def convert_dhms_to_secs(dhms_str):

  # This function is the opposite of convert_secs_to_dhms. It takes in a DHMS
  # string and returns the total number of seconds.
  # DHMS format:
  #   DD HH:MM:SS [days|hours|minutes|seconds]

  munch_string = string.lowercase + string.uppercase + " :"
  total_seconds = 0

  # We'll munch away at the string to get the info we need, in reverse order.
  # We'll make sure to remove all letters in the string as we munch, so we
  # don't accidentally preserve the unit.
  dhms_rem, seconds = gstr.rmunch(dhms_str,munch_string)
  dhms_rem, minutes = gstr.rmunch(dhms_rem,munch_string)
  dhms_rem, hours = gstr.rmunch(dhms_rem,munch_string)
  dhms_rem, days = gstr.rmunch(dhms_rem,munch_string)

  # Add up all of the seconds.
  if days != "":
    total_seconds += int(days) * 86400
  if hours != "":
    total_seconds += int(hours) * 3600
  if minutes != "":
    total_seconds += int(minutes) * 60
  if seconds != "":
    total_seconds += int(seconds)

  return total_seconds
  def __init__(self, arg=None, sql=False):

    # We can be given either an integer (the number of epoch seconds) or a
    # string (in our preferred format or SQL format). We'll assume that it's
    # epoch seconds, either in int or string format, and if Python throws an
    # error we'll try it as a string. If arg=None, then we'll make a MyDate
    # object that corresponds to right now.

    # We have to start with the epoch seconds. Once we have that in some way,
    # the process of creating the object is always the same.
    if arg is None:
      # If we were given no argument, just use now.
      current_time = time.time()
      microseconds, epoch = math.modf(current_time)
      epoch = int(epoch)
      microseconds = int(round(microseconds,6) * (10**6))
    # In the case where we were given an argument.
      # Try to process it as an int or float.
        microseconds, epoch = math.modf(arg)
        epoch = int(epoch)
        microseconds = int(round(microseconds,6) * (10**6))
      # If that fails, try to process it as a string.
      except ValueError:
        if not sql:
          epoch = date_to_seconds(arg)
          microseconds = 0
          # The SQL case is much more complicated.
          microseconds = int(gstr.rmunch(arg,".")[1])
          microseconds = float("0." + microseconds)
          microseconds = int(round(microseconds,6) * (10**6))
          sql_dummy_str = "#(CDT) " + sql_date_to_std(arg)
          epoch = date_to_seconds(sql_dummy_str)

    # Now we use this function to set all of the time data.
    self.apply_date_from_epoch(epoch, microseconds)