def _job_from_resource(self, resource): """Detect correct job type from resource and instantiate. Helper for :meth:`list_jobs`. :type resource: dict :param resource: one job resource from API response :rtype; One of: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadTableFromStorageJob`, :class:`gcloud.bigquery.job.CopyJob, :class:`gcloud.bigquery.job.ExtractTableToStorageJob, :class:`gcloud.bigquery.job.QueryJob, :class:`gcloud.bigquery.job.RunSyncQueryJob :returns: the job instance, constructed via the resource """ config = resource['configuration'] if 'load' in config: return LoadTableFromStorageJob.from_api_repr(resource, self) elif 'copy' in config: return CopyJob.from_api_repr(resource, self) elif 'extract' in config: return ExtractTableToStorageJob.from_api_repr(resource, self) elif 'query' in config: return QueryJob.from_api_repr(resource, self) raise ValueError('Cannot parse job resource')
def load_table_from_storage(self, name, destination, *source_uris): """Construct a job for loading data into a table from CloudStorage. :type name: string :param name: Name of the job. :type destination: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.table.Table` :param destination: Table into which data is to be loaded. :type source_uris: sequence of string :param source_uris: URIs of data files to be loaded. :rtype: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadTableFromStorageJob` :returns: a new ``LoadTableFromStorageJob`` instance """ return LoadTableFromStorageJob(name, destination, source_uris, client=self)
def load_table_from_storage(self, job_name, destination, *source_uris): """Construct a job for loading data into a table from CloudStorage. See: :type job_name: str :param job_name: Name of the job. :type destination: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.table.Table` :param destination: Table into which data is to be loaded. :type source_uris: sequence of string :param source_uris: URIs of data files to be loaded; in format ``gs://<bucket_name>/<object_name_or_glob>``. :rtype: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadTableFromStorageJob` :returns: a new ``LoadTableFromStorageJob`` instance """ return LoadTableFromStorageJob(job_name, destination, source_uris, client=self)