 def getIndividual(self, individualIdString):
     cursor = self.mysql.connection.cursor()
         '''SELECT i_gedcom FROM wt_individuals WHERE i_id = %s''',
     rows = cursor.fetchall()
     if not rows:
         return None
     gedcom = rows[0][0]  # Get the first row, gedcom column
     with BytesIO(bytes(gedcom, 'utf_8')) as gedcom_file:
         parser = GedcomReader(gedcom_file)
         for individualRecord in parser.records0('INDI'):
             individual = Individual(self.recordIdString(individualRecord),
             individual.sexString = individualRecord.sex
             if individualRecord.sub_tag(
                     'BIRT') and individualRecord.sub_tag('BIRT').sub_tag(
                 individual.bornString = individualRecord.sub_tag(
             if individualRecord.sub_tag(
                     'DEAT') and individualRecord.sub_tag('DEAT').sub_tag(
                 individual.bornString = individualRecord.sub_tag(
             # TODO(atrookey): May be buggy, need to support multiple child families
             familyChildRecord = self.firstElement(
                 self.getFamilyRecords(individualRecord, 'FAMC'))
             if familyChildRecord:
                 # TODO(atrookey): May be buggy, need to support multiple wives.
                 motherRecord = self.firstElement(
                     self.getIndividualRecords(familyChildRecord, 'WIFE'))
                 if motherRecord:
                 # TODO(atrookey): May be buggy, need to support multiple husbands.
                 fatherRecord = self.firstElement(
                     self.getIndividualRecords(familyChildRecord, 'HUSB'))
                 if fatherRecord:
             familySpouseRecords = self.getFamilyRecords(
                 individualRecord, 'FAMS')
             for familySpouseRecord in familySpouseRecords:
                 family = Family(self.recordIdString(familySpouseRecord))
                 partnerRecord = self.getPartnerRecordForFamily(
                     familySpouseRecord, individualRecord)
                 if partnerRecord:
                 childRecords = self.getIndividualRecords(
                     familySpouseRecord, 'CHIL')
                 for childRecord in childRecords:
             return individual
     return None
    def ged_reader(self):
        count_none_rin = 0

        # Initialize GED parser.
        with GedcomReader(self.ged_path, encoding='utf-8') as parser:
            # iterate over all INDI records
            for i, record in enumerate(parser.records0('INDI')):
                # Get individual RIN ID.
                ind_ref = self.format_rin(record.xref_id)

                # Get the RIN ID of the individuals parents.
                # If the parent does not exist, set to 0.

                # Get father ID.
                fa = record.father
                fa_ref = '0'
                if not fa is None:
                    if fa.xref_id is not None:
                        fa_ref = self.format_rin(fa.xref_id)

                # Get mother ID.
                mo = record.mother
                mo_ref = '0'
                if not mo is None:
                    if mo.xref_id is not None:
                        mo_ref = self.format_rin(mo.xref_id)

                # Get information about individual in a dictionary.
                ind_records = {r.tag: r for r in record.sub_records}

                sex = ind_records['SEX'].value

                # Append a tuple to the data list.
                record = (ind_ref, fa_ref, mo_ref, sex)
 def getRecords(self, sourceRecord, tag, sqlQuery, topLevelTag):
     records = []
     # Record.sub_tags appears to be broken.  Using this code instead.  Source model.py
     for subRecord in [
             x for x in (sourceRecord.sub_records or []) if x.tag == tag
         # Pointers used, gedcom incomplete.  Strip @ signs
         referenceId = subRecord.value.strip('@')
         cursor = self.mysql.connection.cursor()
         cursor.execute(sqlQuery, [referenceId])
         gedcom = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
         with BytesIO(bytes(gedcom, 'utf_8')) as gedcom_file:
             parser = GedcomReader(gedcom_file)
             # For loop is misleading, only loops once.
             for record in parser.records0(topLevelTag):
     return records
def main(gedfile):
    print_by_type_counter = defaultdict(int)
    with GedcomReader(gedfile, encoding='utf-8') as rdr:
        for record in rdr.records0():
            t = type(record).__name__
            key = t + '_' + record.tag
            print_by_type_counter[key] += 1
            if print_by_type_counter[key] <= 1:
                print(f'\n0 {key}: {str(record)}')
            print_subrecords(record, depth=1)
    def ged_reader(self):
        count_none_rin = 0

        # Initialize GED parser.
        with GedcomReader(self.ged_path, encoding='utf-8') as parser:
            n_na = 0
            # iterate over all INDI records
            for i, record in enumerate(parser.records0('INDI')):
                # Get individual RIN ID.
                ind_ref = self.format_rin(record.xref_id)

                # Get information about individual in a dictionary.
                ind_records = {r.tag: r for r in record.sub_records}

                birth = ind_records.get('BIRT')

                # If birth year is not found in record, it is set to NA.
                birth_year = 'NA'
                if birth is not None:
                    birth_records = {r.tag: r for r in birth.sub_records}

                    # Get birth year of individual.
                    birth_date_record = birth_records.get(
                        'DATE')  # Date record, or None.
                    if birth_date_record is not None:
                        # Get the birth date as a string.
                        birth_date_str = str(birth_date_record.value)

                        # Unfortunately, the dates are inconsistently formateed.
                        # Use dateutils to automatically parse the date and get the birth year.
                        birth_year_fmt = format_date_year(birth_date_str)

                        # If we were not able to parse the date, use NA.
                        if birth_year_fmt is not None:
                            birth_year = birth_year_fmt
                                'Could not parse birth date of record %s: %s' %
                                (ind_ref, birth_date_str))

                if birth_year == 'NA':
                    n_na += 1
                    # Append a tuple to the data list.
                    record = (ind_ref, birth_year)

        logging.info('Number of records with NA birth year: %d' % n_na)
    def ged_reader(self):
        count_none_rin = 0

        # Initialize GED parser.
        with GedcomReader(self.ged_path, encoding='utf-8') as parser:
            n_na = 0
            # iterate over all INDI records
            for i, record in enumerate(parser.records0('INDI')):
                # Get individual RIN ID.
                ind_ref = self.format_rin(record.xref_id)

                # Get information about individual in a dictionary.
                ind_records = {r.tag: r for r in record.sub_records}

                # Get the record with tag "REFN".
                refn = ind_records.get('REFN')

                # If we are not able to make an encrypted ID, it will be "NA".
                hash_id = 'NA'
                if refn is not None:
                    refn = refn.value

                    # Reformat the ID.
                    pid = self.reformat_refn(refn)

                    # If it was possible to get the ID in the correct format, we encrypt
                    # it using sha256.
                    if pid is not None:
                        # Check that the personal ID is correctly formatted.
                        pid_ok = check_pid(pid)

                        if pid_ok:
                            # Encrypt the personal ID.
                            hash_id = encrypt(pid)
                                'PID %s (corresponding to REFN %s) does not contain a proper date'
                                % (pid, refn))

                if hash_id == 'NA':
                    n_na += 1
                    # Append a tuple to the data list.
                    record = (ind_ref, hash_id)

        logging.info('Number of records with NA hash ID: %d' % n_na)
from ged4py import GedcomReader

path = r"C:\Python\Python38\Django\familysite\ca1z66_78236416fprf45ca4e51z3.ged"
people = []
with GedcomReader(path) as parser:
    for i, indi in enumerate(parser.records0("INDI")):
json = ''
json += '[ \n'
with GedcomReader(path) as parser:
    for i, indi in enumerate(parser.records0("INDI")):
        if len(indi.name.given.split(" ")) > 1:
            patronym = indi.name.given.split(" ")[-1]
        gedcom_id = indi.__dict__['xref_id']
        place_death = indi.sub_tag_value("DEAT/PLAC")
        place_birth = indi.sub_tag_value("BIRT/PLAC")
        name_maiden = indi.name.maiden
        name_last = indi.name.surname
        name_first = indi.name.first
        individual_notes = indi.sub_tag_value("NOTE")
        gender = indi.sex
        date_death = indi.sub_tag_value("DEAT/DATE")
        date_birth = indi.sub_tag_value("BIRT/DATE")
        json += '\t{ \n'
        json += '\t\t"model" : "familysite.familyroster.Individual",' + ',\n'
        json += '\t\t"pk" : ' + f'{i+1}' + ',\n'
        json += '\t\t"fields" : {\n'
        json += '\t\t\t"gedcom_id" : ' + f'"{gedcom_id}"' + ',\n'
        json += '\t\t\t"name_last" : ' + f'"{name_last}"' + ',\n'
        json += '\t\t\t"name_first" : ' + f'"{name_first}"' + ',\n'
ged_path = sys.argv[1]  # Path to input GED file.
csv_path = sys.argv[2]  # Path to output CSV file.

# List to store relevant fields of all records in.
gen = list()

count_none_rin = 0

def format_rin(rin):
    '''Extract RIN, as Gedcom represents RIN as e.g. @I1@.'''
    return rin[2:-1]

# Initialize GED parser.
with GedcomReader(ged_path, encoding='utf-8') as parser:
    # iterate over all INDI records
    for i, record in enumerate(parser.records0('INDI')):
        # Get individual RIN ID.
        ind_ref = int(format_rin(record.xref_id))

        # Get the RIN ID of the individuals parents.
        # If the parent does not exist, set to 0.

        fa = record.father
        fa_ref = 0
        if not fa is None:
            if fa.xref_id is not None:
                fa_ref = int(format_rin(fa.xref_id))

        mo = record.mother
 def create_humans(self) -> Dict[str, Human]:
     with GedcomReader(self.file_path) as parser:
         return self.__create_humans(parser.records0)