    def printProjectInfo(self, cmd, project):

        dbConn = DatabaseConn()
        hostname = dbConn.getHostname()  # to define form action URL

        db = dbConn.databaseConnect()
        cursor = db.cursor()

        uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor)
        lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor)

        gOut = GeneralOutputClass()

        currUser = Session.getUser()

        if cmd == 'view':

            projectID = project.getNumber()
            projectOwner = project.getOwner()
            ownerName = projectOwner.getFullName()
            ownerID = projectOwner.getUserID()
            projectName = project.getName()
            projectDescr = project.getDescription()

            # private or public
            isPrivate = project.isPrivate()

            if isPrivate:
                accessType = 'Private'
                accessType = 'Public'

            # Only allow modification by owner or admin AND disallow project deletion if there are reagents in it!!!
            modify_disabled = True
            delete_disabled = True

            if (currUser.getUserID() == ownerID) or (currUser.getCategory()
                                                     == 'Admin'):
                modify_disabled = False

            if project.isEmpty():
                delete_disabled = False

            # Aug. 18/08: Changed b/c of new format
            #content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu()
            content = gOut.printHeader()

            content += '''
				<FORM name="project_form" method="POST" action="%s">
					<!-- pass current user as hidden form field -->
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="username_hidden" NAME="username"'''

            content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">"

            content += '''
					<TABLE height="100%%">
						<TABLE width="770px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" class="detailedView_tbl">
								<TD class="detailedView_heading" style="white-space:nowrap;">
								<TD class="detailedView_heading" style="text-align:right">
            content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" name=\"modify_project\" value=\"Modify Project\""

            if modify_disabled:
                content += " disabled>"
                content += ">"

            content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:2px;\" name=\"delete_project\" value=\"Delete Project\" onClick=\"return confirmDeleteProject();\""

            if modify_disabled or delete_disabled:
                content += " disabled>"
                content += ">"

            content += '''
								<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
									Project #
								<TD class="detailedView_value" width="87%%">
									<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetID" value="%d">
								<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
									Project Owner:
								<TD class="detailedView_value">
									<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetOwner" value="%d">
								<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
									Project Name:
								<TD class="detailedView_value">
									<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetName" value="%s">
								<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
									Project Description:
								<TD class="detailedView_value">
									<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetDescription" value="%s">
								<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
									Access type:
								<TD class="detailedView_value">
									<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="private_or_public" value="%s">
								<TD colspan="2">

            # Now here, show or hide members section depending on the user's access level
            # Condition is the same as for determining whether modification is allowed - so use 'modify_disabled' variable
            if not modify_disabled:
                content += '''
								<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
									Project Members:
								<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
									<TABLE width="100%%">
											<TD style="font-weight:bold; padding-left:10px" width="30%%">
											<TD style="font-weight:bold; padding-left:10px">
											<TD class="detailedView_value" style="vertical-align:top">

                if not isPrivate:
                    content += "All OpenFreezer Users"
                    # maintain the indent
                    readers = project.getReaders()

                    # sort by labs
                    labs = []
                    rdrLabs = {}

                    # First, iterate over readers list to extract all the labs
                    for rdr in readers:
                        lab = rdr.getLab().getID()

                        if lab not in labs:

                    # Now iterate over the list of labs and link its readers to it
                    for lab in labs:
                        tmpRdrs = []  # list of members in one lab

                        for rdr in readers:
                            tmpLab = rdr.getLab().getID()

                            if tmpLab == lab:
                                # append reader to list of members of this lab
                                if rdrLabs.has_key(lab):
                                    tmpRdrs = rdrLabs[lab]

                                rdrLabs[lab] = tmpRdrs

                    #for rdr in readers:
                    for lab_id in rdrLabs.keys():
                        rdrs = rdrLabs[lab_id]  # list of objects!!
                        tmp_lab_name = lHandler.findLabName(lab_id)

                        # print out the lab name

                        if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin':
                            content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" style=\"color:#2E8B57\" onClick=\"goToLabViewFromProject(" + ` lab_id ` + ");\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>"
                            content += "<span style=\"color:#2E8B57\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>"

                        # print reader names
                        for rdr in rdrs:
                            content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" name=\"projectReaders\" value=\"" + ` rdr.getUserID(
                            ) ` + "\"></INPUT>"

                            # Only show hyperlinks if the viewer is an Admin; otherwise just output plain names
                            if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin':
                                content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">&#45;&#45;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToUserFromProject(" + ` rdr.getUserID(
                                ) ` + ");\">" + rdr.getFullName(
                                ) + "</span></LI>"
                                content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">&#45;&#45;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + rdr.getFullName(
                                ) + "</LI>"

                content += '''			

										<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:250px; vertical-align:top">
                writers = project.getWriters()

                # sort them by lab too, same as for readers
                labs = []
                wrtrLabs = {}

                # First, iterate over readers list to extract all the labs
                for wrtr in writers:
                    lab = wrtr.getLab().getID()

                    if lab not in labs:

                # Now iterate over the list of labs and link its readers to it
                for lab in labs:
                    tmpWrtrs = []  # list of members in one lab

                    for wrtr in writers:
                        tmpLab = wrtr.getLab().getID()

                        if tmpLab == lab:
                            # append reader to list of members of this lab
                            if wrtrLabs.has_key(lab):
                                tmpWrtrs = wrtrLabs[lab]

                            wrtrLabs[lab] = tmpWrtrs

                for lab_id in wrtrLabs.keys():
                    wrtrs = wrtrLabs[lab_id]  # list of objects!!
                    tmp_lab_name = lHandler.findLabName(lab_id)

                    # print out the lab name
                    if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin':
                        content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" style=\"color:#2E8B57\" onClick=\"goToLabViewFromProject(" + ` lab_id ` + ");\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>"
                        content += "<span style=\"color:#2E8B57\" " + ` lab_id ` + ");\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>"

                    for wrtr in wrtrs:

                        content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" name=\"projectWriters\" value=\"" + ` wrtr.getUserID(
                        ) ` + "\">"

                        if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin':
                            content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">&#45;&#45;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToUserFromProject(" + ` wrtr.getUserID(
                            ) ` + ");\">" + wrtr.getFullName() + "</span></LI>"
                            content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">&#45;&#45;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + wrtr.getFullName(
                            ) + "</LI>"

                content += '''
				<FORM id="viewUserForm" method="POST" action="%s">
					<INPUT type="hidden" id="view_user_hidden" name="view_user">
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_userid_hidden" NAME="curr_user_id" value="%d">
				<FORM id="viewLabForm" method="POST" action="%s">
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_userid_hidden" NAME="curr_user_id" value="%d">
					<INPUT type="hidden" id="view_lab_hidden" name="view_lab">

                content += gOut.printFooter()

                content += '''

                content += gOut.printFooter()

            # and here, depending on what sections of the project view were printed, the number of arguments would vary
            if not modify_disabled:
                page_content = content % (
                    hostname + "cgi/project_request_handler.py", projectID,
                    projectID, ownerName, ownerID, projectName, projectName,
                    projectDescr, projectDescr, accessType, accessType,
                    hostname + "cgi/user_request_handler.py",
                    currUser.getUserID(), hostname +
                    "cgi/user_request_handler.py", currUser.getUserID())
                page_content = content % (
                    hostname + "cgi/project_request_handler.py", projectID,
                    projectID, ownerName, ownerID, projectName, projectName,
                    projectDescr, projectDescr, accessType, accessType)

            print "Content-type:text/html"  # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE
            print  # DITTO
            print page_content

        elif cmd == 'edit':

            projectID = project.getNumber()
            projectOwner = project.getOwner()
            ownerName = projectOwner.getFullName()
            ownerID = projectOwner.getUserID()
            projectName = project.getName()
            projectDescr = project.getDescription()
            isPrivate = project.isPrivate()

            content = gOut.printHeader()
            #content += gOut.printMainMenu()

            content += '''
				<FORM name="project_form" method="POST" action="%s">

					<!-- pass current user as hidden form field -->
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="username_hidden" NAME="username"'''
            content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">"

            content += '''
					<TABLE width="770px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" style="border:1px solid black" frame="box" rules="rows">
						<TD colspan="3" style="padding-left:200px; text-align:center">
							<span style="color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold">MODIFY PROJECT </span>
							<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">%d</span>
							<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetID" value="%d">
							<INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:200px;" name="save_project" value="Save" onClick=\"alert('Please note: If your project writers list contains names of users who have read-only access to OpenFreezer, their names will be removed from the list during saving.'); addProjectOwnerToWritersList(); selectAllElements('readers_target_list'); selectAllElements('writers_target_list'); return verifyProjectOwner('projectOwnersList') && verifyProjectName('packet_name') && verifyProjectDescr('packet_descr') && verifyMembers('readers_target_list') && verifyMembers('writers_target_list');\">
							<INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:20px;" name="cancel_project" value="Cancel">

						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							Project Owner:

						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
							<SELECT ID="projectOwnersList" name="packetOwner">

            # Get list of all potential project owners - users with 'CREATOR' or higher privileges
            # Returns list of User **objects**
            creators = uHandler.findAllMembersInCategory(
                'Creator', False, '<=')
            creatorsDict = {}  # name, uid

            for creator in creators:
                uid = creator.getUserID()
                name = creator.getFullName()
                creatorsDict[name] = uid

            names = creatorsDict.keys()

            #print "Content-type:text/html"

            for name in names:
                #print name
                uid = creatorsDict[name]
                #print uid
                #print ownerID

                if uid == ownerID:
                    content += "<OPTION SELECTED value=" + ` uid ` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>"
                    content += "<OPTION value=" + ` uid ` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>"

            content += '''
							<DIV ID="projectOwnerWarning" STYLE="display:none; color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal;">
								<BR>Please select a name from the list above.

						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							Project Name:

						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" id="packet_name" name="packetName" value="%s">
							<DIV ID="projectNameWarning" STYLE="display:none; color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal;">
								<BR>Please provide a project name.

						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							Project Description:

						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" id="packet_descr" name="packetDescription" value="%s">
							<DIV ID="projectDescrWarning" STYLE="display:none; color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal;">
								<BR>Please provide a project description.
						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							Access type:

						<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px">
            if not isPrivate:
                content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"public\" checked>Public&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
                content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"private\">Private"
                content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"public\">Public&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
                content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"private\" checked>Private"

            content += '''

						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							Project Members:

						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3">
							Edit existing project members lists:

						<TD style="width:100px">
							<SELECT multiple size="10" id="readers_target_list" name="readersList">
            # Readers and writers associated with this project
            currReaders = project.getReaders()
            currWriters = project.getWriters()

            # Since object comparison is done by reference, cannot check if a User object returned by findAllMembers is a member of this project by using 'in array'.  Need to compare user IDs explicitly
            currReaderIDs = []
            currWriterIDs = []

            currReaderNames = []
            currWriterNames = []

            currReadersDict = {}  # name, id
            currWritersDict = {}

            # need lab IDs too - to match members to their labs when moved between lists, but having a 'memberID, labID' dictionary is too clumsy.  Easiest approach: have 'memberID, Member Object' dictionary
            currReaderObjDict = {}  # id, User object
            currWriterObjDict = {}

            for r in currReaders:
                rID = r.getUserID()
                rName = r.getFullName()

                # associate rID with its containing object
                currReaderObjDict[rID] = r

                currReadersDict[rName] = rID

            for w in currWriters:
                wID = w.getUserID()
                wName = w.getFullName()

                currWriterObjDict[wID] = w

                currWritersDict[wName] = wID


            for rName in currReaderNames:
                rID = currReadersDict[rName]
                rdr = currReaderObjDict[rID]
                rdrLabID = rdr.getLab().getID()

                #content += "<OPTION id=" + `rID` + " value=" + `rID` + ">" + rName + "</OPTION>"

                # June 28/07: Include labID in the option id
                content += "<OPTION id=\"user_" + ` rID ` + "_lab_" + ` rdrLabID ` + "\" value=" + ` rID ` + ">" + rName + "</OPTION>"

            content += '''
							<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px" onClick="selectAll(this.id, 'readers_target_list')" id="select_all_reader_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT>

						<TD width="30px">
							<input onclick="addMembers('readers_target_list', 'write')" value="   Make Writer >>" type="button"></INPUT><BR/>
							<input style="margin-top:10px;" onclick="addMembers('writers_target_list', 'read')" value="<< Make Reader" type="button"></INPUT><BR/>
							<input style="margin-top:10px;" onclick="removeProjectMembers()" value="Remove Selected" type="button"></INPUT>

							<SELECT multiple size="10" id="writers_target_list" name="writersList">
            for wName in currWriterNames:
                wID = currWritersDict[wName]
                wrtr = currWriterObjDict[wID]
                wrtrLabID = wrtr.getLab().getID()

                #content += "<OPTION id=" + `wID` + " value=" + `wID` + ">" + wName + "</OPTION>"

                # June 28/07: Include labID in the option id
                content += "<OPTION id=\"user_" + ` wID ` + "_lab_" + ` wrtrLabID ` + "\" value=" + ` wID ` + ">" + wName + "</OPTION>"

            content += '''
							<INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(this.id, 'writers_target_list')" id="select_all_writer_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT>
						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3">
							Add new members to this project:
						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3">
							<SELECT id="labList" name="labs" onChange="showLabMembersList()">
            # fetch lab list - Updated August 90/7: Fetch ALL labs, with any access - then if a read-only lab has members with higher access, would show these members in list
            #labs = lHandler.findAllLabs('Writer', '<=')
            labs = lHandler.findAllLabs()

            # sort lab names alphabetically
            labNames = []
            labsDict = {}  # name, id

            for labID in labs.keys():
                labName = labs[labID]
                labsDict[labName] = labID


            currLab = projectOwner.getLab()
            currLabID = currLab.getID()

            #for labID in labs.keys():
            for labName in labNames:
                #labName = labs[labID]
                labID = labsDict[labName]

                if labID == currLabID:
                    content += "<OPTION SELECTED id='" + ` labID ` + "' NAME='lab_optn' value=" + ` labName ` + ">" + labName + "</OPTION>"
                    content += "<OPTION id='" + ` labID ` + "' NAME='lab_optn' value=" + ` labName ` + ">" + labName + "</OPTION>"

            content += '''
						<TD width="100px">

            # For each lab, print a list of its members
            for labID in labs.keys():

                # First, fetch a list of users
                # These are **User instances** - need to get their names and IDs for comparison

                # August 9/07: Don't fetch only writers, fetch readers too - it's up to the project owner to grant them access to the project
                #writers = uHandler.findAllMembersInCategory('Writer', True, '<=', labID)
                writers = uHandler.findAllMembersInCategory(
                    'Reader', True, '<=', labID)
                writersDict = {}  # name, uid
                writersObjDict = {}  # id, User object

                # Fetch user IDs and sort their names alphabetically
                for writer in writers:
                    name = writer.getFullName()
                    uid = writer.getUserID()
                    labID = (writer.getLab()).getID()
                    writersDict[name] = uid
                    writersObjDict[uid] = writer

                names = writersDict.keys()

                # Show members for one lab at a time
                if labID == currLabID:
                    display = "inline"
                    display = "none"

                content += "<SELECT MULTIPLE id=\"lab_source_list_" + ` labID ` + "\" name=\"labSourceMembers_" + ` labID ` + "\" SIZE=\"10\" style=\"display:" + display + "\">"

                for name in names:
                    uid = writersDict[name]
                    labID = writersObjDict[uid].getLab().getID()

                    if uid not in currReaderIDs and uid not in currWriterIDs:
                        #content += "<OPTION value=" + `uid` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>"
                        content += "<OPTION id=\"user_" + ` uid ` + "_lab_" + ` labID ` + "\" value=" + ` uid ` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>"

                content += "</SELECT>"

            content += '''
							<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:8px" onClick="selectAll(this.id, 'lab_source_list_' + getSelectedLab())" id="add_all_chkbx"> Select All Members</INPUT>

						<TD colspan="2" style="vertical-align:top">
							Add selected members to:
							<P style="font-size:9pt; margin-top:5px;">
								<input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_read" name="access_levels" value="read" checked>Readers list</INPUT><BR/> 
								<input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_write" name="access_levels" value="write">Writers list</INPUT><BR/>
								<input style="margin-top:8px" onclick="addMembers('lab_source_list_' + getSelectedLab(), getSelectedRole('1'))" value="Go" type="button"></INPUT>


            content += gOut.printFooter()

            page_content = content % (
                hostname + "cgi/project_request_handler.py",
                project.getNumber(), project.getNumber(), project.getName(),

            print "Content-type:text/html"  # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE
            print  # DITTO
            print page_content
	def printLabInfo(self, cmd, newLab, errCode=""):
		dbConn = DatabaseConn()
		hostname = dbConn.getHostname()		# to define form action URL
		db = dbConn.databaseConnect()
		cursor = db.cursor()
		uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor)
		lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor)
		currUser = Session.getUser()
		gOut = GeneralOutputClass()

		if cmd == 'view':

			labID = newLab.getID()
			labHead = newLab.getLabHead()
			labName = newLab.getName()
			labCode = newLab.getLabCode()
			labDescr = newLab.getDescription()
			address = newLab.getAddress()
			accessLevel = newLab.getDefaultAccessLevel()
			# Determine if 'Delete' button should be disabled - if there are members in the lab, disallow deletion
			labMembers = lHandler.findMembers(labID)

			delete_disabled = True

			if len(labMembers) == 0:
				delete_disabled = False
			# Only allow modification by admin
			modify_disabled = True
			# July 3/07: Can further disallow modification of labs other than the one currUser belongs to; however, this might be too restrictive.  Keep it in the back of our minds but out of the website for now.
			#if (currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin') and (currUser.getLab().getID() == labID):
			if (currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin'):
				modify_disabled = False
			#content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu()
			content = gOut.printHeader()
			content += '''
				<FORM name="lab_form" method="POST" action="%s">
					<!-- pass current user as hidden form field -->
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"'''
			content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">"
			content += '''
					<TABLE width="775px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" class="detailedView_tbl">
							<TD colspan="6" class="detailedView_heading" style="padding-left:250px">
			content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:50px;\" name=\"modify_lab\" value=\"Change Lab Info\""
			if modify_disabled:
				content += " disabled>"
				content += ">"
			content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:2px;\" name=\"delete_lab\" value=\"Delete Lab\" onClick=\"return verifyDeleteLab()\""
			if modify_disabled or delete_disabled:
				content += " disabled>"
				content += ">"
			content += '''

							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">

							<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labName" value="%s">

								<!-- lab ID a hidden value -->
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labID" value="%d">

							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
								Lab head:

							<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labHead" value="%s">

							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
								Lab ID:

							<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labCode" value="%s">
							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">

							<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labDescription" value="%s">

							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">

							<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="address" value="%s">
							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName" style="white-space:nowrap">
								Default access level:

							<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="access" value="%s">
						<!-- Members -->
							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px">
			content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" id=\"view_user_hidden\" name=\"view_user\">"
			for member in labMembers:
				mName = member.getFullName()
				memberID = member.getUserID()
				#content += "<LI>" + mName
				content += "<LI>"
				content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToUserDetailedView(" + `memberID` + ");\">" + mName + "</span>"
				content += "</LI>"

			content += '''
			content += gOut.printFooter()
			page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/user_request_handler.py", labName, labName, labID,  labHead, labHead, labCode, labCode, labDescr, labDescr, address, address, accessLevel, accessLevel)

			print "Content-type:text/html"		# THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE
			print					# DITTO
			print page_content

		elif cmd == 'edit':
			labID = newLab.getID()
			labName = newLab.getName()
			labHead = newLab.getLabHead()
			labCode = newLab.getLabCode()
			labDescr = newLab.getDescription()
			address = newLab.getAddress()
			accLev = newLab.getDefaultAccessLevel()
			# Disable name modification if there are members in lab
			labMembers = lHandler.findMembers(labID)

			name_readonly = True

			if len(labMembers) == 0:
				name_readonly = False

			# hide/show duplicate lab code warning
			if errCode == 14:
				dup_lab_code_warn_display = "inline"
				dup_lab_code_warn_display = "none"
			#content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu()
			content = gOut.printHeader()
			content += '''
				<FORM name="user_form" method="POST" action="%s">

					<!-- pass current user as hidden form field -->
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"'''
			content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">"

			content += '''
					<TABLE width="760px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" style="border:1px solid black" frame="box" rules="rows">
						<TD colspan="3" style="padding-left:100px; text-align:center">
							<span style="color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold">CHANGE LABORATORY INFORMATION</span>
							<INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:180px;" name="save_lab" value="Save" onClick="selectAllElements('labMembersList'); return checkLab();">
							<INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:20px;" name="cancel_lab" value="Cancel">
						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">

						<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px" colspan="2">
			if name_readonly:
				content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" size=\"50px\" id=\"lab_name\" name=\"labName\" value=\"%s\" readonly>"
				content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" size=\"50px\" id=\"lab_name\" name=\"labName\" value=\"%s\">"
			content += '''
							<!-- lab ID hidden value -->
							<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labID" value="%d">

						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							Lab head:

						<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px" colspan="2">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" id="lab_head" name="labHead" value="%s">
						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							Lab ID:

						<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px" colspan="2">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" id="lab_id" name="labCode" value="%s">
							<SPAN id="dup_labcode_warning" style="vertical-align:bottom; color:#FF0000; display:%s">This identifier already exists.  Please specify a different lab ID.</SPAN>

						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">

						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" id="lab_descr" name="description" value="%s">

						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">

						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" id="lab_location" name="address" value="%s">
						<TD style="width:50px; vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px; white-space:nowrap; font-size:8pt">
							Default access level:

						<TD style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top; width:50px;">
			# Determine which category radio button should be checked
			ucHandler = UserCategoryHandler(db, cursor)
			categories = ucHandler.findAllCategories()
			for cID in categories.keys():
				cat = categories[cID]
				content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" name=\"system_access_level\" value=\"" + cat + "\" style=\"margin-top:8px; font-size:8pt\" onClick=\"showHideProjectAccess()\""
				if cat == accLev:
					content += " checked"
				content += ">" + cat + "<BR/>"
			content += '''
					<!-- Members - allow deletion -->
						<TD style="width:50px; vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px; font-size:8pt">
							Select one or more members to remove them from the system.<BR/><BR/>
							(hold down CTRL key to select multiple names)

						<TD style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top; width:50px;">
							<SELECT MULTIPLE SIZE="10" ID="labMembersList" NAME="labMembers">
			members = lHandler.findMembers(labID)
			for  member in members:
				mName = member.getFullName()
				memberID = member.getUserID()
				content += "<OPTION value=\"" + `memberID` + "\">" + mName + "</OPTION>"
			content += '''
							<INPUT TYPE=\"button\" onClick=\"removeLabMembers('labMembersList')\" value=\"Remove Selected Members\">
			content += gOut.printFooter()
			page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/user_request_handler.py", labName, labID, labHead, labCode, dup_lab_code_warn_display, labDescr, address)

			print "Content-type:text/html"		# THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE
			print					# DITTO
			print page_content
    def printReagentInfo(self, cmd, reagent, errMsg=""):

        dbConn = DatabaseConn()
        hostname = dbConn.getHostname()  # to define form action URL

        db = dbConn.databaseConnect()
        cursor = db.cursor()

        gOut = GeneralOutputClass()

        currUser = Session.getUser()
        currUserID = currUser.getUserID()

        sHandler = SystemSetHandler(db, cursor)
        pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor)

        # print menu
        content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu()

        # common to all reagent types
        projectList = utils.unique(
            pHandler.findMemberProjects(currUserID, 'Writer') +
            pHandler.findMemberProjects(currUserID, 'Owner'))

        # Differentiate other properties by reagent type
        if reagent.getType() == 'Insert':

            # Fetch dropdown list values to output on the form
            iTypeList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("type of insert")
            statusList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("status")
            cloningMethodList = sHandler.findAllSetValues(
                "insert cloning method")
            fpcsList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("5' cloning site")
            tpcsList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("3' cloning site")
            tagTypeList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("tag")
            tagPositionList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("tag position")
            openClosedList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("open/closed")
            speciesList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("species")
            verificationList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("verification")

            # Initialize property values
            iType = ""
            iName = ""
            iStatus = ""
            cloningMethod = ""
            projectID = ""
            fpcs = ""
            tpcs = ""
            tagType = ""
            tagPosition = ""
            openClosed = ""
            species = ""
            accession = ""
            altID = ""
            geneID = ""
            ensemblID = ""
            geneSymbol = ""
            fp_start = ""
            tp_stop = ""
            fwd_linker = ""
            rev_linker = ""
            funcDescr = ""
            verification = ""
            expComm = ""
            verComm = ""
            sequence = ""

            # Fetch POST values if available:
            allProps = reagent.getProperties()

            if allProps.has_key("type of insert"):
                iType = allProps["type of insert"]

            if allProps.has_key("name"):
                iName = allProps["name"]

            if allProps.has_key("status"):
                iStatus = allProps["status"]

            if allProps.has_key("insert cloning method"):
                cloningMethod = allProps["insert cloning method"]

            if allProps.has_key("packet id"):
                projectID = int(allProps["packet id"])

            if allProps.has_key("5' cloning site"):
                fpcs = allProps["5' cloning site"]

            if allProps.has_key("3' cloning site"):
                tpcs = allProps["3' cloning site"]

            if allProps.has_key("tag"):
                tagType = allProps["tag"]

            if allProps.has_key("tag position"):
                tagPosition = allProps["tag position"]

            if allProps.has_key("open/closed"):
                openClosed = allProps["open/closed"]

            if allProps.has_key("species"):
                species = allProps["species"]

            if allProps.has_key("accession number"):
                accession = allProps["accession number"]

            if allProps.has_key("alternate id"):
                altID = allProps["alternate id"]

            if allProps.has_key("entrez gene id"):
                geneID = allProps["entrez gene id"]

            if allProps.has_key("ensembl gene id"):
                ensemblID = allProps["ensembl gene id"]

            if allProps.has_key("official gene symbol"):
                geneSymbol = allProps["official gene symbol"]

            if allProps.has_key("5' start"):
                fp_start = allProps["5' start"]

            if allProps.has_key("3' stop"):
                tp_stop = allProps["3' stop"]

            if allProps.has_key("5' linker"):
                fwd_linker = allProps["5' linker"]

            if allProps.has_key("3' linker"):
                rev_linker = allProps["3' linker"]

            if allProps.has_key("description"):
                funcDescr = allProps["description"]

            if allProps.has_key("verification"):
                verification = allProps["verification"]

            if allProps.has_key("comments"):
                expComm = allProps["comments"]

            if allProps.has_key("verification comments"):
                verComm = allProps["verification comments"]

            if allProps.has_key("sequence"):
                sequence = allProps["sequence"]

            # associations
            ipvID = ""
            senseOligoID = ""
            antisenseOligoID = ""

            allAssoc = reagent.getAssociations()
			if allAssoc.has_key("insert_parent_vector"):
				ipvID = allAssoc["insert_parent_vector"]
			if allAssoc.has_key("sense_oligo"):
				senseOligoID = allAssoc["sense_oligo"]
			if allAssoc.has_key("antisense_oligo"):
				antisenseOligoID = allAssoc["antisense_oligo"]

            # Action: Output form with POST values if set
            if cmd == 'create':
                content += '''
					<div class="main">
						<form NAME="create_insert_form" ACTION="%s" METHOD="POST" onSubmit="return validateInsert() && verifyParents();">

                content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" ID=\"curr_username_hidden\" NAME=\"curr_username\" value=\"" + currUser.getFullName(
                ) + "\">"

                content += '''
							<input type="hidden" name="reagent_type_hidden" value="Insert">
							<table id="vector_insertproperty_table_id" border="1" width="780px" cellpadding="4" frame="box" rules="all">
                if errMsg != "":
                    content += "<th colspan=\"3\" style=\"color:#0000FF; text-align:left; font-weight:normal\">There was a problem:<br><P>" + errMsg + "<BR><BR></th>"

                content += '''
									<td colspan="3" style="text-align:center">
										<span style="color:#0000CD; font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold">
											Insert Information
										<span style="font-size:8pt; color:#FF0000">
										Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory
									<td width="180px">
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type of Insert&nbsp;&nbsp;
										<span style="font-size:8pt; color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">*</span>
									<td width="275px">
										<SELECT  id="itype_list" size="1" NAME="INPUT_INSERT_info_insert_type_prop">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(iType) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for it in iTypeList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + it + "\""

                    if it == iType:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + it + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + it + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''
										Describes the type of insert.  Users select from a pre-defined list.  Designed to make insert use more apparent and searches easier.


                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_name_prop\" value=\"" + iName + "\">"

                content += '''
										Name that describes the reagent - free text field
										<SELECT id="status_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_status_prop">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(iStatus) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for s in statusList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + s + "\""

                    if s == iStatus:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + s + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + s + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''	
										Indicates the status and availability of the reagent.  Users select from a pre-defined list.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Insert Cloning Method
										<SELECT size="1" id="cm_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_cloning_method_prop" onChange="showCMText()">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(cloningMethod) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for cm in cloningMethodList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + cm + "\""

                    if cm == cloningMethod:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + cm + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + cm + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''	
										Describes the method used to create the insert (e.g. PCR or RE (restriction enzyme)) and provides additional information for its cloning into a vector (eg. by RE, In Fusion or BP reaction)
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Project ID  <span style="font-size:8pt; color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">*</span>
										<select id="packetList_insert" size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_packet_id_prop">
                # need to sort projects
                pNums = []
                projects = {}  # (pID, Packet)

                for p in projectList:
                    pID = p.getNumber()
                    projects[pID] = p


                for pID in pNums:
                    p = projects[pID]
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + ` p.getNumber() ` + "\""

                    if p.getNumber() == projectID:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + ` p.getNumber(
                        ) ` + ": " + p.getOwner().getLastName(
                        ) + ": " + p.getName() + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + ` p.getNumber() ` + ": " + p.getOwner(
                        ).getLastName() + ": " + p.getName() + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''
										<div id="packet_warning_insert" style="display:none; color:#FF0000">Please select a Project ID from the dropdown list</div>
										Indicates what person and project originally created the reagent.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5' Cloning Site on Insert
										<SELECT size="1" id="fpcs_list"  name="INPUT_INSERT_info_5_prime_cloning_site_prop">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(fpcs) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for fps in fpcsList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + fps + "\""

                    if fps == fpcs:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + fps + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + fps + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''	
										Indicates what 5' site on the insert was used to clone it into a vector.  May not necessarily be the same as for the vector.  Users select from a pre-defined list.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3' Cloning Site on Insert
										<SELECT size="1" id="tpcs_list"  name="INPUT_INSERT_info_3_prime_cloning_site_prop">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(tpcs) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for tps in tpcsList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + tps + "\""

                    if tps == tpcs:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + tps + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + tps + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''	
										Indicates what 3' site on the insert was used to clone it into a vector.  May not necessarily be the same as for the vector.  Users select from a pre-defined list.
										<SELECT size="1" id="tag_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_tag_prop" onChange="showTagTypeBox()">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(tagType) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for tt in tagTypeList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + tt + "\""

                    if tt == tagType:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + tt + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + tt + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''	
										Indicates if the insert itself has a tag associated with it (outside of the backbone vector).  Users select from a pre-defined list.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tag Position
										<SELECT size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_tag_position_prop">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(tagPosition) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for tp in tagPositionList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + tp + "\""

                    if tp == tagPosition:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + tp + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + tp + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''	
										Describes the position of the tag on the insert.  Users select from a pre-defined list.
										<SELECT id="oc_list" size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_open_closed_prop">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(openClosed) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for oc in openClosedList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + oc + "\""

                    if oc == openClosed:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + oc + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + oc + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''	
										Indicates for an Open Reading Frame if there is a start codon (ATG) or stop codon (open - no stop codon, closed - stop codon).
										<SELECT  size="1" style="color:000000" id = "species_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_species_prop" onChange="showSpeciesBox()">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(species) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for sp in speciesList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + sp + "\""

                    if sp == species:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + sp + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + sp + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''	
										Indicates the species from which the Insert was derived.  User selects species from a pre-defined list.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Accession Number
                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_accession_number_prop\" value=\"" + accession + "\">"

                content += '''
										The Accession Number from which the insert was cloned or to which the sequence maps.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alternate ID
										<input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="IMAGE" id="_alternate_id_IMAGE_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_IMAGE_checkbox', '_alternate_id_IMAGE_textbox')">IMAGE &nbsp;<INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_IMAGE_textbox" name="alternate_id_IMAGE_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br>
										<input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="RIKEN" id="_alternate_id_RIKEN_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_RIKEN_checkbox', '_alternate_id_RIKEN_textbox')">RIKEN &nbsp;<INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_RIKEN_textbox" name="alternate_id_RIKEN_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br>
										<input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="Kazusa" id="_alternate_id_Kazusa_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_Kazusa_checkbox', '_alternate_id_Kazusa_textbox')">Kazusa &nbsp;<INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_Kazusa_textbox" name="alternate_id_Kazusa_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br>
										<input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="LIFESEQ" id="_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_checkbox', '_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_textbox')">LIFESEQ &nbsp;<INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_textbox" name="alternate_id_LIFESEQ_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br>
										<input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="RZPD" id="_alternate_id_RZPD_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_RZPD_checkbox', '_alternate_id_RZPD_textbox')">RZPD &nbsp;<INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_RZPD_textbox" name="alternate_id_RZPD_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br>
										<input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="HIP" id="_alternate_id_HIP_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_HIP_checkbox', '_alternate_id_HIP_textbox')">HIP &nbsp;<INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_HIP_textbox" name="alternate_id_HIP_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br>
										<input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="ADDGENE" id="_alternate_id_ADDGENE_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_ADDGENE_checkbox', '_alternate_id_ADDGENE_textbox')">ADDGENE &nbsp;<INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_ADDGENE_textbox" name="alternate_id_ADDGENE_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br>
										<input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="PMID" id="_alternate_id_PMID_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_PMID_checkbox', '_alternate_id_PMID_textbox')">PMID &nbsp;<INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_PMID_textbox" name="alternate_id_PMID_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br>
										<input type="checkbox" id="_other_Alt_ID_chkbx" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="Other" onClick="showSpecificOtherCheckbox('_alternate_id_txt')">Other:&nbsp;<INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_txt" name="alternate_id_name_txt" size="15"></INPUT>
										Indicates any other ID's that identify the insert, including but not limited to IMAGE, Kazusa, RIKEN, and other.  <BR><BR><BR><BR>For 'Other', please enter the source name and ID separated by a semicolon (e.g. IMAGE:123456)
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Entrez Gene ID

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_gene_id_prop\" value=\"" + geneID + "\">"

                content += '''
										The NCBI Gene ID to which the sequence maps.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ensembl Gene ID

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_ensembl_gene_id_prop\" value=\"" + ensemblID + "\">"

                content += '''
										The Ensembl Gene ID to which the sequence maps.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Official Gene Symbol

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_gene_symbol_prop\" value=\"" + geneSymbol + "\">"

                content += '''
										The official gene symbol for this Insert.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5' Start

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_5_prime_start_prop\" value=\"" + fp_start + "\">"

                content += '''
										Users can map the start of the sequence onto its accession number by indicating at what nucleotide position on the accession number that the sequence starts.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3' Stop

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_3_prime_stop_prop\" value=\"" + tp_stop + "\">"

                content += '''
										Users can map the stop of the sequence onto its accession number by indicating at what nucleotide position on the accession number that the sequence stops
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5' Linker

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_5_prime_linker_prop\" value=\"" + fwd_linker + "\">"

                content += '''
										Indicates any sequence added to the 5' end of an insert that does not map to a cDNA sequence but should be included as part of the insert - eg kozak sequences, any nucleotides added to maintain frame.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3' Linker

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_3_prime_linker_prop\" value=\"" + rev_linker + "\">"

                content += '''
										Indicates any sequence added to the 3' end of an insert that does not map to a cDNA sequence but should be included as part of the insert - eg any nucleotides added to maintain frame.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Functional Description

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_description_prop\" value=\"" + funcDescr + "\">"

                content += '''
										Describes the purpose of the reagent and any information that may be key to working with the reagent.

										<select size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_verification_prop">
                # default option
                content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" "

                if len(verification) == 0:
                    content += "SELECTED></OPTION>"
                    content += "></OPTION>"

                for v in verificationList:
                    content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + v + "\""

                    if v == verification:
                        content += " SELECTED>" + v + "</OPTION>"
                        content += ">" + v + "</OPTION>"

                content += '''
										Indicates if the reagent has been verified and how.  Users select from a pre-defined list.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Verification comments

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_verification_comments_prop\" value=\"" + verComm + "\">"

                content += '''
										Allows user to provide a description of the verification status - eg comments on sequence changes, expression levels.
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Experimental comments

                content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_comments_prop\" value=\"" + expComm + "\">"

                content += '''
										Used to describe any information that descrbes how the reagent works in the experimental context - eg low expression, difficult to grow, etc.
										The sequence of the insert that corresponds to a cDNA or fragment of interest.  Does include artificial start and stop codons.  Does not include linker sequences as described above.
									<td colspan="3">
										<textarea rows="10" cols="93" id="dna_sequence" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_sequence_prop"> 
                content += sequence
                content += '''

                content += self.printParents('Insert', allAssoc)
                content += '''
									<td colspan="3">
										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="create_reagent" value="Create" onclick="document.pressed = this.value">

            # Common to all
            content += gOut.printFooter()
            page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/create.py")

            print "Content-type:text/html"  # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE
            print  # DITTO
            print page_content
	def printUserInfo(self, cmd, user, errCode=""):
		dbConn = DatabaseConn()
		hostname = dbConn.getHostname()		# to define form action URL
		db = dbConn.databaseConnect()
		cursor = db.cursor()
		uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor)
		lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor)
		pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor)
		ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor)
		category_ID_Name_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryIDToName()
		category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID()

		currUser = Session.getUser()
		gOut = GeneralOutputClass()
		if cmd =='create':
			username = user.getUsername()
			firstname = user.getFirstName()
			lastname = user.getLastName()
			email = user.getEmail()
			passwd = user.getPassword()
			lab = user.getLab()
			uLabID = lab.getID()
			uLabName = lab.getName()
			labs = lHandler.findAllLabs()

			# changed Aug. 18/08 - new format
			#content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu()
			content = gOut.printHeader()
			content += '''
				<FORM NAME="create_user_form" METHOD="POST" ACTION="%s" onSubmit="return verifyAddUser();">

					<!-- pass current user as hidden form field -->
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"'''
			content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">"
			content += '''
					<TABLE width="760px" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">

						<TH colspan="4" style="color:#0000FF; border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom: 1px groove black; padding-top: 10px; padding-top:5px;">
							<P style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal; font-size:8pt; margin-top:5px;">Fields in red marked with an asterisk (<span style="font-size:9pt; color:#FF0000;">*</span>) are mandatory</P>

							<TD style="width:150px; vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px; color:#FF0000;">
								Laboratory:&nbsp;<sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup>

							<TD style="vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px">
								<SELECT id="labList" name="labs">
									<OPTION>Select Lab</OPTION>
			# sort labs by name
			labSortedDict = {}		# will store (labName, labID) tuples 
			labNames = []			# just hold lab names
			for labID in labs.keys():
				labName = labs[labID]
				labSortedDict[labName] = labID

			#for labID in labs.keys():
			for labName in labNames:
				labID = labSortedDict[labName]
				labName = labs[labID]
				content += "<OPTION ID=\"" + `labID` + "\" NAME=\"lab_optn\" VALUE=\"" + `labID` + "\""
				if labID == uLabID:
					content += " SELECTED>" + labName
					content += ">" + labName
				content += "</OPTION>"
			content += '''
								<P id="lab_warning" style="color:#FF0000; display:none">Please select a laboratory name from the dropdown list above.</P>

							<TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;">
								Username:&nbsp;<sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup>

							<TD class="createViewColValue">
								<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="user_name" NAME="username" VALUE="%s"/>
								<!-- Warning anchor -->
								<a name="w1" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal; font-size:8pt">
								<P id="dup_uname_warning" style="color:#FF0000; display:inline">This username already exists.  Please specify a different username.</P>

							<TD style="font-size:8pt">
								Alphanumeric string up to 10 characters used to log into the system.

							<TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;">
								Password:&nbsp;<sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup>

							<TD class="createViewColValue">
								<INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" SIZE="35px" id="passwd" NAME="password" VALUE="%s"/>

							<TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;">
								First name:&nbsp;<sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup>

							<TD class="createViewColValue">
								<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="first_name" NAME="firstName" VALUE="%s"/>

							<TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;">
								Last name:&nbsp;<sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup>

							<TD class="createViewColName">
								<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="last_name" NAME="lastName" VALUE="%s"/>

							<TD class="createViewColName">

							<TD class="createViewColValue">
								<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="e_mail" NAME="email" VALUE="%s"/>

								Access Level:

							<TD class="createViewColName"  colspan="3">
								<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Reader" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt" checked>Reader<BR/>
								<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Writer" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt">Writer<BR/>
								<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Creator" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt">Creator<BR/>
								<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Admin" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt">Admin<BR/>

						<TR id="project_access">
							<TD colspan="4">
								<TABLE width="100%%">
										<TD colspan="4" style="border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom:1px groove black; padding-top:8px; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold">
											Grant project access permissions to this user:

										<TD style="width:210px">
											<SELECT id="packetList" name="packets" multiple size="15">
			projects = pHandler.findAllProjects()
			for project in projects:
				projectNumber = project.getNumber()	
				projectName = project.getName()
				tmpProject = `projectNumber` + ": " + projectName
				content += "<OPTION value=\"" + `projectNumber` + "\">" + tmpProject + "</OPTION>"
			content += '''
											<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="selectAll(this.id, 'packetList')" id="add_all_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT>

										<TD style="vertical-align:top" colspan="3">
											<span style="font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold">User's access level to selected projects:<BR/></span>
											<input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_read" name="access_levels" value="read" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt" checked>Read-Only &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR/>
											<input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_write" name="access_levels" value="write" style="margin-top:5px; font-size:9pt">Write &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR/>
											<input style="margin-top:8px" onclick="addProjects('packetList', getSelectedRole('1'))" value="Go" type="button"></INPUT>

											<P style="font-size:8pt; border-top:1px groove black; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:5px; margin-top:10px">
											Access levels: <BR/>
											<span style="font-size: 8pt; margin-left: 9px; font-weight:bold; ">&#45; Read-Only:</span>  May view reagents in a project but may NOT modify them or add new reagents<BR/>

											<span style="font-size: 8pt; margin-left: 9px; font-weight:bold;">&#45; Write:</span>  May create and modify reagents in a project but may NOT change project details or add/remove members to/from the project<BR/>

										<TD colspan="4" style="border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom:1px groove black; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold">
											User's current project access privileges:

										<TD style="border-right:1px solid black; font-size:8pt">
											<SELECT id="user_projects_readonly" name="userProjectsReadonly" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12">
			# August 10/07: Default reader access to all on public projects
			publicProjects = pHandler.findAllProjects('FALSE')

			for proj in publicProjects: 
				pID = proj.getNumber()
				pName = proj.getName();
				# concatenate project ID and name in the form '1:parent'
				tmpDescr = `pID` + ": " + pName
				content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `pID` + "\">" + tmpDescr + "</OPTION>"

			content += '''
											<INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(this.id, 'user_projects_readonly')" id="select_all_reader_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT>

										<TD style="text-align:center; width:100px; border-right: 1px solid black; padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px;">
											<input onclick="addProjects('user_projects_readonly', 'write')" value="   Make Writeable >>" type="button"></INPUT><BR/>
											<input style="margin-top:30px;" onclick="addProjects('user_projects_write', 'read')" value="<< Make Read-Only" type="button"></INPUT><BR/>
											<input style="margin-top:30px;" onclick="addProjects('user_projects_write'); addProjects('user_projects_readonly')" value="Remove Selected" type="button"></INPUT>

										<TD style="padding-left:50px; font-size:8pt">
											<SELECT id="user_projects_write" name="userProjectsWrite" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12"></SELECT><BR/>
											<INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(this.id, 'user_projects_write')" id="select_all_writer_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT>

							<TD colspan="4" style="border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom:1px groove black">
								<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" id="addUser" NAME="add_user" VALUE="Add User" onClick="selectAllElements('user_projects_readonly'); selectAllElements('user_projects_write');">
			content += gOut.printFooter()
			page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/user_request_handler.py", username, passwd, firstname, lastname, email)
			print "Content-type:text/html"		# THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE
			print					# DITTO
			print page_content

		elif cmd == 'view':

			userID = user.getUserID()
			username = user.getUsername()
			firstname = user.getFirstName()
			lastname = user.getLastName()
			email = user.getEmail()
			userCat = user.getCategory()
			lab = user.getLab()
			labID = lab.getID()
			labName = lab.getName()
			# Only allow modification by admin
			modify_disabled = True
			if (currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin'):
				modify_disabled = False
			content = gOut.printHeader()
			#content += gOut.printMainMenu()
			content += '''
				<FORM name="user_form" method="POST" action="%s">
					<!-- pass current user as hidden form field -->
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"'''
			content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">"
			content += '''
					<TABLE width="767px" style="margin-left:2px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" class="detailedView_tbl" border="1" frame="box" rules="none">
							<TD colspan="6" class="detailedView_heading" style="padding-left:265px">
			content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:50px;\" name=\"modify_user\" value=\"Change User Details\""
			if modify_disabled:
				content += " disabled>"
				content += ">"
			content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:2px;\" name=\"delete_user\" value=\"Delete User\" onClick=\"return verifyDeleteUser();\""
			if modify_disabled:
				content += " disabled>"
				content += ">"

			content += '''


							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px">

							<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="username" value="%s">

								<!-- user ID a hidden value -->
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="userID" value="%d">

							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px">
								First Name:

							<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="firstName" value="%s">

							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px">
								Last Name:

							<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="lastName" value="%s">
							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px">

							<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px">
			if modify_disabled:
				content += labName
				content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToLabView(" + `labID` + ");\">" + labName + "</span>"
			content += '''
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labID" value="%d">
								<INPUT type="hidden" id="view_lab_hidden" name="view_lab">
							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px">

							<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="email" value="%s">
							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px">
								Access Level:

							<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px">
								<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="system_access_level" value="%d">
							<TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px">
							<TD style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; width:250px" colspan="2">
							<TD style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt">

							<TD style="vertical-align:top;" colspan="2">
			# show projects for the user
			publicProj = pHandler.findAllProjects("FALSE")
			readOnlyProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Reader')
			readProj = utils.merge(publicProj, readOnlyProj)
			writeProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Writer')
			# sort read projects
			readKeys = []
			readSorted = {}
			for r in readProj:
				rProjectID = r.getNumber()
				readSorted[rProjectID] = r
			readKeys = utils.unique(readKeys)
			#for r in readProj:
			for rProjectID in readKeys:
				#rProjectID = r.getNumber()
				r = readSorted[rProjectID]
				rProjectName = r.getName()
				rProjectOwner = r.getOwner()

					rOwnerName = rProjectOwner.getLastName()
				except AttributeError:
					rOwnerName = ""

				#content += "<LI>" + `rProjectID` + ": " + rOwnerName + ": " + rProjectName
				content += "<LI>"
				content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToProjectDetailedView(" + `rProjectID` + ");\">" + `rProjectID` + ": " + rOwnerName + ": " + rProjectName + "</span>"
				content += "</LI>"

			content += '''
							<TD style="vertical-align:top;">
			# sort write projects
			writeKeys = []
			writeSorted = {}
			for w in writeProj:
				wProjectID = w.getNumber()
				writeSorted[wProjectID] = w
			writeKeys = utils.unique(writeKeys)
			#for w in writeProj:
			for wProjectID in writeKeys:
				#wProjectID = w.getNumber()
				w = writeSorted[wProjectID]
				wProjectName = w.getName()
				wProjectOwner = w.getOwner()
				wOwnerName = wProjectOwner.getLastName()
				#content += "<LI>" + `wProjectID` + ": " + wProjectName
				content += "<LI>"
				content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToProjectDetailedView(" + `wProjectID` + ");\">" + `wProjectID` + ": " + wOwnerName + ": " + wProjectName + "</span>"
				content += "</LI>"

			content += '''
				<FORM id="viewProjectForm" method="POST" action="%s">
					<INPUT type="hidden" id="view_packet_hidden" name="view_packet">
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_userid_hidden" NAME="curr_user_id" value="%d">

			content += gOut.printFooter()
			page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/user_request_handler.py", username, username, userID, firstname, firstname, lastname, lastname, labID, email, email, userCat, category_Name_ID_Map[userCat], hostname + "cgi/project_request_handler.py", currUser.getUserID())

			print "Content-type:text/html"		# 
			print					# DITTO
			print page_content

		elif cmd == 'edit':
			userID = user.getUserID()
			username = user.getUsername()
			firstname = user.getFirstName()
			lastname = user.getLastName()
			email = user.getEmail()
			passwd = user.getPassword()
			userCat = user.getCategory()
			lab = user.getLab()
			uLabID = lab.getID()
			labName = lab.getName()
			labs = lHandler.findAllLabs()
			if errCode == "Dup_un":
				un_warn_display = "inline"
				un_warn_display = "none"
			content = gOut.printHeader()
			#content += gOut.printMainMenu()
			content += '''
				<FORM name="user_form" method="POST" action="%s" onSubmit="return verifyWriteProjects();">
					<!-- pass current user as hidden form field -->
					<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"'''
			content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">"

			content += '''
					<TABLE width="760px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" style="border:1px solid black" frame="box" rules="rows">
						<TD colspan="3" style="padding-left:200px; text-align:center">
							<span style="color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold">CHANGE USER INFORMATION</span>
							<INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:50px;" name="save_user" value="Save" onClick="selectAllElements('user_projects_readonly'); selectAllElements('user_projects_write');">
							<INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:20px;" name="cancel_user" value="Cancel">
						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">

						<TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="username" value="%s">
							<!-- Warning anchor -->
							<a name="w1" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal; font-size:8pt">
							<P id="dup_uname_warning" style="color:#FF0000; display:%s">This username already exists.  Please specify a different username.</P>
							<!-- user ID hidden value -->
							<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="userID" value="%d">

						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">

						<TD style="vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px">
							<SELECT id="labList" name="labs">
			# sort labs by name
			labSortedDict = {}		# will store (labName, labID) tuples 
			labNames = []			# just hold lab names
			for labID in labs.keys():
				labName = labs[labID]
				labSortedDict[labName] = labID
			#for labID in labs.keys():
			for labName in labNames:
				labID = labSortedDict[labName]
				labName = labs[labID]
				content += "<OPTION ID=\"" + `labID` + "\" NAME=\"lab_optn\" VALUE=\"" + `labID` + "\""
				if labID == uLabID:
					content += " SELECTED>" + labName
					content += ">" + labName
				content += "</OPTION>"
			content += '''
						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							First Name:

						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="firstName" value="%s">

						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							Last Name:

						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="lastName" value="%s">
						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">

						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
							<INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="email" value="%s">
						<TD class="projectDetailedViewName">
							Access Level:
						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2">
							<SELECT ID="user_category" NAME="system_access_level">
			ucHandler = UserCategoryHandler(db, cursor)
			categories = ucHandler.findAllCategories()
			for cID in categories.keys():
				if categories[cID] == userCat:
					content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `cID` + "\" SELECTED>" + categories[cID] + "</OPTION>"
					content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `cID` + "\">" + categories[cID] + "</OPTION>"

			# Don't allow addition of Writeable projects to Readers thru Modify view
			if userCat == 'Reader':
				write_disabled = True
				write_disabled = False
			content += '''
						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3">
							Projects user has access to:

						<td colspan="3">
							<table width="700px">
									<TD colspan="2" style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top"">
									<TD style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top">
			if not write_disabled:
				content += "Write"
				content += "&nbsp;"
			content += '''
									<TD style="">
										<SELECT id="user_projects_readonly" name="userProjectsReadonly" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12">
			# show projects for the user
			readProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Reader')
			writeProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Writer')
			for r in readProj:
				rProjectID = r.getNumber()
				rProjectName = r.getName()
				content += "<OPTION name=\"project_read\" value=\"" + `rProjectID` + "\">" + `rProjectID` + ": " + rProjectName + "</OPTION>"
			content += '''
										<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px;" onClick="selectAll(this.id, 'user_projects_readonly')" id="select_all_reader_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT>
			if not write_disabled:
				content += '''
									<TD style="text-align:center; padding-right:15px;">
										<input onclick="addProjects('user_projects_readonly', 'write')" value="   Make Writeable >>" type="button"></INPUT><BR/>
										<input style="margin-top:30px;" onclick="addProjects('user_projects_write', 'read')" value="<< Make Read-Only" type="button"></INPUT><BR/>
										&nbsp;<input type="button" style="margin-top:30px;" value="Remove" onclick="removeUserProjects();"></INPUT>
				content += '''
						&nbsp;<input type="button" value="Remove Selected" onclick="removeUserProjects();"></INPUT>
			if not write_disabled:
				content += '''	
									<TD style="font-size:8pt">
										<SELECT id="user_projects_write" name="userProjectsWrite" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12">
				for w in writeProj:
					wProjectID = w.getNumber()
					wProjectName = w.getName()
					content += "<OPTION name=\"project_write\" value=\"" + `wProjectID` + "\">" + `wProjectID` + ": " + wProjectName + "</OPTION>"
				content += '''
										<INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(this.id, 'user_projects_write')" id="select_all_writer_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT>
			content += '''
						<TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3">
							Add new projects:
						<TD colspan="3">
										<SELECT multiple ID="packetList">
			# Fetch the list of read and write projects for this user and extract their IDs
			readProjID = []	# list of numerical IDs of read projects
			for r in readProj:
				rNum = r.getNumber()
			writeProjID = []
			for w in writeProjID:
				wNum = w.getNumber()
			allPackets = pHandler.findAllProjects()
			for p in allPackets:
				pID = p.getNumber()
				pName = p.getName()
				pOwner = p.getOwner()
				#print					# DITTO
				#print `pOwner`

				# update March 11, 2011
					lastName = pOwner.getLastName()
				except AttributeError:
					lastName = ""

				#pDesc = `pID` + " : " + pOwner + " : " + pName
				pDesc = `pID` + " : " + lastName + " : " + pName
				if not pID in readProjID and not pID in writeProjID:
					content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `pID` + "\">" + pDesc

			content += '''
										<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="selectAll(this.id, 'packetList')" id="add_all_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT>

			if not write_disabled:
				content += '''	
									<TD style="vertical-align:top">
										<span style="font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold">User's access level to selected projects:<BR/></span>
										<input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_read" name="access_levels" value="read" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt" checked>Read-Only &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR/>
										<input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_write" name="access_levels" value="write" style="margin-top:5px; font-size:9pt">Write &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR/>
										<input style="margin-top:8px" onclick="addProjects('packetList', getSelectedRole('1'))" value="Add project" type="button"></INPUT>
				content += '''
						<input style="margin-left:5px; margin-top:8px" onclick="addProjects('packetList', 'read')" value="Add project" type="button"></INPUT>

			content += '''
			content += gOut.printFooter()
			page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/user_request_handler.py", username, un_warn_display, userID, firstname, lastname, email)
			print "Content-type:text/html"		# THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE
			print					# DITTO
			print page_content