def runOneAttack(guessedCol, knownCols, attack, table, numClaims):
    # -------------- Attack phase ------------------
    # And now run the attack for some fraction of the attackable cells
    if v: print(f"RunOneAttack with guessed '{guessedCol}', known {knownCols}")
    allCols = [guessedCol] + list(knownCols)
    sql = "SELECT "
    sql += comma_ize(allCols)
    sql += str(f"count(*) FROM {table} ")
    sql += makeGroupBy(allCols)
    query = dict(sql=sql)
    reply = attack.getAttack()
    if 'error' in reply:
    # Build a dict out of the knownCols values, and remember the index
    # for cases where the knownCols has a single guessedCol value
    s = {}
    ans = reply['answer']
    for r in range(len(ans)):
        # I want a 'foo'.join(thing) here, but need to deal with fact that
        # the value might not be a string
        key = ''
        for i in range(1,len(allCols)):
            key += '::' + str(f"{ans[r][i]}")
        if key in s:
            s[key] = -1
            s[key] = r
    for key,r in s.items():
        if r == -1:
        # This is a potential inference
        spec = {}
        known = []
        row = ans[r]
        for i in range(1,len(allCols)):
        spec['known'] = known
        if row[0] is None:
        spec['guess'] = [{'col':guessedCol,'val':row[0]}]

    while True:
        reply = attack.getClaim()
        numClaims += 1
        if v: pp.pprint(reply)
        if reply['stillToCome'] == 0:
    return numClaims
 def _makeHistSql(self, table, columns, colInfo, uid, minCount, maxCount):
     if self._p: self._pp.pprint(colInfo)
     sql = "select "
     notnull = 'WHERE '
     for col in columns:
         notnull += str(f"{col} IS NOT NULL AND ")
         if colInfo[col]['condition'] == 'none':
             sql += str(f"{col}, ")
             unit = colInfo[col]['condition']
             if colInfo[col]['colType'][:4] == 'date':
                 sql += str(f"extract({unit} from {col})::integer, ")
             elif colInfo[col]['colType'] == 'text':
                 sql += str(f"substring({col} from 1 for {unit}), ")
             else:  # int or real
                 sql += str(f"floor({col}/{unit})*{unit}, ")
     duidClause = str(f"count(distinct {uid}) ")
     groupby = makeGroupBy(columns)
     notnull = notnull[:-4]
     sql += duidClause + str(f"from {table} ") + notnull + groupby
     #sql += "having " + duidClause
     #sql += str(f"between {minCount} and {maxCount}")
     return (sql)
def dumb_list_linkability_attack(params):
    """ Dumb List attack for the Linkability criteria.

        All it does is request rows with all columns from the anonymized link
        database. The attack succeeds if the anonymized database returns
        rows that single out users, and fails otherwise. It is designed to
        work against raw and pseudonymized data.
        NOTE: This is effectively the same attack as with singling out
        dumb list."""
    attack = gdaAttack(params)

    # -------------------  Exploration Phase  ------------------------
    # We need to know the columns that are in the anonymized database
    # and in the raw database. It is these columns that we can attack.
    # (Note that pseudonymization schemes typically delete some columns.)

    table = attack.getAttackTableName()
    rawColNames = attack.getColNames(dbType='rawDb')
    anonColNames = attack.getColNames(dbType='anonDb')
    colNames = list(set(rawColNames) & set(anonColNames))

    # -------------------  Prior Knowledge Phase  --------------------
    # This attack doesn't require any prior knowledge

    # -------------------  Attack Phase  -----------------------------

    query = {}
    sql = "SELECT "
    sql += comma_ize(colNames)
    sql += str(f"count(*) FROM {table} ")
    sql += makeGroupBy(colNames)
    sql += " HAVING count(*) = 1 ORDER BY count(*) LIMIT 100"
    query['sql'] = sql
    print("-------------------- Attack query:")
    reply = attack.getAttack()
    if v: print("-------------------- Attack reply:")
    if v: pp.pprint(reply)

    # -------------------  Claims Phase  ----------------------------

    if 'answer' not in reply:
        print("ERROR: reply to claim query contains no answer")
    for row in reply['answer']:
        spec = {}
        guess = []
        for i in range(len(colNames)):
            guess.append({'col': colNames[i], 'val': row[i]})
        spec['guess'] = guess

    if v: print("------------------- Attack claims:")
    while True:
        reply = attack.getClaim()
        if v: pp.pprint(reply)
        if reply['stillToCome'] == 0:

    # -------------------  Scores Phase  ----------------------------

    attackResult = attack.getResults()
    sc = gdaScores(attackResult)
    score = sc.getScores()
    if v: pp.pprint(score)
    final = finishGdaAttack(params, score)
def dumb_list_inference_attack(params):
    """ Dumb List attack for the Inference criteria.

        In an inference attack, there are 'known' column values, and
        'guessed' column values. An inference claim succeeds when all
        users with the known column values have the same guessed column
        values. There only needs to be one such user, so we can try
        making inferences on all columns by using all the other columns
        as known values.
    attack = gdaAttack(params)

    # -------------------  Exploration Phase  ------------------------
    # We need to know the columns that are in the anonymized database
    # and in the raw database. It is these columns that we can attack.
    # (Note that pseudonymization schemes typically delete some columns.)

    table = attack.getAttackTableName()
    rawColNames = attack.getColNames(dbType='rawDb')
    anonColNames = attack.getColNames(dbType='anonDb')
    colNames = list(set(rawColNames) & set(anonColNames))

    # Get the total number of rows so that we can later determine fraction
    # of cells per column that are susceptible
    sql = str(f"SELECT count(*) FROM {table}")
    if v: print(sql)
    query = dict(db="raw", sql=sql)
    reply = attack.getExplore()
    if 'error' in reply:
        doQueryErrorAndExit(reply, attack)
    totalRows = reply['answer'][0][0]

    # -------------------  Prior Knowledge Phase  --------------------
    # This attack doesn't require any prior knowledge

    # -------------------  Attack Phase  -----------------------------
    # I'm going to attack each (guessed) column by using the remaining
    # columns as the known colums. In the following, I loop through
    # attack and claims for each guessed column.

    for guessedCol in colNames:
        remainingCols = [x for x in colNames if x != guessedCol]
        # -------------- Attack phase ------------------
        # And now run the attack for some fraction of the attackable cells
        sql = "SELECT "
        sql += comma_ize(remainingCols)
        sql += str(f"max({guessedCol}) FROM {table} WHERE ")
        sql += makeInNotNullConditions(remainingCols)
        sql += makeGroupBy(remainingCols)
        sql += str(f" HAVING count(DISTINCT {guessedCol}) = 1 ")
        sql += str(f"ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 20")
        if v: print(sql)
        query = dict(sql=sql)
        reply = attack.getAttack()
        if 'error' in reply:
            # For this attack, cloak can't deal with max(text_col),
            # so just continue without claims
        # -------------- Claims phase ------------------
        for row in reply['answer']:
            spec = {}
            known = []
            for i in range(len(remainingCols)):
                known.append({'col': remainingCols[i], 'val': row[i]})
            spec['known'] = known
            i = len(remainingCols)
            spec['guess'] = [{'col': guessedCol, 'val': row[i]}]
            while True:
                reply = attack.getClaim()
                if v: pp.pprint(reply)
                if reply['stillToCome'] == 0:

    # -------------------  Scores Phase  ----------------------------

    attackResult = attack.getResults()
    sc = gdaScores(attackResult)
    # New we need to assign susceptibility scores, which means making
    # some explore queries
    for guessedCol in colNames:
        remainingCols = [x for x in colNames if x != guessedCol]
        if len(remainingCols) > 20:
            remainingCols = remainingCols[:20]
        # -------------- More exploration phase ------------------
        # First find out how many of the cells are attackable
        sql = "SELECT sum(rows) FROM (SELECT "
        sql += comma_ize(remainingCols)
        sql += str(f"count(*) AS rows FROM {table} ")
        sql += makeGroupBy(remainingCols)
        sql += str(f" HAVING count(DISTINCT {guessedCol}) = 1) t")
        if v: print("-------------------- Explore query:")
        if v: print(sql)
        query = dict(db="raw", sql=sql)
        reply = attack.getExplore()
        if 'error' in reply:
            doQueryErrorAndExit(reply, attack)
        numRows = reply['answer'][0][0]
        if v: print("-------------------- Explore reply:")
        if v: pp.pprint(reply)
        susValue = numRows / totalRows
        sc.assignColumnSusceptibility(guessedCol, susValue)
    score = sc.getScores()
    if v: pp.pprint(score)
    final = finishGdaAttack(params, score)
文件: gdaTool.py 项目: m3eeza/code
    def generateDBSqlForTable(self, argv, dbType):
        paramsList = self._setupGdaUtilityParametersForSqlScripts(
            argv, criteria="singlingOut")
        if self._v: pp.pprint(paramsList)
        #Create a dictionary for mapping rather than
        mappingDBTypesDict = {
            "bigint": "int",
            "bytea": "int",
            "boolean": "int",
            "integer": "int",
            "int": "int",
            "smallint": "int",
            "char": "text",
            "varchar": "text",
            "text": "text",
            "char": "text",
            "character varying": "text",
            "real": "real",
            "decimal": "real",
            "double precision": "real",
            "numeric": "real",
            "timestamp without time zone": "datetime",
            "time": "datetime",
            "timestamp": "datetime",
            "date": "date"

        for param in paramsList:
            if param['finished'] == True:
                    "The following Utility script for table has been executed:"
                if self._v: pp.pprint(param)
                print(f"Results may be found at {param['resultsPath']}")
            #Add mandatory fields required for now. Have remove once scope of these parameters are changed.
            path = self._p['dbConfig']
            for x in range(5):
                path = "../" + path
                if os.path.isfile(path):
            fh = open(path, "r")
            j = json.load(fh)
            for key in j:
                param['anonDb'] = key
            param['criteria'] = "singlingOut"
            if self._v: pp.pprint(j)

            attack = gdaAttack(param)
            table = attack.getAttackTableName()
            # The following is a quick and dirty fix for a bug that occured
            # when the given databases has tables we don't want to examine
            tableNames = [table]
            if self._v: print(f"table {table}, tableNames {tableNames}")
            resultsPath = param['resultsPath']
                f = open(resultsPath, 'w')
                e = str(f"Failed to open {resultsPath} for write")
            for table in tableNames:
                # Table scheme
                createTable = f"create table {table}_char  (column_name text, column_type text, num_rows int," \
                              f"num_uids int, num_distinct_vals int, av_rows_per_vals real, av_uids_per_val real,std_rows_per_val real,std_uids_per_val real,max text, min text, column_label text);"
                colNames = attack.getColNamesAndTypes(dbType=dbType,
                print(f" column names: {colNames}")
                f.write(createTable + '\n')

                num_rows = 0

                sql = "SELECT "
                sql += str(f"count(*) FROM {table} ")
                answer = self.queryDB(attack, sql, dbType)
                for an in answer:
                    num_rows = an[0]

                # Query to get Number of distinct UID's
                num_uids = 0
                sql = "SELECT"
                sql += str(f" count( distinct uid) FROM {table}")
                answer = self.queryDB(attack, sql, dbType)
                for an in answer:
                    num_uids = an[0]
                for raCol in colNames:
                    column_name = raCol[0]
                    column_type = ''

                    if raCol[1] in mappingDBTypesDict.keys():
                        mappedDBType = mappingDBTypesDict.get(raCol[1])
                        column_type += mappedDBType

                    num_distinct_vals = 0
                    # Query to get distinct values of a column
                    sql = "SELECT "
                    sql += str(f"count ( distinct {raCol[0]}) FROM {table} ")
                    answer = self.queryDB(attack, sql, dbType)
                    for an in answer:
                        num_distinct_vals = an[0]

                    av_rows_per_val = num_rows / num_distinct_vals
                    av_uids_per_val = num_uids / num_distinct_vals
                    # std_rows_per_val std_uids_per_val max min
                    select sf_flag,count (*)from rides  group by 1
                    stdRowsPerVal = []
                    stdUidsPerVal = []
                    # Query to get Find standard deviation Per value of a column
                    sql = "SELECT "
                    sql += (raCol[0])
                    sql += str(f",count(*) FROM {table} ")
                    sql += makeGroupBy([raCol[0]])
                    answer = self.queryDB(attack, sql, dbType)
                    for an in answer:
                    if len(stdRowsPerVal) > 1:
                        std_rows_per_val = stdev(stdRowsPerVal)
                        std_rows_per_val = -1
                    sql = "SELECT "
                    sql += (raCol[0])
                    sql += str(f",count(distinct uid) FROM {table} ")
                    sql += makeGroupBy([raCol[0]])
                    answer = self.queryDB(attack, sql, dbType)
                    for an in answer:
                    if len(stdUidsPerVal) > 1:
                        std_uids_per_val = stdev(stdUidsPerVal)
                        std_uids_per_val = -1

                    # Max: and Min
                    maxi = ''
                    mini = ''
                    # Query to  find Max and Min(Single query).
                    sql = "SELECT "
                    sql += str(f"{raCol[0]} FROM {table}")
                    listOfValues = []
                    answer = self.queryDB(attack, sql, dbType)
                    for an in answer:
                    if not None in listOfValues:
                        maxi = max(listOfValues)
                        mini = min(listOfValues)
                    continousDBTypeList = ["real", "datetime", "date"]
                    enumerateDBTypeList = ["text"]
                    if column_type in continousDBTypeList:
                        columnlabel = 'continuous'
                    elif column_type in enumerateDBTypeList:
                        columnlabel = 'enumerative'
                    elif column_type == 'int':
                        if num_distinct_vals < 100:
                            columnlabel = 'enumerative'
                            x = (int(maxi) - int(mini)) / 10
                            sql = "SELECT "
                            sql += str(f"floor (({raCol[0]})/{x})*{x}")
                            sql += str(f",count(*) FROM {table} ")
                            sql += makeGroupBy([1])
                            answer = self.queryDB(attack, sql, dbType)
                            countList = []
                            for an in answer:
                            minInList = min(countList)
                            averageOfList = sum(countList) / len(countList)
                            if minInList < (0.5 * averageOfList):
                                columnlabel = 'continuous'
                                columnlabel = 'enumerative'
                    if (maxi == '' and mini == ''):
                        insert = f"insert into {table}_char values (\'{column_name}\',\'{column_type}\',{num_rows},{num_uids},{num_distinct_vals},{av_rows_per_val},{av_uids_per_val}," \
                    insert = f"insert into {table}_char values (\'{column_name}\',\'{column_type}\',{num_rows},{num_uids},{num_distinct_vals},{av_rows_per_val},{av_uids_per_val}," \

                    f.write(insert + '\n')
    def _measureCoverage(self,param,attack,tabChar,table,
        # Here I only look at individual columns,
        # making the assumption that if I can query an individual column,
        # then I can also query combinations of columns.

        # Each entry in this list is for one column
        for colName in rawColNames:
            # These hold the query results or indication of lack thereof
            rawDbrowsDict = {}
            anonDbrowsDict = {}
            # There are couple conditions under which the column can be
            # considered not covered at all.
            if colName not in anonColNames:
                # Column doesn't even exist
                entry = copy.deepcopy(self._nonCoveredDict)
                entry['col1'] = colName
                # See how much of the column is NULL
                sql = str(f"SELECT count({colName}) FROM {table}")
                rawAns = self._doExplore(attack,"raw",sql)
                anonAns = self._doExplore(attack,"anon",sql)
                numRawRows = rawAns[0][0]
                numAnonRows = anonAns[0][0]
                if numAnonRows == 0:
                    # Column is completely NULL
                    entry = copy.deepcopy(self._nonCoveredDict)
                    entry['col1'] = colName

            # Ok, there is an anonymized column. 
            if tabChar[colName]['column_label'] == 'continuous':
                # If a column is continuous, then in any event it can be
                # completely covered with range queries, though only if
                # range queries are possible
                rangePossible = 1
                # TODO: Here we put checks for any anonymization types that
                # don't have range queries. For now there are no such.
                # if (param['anonType'] == 'foobar':
                if rangePossible:
                    entry = copy.deepcopy(self._rangeDict)
                    entry['col1'] = colName
                    entry['coverage']['coveragePerCol'] = numAnonRows/numRawRows

            # Ok, the anonymized column is not covered by a range (either
            # enumerative or no range function exists), so query the DB to
            # evaluate coverage
            sql = "SELECT "
            sql += (colName)
                sql += str(f", count(*) FROM {table} ")
                sql += str(f", count( distinct {param['uid']}) FROM {table} ")
            sql += makeGroupBy([colName])

            rawDbrows = self._doExplore(attack,"raw",sql)
            anonDbrows = self._doExplore(attack,"anon",sql)

            for row in anonDbrows:
                anonDbrowsDict[row[0]] = row[1]
            for row in rawDbrows:
                rawDbrowsDict[row[0]] = row[1]
            coverageEntry = self._calCoverage(rawDbrowsDict,
            coverageScores.append(coverageEntry )
        return coverageScores
def dumb_list_singling_out_attack(params):
    """ Dumb List attack for the Singling Out criteria.

        All it does is request rows with all columns from the anonymized
        database. The attack succeeds if the anonymized database returns
        rows that single out users, and fails otherwise. It is designed to
        work against raw and pseudonymized data."""
    attack = gdaAttack(params)

    # -------------------  Exploration Phase  ------------------------
    # We need to know the columns that are in the anonymized database
    # and in the raw database. It is these columns that we can attack.
    # (Note that pseudonymization schemes can delete some columns.)

    table = attack.getAttackTableName()
    rawColNames = attack.getColNames(dbType='rawDb')
    anonColNames = attack.getColNames(dbType='anonDb')
    uid = attack.getUidColName()
    colNamesAll = list(set(rawColNames) & set(anonColNames))
    if v: print(f"Use columns: {colNamesAll}")

    # The cloak can't handle queries with a large number of columns,
    # so we split up the attack into groups of 5 columns each. Each group
    # contains the uid column, so that we are sure that the resulting
    # answer pertains to a single user.
    groupSize = 5
    minAttacksPerGroup = 5
    groups = []
    colsWithoutUid = colNamesAll.copy()
    if v: print(colNamesAll)
    if v: print(colsWithoutUid)
    index = 0
    while (1):
        if index >= len(colsWithoutUid):
        endIndex = index + groupSize - 1
        nextGroup = colsWithoutUid[index:endIndex]
        index += groupSize - 1

    # This will give us around 100 attack queries total:
    numAttacksPerGroup = min(int(100 / len(groups)) + 1, minAttacksPerGroup)
    if v: pp.pprint(groups)

    # -------------------  Prior Knowledge Phase  --------------------
    # This attack doesn't require any prior knowledge

    # -------------------  Attack Phase  -----------------------------

    for colNames in groups:
        query = {}
        sql = "SELECT "
        sql += comma_ize(colNames)
        sql += str(f"count(*) FROM {table} WHERE ")
        sql += makeInNotNullConditions(colNames)
        sql += makeGroupBy(colNames)
        sql += " HAVING count(*) = 1 ORDER BY uid "
        sql += str(f" LIMIT {numAttacksPerGroup} ")
        query['sql'] = sql
        print("-------------------- Attack query:")
        reply = attack.getAttack()
        if v: print("-------------------- Attack reply:")
        if v: pp.pprint(reply)

        # -------------------  Claims Phase  ----------------------------

        if 'answer' not in reply:
            print("ERROR: reply to claim query contains no answer")
        for row in reply['answer']:
            spec = {}
            guess = []
            for i in range(len(colNames)):
                guess.append({'col': colNames[i], 'val': row[i]})
            spec['guess'] = guess

        if v: print("------------------- Attack claims:")
        while True:
            reply = attack.getClaim()
            if v: pp.pprint(reply)
            if reply['stillToCome'] == 0:

    # -------------------  Scores Phase  ----------------------------

    attackResult = attack.getResults()
    sc = gdaScores(attackResult)
    score = sc.getScores()
    if v: pp.pprint(score)
    final = finishGdaAttack(params, score)
    def _doOneMeasure(self, x, params, columns, table, tabChar, minCount,
        # Record the columns' types.
        colInfo = {}
        # The 'condition' variable in colInfo tells us what to do to form the
        # query that looks for the needed bucket sizes. 'none' means don't
        # make any condition at all. This is the default.
        for col in columns:
            colInfo[col] = dict(condition='none')
            colInfo[col]['colType'] = tabChar[col]['column_type']
            colInfo[col]['dVals'] = tabChar[col]['num_distinct_vals']
            colInfo[col]['minVal'] = tabChar[col]['min']
            colInfo[col]['maxVal'] = tabChar[col]['max']
            # While we are at it, record the total number of distinct UIDs
            # and rows which happens to be the same for every column
            dUids = tabChar[col]['num_uids']
            dVals = tabChar[col]['num_distinct_vals']
        uid = params['uid']
        if self._p: self._pp.pprint(colInfo)
        if self._p: print(f"UID: {uid}, num UIDs: {dUids}")
        if len(columns) == 2:
            # Determine the number of distinct value pairs (note that in the
            # case of one column, we'll have already recorded it above)
            sql = str(f"select count(*) from (select ")
            more = ''
            for col in columns:
                more += str(f"{col}, ")
            more = more[0:-2] + ' '
            groupby = makeGroupBy(columns)
            sql += more + str(f"from {table} ") + groupby + ") t"
            if self._p: print(sql)
            query = dict(db="raw", sql=sql)
            ans = x.getExplore()
            if not ans:
                x.cleanUp(exitMsg="Failed query 2")
            if 'error' in ans:
                x.cleanUp(exitMsg="Failed query 2 (error)")
            if self._p: self._pp.pprint(ans)
            dVals = ans['answer'][0][0]
        if self._p: print(f"{dVals} distinct values or value pairs")
        # base is the number of UIDs per combined val
        base = dUids / dVals
        # target here is the number of UIDs per bucket that I want
        target = minCount + ((maxCount - minCount) / 2)
        # I want to compute by what factor I need to grow the uid/bucket
        # count in order to get close to the target
        grow = target / base
        if self._p: print(f"base {base}, target {target}, grow {grow}")
        if grow <= 2:
            # I can't usually grow by anything less than 2x, so let's just
            # go with no conditions
            if self._p:
                print("Needed growth too small, so use column values as is")
            sql = self._makeHistSql(table, columns, colInfo, uid, minCount,
            if self._p: print(sql)
            answer = self._queryAndGather(x, sql, colInfo, columns, minCount,
            if (len(answer['buckets']) > 0) and self._ansNotDup(answer):
            if self._p: self._pp.pprint(self._ret)

        # We'll need to generalize, so see if we have text or datetime columns,
        # and gather the information needed to know roughly the number of
        # distinct UIDs we'll be able to get
        for col in columns:
            if colInfo[col]['colType'] != 'text':
            sql = str(
                f"select count(distinct ones), count(distinct twos), "
                f"count(distinct threes) from ( "
                f"select substring({col} from 1 for 1) as ones, "
                f"substring({col} from 1 for 2) as twos, "
                f"substring({col} from 1 for 3) as threes from {table}) t")
            if self._p: print(sql)
            query = dict(db="raw", sql=sql)
            ans = x.getExplore()
            if not ans:
                x.cleanUp(exitMsg="Failed query")
            if 'error' in ans:
                x.cleanUp(exitMsg="Failed query (error)")
            if self._p: self._pp.pprint(ans)
            colInfo[col]['buckets'] = []
            colInfo[col]['buckets'].append([1, ans['answer'][0][0]])
            colInfo[col]['buckets'].append([2, ans['answer'][0][1]])
            colInfo[col]['buckets'].append([3, ans['answer'][0][2]])
            if self._p: self._pp.pprint(colInfo)

        for col in columns:
            if colInfo[col]['colType'][:4] != 'date':
            sql = str(f"select count(distinct years), count(distinct months), "
                      f"count(distinct days) from ( select "
                      f"extract(year from {col})::integer as years, "
                      f"extract(month from {col})::integer as months, "
                      f"extract(day from {col})::integer as days "
                      f"from {table}) t")
            if self._p: print(sql)
            query = dict(db="raw", sql=sql)
            ans = x.getExplore()
            if not ans:
                x.cleanUp(exitMsg="Failed query")
            if 'error' in ans:
                x.cleanUp(exitMsg="Failed query (error)")
            if self._p: self._pp.pprint(ans)
            colInfo[col]['buckets'] = []
            colInfo[col]['buckets'].append(['year', ans['answer'][0][0]])
            colInfo[col]['buckets'].append(['month', ans['answer'][0][1]])
            colInfo[col]['buckets'].append(['day', ans['answer'][0][2]])
            if self._p: self._pp.pprint(colInfo)

        if len(columns) == 1:
            # If just one column, then simply find a good bucketization
            factor = 1
            while (1):
                if colInfo[col]['colType'][:4] == 'date':
                    newColInfo = self._generalizeTextOrDatetime(
                        col, colInfo, grow)
                elif colInfo[col]['colType'] == 'text':
                    newColInfo = self._generalizeTextOrDatetime(
                        col, colInfo, grow)
                else:  # int or real
                    newColInfo = self._generalizeNumber(col,
                if newColInfo is None:
                    if self._p: print("Couldn't generalize at all")
                sql = self._makeHistSql(table, columns, newColInfo, uid,
                                        minCount, maxCount)
                if self._p: print(sql)
                answer = self._queryAndGather(x, sql, newColInfo, columns,
                                              minCount, maxCount)
                if self._p: self._pp.pprint(answer)
                if (len(answer['buckets']) > 0) and self._ansNotDup(answer):
                if factor != 1:
                if answer['guess'] == 'bucketsJustRight':
                if answer['guess'] == 'bucketsTooBig':
                    factor = 0.5
                    factor = 2
                if self._p: self._pp.pprint(self._ret)

        # What I'll do is take one of the columns, create an increasing number
        # of buckets for it, and then set the appropriate number of bucket for
        # the other column. Ideal candidate for this is a numerical column with
        # lots of distinct values (cause can make more bucket sizes). Next would
        # be datetime, and last would be text
        numDistinct = 0
        col1 = ''
        for col in columns:
            if ((colInfo[col]['colType'] == "real")
                    or ((colInfo[col]['colType'][:3] == "int"))):
                if colInfo[col]['dVals'] > numDistinct:
                    numDistinct = colInfo[col]['dVals']
                    col1 = col
        if numDistinct == 0:
            # Didn't find a numeric column, so look for datetime
            for col in columns:
                if colInfo[col]['colType'][:4] == "date":
                    col1 = col
        if len(col1) == 0:
            # Didn't find a datetime either, so just pick the first one
            col1 = columns[0]

        if columns[0] == col1:
            col2 = columns[1]
            col2 = columns[0]
        if self._p: print(f"col1 is {col1}, type {colInfo[col1]['colType']}")
        if self._p: print(f"col2 is {col2}, type {colInfo[col2]['colType']}")
        if ((colInfo[col1]['colType'] == "real")
                or ((colInfo[col1]['colType'][:3] == "int"))):
            numBuckets = 2
            while (1):
                partColInfo = self._generalizeNumber(col1,
                if partColInfo == None:
                    if self._p:
                        print(f"partColInfo == None (numBuckets {numBuckets})")
                # partColInfo now has the structure for col1 set. We need to set
                # the sturcture for col2.
                if self._p: print("partColInfo:")
                if self._p: self._pp.pprint(partColInfo)
                fudge = 1
                allDone = 0
                while (1):
                    if colInfo[col2]['colType'][:4] == 'date':
                        newColInfo = self._generalizeTextOrDatetime(
                            col2, colInfo, grow)
                        allDone = 1
                    elif colInfo[col2]['colType'] == 'text':
                        newColInfo = self._generalizeTextOrDatetime(
                            col2, colInfo, grow)
                        allDone = 1
                    else:  # int or real
                        newColInfo = self._generalizeNumber(
                            factor=(numBuckets * fudge))
                    if newColInfo is None:
                        if self._p:
                                f"newColInfo == None (numBuckets {numBuckets})"
                        allDone = 1
                    if self._p: print("newColInfo:")
                    if self._p: self._pp.pprint(newColInfo)
                    sql = self._makeHistSql(table, columns, newColInfo, uid,
                                            minCount, maxCount)
                    if self._p: print(sql)
                    answer = self._queryAndGather(x, sql, newColInfo, columns,
                                                  minCount, maxCount)
                    if self._p: self._pp.pprint(answer)
                    if (len(answer['buckets']) >
                            0) and self._ansNotDup(answer):
                    if fudge != 1:
                    if answer['guess'] == 'bucketsJustRight':
                    if answer['guess'] == 'bucketsTooBig':
                        fudge = 0.5
                        fudge = 2
                if allDone:
                if self._p: self._pp.pprint(self._ret)
                numBuckets *= 2

        # Neither column is a number. For now, we require that at least one
        # column is numeric
def diffix_infer_1_attack(params):
    ''' This is an inference attack against Diffix

        In this attack, we find attribute groups where the inference
        conditions exist (one one guessed column value exists for some
        set of one or more known column values). This is designed to work
        against Diffix and Full K-anonymity at least.
    attack = gdaAttack(params)
    # -------------------  Exploration Phase  ------------------------
    # We need to know the columns that are in the anonymized database
    # and in the raw database. It is these columns that we can attack.
    table = attack.getAttackTableName()
    rawColNames = attack.getColNames(dbType='rawDb')
    anonColNames = attack.getColNames(dbType='anonDb')
    colNames = list(set(rawColNames) & set(anonColNames))
    if v: print(f"Common columns are: {colNames}")

    # Get the total number of rows so that we can later determine fraction
    # of cells per column that are susceptible
    sql = str(f"SELECT count(*) FROM {table}")
    query = dict(db="rawDb",sql=sql)
    reply = attack.getExplore()
    if 'error' in reply:
    totalRows = reply['answer'][0][0]
    if v: print(f"Total Rows: {totalRows}")

    # There is really no point in trying to find instances of
    # inference where the guessed column has a large number of values.
    # In these cases, the chances of finding an inference instance is
    # very low. We (arbitrarily for now) set the threshold for this at 10

    # By the same token, an attack where the known column has a majority
    # values that are distinct to a single user won't work for an attack,
    # because in the case of Diffix, they will be low-count filtered, and
    # in the case of Full K-anonymity, they may be aggregated

    # So we record the number of distinct values per column. (In practice,
    # this would not be known exactly, but the attacker can be assumed to
    # have a reasonable guess just based on knowledge of the column.)
    distincts = {}
    guessableCols = []
    for col in colNames:
        sql = str(f"SELECT count(DISTINCT {col}) FROM {table}")
        query = dict(db="rawDb",sql=sql)
        reply = attack.getAttack()
        if 'error' in reply:
        totalDistinct = reply['answer'][0][0]
        distincts[col] = totalDistinct
        if totalDistinct <= 10:
    if v: print(f"Distincts: {distincts}")
    if v: print(f"guessableCols: {guessableCols}")

    # -------------------  Prior Knowledge Phase  --------------------
    # This attack doesn't require any prior knowledge
    for guessedCol in guessableCols:
        numClaims = 0
        remainingCols = [x for x in colNames if x != guessedCol]
        # We want to try various combinations of the remaining columns,
        # and try the attack if the ratio of distinct values (or expected
        # distinct value combinations) is not too high
        unusedCombinations = 0
        for num in range(len(remainingCols)):
            if unusedCombinations > 1000:
                # If we don't find a useable combination 1000
                # consecutive times, then give up
            if numClaims > 25:
            combs = itertools.combinations(remainingCols,num+1)
            while True:
                if unusedCombinations > 1000:
                if numClaims > 25:
                    knownCols = next(combs)
                totalDistinct = 1
                for c in knownCols:
                    totalDistinct *= distincts[c]
                if v: print(f"totalDistinct: {totalDistinct} "
                        "from known columns {knownCols}")
                if (totalDistinct / totalRows) > 0.8:
                    unusedCombinations += 1
                unusedCombinations = 0
                numClaims = runOneAttack(guessedCol, knownCols,
                        attack, table, numClaims)

    # -------------------  Scores Phase  ----------------------------
    attackResult = attack.getResults()
    sc = gdaScores(attackResult)
    # New we need to assign susceptibility scores, which means making
    # some explore queries
    for guessedCol in colNames:
        remainingCols = [x for x in colNames if x != guessedCol]
        # -------------- More exploration phase ------------------
        # First find out how many of the cells are attackable
        sql = "SELECT sum(rows) FROM (SELECT "
        sql += comma_ize(remainingCols)
        sql += str(f"count(*) AS rows FROM {table} ")
        sql += makeGroupBy(remainingCols)
        sql += str(f" HAVING count(DISTINCT {guessedCol}) = 1) t")
        if v: print("-------------------- Explore query:")
        if v: print(sql)
        query = dict(db="raw",sql=sql)
        reply = attack.getExplore()
        if 'error' in reply:
        numRows = reply['answer'][0][0]
        if v: print("-------------------- Explore reply:")
        if v: pp.pprint(reply)
        susValue = numRows / totalRows
    # Get average score (default behavior)
    score = sc.getScores()
    if v: pp.pprint(score)
    score = sc.getScores(numColumns=1)
    if v: pp.pprint(score)
    final = finishGdaAttack(params,score)