def handle_new_order(self, message, order_id, order, context): from store.models import Cart #XXX set the Cart's cart_xml and google_id here, have to get that somehow cart = Cart.objects.get(pk = int(message.shopping_cart.merchant_private_data)) cart.google_id = order_id, cart.cart_xml = message.toxml() cart.state = message.fulfillment_order_state cart.payment = message.financial_order_state return gmodel.ok_t()
def handle_new_order(self, message, order_id, order, context): from store.models import Cart #XXX set the Cart's cart_xml and google_id here, have to get that somehow cart = Cart.objects.get( pk=int(message.shopping_cart.merchant_private_data)) cart.google_id = order_id, cart.cart_xml = message.toxml() cart.state = message.fulfillment_order_state cart.payment = message.financial_order_state return gmodel.ok_t()
def handle_order_state_change(self, message, order_id, order, context): assert order is not None if message.new_fulfillment_order_state != message.previous_fulfillment_order_state: order.state = message.new_fulfillment_order_state if message.new_financial_order_state != message.previous_financial_order_state: order.state = message.new_financial_order_state if order.state == 'NEW' and order.payment == 'CHARGEABLE': self.charge_order(order_id, order.get_total()) return gmodel.ok_t()
def handle_order_state_change(self, message, order_id, order, context): """ React to the order state change. """ assert order is not None if message.new_fulfillment_order_state != message.previous_financial_order_state: order.state = message.new_fulfillment_order_state if message.new_financial_order_state != message.previous_financial_order_state: order.payment = message.new_financial_order_state if order.state == 'NEW': if order.payment == 'CHARGEABLE': if > order.charges_pending: if self.automatically_charge: # Only send charge command if your account does not # tell google to do it automatically. amount = - (order.charges + order.charges_pending) order.charges_pending += amount self.charge_order(order_id, amount) return gmodel.ok_t()