def solve_beta_for_single_time_exponential(next_I,curr_I,sigma,N,prev_beta,k,cap_for_searching_exact_sol):

	#print("curr", curr_I, "next", next_I)
# 	if next_I != 0 and curr_I != 0 and next_I != curr_I:
# 		m = GEKKO()             # create GEKKO model
# 		beta = m.Var(value=1.0)      # define new variable, initial value=0
# 		m.Equations([((1/(beta-sigma))*m.log(next_I/((beta-sigma)-beta*next_I/N))) -  ((1/(beta-sigma))*m.log(curr_I/((beta-sigma)-beta*curr_I/N))) == 1.0]) # equations
# 		m.solve(disp=False)     # solve
# 		output = beta.value[0]
# 	else:
# 		output = solve_beta_for_single_time_polynomial(next_I,curr_I,sigma,N,prev_beta)
# 	data = (next_I,curr_I,sigma,N)
# 	beta_guess = .2
#	output = fsolve(function_for_solver, beta_guess, args=data)
	#cap_for_searching_exact_sol = 10
	output = max(0,solve_beta_for_single_time_polynomial(next_I,curr_I,sigma,N,prev_beta,k))
	if output > cap_for_searching_exact_sol and next_I != 0 and curr_I != 0 and next_I != curr_I:
		m = GEKKO()             # create GEKKO model
		beta = m.Var(value=1.0)      # define new variable, initial value=0
		m.Equations([((1/(beta-sigma))*m.log(k*next_I/((beta-sigma)-beta*k*next_I/N))) -  ((1/(beta-sigma))*m.log(k*curr_I/((beta-sigma)-beta*k*curr_I/N))) == 1.0]) # equations
		m.solve(disp=False)     # solve
		output = beta.value[0]  

	return output
def solve01():
    # Solve Linear Equations
    m = GEKKO()  # create GEKKO model
    x = m.Var()  # define new variable, default=0
    y = m.Var()  # define new variable, default=0
    m.Equations([3 * x + 2 * y == 1, x + 2 * y == 0])  # equations
    m.solve(disp=False)  # solve
    print(x.value, y.value)  # print solution
def solve02():
    # Solve NonLinear Equations
    m = GEKKO()  # create GEKKO model
    x = m.Var(value=0)  # define new variable, initial value=0
    y = m.Var(value=1)  # define new variable, initial value=1
    m.Equations([x + 2 * y == 0, x**2 + y**2 == 1])  # equations
    m.solve(disp=False)  # solve
    print([x.value[0], y.value[0]])  # print solution
def solve(var):
    # initialize model
    reaction_model = GEKKO()

    # set model time as time gathered data
    reaction_model.time = time

    # Constants
    R = reaction_model.Const(8.3145)  # Gas constant J / mol K

    # Parameters
    T = reaction_model.Param(temperature)

    # Fixed Variables to change
    # bounds

    E_a_1 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_1_initial_guess)
    E_a_2 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_2_initial_guess)
    A_1 = reaction_model.FV(A_1_initial_guess)
    A_2 = reaction_model.FV(A_2_initial_guess)
    alpha = reaction_model.FV(alpha_initial_guess)
    beta = reaction_model.FV(beta_initial_guess)

    # NO bounds
    # state Variables
    Ph_3_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_3_minus_initial)

    # variable we will use to regress other Parameters
    Ph_2_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_2_minus_initial)

    # intermediates
    k1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 /
                                                              (R * T)))
    k2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 /
                                                              (R * T)))
    r1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k1 * Ph_2_minus**alpha)
    r2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k2 * Ph_3_minus**beta)

    # equations
        [Ph_2_minus.dt() == r2 - r1,
         Ph_3_minus.dt() == r1 - r2])

    # parameter options
    # controlled variable options

    # model options and other to solve
    reaction_model.options.IMODE = 4  # set up dynamic simulation
    reaction_model.options.NODES = 2  # number of nodes for collocation equations
    reaction_model.options.SOLVER = 1  # use APOPT active set non-linear solverreaction_model.options.EV_TYPE = 2      # use l-1 norm rather than 2 norm

    return Ph_2_minus.value
def solve03():
    # Variable and Equation Arrays
    m = GEKKO()
    p = m.Param(1.2)
    x = m.Array(m.Var, 3)
    eq0 = x[1] == x[0] + p
    eq1 = x[2] - 1 == x[1] + x[0]
    m.Equation(x[2] == x[1]**2)
    m.Equations([eq0, eq1])
    for i in range(3):
        print('x[' + str(i) + ']=' + str(x[i].value))
def solve11():  # error
    # Moving Horizon Estimation
    # Estimator Model
    m = GEKKO()
    m.time = p.time
    # Parameters
    m.u = m.MV(value=u_meas)  #input
    m.K = m.FV(value=1, lb=1, ub=3)  # gain
    m.tau = m.FV(value=5, lb=1, ub=10)  # time constant
    # Variables
    m.x = m.SV()  #state variable
    m.y = m.CV(value=y_meas)  #measurement
    # Equations
    m.Equations([m.tau * m.x.dt() == -m.x + m.u, m.y == m.K * m.x])
    # Options
    m.options.IMODE = 5  #MHE
    m.options.EV_TYPE = 1
    # STATUS = 0, optimizer doesn't adjust value
    # STATUS = 1, optimizer can adjust
    m.u.STATUS = 0
    m.K.STATUS = 1
    m.tau.STATUS = 1
    m.y.STATUS = 1
    # FSTATUS = 0, no measurement
    # FSTATUS = 1, measurement used to update model
    m.u.FSTATUS = 1
    m.K.FSTATUS = 0
    m.tau.FSTATUS = 0
    m.y.FSTATUS = 1
    # DMAX = maximum movement each cycle
    m.K.DMAX = 2.0
    m.tau.DMAX = 4.0
    # MEAS_GAP = dead-band for measurement / model mismatch
    m.y.MEAS_GAP = 0.25

    # solve

    # Plot results
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(m.time, u_meas, 'b:', label='Input (u) meas')
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(m.time, y_meas, 'gx', label='Output (y) meas')
    plt.plot(p.time, p.y.value, 'k-', label='Output (y) actual')
    plt.plot(m.time, m.y.value, 'r--', label='Output (y) estimated')
def calculating_risk_for_single_community(vec_I,population,sigma,ave_k):
    """ This function computes the daily risk score for a single community given the number of daily infected cases, population of the community, 
    inverse of average recovery dates, and number of times actual infected cases is higher than reported ones."""
# Inputs:
# - vec_I       :   Represents the vector of number of daily infected cases reported for the community
# - population  :   Indicates the population of the community
# - sigma       :   Is equal to 1/D where D represents the average recovery days (usually D is around 7.5)
# - ave_k       :   Average value for the ration of actual active daily infected cases to reported ones (should be >=1)

# Outputs:
# - risk        :    Vector of the risk score of the community over time

    c = len(vec_I)
    matrix_I = vec_I[np.newaxis,:]
    beta_SIR,R,risk = np.zeros((c-1,)),np.zeros((c-1,)),np.zeros((c-1,))
    for time in range(c-1):
        next_I,curr_I,N = ave_k*vec_I[time+1],ave_k*vec_I[time],population
        #print("curr", curr_I, "next", next_I)
        if next_I>curr_I:
            if next_I != 0 and curr_I != 0 and next_I != curr_I:
                m = GEKKO(remote=False)             # create GEKKO model
                beta = m.Var(value=.2)      # define new variable, initial value=0
                m.Equations([((1/(beta-sigma))*m.log(next_I/((beta-sigma)-beta*next_I/N))) -  ((1/(beta-sigma))*m.log(curr_I/((beta-sigma)-beta*curr_I/N))) == 1.0]) # equations
                m.solve(disp=False)     # solve
                output = beta.value[0]
                if curr_I != 0:
                    output = (next_I - curr_I+sigma*curr_I)/(curr_I-(1/N)*curr_I**2)
                    output = 0
            if curr_I != 0:
                output = (next_I - curr_I+sigma*curr_I)/(curr_I-(1/N)*curr_I**2)
                output = 0

        beta_SIR[time] = max(0,output)
        #beta_SIR[time] = max(0,solve_beta_for_single_time_exponential(matrix_I[0,time+1],matrix_I[0,time],sigma,population,0) )
        R[time] = beta_SIR[time] / sigma
        risk[time] = (10000)*R[time]*vec_I[time]*ave_k/(1.0*population)

    return risk
        def optimize_gekko(gammas, K_vals, pressure, XHtot, XStot, fO2):
            m = GEKKO()  # create GEKKO model
            fH2 = m.Var(value=0)  # define new variable, initial value=0
            fS2 = m.Var(value=0)  # define new variable, initial value=0
            fH2.lower = 0  # set lower bound to 0
            fS2.lower = 0  # set lower bound to 0
                ((fH2 / (gammas['H2'] * pressure)) +
                 ((sympy.Rational(2.0) * K_vals['H2O'] * fH2 * m.sqrt(fO2)) /
                  (sympy.Rational(3.0) * gammas['H2O'] * pressure)) +
                 ((sympy.Rational(2.0) * K_vals['H2S'] * fH2 * m.sqrt(fS2)) /
                  (sympy.Rational(3.0) * gammas['H2S'] * pressure)) -
                 XHtot == 0),
                ((fS2 / (gammas['S2'] * pressure)) +
                 ((K_vals['H2S'] * fH2 * m.sqrt(fS2)) /
                  (sympy.Rational(3.0) * gammas['H2S'] * pressure)) +
                 ((K_vals['SO2'] * fO2 * m.sqrt(fS2)) /
                  (sympy.Rational(3.0) * gammas['SO2'] * pressure)) -
                 XStot == 0)

            return fH2.value[0], fS2.value[0]
def solve_equation(PT, faps):
    m = GEKKO(remote=False)

    x = m.Var()
    y = m.Var()
    z = m.Var()

    for fap in faps:
        x_term = (x - fap.x)**2
        y_term = (y - fap.y)**2
        z_term = (z - fap.z)**2
        radius_term = calculate_radius(PT, fap.snr)**2

        # z > 5 to ensure that the UAV is at a reasonable height
        m.Equations([x_term + y_term + z_term <= radius_term, z > 5.0])

        solution = (x.value[0], y.value[0], z.value[0])

        solution = None

    return solution
class Brain():
    def __init__(self, remote=True, bfgs=True, explicit=True):
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=remote)
        #generic model options
        self.m.options.MAX_ITER = 4000
        self.m.options.OTOL = 1e-4
        self.m.options.RTOL = 1e-4
        if bfgs:
            self.m.solver_options = ['hessian_approximation limited-memory']

        self._explicit = explicit
        self._input_size = None
        self._output_size = None
        self._layers = []
        self._weights = []
        self._biases = []
        self.input = []
        self.output = []

    def input_layer(self, size):
        #store input size
        self._input_size = size
        #build FV with Feedback to accept inputs
        self.input = [self.m.Param() for _ in range(size)]
        #        #set FV options
        #        for n in self.input:
        #            n.FSTATUS = 1
        #            n.STATUS = 0

        #add input layer to list of layers

    def layer(self,
        Layer types:
            pool (mean)
        Activation options:
        size = relu + tanh + linear + gaussian + bent + leaky
        if size < 1:
            raise Exception("Need at least one node")

        if ltype == 'dense':

            ## weights between neurons
            n_p = len(self._layers[-1])  #number of neuron in previous layer
            n_c = n_p * size  # number of axion connections
            # build n_c FVs as axion weights, initialize randomly in [-1,1]
                self.m.FV(value=[np.random.rand() * 2 - 1]) for _ in range(n_c)
            for w in self._weights[-1]:
                w.STATUS = 1
                w.FSTATUS = 0
            #input times weights, add bias and activate
            self._biases.append([self.m.FV(value=0) for _ in range(size)])
            for b in self._biases[-1]:
                b.STATUS = 1
                b.FSTATUS = 0

            count = 0

            if self._explicit:

                # build new neuron weighted inputs
                neuron_inputs = [
                    self.m.Intermediate(self._biases[-1][i] + sum(
                        (self._weights[-1][(i * n_p) + j] *
                         self._layers[-1][j]) for j in range(n_p)))
                    for i in range(size)
                ]  #i counts nodes in this layer, j counts nodes of previous layer

                ##neuron activation
                if linear > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        for i in range(count, count + linear)
                    count += linear
                if tanh > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        for i in range(count, count + tanh)
                    count += tanh
                if relu > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                            self.m.log(1 + self.m.exp(neuron_inputs[i])))
                        for i in range(count, count + relu)
                    count += relu
                if gaussian > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        for i in range(count, count + gaussian)
                    count += gaussian
                if bent > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                            (self.m.sqrt(neuron_inputs[i]**2 + 1) - 1) / 2 +
                        for i in range(count, count + bent)
                    count += bent
                if leaky > 0:
                    s = [self.m.Var(lb=0) for _ in range(leaky * 2)]
                        (1.5 * neuron_inputs[i + count]) -
                        (0.5 * neuron_inputs[i + count]) == s[2 * i] -
                        s[2 * i + 1] for i in range(leaky)
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        self.m.Intermediate(neuron_inputs[count + i] +
                                            s[2 * i]) for i in range(leaky)
                    [self.m.Obj(s[2 * i] * s[2 * i + 1]) for i in range(leaky)]
                        [s[2 * i] * s[2 * i + 1] == 0 for i in range(leaky)])
                    count += leaky

            else:  #type=implicit

                # build new neuron weighted inputs
                neuron_inputs = [self.m.Var() for i in range(size)]
                        neuron_inputs[i] == self._biases[-1][i] + sum(
                            (self._weights[-1][(i * n_p) + j] *
                             self._layers[-1][j]) for j in range(n_p))
                        for i in range(size)
                )  #i counts nodes in this layer, j counts nodes of previous layer

                ##neuron activation
                neurons = [self.m.Var() for i in range(size)]

                ##neuron activation
                if linear > 0:
                        neurons[i] == neuron_inputs[i]
                        for i in range(count, count + linear)
                    count += linear
                if tanh > 0:
                        neurons[i] == self.m.tanh(neuron_inputs[i])
                        for i in range(count, count + tanh)
                    for n in neurons[count:count + tanh]:
                        n.LOWER = -5
                        n.UPPER = 5
                    count += tanh
                if relu > 0:
                        neurons[i] == self.m.log(1 +
                        for i in range(count, count + relu)
                    for n in neurons[count:count + relu]:
                        n.LOWER = -10
                    count += relu
                if gaussian > 0:
                        neurons[i] == self.m.exp(-neuron_inputs[i]**2)
                        for i in range(count, count + gaussian)
                    for n in neurons[count:count + gaussian]:
                        n.LOWER = -3.5
                        n.UPPER = 3.5
                    count += gaussian
                if bent > 0:
                        neurons[i] == (
                            (self.m.sqrt(neuron_inputs[i]**2 + 1) - 1) / 2 +
                        for i in range(count, count + bent)
                    count += bent
                if leaky > 0:
                    s = [self.m.Var(lb=0) for _ in range(leaky * 2)]
                        (1.5 * neuron_inputs[count + i]) -
                        (0.5 * neuron_inputs[count + i]) == s[2 * i] -
                        s[2 * i + 1] for i in range(leaky)
                        neurons[count + i] == neuron_inputs[count + i] +
                        s[2 * i] for i in range(leaky)
                        self.m.Obj(10000 * s[2 * i] * s[2 * i + 1])
                        for i in range(leaky)
                    #self.m.Equations([s[2*i]*s[2*i+1] == 0 for i in range(leaky)])
                    count += leaky

            raise Exception('layer type not implemented yet')

    def output_layer(self, size, ltype='dense', activation='linear'):
        Layer types:
            pool (mean)
        Activation options:

        # build a layer to ensure that the number of nodes matches the output
        self.layer(size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ltype)

        self.output = [self.m.CV() for _ in range(size)]
        for o in self.output:
            o.FSTATUS = 1
            o.STATUS = 1

        #link output CVs to last layer
        for i in range(size):
            self.m.Equation(self.output[i] == self._layers[-1][i])

    def think(self, inputs):

        #convert inputs to numpy ndarray
        inputs = np.atleast_2d(inputs)

        ##confirm input/output dimensions
        in_dims = inputs.shape
        ni = len(self.input)
        #consistent layer size
        if in_dims[0] != ni:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of inputs')

        #set input values
        for i in range(ni):
            self.input[i].value = inputs[i, :]

        #solve in SS simulation
        self.m.options.IMODE = 2
        #disable all weights
        for wl in self._weights:
            for w in wl:
                w.STATUS = 0
        for bl in self._biases:
            for b in bl:
                b.STATUS = 0

        ##return result
        res = []  #concatentate result from each CV in one list
        for i in range(len(self.output)):

        return res

    def learn(self, inputs, outputs, obj=2, gap=0, disp=True):
        Make the brain learn. 
        Give inputs as (n)xm
            Where n = input layer dimensions
            m = number of datasets
        Give outputs as (n)xm
            Where n = output layer dimensions
            m = number of datasets
        Objective can be 1 (L1 norm) or 2 (L2 norm)
        If obj=1, gap provides a deadband around output matching.

        #convert inputs to numpy ndarray
        inputs = np.atleast_2d(inputs)
        outputs = np.atleast_2d(outputs)

        ##confirm input/output dimensions
        in_dims = inputs.shape
        out_dims = outputs.shape
        ni = len(self.input)
        no = len(self.output)
        #consistent dataset size
        if in_dims[1] != out_dims[1]:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of datasets')
        #consistent layer size
        if in_dims[0] != ni:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of inputs')
        if out_dims[0] != no:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of outputs')

        #set input values
        for i in range(ni):
            self.input[i].value = inputs[i, :]

        #set output values
        for i in range(no):
            o = self.output[i]
            o.value = outputs[i, :]
            if obj == 1:  #set meas_gap while cycling through CVs
                o.MEAS_GAP = gap

        #solve in MPU mode
        self.m.options.IMODE = 2
        self.m.options.EV_TYPE = obj
        self.m.options.REDUCE = 3
        #enable all weights
        for wl in self._weights:
            for w in wl:
                w.STATUS = 1
        for bl in self._biases:
            for b in bl:
                b.STATUS = 1


    def shake(self, percent):
        """ Neural networks are non-convex. Some stochastic shaking can 
        sometimes help bump the problem to a new region. This function 
        perturbs all weights by +/-percent their values."""

        for l in self._weights:
            for f in l:
                f.value = f.value[-1] * (
                    1 + (1 - 2 * np.random.rand()) * percent / 100)
def pitch(mission, rocket, stage, trajectory, general, optimization, Data):

    alpha_v = 20

    g0 = 9.810665
    Re = 6371000

    T = stage[0].thrust
    Mass = rocket.mass
    ISP = stage[0].Isp
    Area = stage[0].diameter**2 / 4 * np.pi

    #The pitch is also considered only in the first stage

    m = GEKKO(remote=False)

    m.time = np.linspace(0, trajectory.pitch_time, 101)

    final = np.zeros(len(m.time))
    final[-1] = 1
    final = m.Param(value=final)

    tf = m.FV(value=1, lb=0.1, ub=100)
    tf.STATUS = 0

    alpha = m.MV(value=0, lb=-0.2, ub=0.1)
    alpha.STATUS = 1

    alpha.DMAX = alpha_v * np.pi / 180 * trajectory.pitch_time / 101

    x = m.Var(value=Data[1][-1], lb=0)
    y = m.Var(value=Data[2][-1], lb=0)
    v = m.Var(value=Data[3][-1], lb=0)
    phi = m.Var(value=Data[4][-1], ub=np.pi / 2, lb=0)
    mass = m.Var(value=Data[5][-1])
    vG = m.Var(value=Data[7][-1])
    vD = m.Var(value=Data[8][-1])

    rho = m.Intermediate(rho_func(y))
    cD = m.Intermediate(Drag_Coeff(v / (m.sqrt(1.4 * 287.053 * Temp_func(y)))))
    D = m.Intermediate(1 / 2 * rho * Area * cD * v**2)

        x.dt() / tf == v * m.cos(phi),
        y.dt() / tf == v * m.sin(phi),
        v.dt() / tf == T / mass * m.cos(alpha) - D / mass - g0 * m.sin(phi) *
        (Re / (Re + y))**2, ISP * g0 * mass.dt() / tf == -T, v * phi.dt() /
        tf == (v**2 / (Re + y) - g0 *
               (Re / (Re + y))**2) * m.cos(phi) + T * m.sin(alpha) / mass,
        vG.dt() / tf == g0 * m.sin(phi) * (Re / (Re + y))**2,
        vD.dt() / tf == D / mass

    m.Obj(final * (phi - trajectory.pitch)**2)
    m.Obj(1e-4 * alpha**2)

    m.options.IMODE = 6
    m.options.SOLVER = 3
    m.options.MAX_ITER = 500

    ###Save Data
    tm = np.linspace(Data[0][-1], m.time[-1] + Data[0][-1], 101)



    return Data
n = 1  #process model order

p.u = p.MV()
p.K = p.Param(value=1)  #gain
p.tau = p.Param(value=5)  #time constant

p.x = [p.Intermediate(p.u)]

p.x.extend([p.Var() for _ in range(n)])  #state variables
p.y = p.SV()  #measurement

    [p.tau / n * p.x[i + 1].dt() == -p.x[i + 1] + p.x[i] for i in range(n)])
p.Equation(p.y == p.K * p.x[n])

p.options.IMODE = 4

#p.u.FSTATUS = 1
#p.u.STATUS = 0

#%% Model
m = GEKKO()

m.time = np.linspace(0, 20,
                     41)  #0-20 by 0.5 -- discretization must match simulation

#%% Model
m = GEKKO()

m.time = np.linspace(0, 15, 61)
#parameters to estimate
lg10_kr = [m.FV(value=lkr[i]) for i in range(6)]
kr = [m.Var() for i in range(6)]
H = m.Var(value=1e6)
I = m.Var(value=0)
V = m.Var(value=1e2)
#Variable to match with data
LV = m.CV(value=2)
m.Equations([10**lg10_kr[i] == kr[i] for i in range(6)])
    H.dt() == kr[0] - kr[1] * H - kr[2] * H * V,
    I.dt() == kr[2] * H * V - kr[3] * I,
    V.dt() == -kr[2] * H * V - kr[4] * V + kr[5] * I, LV == m.log10(V)

#%% Estimation

## Global options
m.options.IMODE = 5  #switch to estimation
m.options.TIME_SHIFT = 0  #don't timeshift on new solve
m.options.EV_TYPE = 2  #l2 norm
m.options.COLDSTART = 2
m.options.SOLVER = 1
m.options.MAX_ITER = 1000
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from gekko import GEKKO

Solving nonlinear equations

m = GEKKO() # create GEKKO model
x = m.Var(value=0) # define new variable, initial value=0
y = m.Var(value=1) # define new variable, initial value=1
m.Equations([x + 2*y==0, x**2+y**2==1]) # equations
m.solve(disp=False) # solve
print([x.value[0],y.value[0]]) # print solution

Mixed-integer nonlinear example

m = GEKKO() # Initialize gekko
m.options.SOLVER=1 # APOPT is an MINLP solver

# optional solver settings with APOPT
m.solver_options = ["minlp_maximum_iterations 500", \
                    # minlp iterations with integer solution
                    "minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol 10", \
                    # treat minlp as nlp
                    "minlp_as_nlp 0", \
                    # nlp sub-problem max iterations
                    "nlp_maximum_iterations 50", \
    Q.value = random.uniform(low=100, high=10000)

#define dThn dTc
dTh = m.Array(m.FV, (Nh, Nhe))
dTc = m.Array(m.FV, (Nc, Nhe))

#calculate change in temperature

for i in range(Nh):
    for mf in range(Nhe):
        dTh[i][mf] = whot[i][mf] * Qm[mf] / Cph[i]
for j in range(Nc):
    for mf in range(Nhe):
        dTc[j][mf] = wcold[j][mf] * Qm[mf] / Cpc[j]
m.Equations(dTh[i][m]==[[whot.T[i][m]*Qm/Cph[i] for i in range(Nh)] for m in range(Nhe)])

m.Equations(dTc[j][m]==[[wcold.T[j][m]*Qm/Cpc[j] for j in range(Nc)] for m in range(Nhe)])

#Calculate outlet temperature
Thout = m.Array(m.FV, (Nhe, Nh))
Tcout = m.Array(m.FV, (Nhe, Nc))

for mf in range(Nhe):
    for i in range(Nh):
        m.Equations(Thout[mf][i] == Thin[mf][i] - dTh.T[mf][i])
    for j in range(Nc):
        m.Equations(Tcout[mf][j] == Tcin[mf][j] - dTc.T[mf][j])
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
ni = 3; nj = 2; nk = 4
# solve AX=B
A = m.Array(m.Var,(ni,nj),lb=0)
X = m.Array(m.Var,(nj,nk),lb=0)
AX =,X)
B = m.Array(m.Var,(ni,nk),lb=0)
# equality constraints
m.Equations([AX[i,j]==B[i,j] for i in range(ni) \
                             for j in range(nk)])
m.Equation(5==m.sum([m.sum([A[i][j] for i in range(ni)]) \
                                    for j in range(nj)]))
m.Equation(2==m.sum([m.sum([X[i][j] for i in range(nj)]) \
                                    for j in range(nk)]))
# objective function
m.Minimize(m.sum([m.sum([B[i][j] for i in range(ni)]) \
                                 for j in range(nk)]))
e_initial = 1 / N
i_initial = 0.00
r_initial = 0.00
s_initial = 1 - e_initial - i_initial - r_initial

alpha = 1 / t_incubation
gamma = 1 / t_infective
beta = R0 * gamma

s, e, i, r = m.Array(m.Var, 4)
s.value = s_initial
e.value = e_initial
i.value = i_initial
s.value = s_initial
m.Equations([s.dt()==-(1-u)*beta * s * i,\
             e.dt()== (1-u)*beta * s * i - alpha * e,\
             i.dt()==alpha * e - gamma * i,\

t = np.linspace(0, 200, 101)
t = np.insert(t,1,[0.001,0.002,0.004,0.008,0.02,0.04,0.08,\
m.time = t
m.options.IMODE = 7
m.options.NODES = 3

# plot the data
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title('Social Distancing = ' + str(u.value[0] * 100) + '%')
plt.plot(m.time, s.value, color='blue', lw=3, label='Susceptible')
A = [m.Param(value=i) for i in areas]  #python list comprehension

Vin[0] = m.Param(value=vin)

V = [m.Var(value=i) for i in V0]
h = [m.Var(value=i) for i in h0]
Vout = [m.Var(value=i) for i in Vout0]

Vin[1:4] = [m.Intermediate(Vout[i]) for i in range(3)]
Vevap = [m.Intermediate(evap_c[i] * A[i]) for i in range(4)]

    [V[i].dt() == Vin[i] - Vout[i] - Vevap[i] - Vuse[i] for i in range(4)])
m.Equations([1000 * V[i] == h[i] * A[i] for i in range(4)])
m.Equations([Vout[i]**2 == c[i]**2 * h[i] for i in range(4)])

#Set to simulation mode
m.options.imode = 4


#%% Plot results
time = [x * 12 for x in m.time]
# plot results

# Parameters
steps = np.zeros(n)
p.u = p.MV(value=u_meas)
p.K = p.Param(value=1) #gain
p.tau = p.Param(value=5) #time constant

# Intermediate
p.x = [p.Intermediate(p.u)]

# Variables
p.x.extend([p.Var() for _ in range(n)]) #state variables
p.y = p.SV() #measurement

# Equations
p.Equations([p.tau/n * p.x[i+1].dt() == -p.x[i+1] + p.x[i] for i in range(n)])
p.Equation(p.y == p.K * p.x[n])

# Simulate.
p.options.IMODE = 4

# Add measurement noise.
y_meas = (np.random.rand(nt)-0.5)*0.2
for i in range(nt):
    y_meas[i] += p.y.value[i]

# Plot our simulated input and output data.
plt.plot(p.time, u_meas, "b:", label="Input (u) measurement")
plt.plot(p.time, y_meas, "ro", label="Output (y) measurement")
final = m.Param(value=final)

#Manipulated variable
u = m.Var(value=0)

theta = m.Var(value=0)
q = m.Var(value=0)
#Controlled Variable
y = m.Var(value=-1)
v = m.Var(value=0)

    y.dt() == v,
    v.dt() == mass2 / (mass1 + mass2) * theta + u,
    theta.dt() == q,
    q.dt() == -theta - u

m.Obj(final * (y**2 + v**2 + theta**2 + q**2))
m.Obj(0.001 * u**2)

#%% Tuning
m.options.IMODE = 6  #control

#%% Solve

#%% Plot solution
print("- Setting Contraints")
print("    1. Initial State and Time")
# initial time
# Starting Point and Goal Point (R^3)
StartPoint = cls.StartPoint #np.array([[3],[3],[3]])
EndPoint = cls.EndPoint #np.array([[18],[18],[8]])
x0 = np.zeros((12))
x0[state['x']] = StartPoint[0,0]
x0[state['y']] = StartPoint[1,0]
x0[state['z']] = StartPoint[2,0]
epsilon = 0.03
m.Equation(t_list[0] == 0)
# m.Equations([min(max(epsilon*Set_num_roots[i-1], 0.5),0.5) <= t_list[i] - t_list[i-1] for i in range(1, num_corr + 1)])
m.Equations([t_list[-1]/(num_corr*2.0) <= t_list[i] - t_list[i-1] for i in range(1, num_corr + 1)])
m.Equations([X_list[0][0, i] == x0[i] for i in range(dim_state)])

print("    2. Corridor's Start States and End States")
for j in range(dim_state):
    m.Equations([ X_list[i][-1, j] == X_list[i+1][0, j] for i in range(num_corr - 1)])

#### 20210528 revision ####
####### differentiable condition ######
for i in range(num_corr - 1):
     Di_N = Set_DiffMat[i][-1,:]
     Dip1_bar = Set_Dbar[i+1]
     DX_iN = np.matmul(Di_N, X_list[i])
     DX_ip10 = np.matmul(Dip1_bar, X_list[i+1])
     m.Equations([ DX_iN[j] == DX_ip10[j] for j in range(dim_state)])
def reservoirs():

    #Initial conditions
    c = np.array([0.03, 0.015, 0.06, 0])
    areas = np.array([13.4, 12, 384.5, 4400])
    V0 = np.array([0.26, 0.18, 0.68, 22])
    h0 = 1000 * V0 / areas
    Vout0 = c * np.sqrt(h0)
    vin = [
        0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.13,
    Vin = [0, 0, 0, 0]

    #Initialize model
    m = GEKKO()

    #time array
    m.time = np.linspace(0, 1, 13)
    #define constants
    #ThunderSnow Constants exist
    c = m.Array(m.Const, 4, value=0)
    c[0].value = 0.03
    c[1].value = c[0] / 2
    c[2].value = c[0] * 2
    c[3].value = 0
    #python constants are equivilant to ThunderSnow constants
    Vuse = [0.03, 0.05, 0.02, 0.00]

    evap_c = m.Array(m.Param, 4, value=1e-5)
    evap_c[-1].value = 0.5e-5

    A = [m.Param(value=i) for i in areas]  #python list comprehension

    Vin[0] = m.Param(value=vin)

    V = [m.Var(value=i) for i in V0]
    h = [m.Var(value=i) for i in h0]
    Vout = [m.Var(value=i) for i in Vout0]

    Vin[1:4] = [m.Intermediate(Vout[i]) for i in range(3)]
    Vevap = [m.Intermediate(evap_c[i] * A[i]) for i in range(4)]

        [V[i].dt() == Vin[i] - Vout[i] - Vevap[i] - Vuse[i] for i in range(4)])
    m.Equations([1000 * V[i] == h[i] * A[i] for i in range(4)])
    m.Equations([Vout[i]**2 == c[i]**2 * h[i] for i in range(4)])

    #Set to simulation mode
    m.options.imode = 4


    hvals = [h[i].value for i in range(4)]
    assert (
            19.40299, 19.20641, 19.01394, 19.31262, 19.60511, 19.89159,
            19.6849, 19.48247, 19.28424, 19.09014, 18.90011, 18.71408, 18.53199
             15.0, 15.15939, 15.31216, 15.46995, 15.63249, 15.79955, 15.95968,
             16.11305, 16.25983, 16.40018, 16.53428, 16.66226, 16.7843
             1.768531, 1.758775, 1.74913, 1.739597, 1.730178, 1.720873,
             1.71168, 1.702594, 1.693612, 1.684731, 1.675947, 1.667259,
             5.0, 5.001073, 5.002143, 5.003208, 5.004269, 5.005326, 5.00638,
             5.007429, 5.008475, 5.009516, 5.010554, 5.011589, 5.012619
Ph_3_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_3_minus_initial)

# variable we will use to regress other Parameters
Ph_2_minus = reaction_model.CV(ph_abs)

# intermediates
k1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 / (R * T)))
k2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 / (R * T)))
# forward reaction
r1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k1 * Ph_2_minus**alpha)
# backwards reaction
r2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k2 * Ph_3_minus**beta)

# equations
    [Ph_2_minus.dt() == r2 - r1,
     Ph_3_minus.dt() == r1 - r2])

# parameter options
E_a_1.STATUS = 1
E_a_2.STATUS = 1
A_1.STATUS = 0
A_2.STATUS = 0
alpha.STATUS = 0
beta.STATUS = 0

# controlled variable options
Ph_2_minus.MEAS_GAP = 1e-3
Ph_2_minus.STATUS = 1  # regress to this value
Ph_2_minus.FSTATUS = 1  # take in data measurements
def dynamic(rs, a, c):

    m = GEKKO(remote=True, server='')
    m.options.IMODE = 5
    m.options.REDUCE = 1
    m.options.MAX_ITER = 100
    m.time = time

    # VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------
    # list of catalytic rates v for all enzymes
    v = pd.Series([m.Var(value=1, lb=0, ub=100, name='v_' + i) for i in enz],

    # list of alpha = fraction of ribosomes engaged in synthesis of protein
    a = pd.Series([m.Param(value=a[i].value, name='a_' + i) for i in pro],

    # list of concentration of all components (enzymes and metabolites)
    c = pd.Series(
        [m.Var(value=c[i][1], lb=0, ub=500, name='c_' + i) for i in pro + met],
        index=pro + met)

    # optional protein utilization, µ dependent: u = c - reserve rs
    u = pd.Series([m.Var(value=1, lb=0, ub=1, name='u_' + i) for i in enz],

    # hv is the time-dependent light intensity
    hv = m.Param(value=light, name='hv')

    # growth rate, here simply equals rate of the ribosome
    mu = m.Var(value=1, name='mu')

    # biomass accumulated over time with initial value
    bm = m.Var(value=1, name='bm')

    # EQUATIONS --------------------------------------------------------
    # time-dependent differential equation for change in protein_conc
    # with the 'error' being a logistic term approximating -1 and 1
    # for big differences between a and c, and 0 for small differences
        [c[i].dt() == v['RIB'] * (a[i] - c[i]) / (a[i] + c[i]) for i in pro])

    # metabolite mass balance
    m.Equations([sum(stoich.loc[i] * v) - mu * c[i] == 0 for i in met])

    # growth rate mu equals rate of the ribosome v_RIB when a_pro = c_pro = 1,
    m.Equation(mu == v['RIB'])

    # utilized enzyme fraction = total enzyme - reserve
    m.Equations([u[i] == c[i] - rs[i] * (1 - mu / mumax) for i in enz])

    # biomass accumulation over time
    m.Equation(bm.dt() == mu * bm)

    # Michaelis-Menthen type enzyme kinetics
    m.Equation(v['LHC'] == kcat['LHC'] * u['LHC'] * hv**hc['LHC'] /
               (Km['LHC']**hc['LHC'] + hv**hc['LHC'] +
                (hv**(2 * hc['LHC'])) / Ki))
    m.Equation(v['PSET'] == kcat['PSET'] * u['PSET'] * c['hvi']**hc['PSET'] /
               (c['hvi']**hc['PSET'] + Km['PSET']**hc['PSET']))
    m.Equation(v['CBM'] == kcat['CBM'] * u['CBM'] * c['nadph'] *
               sub**hc['CBM'] * c['atp'] /
               (c['nadph'] * sub**hc['CBM'] * c['atp'] + KmNADPH * c['atp'] +
                KmATP * c['nadph'] + KmATP * sub**hc['CBM'] +
                Km['CBM']**hc['CBM'] * c['nadph']))
    m.Equation(v['LPB'] == kcat['LPB'] * u['LPB'] * c['pre']**hc['LPB'] /
               (Km['LPB']**hc['LPB'] + c['pre']**hc['LPB']))
    m.Equation(v['RIB'] == kcat['RIB'] * u['RIB'] * c['pre']**hc['RIB'] /
               (Km['RIB']**hc['RIB'] + c['pre']**hc['RIB']))

    # SOLVING ----------------------------------------------------------
    # solving maximizing specific growth rate;
    # objective is always minimized, so that we have
    # to state -1*obj to maximize it

    # collect results and
    return (result("dynamic", m, v, a, c, u))
def free_flight(vA, mission, rocket, stage, trajectory, general, optimization,
    aux_vA = vA
    g0 = 9.810665
    Re = 6371000

    tb = trajectory.coast_time
    for i in range(0, rocket.num_stages):
        T = stage[i].thrust
        ISP = stage[i].Isp
        tb = tb + (stage[i].propellant_mass) / (T) * g0 * ISP

    tb = Data[0][-1] + (stage[-1].propellant_mass) / (
        stage[-1].thrust) * g0 * stage[-1].Isp

    ##############Ccntrol law for no coast ARC########################
    #### Only for last stage

    Obj = 1000

    #Boundary Defined, for better convergence in Free flight
    t_lb = -(tb - Data[0][-1]) * 0.5
    t_ub = 0
    aux3 = 0

    m = GEKKO(remote=False)

    m.time = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)

    final = np.zeros(len(m.time))
    final[-1] = 1
    final = m.Param(value=final)

    #Lagrange multipliers with l1=0

    l2 = m.FV(-0.01, lb=trajectory.l2_lb, ub=trajectory.l2_ub)
    l2.STATUS = 1

    l3 = m.FV(-1, lb=trajectory.l3_lb, ub=trajectory.l3_ub)
    l3.Status = 1

    l4 = m.Var(value=0)

    rate = m.Const(value=T / ISP / g0)
    tf = m.FV(value=(tb - Data[0][-1] + t_lb),
              ub=tb - Data[0][-1] + t_ub,
              lb=tb - Data[0][-1] + t_lb)
    tf.STATUS = 1

    aux = m.FV(0, lb=-5, ub=5)
    aux.STATUS = 1

    vD = m.FV(value=Data[8][-1])

    #Initial Conditions

    x = m.Var(value=Data[1][-1])
    y = m.Var(value=Data[2][-1])
    vx = m.Var(value=Data[3][-1] * cos(Data[4][-1]))
    vy = m.Var(value=Data[3][-1] * sin(Data[4][-1]), lb=0)
    vG = m.Var(value=Data[7][-1])
    vA = m.Var(value=0)
    gamma = m.Var()
    alpha = m.Var()

    t = m.Var(value=0)

    m.Equations([l4.dt() / tf == -l2])

    m.Equation(t.dt() / tf == 1)

    mrt = m.Intermediate(Data[5][-1] - rate * t)
    srt = m.Intermediate(m.sqrt(l3**2 + (l4 - aux)**2))

        x.dt() / tf == vx,
        y.dt() / tf == vy,
        vx.dt() / tf == (T / mrt * (-l3) / srt - (vx**2 + vy**2) /
                         (Re + y) * m.sin(gamma)),
        vy.dt() / tf == (T / mrt * (-(l4 - aux) / srt) + (vx**2 + vy**2) /
                         (Re + y) * m.cos(gamma) - g0 * (Re / (Re + y))**2),
        vG.dt() / tf == g0 * (Re / (Re + y))**2 * m.sin(m.atan(vy / vx))

    m.Equation(gamma == m.atan(vy / vx))
    m.Equation(alpha == m.atan((l4 - aux) / l3))

    m.Equation(vA.dt() / tf == T / mrt - T / mrt * m.cos((alpha - gamma)))


    # Soft constraints
    m.Obj(final * (y - mission.final_altitude)**2)
    m.Obj(final * 100 *
          (vx - mission.final_velocity * cos(mission.final_flight_angle))**2)
    m.Obj(final * 100 *
          (vy - mission.final_velocity * sin(mission.final_flight_angle))**2)
    m.Obj(final *
          (l2 * vy + l3 *
           (T / (Data[5][-1] - rate * t) * (-l3 / (m.sqrt(l3**2 +
                                                          (l4 - aux)**2))) -
            (vx**2 + vy**2) / (Re + y) * m.sin(gamma)) + (l4 - aux) *
           (T / (Data[5][-1] - rate * t) *
            (-(l4 - aux) / (m.sqrt(l3**2 + (l4 - aux)**2))) + (vx**2 + vy**2) /
            (Re + y) * m.cos(gamma) - g0 * (Re / (Re + y))**2) + 1)**2)

    m.options.IMODE = 6
    m.options.SOLVER = 1
    m.options.NODES = 3
    m.options.MAX_MEMORY = 10

    m.options.MAX_ITER = 500
    m.options.COLDSTART = 0
    m.options.REDUCE = 0

    print("vA", vA.value[-1] + aux_vA)
        #print("Obj= ",Obj)
    print("altitude: ", y.value[-1], vx.value[-1], vy.value[-1])
    print("Final mass=",Data[5][-1]-rate.value*t.value[-1])
    print("Gravity= ",vG.value[-1], " Drag= ",vD.value[-1], " alpha= ", vA.value[-1]," Velocity= ", sqrt(vx.value[-1]**2+vy.value[-1]**2)  )
    print("Flight angle=",gamma.value[-1])
    print("l2:",l2.value[-1],"l3:", l3.value[-1], "aux:", aux.value[-1])
    print("tf:", tf.value[-1], "tb:",tb-Data[0][-1])
    print("Obj:", Obj)
   # if t_lb==-10.0 or t_ub==10.0:
   #     break               


    tm = np.linspace(Data[0][-1], tf.value[-1] + Data[0][-1], 100)

    mass = Data[5][-1]


    for i in range(1, 100):
        Data[3].extend([sqrt(vx.value[i]**2 + vy.value[i]**2)])
        Data[4].extend([atan(vy.value[i] / vx.value[i])])
        Data[5].extend([mass - rate.value * t.value[i]])
        Data[6].extend([atan((l4.value[i] - aux.value[i]) / l3.value[i])])


    DV_required = mission.final_velocity + Data[7][-1] + Data[8][
        -1] + aux_vA + vA.value[-1]

    Obj = m.options.objfcnval + DV_required

    return Data, DV_required, Obj
k3 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 / (R * T_2)))
k4 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 / (R * T_2)))

# forward reaction
r1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k1 * Ph_2_minus**alpha)
# backwards reaction
r2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k2 * Ph_3_minus**beta)
# forward reaction
r3 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k3 * Ph_2_minus_2**alpha)
# backwards reaction
r4 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k4 * Ph_3_minus_2**beta)

# equations
    Ph_2_minus.dt() == r2 - r1,
    Ph_3_minus.dt() == r1 - r2,
    Ph_2_minus_2.dt() == r4 - r3,
    Ph_3_minus_2.dt() == r3 - r4

# parameter options
E_a_1.STATUS = 1
E_a_2.STATUS = 1
A_1.STATUS = 1
A_2.STATUS = 1
alpha.STATUS = 0
beta.STATUS = 0

# controlled variable options
Ph_2_minus.MEAS_GAP = 1e-3
Ph_2_minus.STATUS = 1  # regress to this value
Ph_2_minus.FSTATUS = 1  # take in data measurements
# backwards reaction
r2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k2 * Ph_3_minus**beta)
# forward reaction
r3 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k3 * Ph_2_minus_2**alpha)
# backwards reaction
r4 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k4 * Ph_3_minus_2**beta)
# forward reaction
r5 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k5 * Ph_2_minus_3**alpha)
# backwards reaction
r6 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k6 * Ph_3_minus_3**beta)

# equations
    Ph_2_minus.dt() == r2 - r1,
    Ph_3_minus.dt() == r1 - r2,
    Ph_2_minus_2.dt() == r4 - r3,
    Ph_3_minus_2.dt() == r3 - r4,
    Ph_2_minus_3.dt() == r6 - r5,
    Ph_3_minus_3.dt() == r5 - r6

# parameter options
E_a_1.STATUS = 1
E_a_2.STATUS = 1
A_1.STATUS = 1
A_2.STATUS = 1
alpha.STATUS = 0
beta.STATUS = 0

# controlled variable options
Ph_2_minus.MEAS_GAP = 1e-3
Ph_2_minus.STATUS = 1  # regress to this value
m = GEKKO()
kappa = m.Param(value=5.0)
v = m.Param(value=1)
sigma = m.Param(value=0.8)
eta_l = m.Param(value=5.5)
eta_h = m.Param(value=0.5)
z = m.Param(value=1)
theta = m.Param(value=0.6)
kmax = m.Param(value=2)
lambd = m.Param(value=0.95)
phi = m.Param(value=0.2)
k = m.Param(value=1)
c_l, c_h, h_l, h_h, w, r = [m.Var(1) for i in range(6)]
m.Equations ([-r+(1-theta)*z*(h_l*eta_l+h_h*eta_h)**(theta)*kmax**(-theta)==0,\

print(c_l.value, c_h.value, h_l.value, h_h.value, w.value, r.value)

# Country B
m = GEKKO()
kappa = m.Param(value=5.0)
v = m.Param(value=1)
sigma = m.Param(value=0.8)
eta_l = m.Param(value=3.5)
eta_h = m.Param(value=2.5)
z = m.Param(value=1)
theta = m.Param(value=0.6)
from gekko import GEKKO
m = GEKKO()  # create GEKKO model
m._path = r'C:\test'  # save modell to files

# Constants and Variables
a = m.Var(value=0.5)
x = m.Var(value=0)  # define new variable, initial value=0
y = m.Var(value=1)  # define new variable, initial value=1

# Equations
    x + 2 * y == 0,  # equations
    x**2 + y**2 == 1,
    a + x == 1

# solve
print([x.value[0], y.value[0], a.value[0]])  # print solution
def BeamOpt2(variables, bw_lim):

    # ---------------------- BeamOpt2 ---------------------- #
    # Recebe os parâmetros do projeto "variables"
    # Realiza a Otimização e retorna a Largura da Viga(bw) e
    # o valor da Linha Neutra encontrado.
    # ----------------------------------------------------- #

    m = GEKKO()

    # Coletando as informações das variáveis
    fck = variables['fck']
    fcd = variables['fck'] * 1000 / 1.4  # MPa -> KPa
    fyk = variables['fyk']
    fyd = variables['fyk'] * 1000 / 1.15  # MPa -> KPa
    md = variables['mk'] * 1.4  # KNm
    vsd = variables['vsk'] * 1.4  # KN
    h = variables['h'] / 100  # cm -> m
    L = variables['L']  # m
    d_ = 4 / 100
    d = variables['h'] / 100 - d_

    #  Cálculo da massa específica média das barras de ferro
    def calc_peso_aco():
        D = [6.3, 8.0, 10.0, 12.5, 16.0, 20.0, 25.0, 32.0, 40.0]
        P = [0.248, 0.393, 0.624, 0.988, 1.570, 2.480, 3.930, 6.240, 9.880]

        def area(d):
            return math.pi * (d**2) * (10**-6) / 4

        pesos = []
        for (d, p) in zip(D, P):
            pesos.append(p / area(d))

        return np.mean(pesos)

    p = calc_peso_aco()  # Massa específica média

    # Preço dos materiais R$/kg e R$/m3
    preco_CA5060 = 8.86
    preco_concreto = 295.46

    # Armadura Longitudinal
    bw = m.Var(lb=bw_lim, ub=1.00)  # m
    kx34 = 0.45
    x34 = kx34 * d
    m34 = (0.68 * x34 * d - 0.272 * x34**2) * bw * fcd

    # Armadura inferior
    kz34 = 1 - kx34
    As34 = m34 / (kz34 * d * fyd)  # m2

    # Armadura superior
    m2 = md - m34
    As2 = m2 / ((d - d_) * fyd)  # m2

    Asl = As34 + As2

    # Armadura Transversal
    alpha = 1 - fck / 250
    vrd2 = 0.27 * alpha * fck / 1.4 * bw * d * (10**3)
    fctm = 0.3 * (fck**(2 / 3))
    fctd = 0.7 * 0.3 * (fck**(2 / 3)) / 1.4
    vc = 0.6 * (fctd * 1000) * bw * d
    vsw = vsd - vc
    Ast = (vsw / (0.9 * d * fyd)) * L

    # Volume Concreto
    Volume_Concreto = bw * h * L

    # Formulação dos preços dos componentes
    Preco_acolong = preco_CA5060 * p * (L + 0.4) * Asl
    Preco_acotrans = preco_CA5060 * p * (2 * (bw + h)) * Ast
    Preco_concreto = preco_concreto * Volume_Concreto

    # Função objetivo e equações de restrição
    m.Obj(Preco_acolong + Preco_acotrans + Preco_concreto)
        vsd <= vrd2, vsw > 0, md > m34,
        (vsw / (0.9 * d * fyd)) / bw >= 0.2 * (fctm / fyk),
        Asl + As2 <= 0.04 * bw * h


    print('''Otimização Concluída! \n
    Largura encontrada (m): {}'''.format(bw.value[0]))

    return [bw.value[0]]