def test_has_year_no(self):
     Verify has_year() method returns False when the conditions are right.
     record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", None,
     self.assert_(not record.has_year())
 def test_has_year_no(self):
     Verify has_year() method returns False when the conditions are right.
     record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", None,
     self.assertTrue(not record.has_year())
 def test_has_year_yes(self):
     Verify has_year() method returns True when the conditions are right.
     record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799,
 def test_equal(self):
     """Verify two 'equal' records are compared correctly."""
     record1 = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt",
                      1799, 18231)
     record2 = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt",
                      1799, 18231)
     self.assertTrue(record1 == record2)
 def test_unequal(self):
     """Verify two 'unequal' records are compared correctly."""
     record1 = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt",
                      1799, 18231)
     record2 = Record("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586)
     self.assertTrue(record1 < record2)
     self.assertTrue(record1 != record2)
     self.assertTrue(record2 > record1)
 def test_add_node_object(self):
     """Test the add_node_object() method."""
     record = Record("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586)
     node = Node(record, set(), set())
     self.assertEqual(set([38586, 18231]), self.graph1.get_node_list())
     self.assertEqual(self.graph1.seeds, set([18231]))
 def test_equal(self):
     """Test comparison method for Nodes with identical records."""
     record2 = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt",
                      1799, 18231)
     node1 = Node(self.record, set(), set())
     node2 = Node(record2, set(), set())
     self.assertTrue(node1 == node2)
 def test_str_no_inst_no_id(self):
     """Test __stre__() method for Node containing record without
     institution or year."""
     record = Record(, None, None, 18231)
     node = Node(record, set(), set())
     nodestr = str(node)
     nodestrexpt = "Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf"
     self.assertEqual(nodestr, nodestrexpt)
 def test_init(self):
     """Test the constructor."""
     record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799,
     self.assertEqual(, "Carl Friedrich Gauss")
     self.assertEqual(record.institution, "Universitaet Helmstedt")
     self.assertEqual(record.year, 1799)
     self.assertEqual(, 18231)
 def test_unequal(self):
     """Test comparison method for Nodes with different records."""
     record2 = Record("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586)
     node1 = Node(self.record, set(), set())
     node2 = Node(record2, set(), set())
     self.assertTrue(node1 < node2)
     self.assertTrue(node1 != node2)
     self.assertTrue(node2 > node1)
 def test_str_no_year(self):
     Test __str__() method for Node containing record without year.
     record = Record(, self.record.institution, None, 18231)
     node = Node(record, set(), set())
     nodestr = str(node)
     nodestrexpt = "Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf \\nUniversit\xe4t Helmstedt"
     self.assertEqual(nodestr, nodestrexpt)
 def test_has_institution_yes(self):
     """Verify has_institution() method returns True when the conditions are
     record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799,
     record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799,
 def test_unicode_no_inst(self):
     """Test __unicode__() method for record without institution."""
     record = Record(, None, 1799, 18231)
     recstr = record.__unicode__()
     recstrexpt = u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf \\n(1799)"
     self.assertEqual(recstr, recstrexpt)
 def test_unicode_no_year(self):
     """Test __unicode__() method for record without year."""
     record = Record(, self.record.institution, None, 18231)
     recstr = record.__unicode__()
     recstrexpt = u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf \\nUniversit\xe4t Helmstedt"
     self.assertEqual(recstr, recstrexpt)
 def setUp(self):
     self.record1 = Record("Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf",
                           u"Universit\xe4t Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
     self.node1 = Node(self.record1, set(), set())
     self.graph1 = Graph(set([self.node1]))
 def setUp(self):
     self.record = Record(u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf",
                          u"Universit\xe4t Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
 def test_no_year(self):
     """Test __str__() method for record without year."""
     record = Record(, self.record.institution, None, 18231)
     recstr = str(record)
     recstrexpt = "Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf \\nUniversit\xe4t Helmstedt"
     self.assertEqual(recstr, recstrexpt)
 def test_has_institution_no(self):
     """Verify has_institution() method returns False when the conditions
     are right."""
     record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", None, 1799, 18231)
     self.assert_(not record.has_institution())
class TestRecordMethods(unittest.TestCase):
    """Unit tests for the Record class."""
    def setUp(self):
        self.record = Record(u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf",
                             u"Universit\xe4t Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)

    def test_init(self):
        """Test the constructor."""
        record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799,
        self.assertEqual(, "Carl Friedrich Gauss")
        self.assertEqual(record.institution, "Universitaet Helmstedt")
        self.assertEqual(record.year, 1799)
        self.assertEqual(, 18231)

    def test_init_bad_name(self):
        """Test constructor with bad 'name' parameter."""
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, Record, 1, "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799,

    def test_init_bad_institution(self):
        """Test constructor with bad 'institution' parameter."""
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, Record, "Carl Friedrich Gauss", 1, 1799,

    def test_init_bad_year(self):
        """Test constructor with bad 'year' parameter."""
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, Record, "Carl Friedrich Gauss",
                          "Universitaet Helmstedt", "1799", 18231)

    def test_init_bad_id(self):
        """Test constructor with bad 'id' parameter."""
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, Record, "Carl Friedrich Gauss",
                          "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, "18231")

    def test_cmp_equal(self):
        """Verify two 'equal' records are compared correctly."""
        record1 = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt",
                         1799, 18231)
        record2 = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt",
                         1799, 18231)
        self.assert_(record1 == record2)

    def test_cmp_unequal(self):
        """Verify two 'unequal' records are compared correctly."""
        record1 = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt",
                         1799, 18231)
        record2 = Record("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586)
        self.assert_(record1 < record2)

    def test_has_institution_yes(self):
        """Verify has_institution() method returns True when the conditions are
        record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799,

    def test_has_institution_no(self):
        """Verify has_institution() method returns False when the conditions
        are right."""
        record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", None, 1799, 18231)
        self.assert_(not record.has_institution())

    def test_has_year_yes(self):
        Verify has_year() method returns True when the conditions are right.
        record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799,

    def test_has_year_no(self):
        Verify has_year() method returns False when the conditions are right.
        record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", None,
        self.assert_(not record.has_year())

    def test_unicode_full(self):
        """Test __unicode__() method for complete record."""
        recstr = self.record.__unicode__()
        recstrexpt = u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf \\nUniversit\xe4t Helmstedt \
        self.assertEqual(recstr, recstrexpt)

    def test_unicode_no_year(self):
        """Test __unicode__() method for record without year."""
        record = Record(, self.record.institution, None, 18231)
        recstr = record.__unicode__()
        recstrexpt = u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf \\nUniversit\xe4t Helmstedt"
        self.assertEqual(recstr, recstrexpt)

    def test_unicode_no_inst(self):
        """Test __unicode__() method for record without institution."""
        record = Record(, None, 1799, 18231)
        recstr = record.__unicode__()
        recstrexpt = u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf \\n(1799)"
        self.assertEqual(recstr, recstrexpt)

    def test_unicode_no_inst_no_id(self):
        """Test __unicode__() method for record without institution or year."""
        record = Record(, None, None, 18231)
        recstr = record.__unicode__()
        recstrexpt = u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf"
        self.assertEqual(recstr, recstrexpt)
 def test_no_inst(self):
     """Test __str__() method for record without institution."""
     record = Record(, None, 1799, 18231)
     recstr = str(record)
     recstrexpt = "Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf \\n(1799)"
     self.assertEqual(recstr, recstrexpt)
 def test_has_institution_no(self):
     """Verify has_institution() method returns False when the conditions
     are right."""
     record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", None, 1799, 18231)
     self.assertTrue(not record.has_institution())
 def setUp(self):
     self.record = Record("Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf",
                          "Universit\xe4t Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
 def test_no_inst_no_id(self):
     """Test __unicode__() method for record without institution or year."""
     record = Record(, None, None, 18231)
     recstr = str(record)
     recstrexpt = "Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf"
     self.assertEqual(recstr, recstrexpt)