def setUp(self):
        self._schema_descriptor = bigquery_schema_descriptor.SchemaDescriptor(
        self._conflict_resolver = (

        self._row_generator = bigquery_row_generator.BigQueryRowGenerator(
            self._schema_descriptor, self._conflict_resolver)
  def __init__(
      output_table,  # type: str
      header_fields,  # type: vcf_header_io.VcfHeader
      variant_merger=None,  # type: variant_merge_strategy.VariantMergeStrategy
      proc_var_factory=None,  # type: processed_variant.ProcessedVariantFactory
      append=False,  # type: bool
      update_schema_on_append=False,  # type: bool
      allow_incompatible_records=False,  # type: bool
      omit_empty_sample_calls=False,  # type: bool
      num_bigquery_write_shards=1  # type: int
    # type: (...) -> None
    """Initializes the transform.

      output_table: Full path of the output BigQuery table.
      header_fields: Representative header fields for all variants. This is
        needed for dynamically generating the schema.
      variant_merger: The strategy used for merging variants (if any). Some
        strategies may change the schema, which is why this may be needed here.
      proc_var_factory: The factory class that knows how to convert Variant
        instances to ProcessedVariant. As a side effect it also knows how to
        modify BigQuery schema based on the ProcessedVariants that it generates.
        The latter functionality is what is needed here.
      append: If true, existing records in output_table will not be
        overwritten. New records will be appended to those that already exist.
      update_schema_on_append: If true, BigQuery schema will be updated by
        combining the existing schema and the new schema if they are compatible.
      allow_incompatible_records: If true, field values are casted to Bigquery
+       schema if there is a mismatch.
      omit_empty_sample_calls: If true, samples that don't have a given call
        will be omitted.
      num_bigquery_write_shards: If > 1, we will limit number of sources which
        are used for writing to the output BigQuery table.
    self._output_table = output_table
    self._header_fields = header_fields
    self._variant_merger = variant_merger
    self._proc_var_factory = proc_var_factory
    self._append = append
    self._schema = bigquery_vcf_schema.generate_schema_from_header_fields(
        self._header_fields, self._proc_var_factory, self._variant_merger)
    # Resolver makes extra effort to resolve conflict when flag
    # allow_incompatible_records is set.
    self._bigquery_row_generator = bigquery_row_generator.BigQueryRowGenerator(

    self._allow_incompatible_records = allow_incompatible_records
    self._omit_empty_sample_calls = omit_empty_sample_calls
    self._num_bigquery_write_shards = num_bigquery_write_shards
    if update_schema_on_append: