def test_gcis_client_init_modes(monkeypatch, capsys): test_user = '******' test_apikey = 'testkey' monkeypatch.setattr(__builtin__, 'raw_input', lambda u: test_user) monkeypatch.setattr('getpass.getpass', lambda k: test_apikey) #Test no args gcis = GcisClient() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert gcis.base_url == '' assert gcis.s.auth == (test_user, test_apikey) #Test one arg (url) mode gcis = GcisClient('') assert gcis.base_url == '' assert gcis.s.auth == (test_user, test_apikey) #Test invalid mode gcis = GcisClient('', 'garbage') assert gcis.base_url == '' #assert garbage was ignored assert gcis.s.auth == (test_user, test_apikey) #Test all three args mode gcis = GcisClient('', test_user, test_apikey) assert gcis.base_url == '' assert gcis.s.auth == (test_user, test_apikey) #Test trailing slash in base URL gcis = GcisClient('', test_user, test_apikey) assert gcis.base_url == ''
def test_get_credentials_modes(monkeypatch): test_user = '******' test_apikey = 'testkey' monkeypatch.setattr(__builtin__, 'raw_input', lambda u: test_user) monkeypatch.setattr('getpass.getpass', lambda k: test_apikey) #Test environment variable mode monkeypatch.setenv('GCIS_USER', '*****@*****.**') monkeypatch.setenv('GCIS_KEY', 'env.apikey') assert getenv('GCIS_USER') == '*****@*****.**' #Force __init__ to reread mock env variables reload(gcis_clients) gcis = GcisClient('') assert gcis.base_url == '' assert gcis.s.auth == ('*****@*****.**', 'env.apikey')
from gcis_clients import Nca3Client, GcisClient, gcis_stage_auth, gcis_dev_auth import pickle import json import requests import bs4 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup nca3_url = '' nca3 = Nca3Client(nca3_url, 'andrew.buddenberg', 'Nz9O^00I', http_basic_user='******', http_basic_pass='******') gcis_url = '' gcis = GcisClient(gcis_url, *gcis_stage_auth) # gcis = GcisClient('', *gcis_dev_auth) def main(): print gcis.test_login() for idx, list_item in enumerate([ i for i in sorted(nca3.get_all_captions().json(), key=lambda f: f['Ordinal']) if i['Ordinal'] and i['Metadata URI'] and i['Caption'] ]): ordinal = list_item['Ordinal'] gcis_fig_id = list_item['Metadata URI'].split('/')[-1] stripped_caption = strip_tags(list_item['Caption']['value'])
__author__ = 'abuddenberg' from gcis_clients import GcisClient, SurveyClient, survey_token, gcis_dev_auth, gcis_stage_auth from gcis_clients.domain import Report, Chapter from sync_utils import realize_parents, realize_contributors from collections import OrderedDict import pickle import sys gcis = GcisClient('', *gcis_dev_auth) # gcis = GcisClient('', *gcis_stage_auth) surveys = SurveyClient('', survey_token) sync_metadata_tree = { 'usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016': OrderedDict([ ('front-matter', [ ('/metadata/figures/3931', 'understanding-the-exposure-pathway-diagrams'), ]), ('executive-summary', [('/metadata/figures/3906', 'examples-of-climate-impacts-on-human-health'), ('/metadata/figures/3832', 'es-climate-change-and-health'), ('/metadata/figures/3833', 'es-projected-changes-in-deaths-in-us-cities-by-season'), ('/metadata/figures/3834', 'es-projected-change-in-temperature-ozone-and-ozone-related-premature-deaths-in-2030'
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) from gcis_clients import GcisClient, SurveyClient, survey_token, gcis_dev_auth, gcis_stage_auth from domain import Report, Chapter from sync_utils import realize_parents, realize_contributors from states import sync_metadata_tree import pickle import sys import re import traceback # gcis = GcisClient('', *gcis_stage_auth) gcis = GcisClient('', *gcis_stage_auth) surveys = SurveyClient('', survey_token) def main(): print(gcis.test_login()) cssr = Report({ 'identifier': 'climate-science-special-report', 'report_type_identifier': 'report', 'title': 'Climate Science Special Report', # 'url': '', 'publication_year': '2017', 'contact_email': '' })