      if args.gpu_count > 1: # Each thread outputs 1 list, add multiple
        add_final_list_csv( args, video_list )
        for image_list in video_list: # Clean up after split_image_list
          os.unlink( image_list )

    if not video_queue.empty():
      exit_with_error( "Some videos were not processed!" )

  # Build out detection vs time plots for both detections and tracks
  if args.detection_plots:
    import generate_detection_plots
    log_info( lb1 + "Generating data plots for detections" )
    detection_plot_dir = os.path.join( args.output_directory, "detection_plots" )
    create_dir( detection_plot_dir, logging=False, recreate=True, prompt=False )
    generate_detection_plots.detection_plot( args.output_directory,
      detection_plot_dir, args.objects.split( "," ), float( args.plot_threshold ),
      float( args.frame_rate ), int( args.smooth ),
      ext = detection_ext, top_category_only = False )

  if args.track_plots:
    import generate_detection_plots
    log_info( lb1 + "Generating data plots for tracks" )
    track_plot_dir = os.path.join( args.output_directory, "track_plots" )
    create_dir( track_plot_dir, logging=False, recreate=True, prompt=False )
    generate_detection_plots.detection_plot( args.output_directory,
      track_plot_dir, args.objects.split( "," ), float( args.plot_threshold ),
      float( args.frame_rate ), int( args.smooth ),
      ext = track_ext, top_category_only = True )

  if args.detection_plots or args.track_plots:
    log_info( lb1 )
    if is_image_list:
      for image_list in video_list:  # Clean up after split_image_list
        os.unlink( image_list )

    if not video_queue.empty():
      exit_with_error( "Some videos were not processed!" )

  # Build out detection vs time plots for both detections and tracks
  if args.detection_plots:
    import generate_detection_plots
    log_info( lb1 + "Generating data plots for detections" )
    detection_plot_dir = args.plot_dir_prefix + "_detections"
    create_dir( detection_plot_dir, logging=False, recreate=True, prompt=False )
    generate_detection_plots.detection_plot( args.output_directory,
      detection_plot_dir, args.objects.split( "," ), float( args.plot_threshold ),
      float( args.frame_rate ), int( args.smooth ),
      ext = detection_ext, top_category_only = False )

  if args.track_plots:
    import generate_detection_plots
    log_info( lb1 + "Generating data plots for tracks" )
    track_plot_dir = args.plot_dir_prefix + "_tracks"
    create_dir( track_plot_dir, logging=False, recreate=True, prompt=False )
    generate_detection_plots.detection_plot( args.output_directory,
      track_plot_dir, args.objects.split( "," ), float( args.plot_threshold ),
      float( args.frame_rate ), int( args.smooth ),
      ext = track_ext, top_category_only = True )

  if args.detection_plots or args.track_plots:
    log_info( lb1 )