def build(platform): bo = read_build_options(platform) bo.obj_root_release = join_path(os.getcwd(), "objs") bo.obj_root_debug = join_path(os.getcwd(), "objs_debug") bo.out_name = "faint" bo.out_name_debug = "faintd" print("* Generating Python-C++-interface") # Fixme: Generalize"../python/generate") print("* Generating Resource-loading") bo.source_files = faint_source_files(platform, bo.project_root) bo.forced_include = join_path(bo.project_root, "util", "msw_warn.hh") bo.msw_subsystem = "windows"
def precompile_steps(bo): # Generate setting-handling code based on"../python/generate") if not os.path.exists("../help/source/generated"): os.mkdir("../help/source/generated") bs.gen_method_def.generate_headers( faint_info.HEADERS_TO_GENERATE, faint_info.GENERATED_METHOD_DEF_PATH, faint_info.GENERATED_HELP_PATH) bs.gen_text_expressions.generate( hh_path=join_path(bo.project_root, "generated", "text-expression-constants.hh"), help_path=join_path(faint_info.GENERATED_HELP_PATH, "text-expressions.txt")) # HTML help
def build(): # Init platform if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): platform = 'linux' import compile_gcc as compile else: platform = 'msw' import compile_msw as compile link = obj_ext = compile.obj_ext create_installer = compile.create_installer compile = compile.compile # Read config config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() if not os.path.exists("build.cfg"): f = open("build.cfg", 'w') f.write("[folders]\n") f.write("wx_root=\n") f.write("cairo_include=\n") f.write("cairo_lib=\n") f.write("python_include=\n") f.write("python_lib=\n") f.write("pango_include=\n") f.write("pango_lib=\n") f.write("glib_include=\n") f.write("glib_lib=\n") f.write("glib_config_include=\n") if platform == 'msw': f.write("[nsis]\n") f.write("makensis=\n") f.write("[other]\n") f.write("parallell_compiles=0\n") f.write("etags_folder=\n") print 'Config file "build.cfg" created.\nYou must update the file with correct paths.' exit(1)'build.cfg') wx_root = config.get('folders', 'wx_root') wx_vc_lib = os.path.join(wx_root, "lib", "vc_lib") cairo_include = config.get('folders', 'cairo_include') cairo_lib = config.get('folders', 'cairo_lib') pango_include = config.get('folders', 'pango_include') pango_lib = config.get('folders', 'pango_lib') python_include = config.get('folders', 'python_include') python_lib = config.get('folders', 'python_lib') glib_include = config.get('folders', 'glib_include') glib_lib = config.get('folders', 'glib_lib') glib_config_include = config.get('folders', 'glib_config_include') parallell_compiles = int(config.get('other', 'parallell_compiles')) if platform == 'msw': makensis = config.get('nsis', 'makensis') # Oops, not a folder. if wx_root == "" or python_lib == "" or python_include == "" or cairo_include == "" or pango_include == "": print "Error: Incorrect paths in build.cfg" exit(1) if cairo_lib == "" and not sys.platform.startswith("linux"): print "Error: Incorrect paths in build.cfg" exit(1) # Read command line options optParser = OptionParser() optParser.add_option("", "--rebuild", action="store_true", dest="do_rebuild", default=False, help="Rebuild and relink") optParser.add_option("", "--version", dest="version", default=unknown_version_str, help="Faint version number") optParser.add_option("", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="Build with debug symbols") opts, args = optParser.parse_args() def enumerate_obj(folder): return [file for file in os.listdir(folder) if file.endswith(obj_ext)] # Folder for writing/finding object files (.obj, .o) if opts.debug: objRoot = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "objs_debug") else: objRoot = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "objs") cleanBuild = False if not os.path.exists(objRoot): os.mkdir(objRoot) cleanBuild = True elif len(os.listdir(objRoot)) == 0: cleanBuild = True if not cleanBuild and opts.version != unknown_version_str: print "Error: Build with --version requires empty output folder (build/objs)" exit(1) faintRoot = faint_info.faintRoot subFolders = faint_info.faintFolders folders = [os.path.join(faintRoot, folder) for folder in subFolders] folders.append(faintRoot) include = [ os.path.join(wx_vc_lib, "mswu"), os.path.join(wx_root, "include"), python_include, cairo_include, pango_include, glib_include, glib_config_include, ] do_compile = True do_link = True do_rebuild = opts.do_rebuild err = open('err.txt', 'w') out = open('out.txt', 'w') print "* Generating Resource-loading" print "* Generating Python-C++-interface""../python/generate") print "* Generating html-help" to_compile = [] if do_compile: print "* Compiling" for folder in folders: for file in faint_info.enumerate_cpp(folder): objFile = os.path.join(objRoot, file.replace('.cpp', obj_ext)) cppFile = os.path.join(folder, file) if not os.path.isfile(objFile) or do_rebuild or ( os.path.isfile(objFile) and os.path.getmtime(objFile) < os.path.getmtime(cppFile)): to_compile.append(os.path.join(folder, file)) if len(to_compile) > 0: compile(to_compile, faintRoot, include, out, err, objRoot, wx_root, version=opts.version, debug=opts.debug, num_parallell=parallell_compiles) if do_link: print "* Linking" files = enumerate_obj(objRoot) print " Object files: " + str(len(files)) files = [os.path.join(objRoot, file) for file in files] link(files, faintRoot, wx_root, cairo_lib, python_lib, pango_lib, glib_lib, debug=opts.debug) if platform == 'msw' and opts.version != unknown_version_str: print "* Generating %s installer" % opts.version oldDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir("../installer") nsiFile = create_installer(makensis, nsiFile) os.chdir(oldDir)