def _get_models(self): # bow_feat = self.loader.bow_mx topo_feat = self.loader.topo_mx # model1 = GCN(nfeat=bow_feat.shape[1], # hlayers=self._conf["kipf"]["hidden"], # nclass=self.loader.num_labels, # dropout=self._conf["kipf"]["dropout"]) # opt1 = optim.Adam(model1.parameters(), lr=self._conf["kipf"]["lr"], # weight_decay=self._conf["kipf"]["weight_decay"]) # # model2 = GCNCombined(nbow=bow_feat.shape[1], # nfeat=topo_feat.shape[1], # hlayers=self._conf["hidden_layers"], # nclass=self.loader.num_labels, # dropout=self._conf["dropout"]) # opt2 = optim.Adam(model2.parameters(), lr=self._conf["lr"], weight_decay=self._conf["weight_decay"]) # # model3 = GCN(nfeat=topo_feat.shape[1], # hlayers=self._conf["multi_hidden_layers"], # nclass=self.loader.num_labels, # dropout=self._conf["dropout"], # layer_type=None, # is_regression=self.loader.regression) # opt3 = optim.Adam(model3.parameters(), lr=self._conf["lr"], weight_decay=self._conf["weight_decay"]) # model4 = GCN(nfeat=topo_feat.shape[1], hlayers=self._conf["multi_hidden_layers"], nclass=self.loader.num_labels, dropout=self._conf["dropout"], layer_type=AsymmetricGCN, is_regression=self.loader.regression) opt4 = optim.Adam(model4.parameters(), lr=self._conf["lr"], weight_decay=self._conf["weight_decay"]) return { # "kipf": { # "model": model1, "optimizer": opt1, # "arguments": [self.loader.bow_mx, self.loader.adj_mx], # "labels": self.loader.labels, # }, # "our_combined": { # "model": model2, "optimizer": opt2, # "arguments": [self.loader.bow_mx, self.loader.topo_mx, self.loader.adj_rt_mx], # "labels": self.loader.labels, # }, # "our_topo_sym": { # "model": model3, "optimizer": opt3, # "arguments": [self.loader.topo_mx, self.loader.adj_mx], # "labels": self.loader.labels, # }, "our_topo_asymm": { "model": model4, "optimizer": opt4, "arguments": [self.loader.topo_mx, self.loader.adj_rt_mx], "labels": self.loader.labels, }, }
def main(sample_name, epochs=200, get_probs=False): # Training settings valid = False no_cuda = False seed = 42 lr = 1e-2 weight_decay = 1e-5 hidden = 32 dropout = 0.5 cuda = not no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) if cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) # Load data adj, features, labels, y_test, idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = load_data() # Model and optimizer model = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nhid=hidden, nclass=1, dropout=dropout) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) if cuda: model.cuda() features = features.cuda() adj = adj.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() idx_train = idx_train.cuda() idx_val = idx_val.cuda() idx_test = idx_test.cuda() y_test = y_test.cuda() # Training model torch.set_grad_enabled(True) t_total = time.time() model.eval() print("------- Training GCN") for epoch in range(epochs): if epoch == epochs - 1: valid = True train(model, optimizer, epoch, adj, features, labels, idx_train, idx_val, valid) print("Optimization Finished!") print("Total time elapsed: {:.4f}s".format(time.time() - t_total)) # Testing info = gcn_inference(sample_name, model, adj, features, y_test, idx_test, get_probs=get_probs) return info
class GCNModel(StaticGraphEmbedding): def __init__(self, name, params, method_name, graph, file_tags): super(GCNModel, self).__init__(params["dimension"], method_name, graph) # Training settings self._adj, self._features, self._labels, self._idx_train, self._idx_val, self._idx_test = \ new_load_data(graph, file_tags, len(graph.nodes()), name=name) self._seed = 42 self._epochs = params["epochs"] self._lr = params["lr"] self._weight_decay = params["weight_decay"] self._hidden = params["hidden"] self._dropout = params["dropout"] self._model = GCN(nfeat=self._features.shape[1], nhid=self._hidden, nclass=self._d, dropout=self._dropout) self._optimizer = optim.Adam(self._model.parameters(), lr=self._lr, weight_decay=self._weight_decay) def learn_embedding(self): for epoch in range(self._epochs): output1 = train_(epoch, self._epochs, self._model, self._optimizer, self._features, self._labels, self._adj, self._idx_train, self._idx_val) y = output1.detach().numpy() nodes = list(self._graph.nodes()) self._dict_embedding = {nodes[i]: y[i, :] for i in range(len(nodes))} return self._dict_embedding
def get_model(adj, features, labels, idxs, args): # Model and optimizer model = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nhid=args.hidden, nclass=labels.max().item() + 1, dropout=args.dropout) if args.use_gpu: model = model.cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) adj_norm = normalize_adj(adj, args) # train for epoch in range(args.epochs): train(epoch, model, optimizer, adj_norm, features, labels, idxs, args) # test acc_test = test(model, adj_norm, features, labels, idxs, args) return model, acc_test
np.random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) if args.cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed) # Load data adj, features, labels, idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = load_data() print(adj) # Model and optimizer model = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nhid=args.hidden, nclass=labels.max().item() + 1, dropout=args.dropout) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) if args.cuda: model.cuda() features = features.cuda() adj = adj.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() idx_train = idx_train.cuda() idx_val = idx_val.cuda() idx_test = idx_test.cuda() def train(epoch): t = time.time() model.train()
dropout=args.dropout) alice_alone_model = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nhid=args.nhid, nclass=args.nclass, dropout=args.dropout) bob_fed_model = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nhid=args.nhid, nclass=args.nclass, dropout=args.dropout) alice_fed_model = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nhid=args.nhid, nclass=args.nclass, dropout=args.dropout) local_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(local_model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) bob_alone_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(bob_alone_model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) alice_alone_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(alice_alone_model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) bob_fed_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(bob_fed_model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) alice_fed_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(alice_fed_model.parameters(),,
np.random.seed(randomseed) torch.manual_seed(randomseed) if cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(randomseed) filePath = '../data/kg_train_edges_weighted.txt' label, adj, features, numHerbs, numSymps = load_data(filePath, weighted=weightAdj) herbPairRule = getHerPairMatrix('../data/herb_pair.txt') print(label.shape) model = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nhid=hidden, dimension=d, dropout=dropout) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) if cuda: model.cuda() features = features.cuda() adj = adj.cuda() def getoutputHC(output): all = [] outputHC = torch.zeros(numHerbs, numHerbs, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True) for i in output.detach(): # print(np.array(i))
class Solver(object): def __init__(self, args, batch_size=128, target='mnistm', learning_rate=0.0002, interval=10, optimizer='adam', checkpoint_dir=None, save_epoch=10): self.batch_size = batch_size = target self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir self.save_epoch = save_epoch self.interval = interval = learning_rate self.best_correct = 0 self.args = args if self.args.use_target: self.ndomain = self.args.ndomain else: self.ndomain = self.args.ndomain - 1 # load source and target domains self.datasets, self.dataset_test, self.dataset_size = dataset_read( target, self.batch_size) self.niter = self.dataset_size / self.batch_size print('Dataset loaded!') # define the feature extractor and GCN-based classifier self.G = Generator( self.GCN = GCN(nfeat=args.nfeat, nclasses=args.nclasses) self.G.cuda() self.GCN.cuda() print('Model initialized!') if self.args.load_checkpoint is not None: self.state = torch.load(self.args.load_checkpoint) self.G.load_state_dict(self.state['G']) self.GCN.load_state_dict(self.state['GCN']) print('Model load from: ', self.args.load_checkpoint) # initialize statistics (prototypes and adjacency matrix) if self.args.load_checkpoint is None: self.mean = torch.zeros(args.nclasses * self.ndomain, args.nfeat).cuda() self.adj = torch.zeros(args.nclasses * self.ndomain, args.nclasses * self.ndomain).cuda() print('Statistics initialized!') else: self.mean = self.state['mean'].cuda() self.adj = self.state['adj'].cuda() print('Statistics loaded!') # define the optimizer self.set_optimizer(which_opt=optimizer, print('Optimizer defined!') # optimizer definition def set_optimizer(self, which_opt='sgd', lr=0.001, momentum=0.9): if which_opt == 'sgd': self.opt_g = optim.SGD(self.G.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=0.0005, momentum=momentum) self.opt_gcn = optim.SGD(self.GCN.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=0.0005, momentum=momentum) elif which_opt == 'adam': self.opt_g = optim.Adam(self.G.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=0.0005) self.opt_gcn = optim.Adam(self.GCN.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=0.0005) # empty gradients def reset_grad(self): self.opt_g.zero_grad() self.opt_gcn.zero_grad() # compute the discrepancy between two probabilities def discrepancy(self, out1, out2): return torch.mean(torch.abs(F.softmax(out1) - F.softmax(out2))) # compute the Euclidean distance between two tensors def euclid_dist(self, x, y): x_sq = (x**2).mean(-1) x_sq_ = torch.stack([x_sq] * y.size(0), dim=1) y_sq = (y**2).mean(-1) y_sq_ = torch.stack([y_sq] * x.size(0), dim=0) xy =, y.t()) / x.size(-1) dist = x_sq_ + y_sq_ - 2 * xy return dist # construct the extended adjacency matrix def construct_adj(self, feats): dist = self.euclid_dist(self.mean, feats) sim = torch.exp(-dist / (2 * self.args.sigma**2)) E = torch.eye(feats.shape[0]).float().cuda() A =[self.adj, sim], dim=1) B =[sim.t(), E], dim=1) gcn_adj =[A, B], dim=0) return gcn_adj # assign pseudo labels to target samples def pseudo_label(self, logit, feat): pred = F.softmax(logit, dim=1) entropy = (-pred * torch.log(pred)).sum(-1) label = torch.argmax(logit, dim=-1).long() mask = (entropy < self.args.entropy_thr).float() index = torch.nonzero(mask).squeeze(-1) feat_ = torch.index_select(feat, 0, index) label_ = torch.index_select(label, 0, index) return feat_, label_ # update prototypes and adjacency matrix def update_statistics(self, feats, labels, epsilon=1e-5): curr_mean = list() num_labels = 0 for domain_idx in range(self.ndomain): tmp_feat = feats[domain_idx] tmp_label = labels[domain_idx] num_labels += tmp_label.shape[0] if tmp_label.shape[0] == 0: curr_mean.append( torch.zeros((self.args.nclasses, self.args.nfeat)).cuda()) else: onehot_label = torch.zeros( (tmp_label.shape[0], self.args.nclasses)).scatter_( 1, tmp_label.unsqueeze(-1).cpu(), 1).float().cuda() domain_feature = tmp_feat.unsqueeze( 1) * onehot_label.unsqueeze(-1) tmp_mean = domain_feature.sum(0) / ( onehot_label.unsqueeze(-1).sum(0) + epsilon) curr_mean.append(tmp_mean) curr_mean =, dim=0) curr_mask = (curr_mean.sum(-1) != 0).float().unsqueeze(-1) self.mean = self.mean.detach() * ( 1 - curr_mask) + (self.mean.detach() * self.args.beta + curr_mean * (1 - self.args.beta)) * curr_mask curr_dist = self.euclid_dist(self.mean, self.mean) self.adj = torch.exp(-curr_dist / (2 * self.args.sigma**2)) # compute local relation alignment loss loss_local = ((((curr_mean - self.mean) * curr_mask)** 2).mean(-1)).sum() / num_labels return loss_local # compute global relation alignment loss def adj_loss(self): adj_loss = 0 for i in range(self.ndomain): for j in range(self.ndomain): adj_ii = self.adj[i * self.args.nclasses:(i + 1) * self.args.nclasses, i * self.args.nclasses:(i + 1) * self.args.nclasses] adj_jj = self.adj[j * self.args.nclasses:(j + 1) * self.args.nclasses, j * self.args.nclasses:(j + 1) * self.args.nclasses] adj_ij = self.adj[i * self.args.nclasses:(i + 1) * self.args.nclasses, j * self.args.nclasses:(j + 1) * self.args.nclasses] adj_loss += ((adj_ii - adj_jj)**2).mean() adj_loss += ((adj_ij - adj_ii)**2).mean() adj_loss += ((adj_ij - adj_jj)**2).mean() adj_loss /= (self.ndomain * (self.ndomain - 1) / 2 * 3) return adj_loss # per epoch training in a Domain Generalization setting def train_gcn_baseline(self, epoch, record_file=None): criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() self.G.train() self.GCN.train() for batch_idx, data in enumerate(self.datasets): # get the source batches img_s = list() label_s = list() stop_iter = False for domain_idx in range(self.ndomain): tmp_img = data['S' + str(domain_idx + 1)].cuda() tmp_label = data['S' + str(domain_idx + 1) + '_label'].long().cuda() img_s.append(tmp_img) label_s.append(tmp_label) if tmp_img.size()[0] < self.batch_size: stop_iter = True if stop_iter: break self.reset_grad() # get feature embeddings feats = list() for domain_idx in range(self.ndomain): tmp_img = img_s[domain_idx] tmp_feat = self.G(tmp_img) feats.append(tmp_feat) # Update the global mean and adjacency matrix loss_local = self.update_statistics(feats, label_s) feats =, dim=0) labels =, dim=0) # add query samples to the domain graph gcn_feats =[self.mean, feats], dim=0) gcn_adj = self.construct_adj(feats) # output classification logit with GCN gcn_logit = self.GCN(gcn_feats, gcn_adj) # define GCN classification losses domain_logit = gcn_logit[:self.mean.shape[0], :] domain_label =[torch.arange(self.args.nclasses)] * self.ndomain, dim=0) domain_label = domain_label.long().cuda() loss_cls_dom = criterion(domain_logit, domain_label) query_logit = gcn_logit[self.mean.shape[0]:, :] loss_cls_src = criterion(query_logit, labels) loss_cls = loss_cls_src + loss_cls_dom # define relation alignment losses loss_global = self.adj_loss() * self.args.Lambda_global loss_local = loss_local * self.args.Lambda_local loss_relation = loss_local + loss_global loss = loss_cls + loss_relation # back-propagation loss.backward() self.opt_gcn.step() self.opt_g.step() # record training information if epoch == 0 and batch_idx == 0: record = open(record_file, 'a') record.write(str(self.args)) record.close() if batch_idx % self.interval == 0: print( 'Train Epoch: {:>3} [{:>3}/{} ({:.2f}%)]\tLoss_cls_domain: {:.5f}\tLoss_cls_source: {:.5f}' '\tLoss_global: {:.5f}\tLoss_local: {:.5f}'.format( epoch, batch_idx + 1, self.niter, (batch_idx + 1.) / self.niter, loss_cls_dom.item(), loss_cls_src.item(), loss_global.item(), loss_local.item())) if record_file: record = open(record_file, 'a') record.write( '\nTrain Epoch: {:>3} [{:>3}/{} ({:.2f}%)]\tLoss_cls_domain: {:.5f}\tLoss_cls_source: {:.5f}' '\tLoss_global: {:.5f}\tLoss_local: {:.5f}'.format( epoch, batch_idx + 1, self.niter, (batch_idx + 1.) / self.niter, loss_cls_dom.item(), loss_cls_src.item(), loss_global.item(), loss_local.item())) record.close() return batch_idx # per epoch training in a Multi-Source Domain Adaptation setting def train_gcn_adapt(self, epoch, record_file=None): criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() self.G.train() self.GCN.train() for batch_idx, data in enumerate(self.datasets): # get the source batches img_s = list() label_s = list() stop_iter = False for domain_idx in range(self.ndomain - 1): tmp_img = data['S' + str(domain_idx + 1)].cuda() tmp_label = data['S' + str(domain_idx + 1) + '_label'].long().cuda() img_s.append(tmp_img) label_s.append(tmp_label) if tmp_img.size()[0] < self.batch_size: stop_iter = True if stop_iter: break # get the target batch img_t = data['T'].cuda() if img_t.size()[0] < self.batch_size: break self.reset_grad() # get feature embeddings feat_list = list() for domain_idx in range(self.ndomain - 1): tmp_img = img_s[domain_idx] tmp_feat = self.G(tmp_img) feat_list.append(tmp_feat) feat_t = self.G(img_t) feat_list.append(feat_t) feats =, dim=0) labels =, dim=0) # add query samples to the domain graph gcn_feats =[self.mean, feats], dim=0) gcn_adj = self.construct_adj(feats) # output classification logit with GCN gcn_logit = self.GCN(gcn_feats, gcn_adj) # predict the psuedo labels for target domain feat_t_, label_t_ = self.pseudo_label( gcn_logit[-feat_t.shape[0]:, :], feat_t) feat_list.pop() feat_list.append(feat_t_) label_s.append(label_t_) # update the statistics for source and target domains loss_local = self.update_statistics(feat_list, label_s) # define GCN classification losses domain_logit = gcn_logit[:self.mean.shape[0], :] domain_label =[torch.arange(self.args.nclasses)] * self.ndomain, dim=0) domain_label = domain_label.long().cuda() loss_cls_dom = criterion(domain_logit, domain_label) query_logit = gcn_logit[self.mean.shape[0]:, :] loss_cls_src = criterion(query_logit[:-feat_t.shape[0]], labels) target_logit = query_logit[-feat_t.shape[0]:] target_prob = F.softmax(target_logit, dim=1) loss_cls_tgt = (-target_prob * torch.log(target_prob + 1e-8)).mean() loss_cls = loss_cls_dom + loss_cls_src + loss_cls_tgt # define relation alignment losses loss_global = self.adj_loss() * self.args.Lambda_global loss_local = loss_local * self.args.Lambda_local loss_relation = loss_local + loss_global loss = loss_cls + loss_relation # back-propagation loss.backward(retain_graph=True) self.opt_gcn.step() self.opt_g.step() # record training information if epoch == 0 and batch_idx == 0: record = open(record_file, 'a') record.write(str(self.args) + '\n') record.close() if batch_idx % self.interval == 0: print( 'Train Epoch: {:>3} [{:>3}/{} ({:.2f}%)]\tLoss_cls_domain: {:.5f}\tLoss_cls_source: {:.5f}' '\tLoss_cls_target: {:.5f}\tLoss_global: {:.5f}\tLoss_local: {:.5f}' .format(epoch, batch_idx + 1, self.niter, (batch_idx + 1.) / self.niter, loss_cls_dom.item(), loss_cls_src.item(), loss_cls_tgt.item(), loss_global.item(), loss_local.item())) if record_file: record = open(record_file, 'a') record.write( '\nTrain Epoch: {:>3} [{:>3}/{} ({:.2f}%)]\tLoss_cls_domain: {:.5f}\tLoss_cls_source: {:.5f}' '\tLoss_cls_target: {:.5f}\tLoss_global: {:.5f}\tLoss_local: {:.5f}' .format(epoch, batch_idx + 1, self.niter, (batch_idx + 1.) / self.niter, loss_cls_dom.item(), loss_cls_src.item(), loss_cls_tgt.item(), loss_global.item(), loss_local.item())) record.close() return batch_idx # per epoch test on target domain def test(self, epoch, record_file=None, save_model=False): self.G.eval() self.GCN.eval() test_loss = 0 correct = 0 size = 0 for batch_idx, data in enumerate(self.dataset_test): img = data['T'] label = data['T_label'] img, label = img.cuda(), label.long().cuda() feat = self.G(img) gcn_feats =[self.mean, feat], dim=0) gcn_adj = self.construct_adj(feat) gcn_logit = self.GCN(gcn_feats, gcn_adj) output = gcn_logit[self.mean.shape[0]:, :] test_loss += -F.nll_loss(output, label).item() pred = output.max(1)[1] k = label.size()[0] correct += pred.eq(label).cpu().sum() size += k test_loss = test_loss / size if correct > self.best_correct: self.best_correct = correct if save_model: best_state = { 'G': self.G.state_dict(), 'GCN': self.GCN.state_dict(), 'mean': self.mean.cpu(), 'adj': self.adj.cpu(), 'epoch': epoch }, os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, 'best_model.pth')) # save checkpoint if save_model and epoch % self.save_epoch == 0: state = { 'G': self.G.state_dict(), 'GCN': self.GCN.state_dict(), 'mean': self.mean.cpu(), 'adj': self.adj.cpu() } state, os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, 'epoch_' + str(epoch) + '.pth')) # record test information print( '\nTest set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.4f}%), Best Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.4f}%) \n' .format(test_loss, correct, size, 100. * float(correct) / size, self.best_correct, size, 100. * float(self.best_correct) / size)) if record_file: if epoch == 0: record = open(record_file, 'a') record.write(str(self.args)) record.close() record = open(record_file, 'a') print('recording %s', record_file) record.write( '\nEpoch {:>3} Average loss: {:.5f}, Accuracy: {:.5f}, Best Accuracy: {:.5f}' .format(epoch, test_loss, 100. * float(correct) / size, 100. * float(self.best_correct) / size)) record.close()
def _get_models(self): bow_feat = self.loader.bow_mx topo_feat = self.loader.topo_mx model1 = GCN(nfeat=bow_feat.shape[1], hlayers=[self.conf["kipf"]["hidden"]], nclass=self.loader.num_labels, dropout=self.conf["kipf"]["dropout"]) opt1 = optim.Adam(model1.parameters(), lr=self.conf["kipf"]["lr"], weight_decay=self.conf["kipf"]["weight_decay"]) model2 = GCNCombined(nbow=bow_feat.shape[1], nfeat=topo_feat.shape[1], hlayers=self.conf["hidden_layers"], nclass=self.loader.num_labels, dropout=self.conf["dropout"]) opt2 = optim.Adam(model2.parameters(), lr=self.conf["lr"], weight_decay=self.conf["weight_decay"]) model3 = GCN(nfeat=topo_feat.shape[1], hlayers=self.conf["multi_hidden_layers"], nclass=self.loader.num_labels, dropout=self.conf["dropout"], layer_type=None) opt3 = optim.Adam(model3.parameters(), lr=self.conf["lr"], weight_decay=self.conf["weight_decay"]) model4 = GCN(nfeat=topo_feat.shape[1], hlayers=self.conf["multi_hidden_layers"], nclass=self.loader.num_labels, dropout=self.conf["dropout"], layer_type=AsymmetricGCN) opt4 = optim.Adam(model4.parameters(), lr=self.conf["lr"], weight_decay=self.conf["weight_decay"]) return { "kipf": { "model": model1, "optimizer": opt1, "arguments": [self.loader.bow_mx, self.loader.adj_mx], "labels": self.loader.labels, }, "our_combined": { "model": model2, "optimizer": opt2, "arguments": [ self.loader.bow_mx, self.loader.topo_mx, self.loader.adj_rt_mx ], "labels": self.loader.labels, }, "topo_sym": { "model": model3, "optimizer": opt3, "arguments": [self.loader.topo_mx, self.loader.adj_mx], "labels": self.loader.labels, }, "topo_asym": { "model": model4, "optimizer": opt4, "arguments": [self.loader.topo_mx, self.loader.adj_rt_mx], "labels": self.loader.labels, }, }