文件: pad.py 项目: tvt173/gdsfactory
def pad_array(
    pad: ComponentOrFactory = pad,
    spacing: Tuple[float, float] = (150.0, 150.0),
    columns: int = 6,
    rows: int = 1,
    orientation: int = 270,
) -> Component:
    """Returns 2D array of pads

        pad: pad element
        spacing: x, y pitch
        orientation: port orientation in deg
    c = Component()
    pad = pad() if callable(pad) else pad
    size = pad.info.full.size
    c.info.size = size

    c.add_array(pad, columns=columns, rows=rows, spacing=spacing)
    width = size[0] if orientation in [90, 270] else size[1]

    for col in range(columns):
        for row in range(rows):
                midpoint=(col * spacing[0], row * spacing[1]),
    return c
def array(
    component: gf.types.ComponentOrFactory = straight,
    spacing: Tuple[float, float] = (150.0, 150.0),
    columns: int = 6,
    rows: int = 1,
) -> Component:
    """Returns an array of components.

        component: to replicate
        spacing: x, y spacing
        columns: in x
        rows: in y

        ValueError: If columns > 1 and spacing[0] = 0
        ValueError: If rows > 1 and spacing[1] = 0

    .. code::

        2 rows x 4 columns
         ___        ___       ___          ___
        |   |      |   |     |   |        |   |
        |___|      |___|     |___|        |___|

         ___        ___       ___          ___
        |   |      |   |     |   |        |   |
        |___|      |___|     |___|        |___|

    if rows > 1 and spacing[1] == 0:
        raise ValueError(f"rows = {rows} > 1 require spacing[1] > 0")

    if columns > 1 and spacing[0] == 0:
        raise ValueError(f"columns = {columns} > 1 require spacing[0] > 0")

    c = Component()
    component = component() if callable(component) else component
    c.add_array(component, columns=columns, rows=rows, spacing=spacing)

    for col in range(columns):
        for row in range(rows):
            for port in component.ports.values():
                name = f"{port.name}_{row+1}_{col+1}"
                c.add_port(name, port=port)
                c.ports[name].move((col * spacing[0], row * spacing[1]))
    return c
def dbr(
    w1: float = w1,
    w2: float = w2,
    l1: float = period / 2,
    l2: float = period / 2,
    n: int = 10,
    straight: ComponentFactory = straight_function,
) -> Component:
    """Distributed Bragg Reflector

        w1: thin width
        l1: thin length
        w2: thick width
        l2: thick length
        n: number of periods
        straight: function

    .. code::

           l1      l2

          w1       w2       ...  n times

    c = Component()
    l1 = gf.snap.snap_to_grid(l1)
    l2 = gf.snap.snap_to_grid(l2)
    cell = dbr_cell(
    c.add_array(cell, columns=n, rows=1, spacing=(l1 + l2, 100))
    c.add_port("o1", port=cell.ports["o1"])
    p1 = c.add_port("o2", port=cell.ports["o2"])
    p1.midpoint = [(l1 + l2) * n, 0]
    return c
def contact(
    size: Tuple[float, float] = (11.0, 11.0),
    layers: Tuple[Layer, ...] = (LAYER.M1, LAYER.M2, LAYER.M3),
    vias: Optional[Tuple[Optional[ComponentOrFactory], ...]] = (via1, via2),
    layer_port: Optional[Layer] = None,
) -> Component:
    """Rectangular contact

        size: of the layers
        layers: layers on which to draw rectangles
        vias: vias to use to fill the rectangles
        layer_port: if None asumes port is on the last layer

    width, height = size
    a = width / 2
    b = height / 2
    layer_port = layer_port or layers[-1]

    c = Component()
    c.height = height
    c.info.size = (float(size[0]), float(size[1]))
    c.info.layer = layer_port

    for layer in layers:
        ref = c << compass(size=(width, height), layer=layer)

        if layer == layer_port:

    vias = vias or []
    for via in vias:
        if via is not None:
            via = via() if callable(via) else via

            w, h = via.info["size"]
            g = via.info["enclosure"]
            pitch_x, pitch_y = via.info["spacing"]

            nb_vias_x = (width - w - 2 * g) / pitch_x + 1
            nb_vias_y = (height - h - 2 * g) / pitch_y + 1

            nb_vias_x = int(floor(nb_vias_x)) or 1
            nb_vias_y = int(floor(nb_vias_y)) or 1
            ref = c.add_array(
                via, columns=nb_vias_x, rows=nb_vias_y, spacing=(pitch_x, pitch_y)

            cw = (width - (nb_vias_x - 1) * pitch_x - w) / 2
            ch = (height - (nb_vias_y - 1) * pitch_y - h) / 2
            x0 = -a + cw + w / 2
            y0 = -b + ch + h / 2
            ref.move((x0, y0))

    return c
def contact_with_offset(
    layers: Layers = (LAYER.PPP, LAYER.M1),
    sizes: Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...] = ((10, 10), (10, 10)),
    vias: Tuple[Optional[ComponentOrFactory], ...] = (None, viac),
    offsets: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None,
    port_orientation: int = 180,
) -> Component:
    """Rectangular layer transition with offset between layers

        vias: factory for via or None for no via
        offsets: for next layer
        port_orientation: 180: W0, 0: E0, 90: N0, 270: S0
    c = Component()
    y0 = y1 = 0

    offsets = offsets or [0] * len(layers)

    for layer, via, size, offset in zip(layers, vias, sizes, offsets):
        width, height = size
        x0 = -width / 2
        x1 = +width / 2
        y1 = y0 + height
        rect_pts = [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1)]
        c.add_polygon(rect_pts, layer=layer)

        if via:
            via = via() if callable(via) else via
            w, h = via.info["size"]
            enclosure = via.info["enclosure"]
            pitch_x, pitch_y = via.info["spacing"]

            nb_vias_x = (width - w - 2 * enclosure) / pitch_x + 1
            nb_vias_y = (height - h - 2 * enclosure) / pitch_y + 1

            nb_vias_x = int(floor(nb_vias_x)) or 1
            nb_vias_y = int(floor(nb_vias_y)) or 1

            cw = (width - (nb_vias_x - 1) * pitch_x - w) / 2
            ch = (height - (nb_vias_y - 1) * pitch_y - h) / 2

            x00 = x0 + cw + w / 2
            y00 = y0 + ch + h / 2 + offset

            ref = c.add_array(via,
                              spacing=(pitch_x, pitch_y))
            ref.move((x00, y00))

        y0 += offset
        y1 = y0 + height
        rect_pts = [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1)]
        c.add_polygon(rect_pts, layer=layer)

    port_width = height if port_orientation in [0, 180] else width

    if port_orientation not in [0, 90, 270, 180]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid port_orientation = {port_orientation} not in [0, 90, 180, 270]"
        midpoint=(0, y1),
    return c
def contact_slot(
    size: Float2 = (11.0, 11.0),
    layers: Layers = (LAYER.M1, LAYER.M2),
    layer_offsets: Optional[Floats] = (0, 1.0),
    layer_offsetsx: Optional[Floats] = None,
    layer_offsetsy: Optional[Floats] = None,
    layer_port: Optional[Layer] = None,
    via: ComponentOrFactory = via1,
    enclosure: float = 1.0,
    ysize: float = 0.5,
    yspacing: float = 2.0,
) -> Component:
    """Rectangular contact with slotted via in X direction

        size: of the layers
        layers: layers on which to draw rectangles
        layer_offsets: cladding_offset for each layer
        layer_offsetsx: optional xoffset for layers, defaults to layer_offsets
        layer_offsetsx: optional yoffset for layers, defaults to layer_offsets
        layer_port: if None asumes port is on the last layer
        via: via to use to fill the rectangles
        enclosure: of the via by rectangle
        ysize: via height in y
        yspacing: via spacing pitch in y

    .. code::

        |                |                        |
        |                | layer_offsetsy[1]      |
        |  ______________|______________________  |
        |  |<--->                              |<>|
        |  |enclosure                          | layer_offsetsx[1]
        |  |      ______________________       |  |
        |  |     |                      |      |  |
        |  |     |     via              | ysize|  |
        |  |     |______________________|      |  |
        |  |  |                                |  |
        |  |  | yspacing                size[1]|  |
        |  |  |                                |  |
        |  |  |   ______________________       |  |
        |  |  |  |                      |      |  |
        |  |  |  |     via              | ysize|  |
        |  |  |  |______________________|      |  |
        |  |                                   |  |
        |  |                                   |  |
        |  |___________________________________|  |
        |                  size[0]                |
        |                                         |

    if size[0] - 2 * enclosure < 0:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Contact length (size[0] = {size[0]}) < 2*enclosure ({2*enclosure}). "
    if size[1] - 2 * enclosure < 0:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Contact width (size[1] = {size[1]}) < 2*enclosure ({2*enclosure}). "

    layer_port = layer_port or layers[-1]

    c = Component()
    c.info.size = (float(size[0]), float(size[1]))

    layer_offsetsx = layer_offsetsx or layer_offsets
    layer_offsetsy = layer_offsetsy or layer_offsets

    layer_offsetsx = list(layer_offsetsx) + [0] * len(layers)
    layer_offsetsy = list(layer_offsetsy) + [0] * len(layers)

    for layer, offsetx, offsety in zip(layers, layer_offsetsx, layer_offsetsy):
        ref = c << compass(size=(size[0] + 2 * offsetx, size[1] + 2 * offsety),

        if layer == layer_port:

    via = via(size=(size[0] - 2 * enclosure, ysize)) if callable(via) else via

    nb_vias_y = (size[1] - 2 * enclosure) / yspacing
    nb_vias_y = int(floor(nb_vias_y)) or 1
    ref = c.add_array(via, columns=1, rows=nb_vias_y, spacing=(0, yspacing))
    dy = (size[1] - (nb_vias_y - 1) * yspacing - size[1]) / 2
    ref.move((0, dy))
    return c
def contact(
    size: Tuple[float, float] = (11.0, 11.0),
    layers: Tuple[Layer, ...] = (LAYER.M1, LAYER.M2, LAYER.M3),
    vias: Optional[Tuple[Optional[ComponentOrFactory], ...]] = (via1, via2),
    layer_port: Optional[Layer] = None,
) -> Component:
    """Rectangular via array stack

    You can use it to connect different metal layers or metals to silicon.
    You can use the naming convention contact_layerSource_layerDestination

    Via array / stack name is more common for contacting metal while
    contact is used for contacting silicon


        size: of the layers
        layers: layers on which to draw rectangles
        vias: vias to use to fill the rectangles
        layer_port: if None asumes port is on the last layer

    width, height = size
    a = width / 2
    b = height / 2
    layer_port = layer_port or layers[-1]

    c = Component()
    c.height = height
    c.info.size = (float(size[0]), float(size[1]))
    c.info.layer = layer_port

    for layer in layers:
        ref = c << compass(size=(width, height), layer=layer)

        if layer == layer_port:

    vias = vias or []
    for via in vias:
        if via is not None:
            via = via() if callable(via) else via

            w, h = via.info["size"]
            g = via.info["enclosure"]
            pitch_x, pitch_y = via.info["spacing"]

            nb_vias_x = (width - w - 2 * g) / pitch_x + 1
            nb_vias_y = (height - h - 2 * g) / pitch_y + 1

            nb_vias_x = int(floor(nb_vias_x)) or 1
            nb_vias_y = int(floor(nb_vias_y)) or 1
            ref = c.add_array(via,
                              spacing=(pitch_x, pitch_y))

            cw = (width - (nb_vias_x - 1) * pitch_x - w) / 2
            ch = (height - (nb_vias_y - 1) * pitch_y - h) / 2
            x0 = -a + cw + w / 2
            y0 = -b + ch + h / 2
            ref.move((x0, y0))

    return c
def contact_slot(
    size: Tuple[float, float] = (11.0, 11.0),
    layers: Tuple[Layer, ...] = (LAYER.M1, LAYER.M2),
    layer_offsets: Tuple[float, ...] = (0, 1.0),
    layer_port: Optional[Layer] = None,
    via: ComponentOrFactory = via1,
    enclosure: float = 1.0,
    ysize: float = 0.5,
    yspacing: float = 2.0,
) -> Component:
    """Rectangular contact with slotted via in X direction

        size: of the layers
        layers: layers on which to draw rectangles
        layer_offsets: cladding_offset for each layer
        layer_port: if None asumes port is on the last layer
        via: via to use to fill the rectangles
        enclosure: of the via by rectangle
        ysize: via height in y
        yspacing: via spacing pitch in y

    .. code::

        |<--->                              |
        |      ______________________       |
        |     |                      |      |
        |     |                      | ysize|
        |     |______________________|      |
        |  |                                |
        |  | yspacing                       |
        |  |                                |
        |  |   ______________________       |
        |  |  |                      |      |
        |  |  |                      | ysize|
        |  |  |______________________|      |
        |                                   |


    layer_port = layer_port or layers[-1]

    c = Component()

    for layer, offset in zip(layers, list(layer_offsets) + [0] * len(layers)):
        ref = c << compass(size=(size[0] + 2 * offset, size[1] + 2 * offset),

        if layer == layer_port:

    via = via(size=(size[0] - 2 * enclosure, ysize)) if callable(via) else via

    nb_vias_y = (size[1] - 2 * enclosure) / yspacing
    nb_vias_y = int(floor(nb_vias_y)) or 1
    ref = c.add_array(via, columns=1, rows=nb_vias_y, spacing=(0, yspacing))
    dy = (size[1] - (nb_vias_y - 1) * yspacing - size[1]) / 2
    ref.move((0, dy))
    return c