def test_reduced_arcs_contains_stable_wavelength_solution(config): """ Make sure that the wavelength solution gives same results on different runs. """ output = os.path.join(config.output_dir, config.filename) reference = os.path.join(config.ref_dir, config.filename) if not os.path.exists(output): pytest.skip("Output file not found: {}".format(output)) if not os.path.exists(reference):"Reference file not found: {}".format(reference)) ad_out = ad_ref = for ext_out, ext_ref in zip(ad_out, ad_ref): model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev( dict( zip(ext_out.WAVECAL["name"], ext_out.WAVECAL["coefficients"]))) ref_model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev( dict( zip(ext_ref.WAVECAL["name"], ext_ref.WAVECAL["coefficients"]))) x = np.arange(ext_out.shape[1]) y = model(x) ref_y = ref_model(x) np.testing.assert_allclose(y, ref_y, rtol=1) del ad_out, ad_ref
def assert_wavelength_solutions_are_close(ad, ad_ref): """ Checks if two :class:`~astrodata.AstroData` (or any subclass) have the wavelength solution. Parameters ---------- ad : :class:`astrodata.AstroData` or any subclass AstroData object to be checked. ad_ref : :class:`astrodata.AstroData` or any subclass AstroData object used as reference """ for ext, ext_ref in zip(ad, ad_ref): assert hasattr(ext, "WAVECAL") wcal = dict(zip(ext.WAVECAL["name"], ext.WAVECAL["coefficients"])) wcal = dict_to_chebyshev(wcal) assert hasattr(ext_ref, "WAVECAL") wcal_ref = dict( zip(ad[0].WAVECAL["name"], ad[0].WAVECAL["coefficients"])) wcal_ref = dict_to_chebyshev(wcal_ref) assert isinstance(wcal, type(wcal_ref)) assert_allclose(wcal.parameters, wcal_ref.parameters)
def test_regression_determine_wavelength_solution(ad, fwidth, order, min_snr, caplog, change_working_dir, ref_ad_factory): """ Make sure that the wavelength solution gives same results on different runs. """ caplog.set_level(logging.INFO, logger="geminidr") with change_working_dir(): logutils.config( file_name='log_regress_{:s}.txt'.format(ad.data_label())) p = primitives_gmos_spect.GMOSSpect([ad]) p.viewer = geminidr.dormantViewer(p, None) p.determineWavelengthSolution( order=order, min_snr=min_snr, fwidth=fwidth, **determine_wavelength_solution_parameters) wcalibrated_ad = p.writeOutputs().pop() for record in caplog.records: if record.levelname == "WARNING": assert "No acceptable wavelength solution found" not in record.message ref_ad = ref_ad_factory(wcalibrated_ad.filename) table = wcalibrated_ad[0].WAVECAL table_ref = ref_ad[0].WAVECAL model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev( dict(zip(table["name"], table["coefficients"]))) ref_model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev( dict(zip(table_ref["name"], table_ref["coefficients"]))) x = np.arange(wcalibrated_ad[0].shape[1]) wavelength = model(x) ref_wavelength = ref_model(x) pixel_scale = wcalibrated_ad[0].pixel_scale() # arcsec / px slit_size_in_arcsec = float(wcalibrated_ad[0].focal_plane_mask().replace( 'arcsec', '')) slit_size_in_px = slit_size_in_arcsec / pixel_scale dispersion = abs( wcalibrated_ad[0].dispersion(asNanometers=True)) # nm / px tolerance = 0.5 * (slit_size_in_px * dispersion) np.testing.assert_allclose(wavelength, ref_wavelength, rtol=tolerance)
def test_determine_distortion_comparing_modeled_arrays(ad, ad_ref): """ Runs the `determineDistorion` primitive on a preprocessed data and compare its model with the one in the reference file. The distortion model needs to be reconstructed because different coefficients might return same results. """ assert ad.filename == ad_ref.filename table = ad[0].FITCOORD model_dict = dict(zip(table['name'], table['coefficients'])) model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev(model_dict) ref_table = ad_ref[0].FITCOORD ref_model_dict = dict(zip(ref_table['name'], ref_table['coefficients'])) ref_model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev(ref_model_dict) X, Y = np.mgrid[:ad[0].shape[0], :ad[0].shape[1]] np.testing.assert_allclose(model(X, Y), ref_model(X, Y), atol=1)
def test_regression_for_determine_distortion_using_fitcoord_table( ad, change_working_dir, ref_ad_factory): """ Runs the `determineDistortion` primitive on a preprocessed data and compare its model with the one in the reference file. The distortion model needs to be reconstructed because different coefficients might return same results. Parameters ---------- ad : pytest.fixture (AstroData) Fixture that reads the filename and loads as an AstroData object. change_working_dir : pytest.fixture Fixture that changes the working directory (see :mod:`astrodata.testing`). reference_ad : pytest.fixture Fixture that contains a function used to load the reference AstroData object (see :mod:`recipe_system.testing`). """ with change_working_dir(): logutils.config(file_name='log_fitcoord_{:s}.txt'.format(ad.data_label())) p = primitives_gmos_spect.GMOSSpect([ad]) p.viewer = geminidr.dormantViewer(p, None) p.determineDistortion(**fixed_parameters_for_determine_distortion) distortion_determined_ad = p.writeOutputs().pop() ref_ad = ref_ad_factory(distortion_determined_ad.filename) table = ad[0].FITCOORD model_dict = dict(zip(table['name'], table['coefficients'])) model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev(model_dict) ref_table = ref_ad[0].FITCOORD ref_model_dict = dict(zip(ref_table['name'], ref_table['coefficients'])) ref_model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev(ref_model_dict) X, Y = np.mgrid[:ad[0].shape[0], :ad[0].shape[1]] np.testing.assert_allclose(model(X, Y), ref_model(X, Y), atol=1)
def assert_have_same_distortion(ad, ad_ref): """ Checks if two :class:`~astrodata.AstroData` (or any subclass) have the same distortion. Parameters ---------- ad : :class:`astrodata.AstroData` AstroData object to be checked. ad_ref : :class:`astrodata.AstroData` AstroData object used as reference """ for ext, ext_ref in zip(ad, ad_ref): distortion = dict( zip(ext.FITCOORD["name"], ext.FITCOORD["coefficients"])) distortion = dict_to_chebyshev(distortion) distortion_ref = dict( zip(ext_ref.FITCOORD["name"], ext_ref.FITCOORD["coefficients"])) distortion_ref = dict_to_chebyshev(distortion_ref) assert isinstance(distortion, type(distortion_ref)) assert_allclose(distortion.parameters, distortion_ref.parameters)
def rebuild_distortion_model(ext): """ Helper function to recover the distortion model from the coefficients stored in the `ext.FITCOORD` attribute. Parameters ---------- ext : astrodata extension Input astrodata extension which contains a `.FITCOORD` with the coefficients that can be used to reconstruct the distortion model. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.modeling.models.Model` Model that receives 2D data and return a 1D array. """ model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev( dict(zip(ext.FITCOORD["name"], ext.FITCOORD["coefficients"])) ) return model
def do_plots(ad): """ Generate diagnostic plots. Parameters ---------- ad : astrodata """ output_dir = ("./plots/geminidr/gmos/" "test_gmos_spect_ls_determine_wavelength_solution") os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) name, _ = os.path.splitext(ad.filename) grating = ad.disperser(pretty=True) bin_x = ad.detector_x_bin() bin_y = ad.detector_y_bin() central_wavelength = ad.central_wavelength() * 1e9 # in nanometers package_dir = os.path.dirname(primitives_gmos_spect.__file__) arc_table = os.path.join(package_dir, "lookups", "CuAr_GMOS.dat") arc_lines = np.loadtxt(arc_table, usecols=[0]) / 10.0 for ext_num, ext in enumerate(ad): if not hasattr(ext, "WAVECAL"): continue peaks = ext.WAVECAL["peaks"] - 1 # ToDo: Refactor peaks to be 0-indexed wavelengths = ext.WAVECAL["wavelengths"] wavecal_model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev( dict(zip(ext.WAVECAL["name"], ext.WAVECAL["coefficients"]))) middle =[0] // 2 sum_size = 10 r1 = middle - sum_size // 2 r2 = middle + sum_size // 2 mask = np.round(np.average(ext.mask[r1:r2], axis=0)).astype(int) data = > 0, np.sum([r1:r2], axis=0)) data = (data - data.min()) / data.ptp() # -- Plot lines -- fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150, num="{:s}_{:d}_{:s}_{:.0f}".format( name, ext_num, grating, central_wavelength)) w = wavecal_model(np.arange(data.size)) arcs = [ ax.vlines(line, 0, 1, color="k", alpha=0.25) for line in arc_lines ] wavs = [ ax.vlines(peak, 0, 1, color="r", ls="--", alpha=0.25) for peak in wavecal_model(peaks) ] plot, = ax.plot(w, data, "k-", lw=0.75) ax.legend((plot, arcs[0], wavs[0]), ("Normalized Data", "Reference Lines", "Matched Lines")) x0, x1 = wavecal_model([0, data.size]) ax.grid(alpha=0.1) ax.set_xlim(x0, x1) ax.set_xlabel("Wavelength [nm]") ax.set_ylabel("Normalized intensity") ax.set_title("Wavelength Calibrated Spectrum for\n" "{:s}\n obtained with {:s} at {:.0f} nm".format( name, grating, central_wavelength)) if x0 > x1: ax.invert_xaxis() fig_name = os.path.join( output_dir, "{:s}_{:d}_{:s}_{:.0f}.png".format(name, ext_num, grating, central_wavelength)) fig.savefig(fig_name) del fig, ax # -- Plot non-linear components --- fig, ax = plt.subplots( dpi=150, num="{:s}_{:d}_{:s}_{:.0f}_non_linear_comps".format( name, ext_num, grating, central_wavelength)) non_linear_model = wavecal_model.copy() _ = [setattr(non_linear_model, "c{}".format(k), 0) for k in [0, 1]] residuals = wavelengths - wavecal_model(peaks) p = np.linspace(min(peaks), max(peaks), 1000) ax.plot(wavecal_model(p), non_linear_model(p), "C0-", label="Generic Representation") ax.plot(wavecal_model(peaks), non_linear_model(peaks) + residuals, "ko", label="Non linear components and residuals") ax.legend() ax.grid(alpha=0.25) ax.set_xlabel("Wavelength [nm]") ax.set_title("Non-linear components for\n" "{:s} obtained with {:s} at {:.0f}".format( name, grating, central_wavelength)) fig_name = os.path.join( output_dir, "{:s}_{:d}_{:s}_{:.0f}_non_linear_comps.png".format( name, ext_num, grating, central_wavelength)) fig.savefig(fig_name) del fig, ax # -- Plot Wavelength Solution Residuals --- fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150, num="{:s}_{:d}_{:s}_{:.0f}_residuals".format( name, ext_num, grating, central_wavelength)) ax.plot(wavelengths, wavelengths - wavecal_model(peaks), "ko") ax.grid(alpha=0.25) ax.set_xlabel("Wavelength [nm]") ax.set_ylabel("Residuum [nm]") ax.set_title("Wavelength Calibrated Residuum for\n" "{:s} obtained with {:s} at {:.0f}".format( name, grating, central_wavelength)) fig_name = os.path.join( output_dir, "{:s}_{:d}_{:s}_{:.0f}_residuals.png".format( name, ext_num, grating, central_wavelength)) fig.savefig(fig_name) # -- Create artifacts --- if "BUILD_ID" in os.environ: branch_name = os.environ["BRANCH_NAME"].replace("/", "_") build_number = int(os.environ["BUILD_NUMBER"]) tar_name = os.path.join( output_dir, "plots_{:s}_b{:03d}.tar.gz".format(branch_name, build_number)) with, "w:gz") as tar: for _file in glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, "*.png")): tar.add(name=_file, arcname=os.path.basename(_file)) target_dir = "./plots/" target_file = os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(tar_name)) os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True) os.rename(tar_name, target_file)
def plotSpectraForQA(self, adinputs=None, **params): """ Converts AstroData containing extracted spectra into a JSON object. Then, push it to the Automated Dataflow Coordination Center (ADCC) Server (see notes below) using a POST request. This will allow the spectra to be visualized using the QAP SpecViewer web browser client. Notes ----- This primitive only works if the (ADCC) Server is running locally. Parameters ---------- adinputs : list of :class:`~astrodata.AstroData` Input data containing extracted spectra. url : str URL address to the ADCC server. Returns ------- list of :class:`~astrodata.AstroData` Data used for plotting. """ url = params["url"] log = self.log log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting")) log.stdinfo('Number of input file(s): {}'.format(len(adinputs))) spec_packs = [] for ad in adinputs: log.stdinfo('Reading {} aperture(s) from file: {}'.format( len(ad), ad.filename)) timestamp = time.time() if 'NCOMBINE' in ad.phu: is_stack = ad.phu['NCOMBINE'] > 1 stack_size = ad.phu['NCOMBINE'] else: is_stack = False stack_size = 1 group_id = ad.group_id().split('_[')[0] group_id += ad.group_id().split(']')[1] spec_pack = { "apertures": [], "data_label": ad.data_label(), "filename": ad.filename, "group_id": group_id, "is_stack": is_stack, "stack_size": stack_size, "metadata": [], "msgtype": "specjson", "pixel_scale": ad.pixel_scale(), "program_id": ad.program_id(), "timestamp": timestamp, } for i, ext in enumerate(ad): data = stddev = np.sqrt(ext.variance) if data.ndim > 1: raise TypeError( "Expected 1D data. Found {:d}D data: {:s}".format( data.ndim, ad.filename)) if hasattr(ext, 'WAVECAL'): wcal_model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev( dict( zip( ext.WAVECAL["name"], ext.WAVECAL["coefficients"] ) ) ) wavelength = wcal_model(np.arange(data.size, dtype=float)) w_dispersion = ext.hdr["CDELT1"] w_units = ext.hdr["CUNIT1"] elif "CDELT1" in ext.hdr: wavelength = ( ext.hdr["CRVAL1"] + ext.hdr["CDELT1"] * ( np.arange(data.size, dtype=float) + 1 - ext.hdr["CRPIX1"])) w_dispersion = ext.hdr["CDELT1"] w_units = ext.hdr["CUNIT1"] else: w_units = "px" w_dispersion = 1 # Clean up bad data mask = np.logical_not( wavelength = wavelength[mask] data = data[mask] stddev = stddev[mask] # Round and convert data/stddev to int to minimize data transfer load wavelength = np.round(wavelength, decimals=3) data = np.round(data) stddev = np.round(stddev) _intensity = [[w, int(d)] for w, d in zip(wavelength, data)] _stddev = [[w, int(s)] for w, s in zip(wavelength, stddev)] center = np.round(ext.hdr["XTRACTED"]) lower = np.round(ext.hdr["XTRACTLO"]) upper = np.round(ext.hdr["XTRACTHI"]) aperture = { "center": center, "lower": lower, "upper": upper, "dispersion": w_dispersion, "wavelength_units": w_units, "intensity": _intensity, "stddev": _stddev, } spec_pack["apertures"].append(aperture) log.stdinfo(' Aperture center: {}, Lower: {}, Upper: {}'.format( center, lower, upper)) spec_packs.append(spec_pack) spec_packs_json = json.dumps(spec_packs) with open("spec_data.json", 'w') as json_buffer: json.dump(spec_packs, json_buffer) # Convert string to bytes spec_packs_json = spec_packs_json.encode("utf-8") try: log.stdinfo('Sending data to QA SpecViewer') post_request = urllib.request.Request(url) postr = urllib.request.urlopen(post_request, spec_packs_json) postr.close() log.stdinfo('Success.') except urllib.error.URLError: log.warning('Failed to connect to ADCC Server.\n' 'Make sure it is up and running.') return adinputs
def applyQECorrection(self, adinputs=None, **params): """ This primitive applies a wavelength-dependent QE correction to a 2D spectral image, based on the wavelength solution of an associated processed_arc. It is only designed to work on FLATs, and therefore unmosaicked data. Parameters ---------- suffix: str suffix to be added to output files """ log = self.log log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting")) timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()] sfx = params["suffix"] arc = params["arc"] # Get a suitable arc frame (with distortion map) for every science AD if arc is None: self.getProcessedArc(adinputs, refresh=False) arc_list = self._get_cal(adinputs, 'processed_arc') else: arc_list = arc distort_model = models.Identity(2) for ad, arc in zip(*gt.make_lists(adinputs, arc_list, force_ad=True)): if ad.phu.get(timestamp_key): log.warning( "No changes will be made to {}, since it has " "already been processed by applyQECorrection".format( ad.filename)) continue if 'e2v' in ad.detector_name(pretty=True): log.warning("{} has the e2v CCDs, so no QE correction " "is necessary".format(ad.filename)) continue # Determines whether to multiply or divide by QE correction is_flat = 'FLAT' in ad.tags # If the arc's binning doesn't match, we may still be able to # fall back to the approximate solution xbin, ybin = ad.detector_x_bin(), ad.detector_y_bin() if arc is not None and (arc.detector_x_bin() != xbin or arc.detector_y_bin() != ybin): log.warning( "Science frame {} and arc {} have different binnings," "so cannot use arc".format(ad.filename, arc.filename)) arc = None # OK, we definitely want to try to do this, get a wavelength solution try: wavecal = arc[0].WAVECAL except (TypeError, AttributeError): wave_model = None else: model_dict = dict(zip(wavecal['name'], wavecal['coefficients'])) wave_model = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev(model_dict) if not isinstance(wave_model, models.Chebyshev1D): log.warning("Problem reading wavelength solution from arc " "{}".format(arc.filename)) if wave_model is None: if 'sq' in self.mode: raise OSError("No wavelength solution for {}".format( ad.filename)) else: log.warning("Using approximate wavelength solution for " "{}".format(ad.filename)) try: fitcoord = arc[0].FITCOORD except (TypeError, AttributeError): # distort_model already has Identity inverse so nothing required pass else: # TODO: This is copied from determineDistortion() and will need # to be refactored out. Or we might be able to simply replace it # with a gWCS.pixel_to_world() call model_dict = dict( zip(fitcoord['inv_name'], fitcoord['inv_coefficients'])) m_inverse = astromodels.dict_to_chebyshev(model_dict) if not isinstance(m_inverse, models.Chebyshev2D): log.warning("Problem reading distortion model from arc " "{}".format(arc.filename)) else: distort_model.inverse = models.Mapping( (0, 1, 1)) | (m_inverse & models.Identity(1)) if distort_model.inverse == distort_model: # Identity(2) if 'sq' in self.mode: raise OSError("No distortion model for {}".format( ad.filename)) else: log.warning( "Proceeding without a disortion correction for " "{}".format(ad.filename)) ad_detsec = ad.detector_section() adg = transform.create_mosaic_transform(ad, geotable) if arc is not None: arc_detsec = arc.detector_section()[0] shifts = [ c1 - c2 for c1, c2 in zip( np.array(ad_detsec).min(axis=0), arc_detsec) ] xshift, yshift = shifts[0] / xbin, shifts[2] / ybin # x1, y1 if xshift or yshift: log.stdinfo("Found a shift of ({},{}) pixels between " "{} and the calibration.".format( xshift, yshift, ad.filename)) add_shapes, add_transforms = [], [] for (arr, trans) in adg: # Try to work out shape of this Block in the unmosaicked # arc, and then apply a shift to align it with the # science Block before applying the same transform. if xshift == 0: add_shapes.append( ((arc_detsec.y2 - arc_detsec.y1) // ybin, arr.shape[1])) else: add_shapes.append( (arr.shape[0], (arc_detsec.x2 - arc_detsec.x1) // xbin)) t = transform.Transform( models.Shift(-xshift) & models.Shift(-yshift)) t.append(trans) add_transforms.append(t) adg.calculate_output_shape( additional_array_shapes=add_shapes, additional_transforms=add_transforms) origin_shift = models.Shift(-adg.origin[1]) & models.Shift( -adg.origin[0]) for t in adg.transforms: t.append(origin_shift) # Irrespective of arc or not, apply the distortion model (it may # be Identity), recalculate output_shape and reset the origin for t in adg.transforms: t.append(distort_model.copy()) adg.calculate_output_shape() adg.reset_origin() # Now we know the shape of the output, we can construct the # approximate wavelength solution; ad.dispersion() returns a list! if wave_model is None: wave_model = ( models.Shift(-0.5 * adg.output_shape[1]) | models.Scale(ad.dispersion(asNanometers=True)[0]) | models.Shift(ad.central_wavelength(asNanometers=True))) for ccd, (block, trans) in enumerate(adg, start=1): if ccd == 2: continue for ext, corner in zip(block, block.corners): ygrid, xgrid = np.indices(ext.shape) xgrid += corner[1] # No need for ygrid xnew = trans(xgrid, ygrid)[0] # Some unit-based stuff here to prepare for gWCS waves = wave_model(xnew) * u.nm try: qe_correction = qeModel(ext)( (waves / u.nm).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value) except TypeError: # qeModel() returns None msg = "No QE correction found for {}:{}".format( ad.filename, ext.hdr['EXTVER']) if 'sq' in self.mode: raise ValueError(msg) else: log.warning(msg) log.fullinfo( "Mean relative QE of EXTVER {} is {:.5f}".format( ext.hdr['EXTVER'], qe_correction.mean())) if not is_flat: qe_correction = 1. / qe_correction qe_correction[qe_correction < 0] = 0 qe_correction[qe_correction > 10] = 0 ext.multiply(qe_correction) # Timestamp and update the filename gt.mark_history(ad, primname=self.myself(), keyword=timestamp_key) ad.update_filename(suffix=sfx, strip=True) return adinputs