def addGene(self, node1, node2): """ Add a randomly weighted gene between two nodes. Args: node1: the first node node2: the second node """ # connect the two valid, unconnected nodes g = Gene() g.source_neuron = node1 g.target_neuron = node2 g.weight = random.random() * 4 - 2 # check to see if the gene already exists in the index for index, gene in gene_index.items(): if gene.source_neuron == node1 and gene.target_neuron == node2: # if found, use that same innovation number self.genes[index] = g return # if it's not in the index, add it and record in the index if gene_index: self.genes[max(gene_index) + 1] = g gene_index[max(gene_index) + 1] = g else: gene_index[0] = g self.genes[0] = g
def mutateAllWeights(self): """Find all genes, and alter their weights a little.""" g = Gene() for innov in self.genes: g.copy(self.genes[innov]) g.weight += random.random() * 0.2 - 1 self.genes[innov] = g
def init_genes(self, keys): for x in range(len(self.maze)): for y in range(len(self.maze)): if self.maze[x][y] != "_": self.maze[x][y] = Gene(self.maze[x][y], True) else: self.maze[x][y] = Gene(keys[randint(0, len(keys) - 1)])
def __init__(self, timetables): = 1 self.genes = [] for timetable in timetables: gene = Gene(timetable) gene.permutate() self.genes.append(gene)
def gen_population(self, size): population = [] for i in range(0, size - 1, 1): g = Gene("") g.gen_gene(size) population.append(g) return population
def addGene(self, geneName, transcript, chromosome, strand, startPosition, endPosition, exonStarts, exonEnds): #create the gene object gene = Gene(geneName, chromosome, strand, startPosition, endPosition) gene.addTranscriptID(transcript) gene.addExonsToGene(exonStarts, exonEnds) #add the gene to the hash self.__genes[geneName] = gene
def __init__(self, timetables): self.genes = [] = 1 for tt in timetables: temp_gene = Gene(tt) temp_gene.perm() self.genes.append(temp_gene)
def mutateOneWeight(self): """Find a random gene, and alter its weight a little.""" if self.genes: innov = random.sample(self.genes, 1)[0] else: return v = random.random() g = Gene() g.copy(self.genes[innov]) g.weight += v * 0.2 - 0.1 self.genes[innov] = g
def mutation(self, mutate_gene: gene.Gene): """Insert random small gene into given gene.""" mutation_size = int(np.random.exponential(self.mutation_scale)) if mutation_size == 0: return mutation_gene = gene.Gene( np.random.randint(0, 2, (mutation_size, mutation_size))) mutatepoint_x = np.random.randint(0, self.genesize_x) mutatepoint_y = np.random.randint(0, self.genesize_y) mutate_gene.insert_subgene(mutation_gene, mutatepoint_x, mutatepoint_y) return
def init_genome(self): return [[ Node(0, 0, role='input'), Node(1, 1, role='flatten'), Node(2, 2, role='output') ], [ Gene(3, 0, 1, mutate_to=[[KernelGene, DenseGene], [1, 0]]).mutate_random(), Gene(4, 1, 2, mutate_to=[[KernelGene, DenseGene], [0, 1]]).mutate_random() ]]
def generate_genes(self, max_genes, max_conds, seed): ''' Randomly generate a variable size chromosome. ''' random.seed(seed) self.default_class = random.randint(0, 9) for i in range(random.randint(1, max_genes)): gene = Gene() gene.generate_conditions(max_conds, random.random()) if self.one_vs_all != -1: gene.hand_class = self.one_vs_all self.genes.append(gene)
def insertion(self, max_genes, max_conds, insertion_rate, seed): ''' Mutation Function Randomly inserts genes into the chromosome. ''' random.seed(seed) for i in range(max_genes): if random.random() < (insertion_rate): gene = Gene() gene.generate_conditions(max_conds, random.random()) if self.one_vs_all != -1: gene.hand_class = self.one_vs_all self.genes.append(gene)
def load(self, s): """ Load the Chromosome from save passed as parameter. """ self._size = s["size"] self._gene_count = s["gene_count"] self._genes = [] for g in s["genes"]: new_gene = Gene(self._size) new_gene.load(g) self._genes.append(new_gene) return s["generation"]
def cross_over(geneOne, geneTwo, pivot): g1 = "" g2 = "" for i in range(0, pivot): g1 += str([i]) g2 += str([i]) for i in range(pivot, len( g1 += str([i]) g2 += str([i]) g1 = Gene(g1) g2 = Gene(g2) return [g1,g2]
def __init__(self, InputUnits=16, OutputUnits=4, graph=None, N_hidden=1): self.inovationNumber = 0 self.calculated_fitness = 0 self.genome = nx.DiGraph() N = 16 # input self.inputGenes = [] self.outputGenes = [] self.graph = graph self.HLayers = N_hidden #adding inputnodes for i in range(0, InputUnits): gn = Gene(1.0, input_gene=True, response=1.0, graph=self.graph, indexLayer=0) self.inputGenes.append(gn) self.genome.add_node(gn) #adding outputnodes for i in range(0, OutputUnits): gn = Gene(0.0, output_gene=True, graph=self.graph, indexLayer=N_hidden + 1) self.outputGenes.append(gn) self.genome.add_node(gn) bias = Gene(0.0, bias_gene=True, graph=self.graph, indexLayer=0) self.genome.add_node(bias) # random conection #self.add_conn_rnd() #self.add_conn_rnd() self.add_connection2() self.add_connection2() self.add_node_hidden() self.specie = "" self.champion = False = self.new_name()
def elitism(population): population.sort(reverse=True) tophalf = [] for _ in range(generationsize / 2): tophalf.append(population[_][1]) newpopulation = [] for _ in range(generationsize / 4): parent1 = random.choice(tophalf) parent2 = random.choice(tophalf) children = crossover(parent1.chromosone, parent2.chromosone) newpopulation.append(Gene(mutation(children[0]))) newpopulation.append(Gene(mutation(children[1]))) return tophalf + newpopulation
def __init__(self, sample_ID, sample_ICD, gene_name, Output_geno, amplicon_name, Active_score, Drug_action, Low_coverage, Range, Gene_KB): Gene.__init__(self, sample_ID, sample_ICD, gene_name, Drug_action, amplicon_name, Range) if self.ICD_relevant: self.genotype = self.get_geno(Output_geno) self.phenotype, self.score_allele = self.get_pheno(Active_score) self.potential_allele = self.get_pot_allele(Gene_KB) self.potential_phenotype = self.get_pot_pheno(Active_score) else: self.genotype = None self.phenotype, self.score_allele = None, None self.potential_allele = None self.potential_phenotype = True
def before_first_request(): options = app.config['OPTIONS'] objects = [ Gene.fromfile(f) for f in content_file_iterator(options.content) ] objects = [o for o in objects if o is not None] objects = dict([(, g) for g in objects]) app.config['GENES'] = objects print("In __init__ before_first_request, objects={}".format(objects)) # Configure logging if not app.debug: from logging.handlers import SMTPHandler, RotatingFileHandler from logging import Formatter mail_handler = SMTPHandler('', '*****@*****.**', app.config['ADMINS'], 'ogrdb failed') mail_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) log_path = app.config['LOG_PATH'] file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(log_path, maxBytes=1 << 20, backupCount=5) file_handler.setFormatter( Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s ' '[in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]')) app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) file_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) app.logger.addHandler(file_handler) app.logger.addHandler(mail_handler)
def makeNewPopulation(self, list_of_genes=None, population_size=None, num_of_chromo=None, length_of_chromo=None): if list_of_genes == None: for i in range(population_size): gene = Gene([], num_of_chromo, length_of_chromo) gene.makeRandomGene() player = Player(gene) self.addPlayer(player) else: for i in range(population_size): player = Player(list_of_genes[i]) self.addPlayer(player)
def selection_1(self, fit_data, strength_threshhold): # normalize accuracy for pool selection for i in fit_data: i['accuracy'] /= accuracy_a.max() # pool selection mating_pool = [] while len(mating_pool) < mating_pool_size: choice = random.choice(fit_data) r = np.random.rand() if choice['accuracy'] > r: mating_pool.append(choice) # perish connections with weak strength from gene for i in mating_pool: temp = i['strength_matrix'] >= strength_threshhold i['gene'].connections &= temp i['gene'].connections_number = i['gene'].connections.sum() # mating pool for reproduction mating_pool = [i['gene'] for i in mating_pool] # Sample two parents from mating pool, reproduce children and impose muatation on the newborn. gene_pool = [] for _ in range(P): new_gene = Gene.crossover(random.sample(mating_pool, 2)) gene_pool.append(new_gene) # mutation return gene_pool
def read_genome_from_file(self, filename): f = open(filename, "r") f.readline() line = f.readline() var = line.split(" ") fitness = var[0] orig_fitness = var[1] f.readline() nodes = [] while line != "gene": line = f.readline() if line == "gene": break var = line.split(" ") from node import Node newnode = Node().new_node(var[0], var[1]) nodes.append(newnode) genes = [] while line != "": line = f.readline() if line == "": break var = line.split(" ") from gene import Gene newgene = Gene().add_gene_with_no_trait() genes.append(newgene)
def get_son(self, parents): cbti = random.randint(0, (len(parents) - 1)) cbt = parents[cbti].col_by_tree ssi = random.randint(0, (len(parents) - 1)) ss = parents[ssi].subsample mcwi = random.randint(0, (len(parents) - 1)) mcw = parents[mcwi].min_child_weight mdi = random.randint(0, (len(parents) - 1)) md = parents[mdi].max_depth nei = random.randint(0, (len(parents) - 1)) ne = parents[nei].n_estimators lri = random.randint(0, (len(parents) - 1)) lr = parents[lri].learning_rate wayi = random.randint(0, (len(parents) - 1)) way = parents[wayi].way nnei = random.randint(0, (len(parents) - 1)) n_neighbors = parents[nnei].way son = Gene(cbt, ss, mcw, md, ne, lr, way, n_neighbors) return son
def to_chromosome(solution): """Create an simple/lighter internal representation of a solution to be used by the GA operations. """ genes = {} host_failure_rates = {} for h in solution["hosts"]: genes[h["host_name"]] = [] if "failure_rate" in h: host_failure_rates[h["host_name"]] = h["failure_rate"] else: host_failure_rates[h["host_name"]] = 0.0 for v in solution["vnfs"]: if "place_at" in v and v["place_at"] is not None: for p in v[ "place_at"]: # v[.] is a list, although it normally has just 1 element if "failure_rate" in v: vfrate = v["failure_rate"] else: vfrate = 0.0 genes[p].append({ "vnf_name": v["vnf_name"], "failure_rate": vfrate }) G = [] for hname, vnfs in genes.iteritems(): G.append(Gene(hname, vnfs, host_failure_rate=host_failure_rates[hname])) return Chromosome(G)
def build_site_id_dictionaries(): if os.path.isfile('site_id_dictionaries.pkl'): with open('site_id_dictionaries.pkl', 'rb') as f: print('loading site_id_dictionaries.pkl... ', end='', flush=True) global site_id_dictionary_left global site_id_dictionary_right global gene_id_dictionary_left global gene_id_dictionary_right global gene_id_site_id_arcs global site_id_gene_id_arcs site_id_dictionary_left, site_id_dictionary_right, gene_id_dictionary_left, gene_id_dictionary_right, gene_id_site_id_arcs, site_id_gene_id_arcs = pickle.load( f) print('DONE') else: with open('processed/sites_with_scored_interactions.tsv', 'r') as infile: content = csv.reader(infile, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) header = content.__next__() i = 0 j = 0 for row in content: gene_id = row[0] gene_symbol = row[1] transcript_id = row[2] utr_start = row[3] utr_end = row[4] seed_match_type = row[5] site = Site(gene_id, gene_symbol, transcript_id, utr_start, utr_end, seed_match_type) site_id_dictionary_left[site] = i site_id_dictionary_right[i] = site gene = Gene(gene_id, gene_symbol, transcript_id) i += 1 if not gene in gene_id_dictionary_left: gene_id_dictionary_left[gene] = j gene_id_dictionary_right[j] = gene j += 1 site_id = i - 1 gene_id = gene_id_dictionary_left[gene] if not gene_id in gene_id_site_id_arcs: gene_id_site_id_arcs[gene_id] = list() gene_id_site_id_arcs[gene_id].append(site_id) if site_id in site_id_gene_id_arcs: print( f'error: site_id = {site_id} already in site_id_gene_id_arcs' ) os._exit(1) site_id_gene_id_arcs[site_id] = gene_id with open('site_id_dictionaries.pkl', 'wb') as f: print('saving site_id_dictionaries.pkl... ', end='', flush=True) pickle.dump([ site_id_dictionary_left, site_id_dictionary_right, gene_id_dictionary_left, gene_id_dictionary_right, gene_id_site_id_arcs, site_id_gene_id_arcs ], f) print('DONE')
def openDB(self, fileName=''): if fileName == '': fileName = self.geneDBname with open(fileName, 'r+') as f: self.geneList = [] for x in f: self.geneList.append(Gene(x))
def kill(self): self.Genes.clear() for in_node, out_node in it.product(self.inputs, self.outputs): self.Genes[in_node].append(Gene((in_node, out_node))) for gene in sum(self.Genes.values(), []): gene.mutate() self._add_node_() self._add_link_()
def testFromBounds(self): bound1 = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(300, 400, strand=-1), qualifiers={'label': ['bound1']}) bound2 = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(100, 200, strand=1), qualifiers={'label': ['bound2']}) self.record.features += [bound1, bound2] gene = Gene.from_bounds(self.record, 'test_gene', 'bound1', 'bound2') gene_seq = gene.extract(gene.record).seq expected_gene_seq = self.record[100:400].reverse_complement().seq self.assertEqual(str(gene_seq), str(expected_gene_seq))
def add_genes(self, unpacked_json): self.genes_json = unpacked_json for gene in self.genes_json['result']['Genes']: # Use preexisting gene objects to save time on searching for name matches and so forth # if str(gene['GeneSymbol']) in genesdict: # self.genes.append(genesdict[gene['GeneSymbol']]) # else: g = Gene(self, json=gene, hgncHandler=self.hgncHandler) self.genes.append(g)
def create_population(population_size, input_board, width, height): population = [] for x in range(population_size): gene = Gene(input_board, width, height) population.append(gene) population.sort() #pp.pprint(population) return population
def reproduce(self, other): if self == other: return childGenes = [ Gene(myGene.choose(), otherGene.choose()) for myGene, otherGene in zip(self.genes, other.genes) ] return Person(self, self.genome, childGenes)
def add_gene(self): """ Add a new Gene to the chromosome. """ if Chromosome.ADD_CHANCE < random.random(): self._gene_count += 1 self._genes.append(Gene(self._size)) else: pass
def __init__(self, inputs, outputs): # create list of input and output Nodes self.inputs = [InputNode(i) for i in range(inputs)] self.outputs = [OutputNode(i) for i in range(inputs, inputs + outputs)] Gene.node_counter = inputs + outputs # create every possible link from input to output nodes self.Genes = defaultdict(list) for in_node, out_node in it.product(self.inputs, self.outputs): self.Genes[in_node].append(Gene((in_node, out_node)))
def __init__(self, timetables, cRate = 1e0, mRate = 1e-1): self.genes = [] self.crossoverRate = cRate self.mutationRate = mRate = 0 for tt in timetables: self.genes.append(Gene(tt)) = Chromosome.getFitness()
def crossover(self, creature1: Creature, creature2: Creature) -> Creature: # 형질들은 다 똑같이 갖고있어야함 halfChromosome1 = creature1.getHalfChromosomeAsList( ) # random half chromosome halfChromosome2 = creature2.getHalfChromosomeAsList() resultChromosome = Chromosome() for i in range(len(halfChromosome1)): gene1 = halfChromosome1[i] gene2 = halfChromosome2[i] resultChromosome.appendGene( Gene(gene1.geneName, gene1.stat, gene1.isSuperior), Gene(gene2.geneName, gene2.stat, gene2.isSuperior)) x, y = 0, 0 while True: x = random.randrange(0, c.MAP_WIDTH) y = random.randrange(0, c.MAP_HEIGHT) if self.map_[x][y] != c.OCCUPIED: break return Creature(x, y, resultChromosome)
def create(self, k): generation = [] for i in range(0, k): v1 = random.random() v2 = random.random() v3 = random.random() g = Gene(v1, v2, v3) generation.append(g) return generation
def mate(gene1,gene2): # print'in mate' w1=gene1.weights w2=gene2.weights # print'w1:',len(w1),w1 # print'w2:',len(w2),w2 w3=[] for i in range(0,len(w1)): if randrange(0,2): w3.append(w1[i]) else: w3.append(w2[i]) t1=gene1.thresholds t2=gene2.thresholds t3=[] for i in range(0,len(t1)): if randrange(0,2): t3.append(t1[i]) else: t3.append(t2[i]) g=Gene(structure=gene1.structure,weights=w3,thresholds=t3) g.set() return g
def breed(job_data, elites, peasants): new_genes = [] parents = elites + peasants print("Parents") print(parents) print("************") # The elite get to pass their genes directly for e in elites: file_name = job_data.genes[e[0]][0].file_name # file_name = 'test' gene = Gene(file_name) new_genes.append(gene) # Now let everyone randomly mate with one another, # using the fitness as the chance of mating for i in range(job_data.population - job_data.elites): file_name = job_data.genes[0][0].file_name gene = Gene(file_name) r1 = select_parent(parents) different = False while not different: r2 = select_parent(parents) if r2 != r1: different = True parent1 = parents[r1] parent2 = parents[r2] p_floats = mate(job_data, parent1[0], parent2[0]) gene.p_floats = p_floats new_genes.append(gene) # Update the naming for i, n in enumerate(new_genes): n.file_name = job_data.file_name + "AM1_0P" + str(i) build_input(n.file_name + ".com", n.header, n.coordinates, n.params, n.p_floats) for i in range(job_data.population): file_name = job_data.file_name + "AM1_0P" + str(i) job_data.genes[i][0] = Gene(file_name)
def mutateAddNeuron(self): """ Add a neuron at the location of a random gene. This is done by disabling the original gene, then adding a new node and connections between the new node and the original gene nodes. """ # get one random gene if self.genes: innov = random.sample(self.genes, 1)[0] else: return gene = self.genes[innov] node1 = gene.source_neuron node2 = gene.target_neuron # make sure our nodes aren't two consecutive integers if node1 + 1 > node2 - 1: return g = Gene() g.copy(gene) # create a new node node = random.randint(node1 + 1, node2 - 1) # make sure our node isn't the same as any existing nodes if node in self.nodes: return # should be a hidden node assert node >= 1 and node <= MAX_LAYER # morph the gene into two genes and add the node g1 = Gene() g1.source_neuron = node1 g1.target_neuron = node g1.weight = 1 g2 = Gene() g2.source_neuron = node g2.target_neuron = node2 g2.weight = gene.weight self.nodes.add(node) # disable the original gene, replace it with the new ones g.enabled = False self.genes[innov] = g self.genes[max(gene_index) + 1] = g1 self.genes[max(gene_index) + 2] = g2 # add the new genes to the index gene_index[max(gene_index) + 1] = g1 gene_index[max(gene_index) + 1] = g2
def read_reference(self,file_ref): print "Read reference ..." #get file size file_size=os.stat(file_ref).st_size #Parse GTF file in_reference = open(file_ref) genes={} no_line = 0 current_position=0 for gtf_line in in_reference: no_line = no_line + 1 current_position+=len(gtf_line) #if (no_line< 1e5 and no_line % 1000 == 0) or (no_line<1e6 and no_line % 1e4 ==0) or (no_line>1e6 and no_line % 1e5 ==0) : if no_line % 1e5 ==0 : self.log_already_completed("{0} lines read from reference".format(no_line),file_size,current_position) if re.match("^#.*$",gtf_line): continue gtf_line = gtf_line.rstrip('\r\n') elmts = gtf_line.split('\t') gene_chr=elmts[0] gene_chr=gene_chr.lower().replace("chr","") start=int(elmts[3]) end=int(elmts[4]) if Join_with_gtf.debug and gene_chr != '1' : break feature=elmts[2] annot=elmts[8] me=re.match('^gene_id "([^"]+)".*$',annot) if me : else : #Feature not related to a gene_id gene_id="" #sys.exit("Unable to find gene_id value on line #{0} of file '{1}'. Exiting".format(no_line,file_ref)) if feature == "gene": gene_start=start gene_end=end strand=elmts[6] if strand == "-" : strand=-1 elif strand == '+' : strand=1 else: sys.exit("Unexpected strand value on line #{0} of file '{1}' : '{2}'. Exiting".format(no_line,file_ref,strand)) if gene_id not in genes : gene=Gene(gene_id,gene_chr,gene_start,gene_end,strand) genes[gene_id]=gene else : gene=genes[gene_id] gene.set_location(gene_chr,gene_start,gene_end) gene.set_strand(strand) #gene start and end are defined in this line, therefore we can compute : #tss, promoter and tss self.features_found["promoter"]=1 self.features_found["tss"]=1 self.features_found["tts"]=1 self.features_found["gene"]=1 gene.gene_model_has_been_defined() #elif feature not in("CDS","UTR","transcript") : else : if gene_id not in genes : gene=Gene(gene_id,gene_chr) genes[gene_id]=gene else : gene=genes[gene_id] if feature == "start_codon" : self.features_found["utr5"]=1 elif feature == "stop_codon" : self.features_found["utr3"]=1 elif feature == "exon" : self.features_found["exon"]=1 self.features_found["intron"]=1 else : self.features_found[feature.lower()]=1 gene.add_feature(feature,start,end) in_reference.close() print "\n\t{0} lines read from reference in total.".format(no_line) #Check that all features listed in configuration file has been found at least once for feature in self.features_found : if self.features_found[feature.lower()] == 0 : sys.stderr.write(("Warning : feature named '{0}' found in 'feature_priorities' parameter. "+ "This feature has never been found in reference file '{1}'.\n").format( feature, file_ref )) #Complete feature_properties with the one found in gtf files but not requested by user #Otherwise when we will try to order feature overlapping with a given region #sorted(overlaps, key=lambda ovlp: self.feature_priorities[ ovlp.value[0] ]) #It will raise an exception. for feature in self.features_found : if feature.lower() not in self.feature_priorities : self.feature_priorities[feature.lower()]=None #define downstream/upstream boundaries promoter_downstream= self.theme.get_parameter("promoter_downstream") promoter_upstream= self.theme.get_parameter("promoter_upstream") tss_downstream= self.theme.get_parameter("tss_downstream") tss_upstream= self.theme.get_parameter("tss_upstream") tts_downstream= self.theme.get_parameter("tts_downstream") tts_upstream= self.theme.get_parameter("tts_upstream") #print "promoter_upstream={0}".format(promoter_upstream) #print "promoter_downstream={0}".format(promoter_downstream) #print "tss_upstream={0}".format(tss_upstream) #print "tss_downstream={0}".format(tss_downstream) #print "tts_upstream={0}".format(tts_upstream) #print "tts_downstream={0}".format(tts_downstream) #Initialize dictionnaries features={} gene_boundaries={} #Build gene model print "Build gene model ..." no_gene=0 for gene_id in genes : gene=genes[gene_id] (gene_chr,gene_start,gene_end)=gene.get_coordinates() no_gene+=1 if no_gene % 1000 == 0 : self.log_already_completed("{0} genes treated".format(no_gene),len(genes),no_gene) if gene_chr not in features : features[gene_chr]=IntervalTree() gene_boundaries[gene_chr]=IntervalTree() if gene.gene_model_is_defined() : if gene_chr not in gene_boundaries : gene_boundaries[gene_chr]=IntervalTree() gene_boundaries[gene_chr].insert_interval( Interval(gene_start,gene_end, value=["gene",gene_id] ) ) #Promoter if gene.strand == 1 : (start,end)=gene.get_promoter(promoter_upstream,promoter_downstream) else : (start,end)=gene.get_promoter(promoter_downstream,promoter_upstream) features[gene_chr].insert_interval( Interval(start,end, value=["promoter",gene_id] ) ) #5' UTR (start,end)=gene.get_utr5() if start is not None: features[gene_chr].insert_interval( Interval(start,end, value=["utr5",gene_id] ) ) #TTS if gene.strand == 1 : (start,end)=gene.get_tss(tss_upstream,tss_downstream) else : (start,end)=gene.get_tss(tss_downstream,tss_upstream) features[gene_chr].insert_interval( Interval(start,end, value=["tss",gene_id] ) ) #Intron / Exon (intron_coords,exon_coords)=gene.get_introns_exons() #Debug #if gene.gene_id == "ENSBTAG00000000010" : # print "gene_id '{0} / intron={1} / exon={2}".format(gene.gene_id,intron_coords,exon_coords) for exon_coord in exon_coords : (start,end)=exon_coord features[gene_chr].insert_interval( Interval(start,end, value=["exon",gene_id] ) ) for intron_coord in intron_coords : (start,end)=intron_coord features[gene_chr].insert_interval( Interval(start,end, value=["intron",gene_id] ) ) #TTS if gene.strand == 1 : (start,end)=gene.get_tts(tts_upstream,tts_downstream) else : (start,end)=gene.get_tts(tts_downstream,tts_upstream) features[gene_chr].insert_interval( Interval(start,end, value=["tts",gene_id] ) ) #3' UTR (start,end)=gene.get_utr3() if start is not None: features[gene_chr].insert_interval( Interval(start,end, value=["utr3",gene_id] ) ) #Other features for feature in gene.get_other_features() : (start,end,feature)=feature features[gene_chr].insert_interval( Interval(start,end, value=[feature,gene_id] ) ) print "\n\t{0} genes treated in total.".format(no_gene) return (features,gene_boundaries)