def main():
    # Extract the tracts from the atlas' folder
    tracts = get_tracts(folder_atlas)
    # Get the sum of the tracts 
    tracts_sum = add_tracts(tracts, tracts_to_sum_index)
    # Save sum of the tracts to niftii
    save_3D_nparray_niftii(tracts_sum, tracts_sum_img)
def main():

    # Extract the tracts from the atlas' folder
    tracts = get_tracts(folder_atlas)
    # Get the sum of the tracts
    tracts_sum = add_tracts(tracts, tracts_to_sum_index)
    # Save sum of the tracts to niftii
    save_3D_nparray_niftii(tracts_sum, tracts_sum_img)
def validate_atlas(folder_cropped_atlas, nb_bootstraps, std_noise, range_tract, val_csf, results_folder, results_file, mask_folder, list_methods, test_map=0, param_map='20,20', list_tracts=[]):
    # Parameters
    file_phantom = "WM_phantom.nii.gz"
    file_phantom_noise = "WM_phantom_noise.nii.gz"
    file_tract_sum = "tracts_sum.nii.gz"
    true_value = 40
    file_extract_metrics = "metric_label.txt"
    # list_tracts = ['2', '17', '0,1,15,16']
    list_tracts_txt = ['csl', 'csr', 'dc']
    index_dorsalcolumn = 2  # index of dorsal column in list_tracts
    nb_tracts_all = 32  # total number of tracts in atlas (do not include CSF tracts)
    # dorsal_column_labels = '0,1,15,16'
    # nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn = 4
    value_gm = 35  # value in gray matter
    #value_csf = 5  # value in csf
    nb_digits_results = 2  # number of digits to display for result file
    mask_prefix = 'manual_'
    mask_ext = '.nii.gz'

    # initialization
    start_time = time.time()  # save start time for duration
    folder_tmp = 'tmp.'+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S%f/")
    nb_methods = len(list_methods)
    nb_tracts = len(list_tracts)
    perc_error = np.zeros(shape=(nb_tracts, nb_methods, nb_bootstraps))  # percent error within single tract (for comparison with manual labeling)
    perc_error_all = np.zeros(shape=(nb_tracts_all, nb_methods, nb_bootstraps))  # percent error for all tracts (for comparing automatic methods)
    stat_perc_error_all = np.zeros(shape=(nb_methods, nb_bootstraps, 4))  # statistics
    list_stat = ['MSE', 'median', 'min', 'max']
    x_true_i = np.zeros(shape=(nb_tracts))
    fname_phantom = folder_tmp+file_phantom
    fname_phantom_noise = folder_tmp+file_phantom_noise
    fname_tract_sum = folder_tmp+file_tract_sum

    # create output folder
    create_folder(results_folder, 0)

    # Extract the tracts from the atlas' folder
    tracts = get_tracts(folder_cropped_atlas)

    # get file name of the first atlas file
    fname_atlas = folder_cropped_atlas+'WMtract__00.nii.gz'

    # Get ponderation of each tract for dorsal column average ponderation of each tract of the dorsal column
    if nb_tracts:
        list_tract_dorsalcolumn = list_tracts[index_dorsalcolumn].split(',')
        nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn = len(list_tract_dorsalcolumn)

        pond_dc = np.zeros(nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn)
        # sum of each
        pond_sum = 0
        for i in range(nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn):
            # i = int(i)
            # Sum tracts values which are higher than 0 in the tracts
            pond_dc[i] = sum(tracts[int(list_tract_dorsalcolumn[i]), 0][tracts[int(list_tract_dorsalcolumn[i]), 0] > 0])
            pond_sum = pond_sum + pond_dc[i]
        # Normalize the sum of ponderations to 1
        pond_dc = pond_dc / pond_sum

    # create temporary folder
    sct.run('mkdir '+folder_tmp)

    # loop across bootstrap
    for i_bootstrap in range(0, nb_bootstraps):
        sct.printv('Iteration:  ' + str(i_bootstrap+1) + '/' + str(nb_bootstraps), 1, 'warning')

        # Generate phantom
        [WM_phantom, WM_phantom_noise, values_synthetic_data, tracts_sum] = phantom_generation(tracts, std_noise, range_tract, true_value, folder_tmp, value_gm, true_value*val_csf/100)
        # Save generated phantoms as nifti image (.nii.gz)
        save_3D_nparray_nifti(WM_phantom, fname_phantom, fname_atlas)
        save_3D_nparray_nifti(WM_phantom_noise, fname_phantom_noise, fname_atlas)
        save_3D_nparray_nifti(tracts_sum, fname_tract_sum, fname_atlas)

        # Get the np.mean of all values in dorsal column in the generated phantom
        if nb_tracts:
            dc_val_avg = 0
            for j in range(nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn):
                dc_val_avg = dc_val_avg + values_synthetic_data[int(list_tract_dorsalcolumn[j])] * pond_dc[j]
            dc_val_avg = float(dc_val_avg)
            # build variable with true values (WARNING: HARD-CODED INDICES)
            x_true_i[0] = values_synthetic_data[int(list_tracts[0])]
            x_true_i[1] = values_synthetic_data[int(list_tracts[1])]
            x_true_i[2] = dc_val_avg

        fname_extract_metrics = folder_tmp + file_extract_metrics

        if nb_tracts:
            if not test_map:
                # loop across tracts
                for i_tract in range(len(list_tracts)):
                    # loop across methods
                    for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
                        # display stuff
                        print 'Tract: '+list_tracts[i_tract]+', Method: '+list_methods[i_method]
                        # check if method is manual
                        if not list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
                            # find index of manual mask
                            index_manual = int(list_methods[i_method][list_methods[i_method].find('man')+3])
                            fname_mask = mask_folder[index_manual] + mask_prefix + list_tracts_txt[i_tract] + mask_ext
                            # manual extraction
                            status, output = sct.run('sct_average_data_within_mask -i ' + fname_phantom_noise + ' -m ' + fname_mask + ' -v 0')
                            x_estim_i = float(output)
                            # automatic extraction
                            sct.run('sct_extract_metric -i ' + fname_phantom_noise + ' -f ' + folder_cropped_atlas + ' -m '+list_methods[i_method]+' -l '+list_tracts[i_tract]+' -a -o '+fname_extract_metrics)
                            # read in txt file
                            x_estim_i = read_results(fname_extract_metrics)
                        # Get the percent absolute deviation with the true value
                        #perc_error[i_tract, i_method, i_bootstrap] = 100 * (x_true_i[i_tract] - x_estim_i) / float(x_true_i[i_tract])
                        perc_error[i_tract, i_method, i_bootstrap] = 100 * abs(x_estim_i - x_true_i[i_tract]) / float(x_true_i[i_tract])

        # calculate percentage error for all tracts (only for automatic methods)
        # loop across methods
        for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
            # check if method is automatic
            if list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
                # display stuff
                print 'Tract: ALL, Method: '+list_methods[i_method]
                # automatic extraction in all tracts
                sct.run('sct_extract_metric -i ' + fname_phantom_noise + ' -f ' + folder_cropped_atlas + ' -m '+list_methods[i_method] + ' -o '+fname_extract_metrics + ' -p '+param_map)
                # read results in txt file
                x_estim_i_all = read_results(fname_extract_metrics)
                # get nonzero values
                index_nonzero = np.nonzero(values_synthetic_data)
                perc_error_all[0:nb_tracts_all, i_method, i_bootstrap] = 100 * abs(x_estim_i_all[index_nonzero] - values_synthetic_data[index_nonzero]) / values_synthetic_data[index_nonzero]  # will be used to display boxcar
                # perc_error_all[0:nb_tracts_all, i_method, i_bootstrap] = 100 * (x_estim_i_all[index_nonzero] - values_synthetic_data[index_nonzero]) / values_synthetic_data[index_nonzero]  # will be used to display boxcar
                # compute mean squared error
                stat_perc_error_all[i_method, i_bootstrap, 0] = (perc_error_all[:, i_method, i_bootstrap] ** 2).mean()  # mean squared error
                stat_perc_error_all[i_method, i_bootstrap, 1] = np.median(perc_error_all[:, i_method, i_bootstrap])  # median
                stat_perc_error_all[i_method, i_bootstrap, 2] = min(perc_error_all[:, i_method, i_bootstrap])
                stat_perc_error_all[i_method, i_bootstrap, 3] = max(perc_error_all[:, i_method, i_bootstrap])

    # Calculate elapsed time
    elapsed_time = int(round(time.time() - start_time))

    # Extract time in minutes and seconds
    sec = elapsed_time % 60
    mte = (elapsed_time - sec) / 60

    # ===============================
    if nb_tracts:

        # create output folder
        create_folder(results_folder+'sub/', 0)

        # Open text file where results are printed
        fname_results = results_folder+'sub/'+results_file+'.txt'
        results_text = open(fname_results, 'w+')

        # print header
        print >>results_text, '# Mean(std) percentage of absolute error within single tracts.'
        print >>results_text, '# Generated on: ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        print >>results_text, '# true_value: ' + str(true_value)
        print >>results_text, '# sigma noise (in percentage of true value): ' + str(std_noise) + '%'
        print >>results_text, '# range tracts (in percentage of true value): (-' + str(range_tract) + '%:+' + str(range_tract) + '%)'
        print >>results_text, '# value CSF (in percentage of true value): ' + str(val_csf) + '%'
        print >>results_text, '# number of iterations: ' + str(nb_bootstraps)
        print >>results_text, '# elapsed time: ' + str(mte) + 'min' + str(sec) + 's'
        text_methods = 'Label'
        # loop across methods
        for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
            text_methods = text_methods + ', ' + list_methods[i_method]
        print >>results_text, text_methods

        # print results
        # loop across tracts
        for i_tract in range(len(list_tracts)):
            text_results = list_tracts_txt[i_tract]
            # loop across methods
            for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
                text_results = text_results + ', ' + str(round(np.mean(perc_error[i_tract, i_method, :]), ndigits=nb_digits_results))+'('+str(round(np.std(perc_error[i_tract, i_method, :]), ndigits=nb_digits_results))+')'
            print >>results_text, text_results

        # close file

        # display results
        status, output = sct.run('cat ' + fname_results)
        print output

    # ============================
    # Open text file where results are printed
    fname_results = results_folder+results_file+'_all.txt'
    results_text = open(fname_results, 'w+')

    # print header
    print >>results_text, '# Mean(std) percentage of absolute error within all tracts (only for automatic methods).'
    print >>results_text, '# Generated on: ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    print >>results_text, '# true_value: ' + str(true_value)
    print >>results_text, '# sigma noise (in percentage of true value): ' + str(std_noise) + '%'
    print >>results_text, '# range tracts (in percentage of true value): (-' + str(range_tract) + '%:+' + str(range_tract) + '%)'
    print >>results_text, '# value CSF (in percentage of true value): ' + str(val_csf) + '%'
    print >>results_text, '# number of iterations: ' + str(nb_bootstraps)
    print >>results_text, '# elapsed time: ' + str(mte) + 'min' + str(sec) + 's'
    text_methods = 'Label'
    # loop across methods
    for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
        # check if method is automatic
        if list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
            text_methods = text_methods + ', ' + list_methods[i_method]
    print >>results_text, text_methods

    # print results
    # loop across tracts
    for i_tract in range(nb_tracts_all):
        text_results = str(i_tract)
        # loop across methods
        for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
            # check if method is automatic
            if list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
                text_results = text_results + ', ' + str(round(np.mean(perc_error_all[i_tract, i_method, :]), ndigits=nb_digits_results))+'('+str(round(np.std(perc_error_all[i_tract, i_method, :]), ndigits=nb_digits_results))+')'
        print >>results_text, text_results

    # loop across statistics
    nb_stats = len(list_stat)
    for i_stat in range(nb_stats):
        text_results = list_stat[i_stat]
        # loop across methods
        for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
            # check if method is automatic
            if list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
                text_results = text_results + ', ' + str(round(np.mean(stat_perc_error_all[i_method, :, i_stat]), ndigits=nb_digits_results))+'('+str(round(np.std(stat_perc_error_all[i_method, :, i_stat]), ndigits=nb_digits_results))+')'
        print >>results_text, text_results

    # close file

    # display results
    status, output = sct.run('cat ' + fname_results)
    print output
def validate_atlas(folder_cropped_atlas,
    # Parameters
    file_phantom = "WM_phantom.nii.gz"
    file_phantom_noise = "WM_phantom_noise.nii.gz"
    file_tract_sum = "tracts_sum.nii.gz"
    true_value = 40
    file_extract_metrics = "metric_label.txt"
    # list_tracts = ['2', '17', '0,1,15,16']
    list_tracts_txt = ['csl', 'csr', 'dc']
    index_dorsalcolumn = 2  # index of dorsal column in list_tracts
    nb_tracts_all = 32  # total number of tracts in atlas (do not include CSF tracts)
    # dorsal_column_labels = '0,1,15,16'
    # nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn = 4
    value_gm = 35  # value in gray matter
    #value_csf = 5  # value in csf
    nb_digits_results = 2  # number of digits to display for result file
    mask_prefix = 'manual_'
    mask_ext = '.nii.gz'

    # initialization
    start_time = time.time()  # save start time for duration
    folder_tmp = 'tmp.' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S%f/")
    nb_methods = len(list_methods)
    nb_tracts = len(list_tracts)
    perc_error = np.zeros(
        shape=(nb_tracts, nb_methods, nb_bootstraps)
    )  # percent error within single tract (for comparison with manual labeling)
    perc_error_all = np.zeros(shape=(
        nb_tracts_all, nb_methods, nb_bootstraps
    ))  # percent error for all tracts (for comparing automatic methods)
    stat_perc_error_all = np.zeros(shape=(nb_methods, nb_bootstraps,
                                          4))  # statistics
    list_stat = ['MSE', 'median', 'min', 'max']
    x_true_i = np.zeros(shape=(nb_tracts))
    fname_phantom = os.path.join(folder_tmp, file_phantom)
    fname_phantom_noise = os.path.join(folder_tmp, file_phantom_noise)
    fname_tract_sum = os.path.join(folder_tmp, file_tract_sum)

    # create output folder
    create_folder(results_folder, 0)

    # Extract the tracts from the atlas' folder
    tracts = get_tracts(folder_cropped_atlas)

    # get file name of the first atlas file
    fname_atlas = os.path.join(folder_cropped_atlas, 'WMtract__00.nii.gz')

    # Get ponderation of each tract for dorsal column average ponderation of each tract of the dorsal column
    if nb_tracts:
        list_tract_dorsalcolumn = list_tracts[index_dorsalcolumn].split(',')
        nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn = len(list_tract_dorsalcolumn)

        pond_dc = np.zeros(nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn)
        # sum of each
        pond_sum = 0
        for i in range(nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn):
            # i = int(i)
            # Sum tracts values which are higher than 0 in the tracts
            pond_dc[i] = sum(
                       0][tracts[int(list_tract_dorsalcolumn[i]), 0] > 0])
            pond_sum = pond_sum + pond_dc[i]
        # Normalize the sum of ponderations to 1
        pond_dc = pond_dc / pond_sum

    # create temporary folder
    sct.run('mkdir ' + folder_tmp)

    # loop across bootstrap
    for i_bootstrap in range(0, nb_bootstraps):
            'Iteration:  ' + str(i_bootstrap + 1) + '/' + str(nb_bootstraps),
            1, 'warning')

        # Generate phantom
        [WM_phantom, WM_phantom_noise, values_synthetic_data,
         tracts_sum] = phantom_generation(tracts, std_noise, range_tract,
                                          true_value, folder_tmp, value_gm,
                                          true_value * val_csf / 100)
        # Save generated phantoms as nifti image (.nii.gz)
        save_3D_nparray_nifti(WM_phantom, fname_phantom, fname_atlas)
        save_3D_nparray_nifti(WM_phantom_noise, fname_phantom_noise,
        save_3D_nparray_nifti(tracts_sum, fname_tract_sum, fname_atlas)

        # Get the np.mean of all values in dorsal column in the generated phantom
        if nb_tracts:
            dc_val_avg = 0
            for j in range(nb_tracts_dorsalcolumn):
                dc_val_avg = dc_val_avg + values_synthetic_data[int(
                    list_tract_dorsalcolumn[j])] * pond_dc[j]
            dc_val_avg = float(dc_val_avg)
            # build variable with true values (WARNING: HARD-CODED INDICES)
            x_true_i[0] = values_synthetic_data[int(list_tracts[0])]
            x_true_i[1] = values_synthetic_data[int(list_tracts[1])]
            x_true_i[2] = dc_val_avg

        fname_extract_metrics = os.path.join(folder_tmp, file_extract_metrics)

        if nb_tracts:
            if not test_map:
                # loop across tracts
                for i_tract in range(len(list_tracts)):
                    # loop across methods
                    for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
                        # display stuff
                        print 'Tract: ' + list_tracts[
                            i_tract] + ', Method: ' + list_methods[i_method]
                        # check if method is manual
                        if not list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
                            # find index of manual mask
                            index_manual = int(list_methods[i_method][
                                list_methods[i_method].find('man') + 3])
                            fname_mask = mask_folder[
                                index_manual] + mask_prefix + list_tracts_txt[
                                    i_tract] + mask_ext
                            # manual extraction
                            status, output = sct.run(
                                'sct_average_data_within_mask -i ' +
                                fname_phantom_noise + ' -m ' + fname_mask +
                                ' -v 0')
                            x_estim_i = float(output)
                            # automatic extraction
                            sct.run('sct_extract_metric -i ' +
                                    fname_phantom_noise + ' -f ' +
                                    folder_cropped_atlas + ' -m ' +
                                    list_methods[i_method] + ' -l ' +
                                    list_tracts[i_tract] + ' -a -o ' +
                            # read in txt file
                            x_estim_i = read_results(fname_extract_metrics)
                        # Get the percent absolute deviation with the true value
                        #perc_error[i_tract, i_method, i_bootstrap] = 100 * (x_true_i[i_tract] - x_estim_i) / float(x_true_i[i_tract])
                        perc_error[i_tract, i_method, i_bootstrap] = 100 * abs(
                            x_estim_i - x_true_i[i_tract]) / float(

        # calculate percentage error for all tracts (only for automatic methods)
        # loop across methods
        for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
            # check if method is automatic
            if list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
                # display stuff
                print 'Tract: ALL, Method: ' + list_methods[i_method]
                # automatic extraction in all tracts
                sct.run('sct_extract_metric -i ' + fname_phantom_noise +
                        ' -f ' + folder_cropped_atlas + ' -m ' +
                        list_methods[i_method] + ' -o ' +
                        fname_extract_metrics + ' -p ' + param_map)
                # read results in txt file
                x_estim_i_all = read_results(fname_extract_metrics)
                # get nonzero values
                index_nonzero = np.nonzero(values_synthetic_data)
                    0:nb_tracts_all, i_method, i_bootstrap] = 100 * abs(
                        x_estim_i_all[index_nonzero] -
                    ) / values_synthetic_data[
                        index_nonzero]  # will be used to display boxcar
                # perc_error_all[0:nb_tracts_all, i_method, i_bootstrap] = 100 * (x_estim_i_all[index_nonzero] - values_synthetic_data[index_nonzero]) / values_synthetic_data[index_nonzero]  # will be used to display boxcar
                # compute mean squared error
                stat_perc_error_all[i_method, i_bootstrap,
                                    0] = (perc_error_all[:, i_method,
                                          ).mean()  # mean squared error
                stat_perc_error_all[i_method, i_bootstrap, 1] = np.median(
                    perc_error_all[:, i_method, i_bootstrap])  # median
                stat_perc_error_all[i_method, i_bootstrap,
                                    2] = min(perc_error_all[:, i_method,
                stat_perc_error_all[i_method, i_bootstrap,
                                    3] = max(perc_error_all[:, i_method,

    # Calculate elapsed time
    elapsed_time = int(round(time.time() - start_time))

    # Extract time in minutes and seconds
    sec = elapsed_time % 60
    mte = (elapsed_time - sec) / 60

    # ===============================
    if nb_tracts:

        # create output folder
        create_folder(results_folder + 'sub/', 0)

        # Open text file where results are printed
        fname_results = results_folder + 'sub/' + results_file + '.txt'
        results_text = open(fname_results, 'w+')

        # print header
        print >> results_text, '# Mean(std) percentage of absolute error within single tracts.'
        print >> results_text, '# Generated on: ' + time.strftime(
            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        print >> results_text, '# true_value: ' + str(true_value)
        print >> results_text, '# sigma noise (in percentage of true value): ' + str(
            std_noise) + '%'
        print >> results_text, '# range tracts (in percentage of true value): (-' + str(
            range_tract) + '%:+' + str(range_tract) + '%)'
        print >> results_text, '# value CSF (in percentage of true value): ' + str(
            val_csf) + '%'
        print >> results_text, '# number of iterations: ' + str(nb_bootstraps)
        print >> results_text, '# elapsed time: ' + str(mte) + 'min' + str(
            sec) + 's'
        text_methods = 'Label'
        # loop across methods
        for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
            text_methods = text_methods + ', ' + list_methods[i_method]
        print >> results_text, text_methods

        # print results
        # loop across tracts
        for i_tract in range(len(list_tracts)):
            text_results = list_tracts_txt[i_tract]
            # loop across methods
            for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
                text_results = text_results + ', ' + str(
                    round(np.mean(perc_error[i_tract, i_method, :]),
                          ndigits=nb_digits_results)) + '(' + str(
                              round(np.std(perc_error[i_tract, i_method, :]),
                                    ndigits=nb_digits_results)) + ')'
            print >> results_text, text_results

        # close file

        # display results
        status, output = sct.run('cat ' + fname_results)
        print output

    # ============================
    # Open text file where results are printed
    fname_results = results_folder + results_file + '_all.txt'
    results_text = open(fname_results, 'w+')

    # print header
    print >> results_text, '# Mean(std) percentage of absolute error within all tracts (only for automatic methods).'
    print >> results_text, '# Generated on: ' + time.strftime(
        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    print >> results_text, '# true_value: ' + str(true_value)
    print >> results_text, '# sigma noise (in percentage of true value): ' + str(
        std_noise) + '%'
    print >> results_text, '# range tracts (in percentage of true value): (-' + str(
        range_tract) + '%:+' + str(range_tract) + '%)'
    print >> results_text, '# value CSF (in percentage of true value): ' + str(
        val_csf) + '%'
    print >> results_text, '# number of iterations: ' + str(nb_bootstraps)
    print >> results_text, '# elapsed time: ' + str(mte) + 'min' + str(
        sec) + 's'
    text_methods = 'Label'
    # loop across methods
    for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
        # check if method is automatic
        if list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
            text_methods = text_methods + ', ' + list_methods[i_method]
    print >> results_text, text_methods

    # print results
    # loop across tracts
    for i_tract in range(nb_tracts_all):
        text_results = str(i_tract)
        # loop across methods
        for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
            # check if method is automatic
            if list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
                text_results = text_results + ', ' + str(
                    round(np.mean(perc_error_all[i_tract, i_method, :]),
                          ndigits=nb_digits_results)) + '(' + str(
                                                          i_method, :]),
                                    ndigits=nb_digits_results)) + ')'
        print >> results_text, text_results

    # loop across statistics
    nb_stats = len(list_stat)
    for i_stat in range(nb_stats):
        text_results = list_stat[i_stat]
        # loop across methods
        for i_method in range(len(list_methods)):
            # check if method is automatic
            if list_methods[i_method].find('man') == -1:
                text_results = text_results + ', ' + str(
                    round(np.mean(stat_perc_error_all[i_method, :, i_stat]),
                          ndigits=nb_digits_results)) + '(' + str(
                              round(np.std(stat_perc_error_all[i_method, :,
                                    ndigits=nb_digits_results)) + ')'
        print >> results_text, text_results

    # close file

    # display results
    status, output = sct.run('cat ' + fname_results)
    print output