    def _entry_from_resource(self, resource, loggers):
        """Detect correct entry type from resource and instantiate.

        :type resource: dict
        :param resource: one entry resource from API response

        :type loggers: dict or None
        :param loggers: A mapping of logger fullnames -> loggers.  If not
                        passed, the entry will have a newly-created logger.

        :rtype; One of:
        :returns: the entry instance, constructed via the resource
        if 'textPayload' in resource:
            return TextEntry.from_api_repr(resource, self, loggers)
        elif 'jsonPayload' in resource:
            return StructEntry.from_api_repr(resource, self, loggers)
        elif 'protoPayload' in resource:
            return ProtobufEntry.from_api_repr(resource, self, loggers)
        raise ValueError('Cannot parse log entry resource')
    def _entry_from_resource(self, resource, loggers):
        """Detect correct entry type from resource and instantiate.

        :type resource: dict
        :param resource: one entry resource from API response

        :type loggers: dict or None
        :param loggers: A mapping of logger fullnames -> loggers.  If not
                        passed, the entry will have a newly-created logger.

        :rtype; One of:
        :returns: the entry instance, constructed via the resource
        if 'textPayload' in resource:
            return TextEntry.from_api_repr(resource, self, loggers)
        elif 'jsonPayload' in resource:
            return StructEntry.from_api_repr(resource, self, loggers)
        elif 'protoPayload' in resource:
            return ProtobufEntry.from_api_repr(resource, self, loggers)
        raise ValueError('Cannot parse log entry resource')