def predict(request: GrammarRequest, model: GecBERTModel = Depends(get_model)): # return model.predict(request) preds, _ = model.handle_batch([request.text.split()]) if len(preds) > 0: result = "" for word in preds[0]: remove_characters = ["'", '"', "(", ")", "[", "]"] for character in remove_characters: word = word.replace(character, "") first_char = word[0] if first_char.isalnum(): result += " " result += word return GrammarResponse(result=result.strip()) else: return GrammarResponse(result="")
class GectorBertModel(lit_model.Model): ATTENTION_LAYERS = 12 ATTENTION_HEADS = 12 MAX_LEN = 50 def __init__(self, model_path): self.model = GecBERTModel( vocab_path='data/output_vocabulary', model_paths=[model_path], max_len=GectorBertModel.MAX_LEN, min_len=3, iterations= 1, # limit to 1 iteration to make attention analysis reasonable min_error_probability=0.0, model_name='bert', # we're using BERT special_tokens_fix=0, # disabled for BERT log=False, confidence=0, is_ensemble=0, weigths=None) # LIT API implementation def max_minibatch_size(self, config: Any = None) -> int: return 32 def predict_minibatch(self, inputs: List, config=None) -> List: # we append '$START' to the beginning of token lists because GECTOR does as well (and this is what BERT # ends up processing. see preprocess() and postprocess_batch() in gec_model # this breaks down if we have duplicates, but we shouldn't sentence_indices = [(ex["input_text"], index) for index, ex in enumerate(inputs)] tokenized_input_with_indices = [ (original.split(), index) for original, index in sentence_indices ] batch = [(tokens, index) for tokens, index in tokenized_input_with_indices if len(tokens) >= self.model.min_len] # anything under min length doesn't get processed anyway, so we don't pass it in and just keep it # so we can put stuff back in order later ignored = [(tokens, index) for tokens, index in tokenized_input_with_indices if len(tokens) < self.model.min_len] model_input = [tokens for tokens, index in batch] predictions, _, attention = self.model.handle_batch(model_input) attention = attention[0] # we only have one iteration assert (len(predictions) == len(attention)) output = [{ 'predicted': ' '.join(tokenlist) } for tokenlist in predictions] # wanted to average across heads and layers, but attention with different head counts breaks LIT #attention_averaged = numpy.average(attention, (1, 2))[:, numpy.newaxis, ...] batch_iter = iter(batch) for output_dict, attention_info in zip(output, attention): original_tokens, original_index = next(batch_iter) output_dict['original_index'] = original_index output_dict['layer_average'] = numpy.average(attention_info, axis=0) for layer_index, attention_layer_info in enumerate(attention_info): output_dict['layer{}'.format( layer_index)] = attention_layer_info output.extend({ 'predicted': ' '.join(tokens), 'original_index': original_index } for tokens, original_index in ignored) output.sort(key=lambda x: x['original_index']) for tokenized_input, index in tokenized_input_with_indices: output[index]['input_tokens'] = ['$START'] + tokenized_input for d in output: del d['original_index'] return output def input_spec(self) -> lit_types.Spec: return { "input_text": lit_types.TextSegment(), "target_text": lit_types.TextSegment() } def output_spec(self) -> lit_types.Spec: output = { "input_tokens": lit_types.Tokens(parent="input_text"), "predicted": lit_types.GeneratedText(parent='target_text'), 'layer_average': lit_types.AttentionHeads(align=('input_tokens', 'input_tokens')) } for layer in range(self.ATTENTION_LAYERS): output['layer{}'.format(layer)] = lit_types.AttentionHeads( align=('input_tokens', 'input_tokens')) return output
class GrammarCorrection: def __init__(self): """ vocab_path: Path to the vocab file. model_paths: Path to the model file. max_len: The max sentence length(all longer will be truncated). type->int min_len: The minimum sentence length(all longer will be returned w/o changes) type-> int iterations: The number of iterations of the model. type->int min_error_probability: Minimum probability for each action to apply. Also, minimum error probability, as described in the paper. type->float lowercase_tokens: The number of iterations of the model. type->int model_name: Name of the transformer can chose['bert', 'gpt2', 'transformerxl', 'xlnet', 'distilbert', 'roberta', 'albert'] special_tokens_fix: Whether to fix problem with [CLS], [SEP] tokens tokenization. For reproducing reported results it should be 0 for BERT/XLNet and 1 for RoBERTa. type->int confidence: How many probability to add to $KEEP token. type->float is_ensemble: Whether to do ensembling. type->int weigths: Used to calculate weighted average. batch_size: The size of hidden unit cell. :return: """ if not os.path.exists('./model/'): self.download_model() self.model = GecBERTModel(vocab_path='./data/output_vocabulary', model_paths=['./model/'], max_len=50, min_len=3, iterations=5, min_error_probability=0.0, lowercase_tokens=0, model_name='bert', special_tokens_fix=0, log=False, confidence=0, is_ensemble=0, weigths=None) @staticmethod def download_model(): link = "" with open('./model/', "wb") as f: print('Downloading grammatical error correction model [bert_0_gector]! Please wait a minute!') response = requests.get(link, stream=True) total_length = response.headers.get('content-length') if total_length is None: # no content length header f.write(response.content) else: dl = 0 total_length = int(total_length) for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): dl += len(data) f.write(data) done = int(50 * dl / total_length) sys.stdout.write("\r[%s%s]" % ('=' * done, ' ' * (50 - done))) sys.stdout.flush() @staticmethod def language_checker(text): matches = tool.check(text) correct_text = lc.correct(text, matches) return correct_text def correct_sentence_by_file(self, input_file='./data/predict_for_file/input.txt', output_file='./data/predict_for_file/output.txt', batch_size=32): test_data = read_lines(input_file) predictions = [] cnt_corrections = 0 batch = [] for sent in test_data: batch.append(self.language_checker(sent).split()) if len(batch) == batch_size: preds, cnt = self.model.handle_batch(batch) predictions.extend(preds) cnt_corrections += cnt batch = [] if batch: preds, cnt = self.model.handle_batch(batch) predictions.extend(preds) cnt_corrections += cnt with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write("\n".join([" ".join(x) for x in predictions]) + '\n') return cnt_corrections def correct_sentence(self, input_string): predictions = [] cnt_corrections = 0 batch = [self.language_checker(input_string).split()] if batch: preds, cnt = self.model.handle_batch(batch) predictions.extend(preds) cnt_corrections += cnt return [" ".join(x) for x in predictions][0]