if channel == 'tt': tauList = tauFun.getTauList(channel, entry) if len(tauList) < 2: continue cutCounter.count('TwoTaus') bestTauPair = tauFun.getBestTauPair(channel, entry, tauList) elif channel == 'mt': bestTauPair = tauFun.getBestMuTauPair(entry) if len(bestTauPair) < 1: if args.unique == 'FSA_only' and entry.event in FSA_only: if True: print("\n** FSA only event *** Count={0:d}".format(count)) print("bestTauPair={0:s}".format(str(bestTauPair))) bestTauPair = tauFun.getBestMuTauPair(entry, printOn=True) GF.printEvent(entry) GF.printMC(entry) maxPrint -= 1 continue #iMu = bestTauPair[0] #bestTauPair[0] = tauFun.getTauPointer(entry,entry.Muon_eta[iMu],entry.Muon_phi[iMu]) elif channel == 'et': bestTauPair = tauFun.getBestETauPair(entry) if len(bestTauPair) < 1: if args.unique == 'FSA_only' and entry.event in FSA_only: if True: print("\n** FSA only event *** Count={0:d}".format(count)) print("bestTauPair = {0:s}".format(str(bestTauPair))) best = tauFun.getBestETauPair(entry, printOn=True) GF.printEvent(entry) maxPrint -= 1 continue
pairList=pairList) if len(bestTauPair) < 1: if False and maxPrint > 0 and (tauMode == GF.eventID(e)[2:4]): maxPrint -= 1 print("Failed tau-pair cut") print("Event ID={0:s} cat={1:s}".format( GF.eventID(e), cat)) print( "goodMuonList={0:s} goodElectronList={1:s} Mll={3:.1f} bestTauPair={4:s}" .format(str(goodMuonList), str(goodElectronList), str(pairList), M, str(bestTauPair))) print("Lep1.pt() = {0:.1f} Lep2.pt={1:.1f}".format( pairList[0].Pt(), pairList[1].Pt())) GF.printEvent(e) GF.printMC(e) continue cutCounter[cat].count("GoodTauPair") if tauMode == 'tt' and args.testMode.lower() == "vvtight": j1, j2 = bestTauPair[0], bestTauPair[1] if ord(e.Tau_idMVAnewDM2017v2[j1]) < 64: continue if ord(e.Tau_idMVAnewDM2017v2[j2]) < 64: continue cutCounter[cat].count("VVtightTauPair") if len(bestTauPair) > 1: jt1, jt2 = bestTauPair[0], bestTauPair[1] else: continue