def main(): # change this to False to produce the equation dataset molecules = True # change this to False to get character-based encodings instead of grammar-based grammar = 'new' #use True for the grammar used by Kusner et al # can't define model class inside settings as it itself uses settings a lot _, my_model = get_vae(molecules, grammar) def pre_parser(x): try: return next(my_model._parser.parse(x)) except Exception as e: return None settings = get_settings(molecules,grammar) MAX_LEN = settings['max_seq_length'] #feature_len = settings['feature_len'] dest_file = settings['data_path'] source_file = settings['source_data'] # Read in the strings f = open(source_file,'r') L = [] for line in f: line = line.strip() L.append(line) f.close() # convert to one-hot and save, in small increments to save RAM #dest_file = dest_file.replace('.h5','_new.h5') ds = IncrementingHDF5Dataset(dest_file) step = 100 dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) # PY3 hdf5 datatype for variable-length Unicode strings size = min(10000, len(L)) for i in tqdm(range(0, size, step)):#for i in range(0, 1000, 2000): #print('Processing: i=[' + str(i) + ':' + str(i + step) + ']') these_indices = list(range(i, min(i + step,len(L)))) these_smiles = L[i:min(i + step,len(L))] if grammar=='new': # have to weed out non-parseable strings tokens = [my_model._tokenize(s.replace('-c','c')) for s in these_smiles] these_smiles, these_indices = list(zip(*[(s,ind) for s,t,ind in zip(these_smiles, tokens, these_indices) if pre_parser(t) is not None])) #print(len(these_smiles)) these_actions = torch.tensor(my_model.strings_to_actions(these_smiles)) action_seq_length = my_model.action_seq_length(these_actions) onehot = my_model.actions_to_one_hot(these_actions) append_data = {'smiles': np.array(these_smiles, dtype=dt), 'indices': np.array(these_indices), 'actions': these_actions, 'valid': np.ones((len(these_smiles))), 'seq_len': action_seq_length, 'data': onehot} if molecules: from rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles import MolFromSmiles mols = [MolFromSmiles(s) for s in these_smiles] raw_scores = np.array([get_score_components_from_mol(m) for m in mols]) append_data['raw_scores'] = raw_scores num_atoms = np.array([len(m.GetAtoms()) for m in mols]) append_data['num_atoms'] = num_atoms ds.append(append_data) if molecules: # also calculate mean and std of the scores, to use in the ultimate objective raw_scores = np.array(ds.h5f['raw_scores']) score_std = raw_scores.std(0) score_mean = raw_scores.mean(0) ds.append_to_dataset('score_std',score_std) ds.append_to_dataset('score_mean', score_mean) print('success!')
grammar=True, BATCH_SIZE=150, drop_rate=0.3, sample_z=True, save_file='next_gen.h5', encoder_type=False, lr=5e-4, plot_prefix='RNN enc lr 1e-4', dashboard=dash_name, preload_weights=False) # this is a wrapper for encoding/decodng grammar_model = ZincGrammarModel(model=model) validity_model = to_gpu( DenseHead(model.encoder, body_out_dim=settings['z_size'], drop_rate=0.3)) valid_smile_ds = IncrementingHDF5Dataset('valid_smiles.h5', valid_frac=0.1) invalid_smile_ds = IncrementingHDF5Dataset('invalid_smiles.h5', valid_frac=0.1) valid_fitter = train_validity(grammar=grammar, model=validity_model, EPOCHS=100, BATCH_SIZE=40, lr=1e-4, main_dataset=main_dataset, new_datasets=(valid_smile_ds, invalid_smile_ds), save_file=None, plot_prefix='valid_model', dashboard=dash_name, preload_weights=False) # TODO: collect the smiles strings too, just for kicks, into hdf5!
from generative_playground.molecules.rdkit_utils.rdkit_utils import fraction_valid import numpy as np molecules = True grammar = True settings = get_settings(molecules, grammar) dash_name = 'test' visdom = Dashboard(dash_name) model, grammar_model = get_vae(molecules, grammar, drop_rate=0.5, decoder_type='action') # or 'action','old','step','attention' reinforcement_model = ReinforcementModel(model.decoder) h5_prefix = 'new4_' valid_smile_ds = IncrementingHDF5Dataset(h5_prefix +'valid_smiles.h5') invalid_smile_ds = IncrementingHDF5Dataset(h5_prefix + 'invalid_smiles.h5') original_ds = IncrementingHDF5Dataset('../data/zinc_grammar_dataset.h5', mode='r') RL_fitter = train_reinforcement(grammar = grammar, model = reinforcement_model, EPOCHS = 10000, BATCH_SIZE = 25, lr = 1e-4, new_datasets = (valid_smile_ds, invalid_smile_ds, original_ds), save_file = 'first_reinforcement.h5', plot_prefix = 'valid_model', dashboard = dash_name, preload_weights=False) count = 0
def train_policy_gradient(molecules=True, grammar=True, EPOCHS=None, BATCH_SIZE=None, reward_fun_on=None, reward_fun_off=None, max_steps=277, lr_on=2e-4, lr_off=1e-4, drop_rate=0.0, plot_ignore_initial=0, save_file=None, preload_file=None, anchor_file=None, anchor_weight=0.0, decoder_type='action', plot_prefix='', dashboard='policy gradient', smiles_save_file=None, on_policy_loss_type='best', off_policy_loss_type='mean', sanity_checks=True): root_location = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) root_location = root_location + '/../' save_path = root_location + 'pretrained/' + save_file smiles_save_path = root_location + 'pretrained/' + smiles_save_file settings = get_settings(molecules=molecules, grammar=grammar) if EPOCHS is not None: settings['EPOCHS'] = EPOCHS if BATCH_SIZE is not None: settings['BATCH_SIZE'] = BATCH_SIZE save_dataset = IncrementingHDF5Dataset(smiles_save_path) task = SequenceGenerationTask(molecules=molecules, grammar=grammar, reward_fun=reward_fun_on, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, max_steps=max_steps, save_dataset=save_dataset) def get_model(sanity_checks=sanity_checks): return get_decoder( molecules, grammar, z_size=settings['z_size'], decoder_hidden_n=200, feature_len=None, # made redundant, need to factor it out max_seq_length=max_steps, drop_rate=drop_rate, decoder_type=decoder_type, task=task)[0] model = get_model() if preload_file is not None: try: preload_path = root_location + 'pretrained/' + preload_file model.load_state_dict(torch.load(preload_path)) except: pass anchor_model = None if anchor_file is not None: anchor_model = get_model() try: anchor_path = root_location + 'pretrained/' + anchor_file anchor_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(anchor_path)) except: anchor_model = None from generative_playground.molecules.rdkit_utils.rdkit_utils import NormalizedScorer import rdkit.Chem.rdMolDescriptors as desc import numpy as np scorer = NormalizedScorer() def model_process_fun(model_out, visdom, n): from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem.Draw import MolToFile actions, logits, rewards, terminals, info = model_out smiles, valid = info total_rewards = rewards.sum(1) best_ind = torch.argmax(total_rewards).data.item() this_smile = smiles[best_ind] mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(this_smile) pic_save_path = root_location + 'images/' + 'test.svg' if mol is not None: try: MolToFile(mol, pic_save_path, imageType='svg') with open(pic_save_path, 'r') as myfile: data = data = data.replace('svg:', '') visdom.append('best molecule of batch', 'svg', svgstr=data) except: pass scores, norm_scores = scorer.get_scores([this_smile]) visdom.append( 'score component', 'line', X=np.array([n]), Y=np.array( [[x for x in norm_scores[0]] + [norm_scores[0].sum()] + [scores[0].sum()] + [desc.CalcNumAromaticRings(mol)]]), opts={ 'legend': [ 'logP', 'SA', 'cycle', 'norm_reward', 'reward', 'Aromatic rings' ] }) visdom.append('fraction valid', 'line', X=np.array([n]), Y=np.array([valid.mean().data.item()])) if reward_fun_off is None: reward_fun_off = reward_fun_on def get_fitter(model, loss_obj, fit_plot_prefix='', model_process_fun=None, lr=None, loss_display_cap=float('inf'), anchor_model=None, anchor_weight=0): nice_params = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()) optimizer = optim.Adam(nice_params, lr=lr) scheduler = lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=100, gamma=0.99) if dashboard is not None: metric_monitor = MetricPlotter( plot_prefix=fit_plot_prefix, loss_display_cap=loss_display_cap, dashboard_name=dashboard, plot_ignore_initial=plot_ignore_initial, process_model_fun=model_process_fun) else: metric_monitor = None checkpointer = Checkpointer(valid_batches_to_checkpoint=1, save_path=save_path, save_always=True) def my_gen(): for _ in range(1000): yield to_gpu(torch.zeros(BATCH_SIZE, settings['z_size'])) fitter = fit_rl(train_gen=my_gen, model=model, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, epochs=EPOCHS, loss_fn=loss_obj, grad_clip=5, anchor_model=anchor_model, anchor_weight=anchor_weight, metric_monitor=metric_monitor, checkpointer=checkpointer) return fitter # the on-policy fitter fitter1 = get_fitter(model, PolicyGradientLoss(on_policy_loss_type), plot_prefix + 'on-policy', model_process_fun=model_process_fun, lr=lr_on, anchor_model=anchor_model, anchor_weight=anchor_weight) # get existing molecule data to add training main_dataset = DatasetFromHDF5(settings['data_path'], 'actions') # TODO change call to a simple DataLoader, no validation train_loader, valid_loader = train_valid_loaders(main_dataset, valid_fraction=0.1, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, pin_memory=use_gpu) fitter2 = get_fitter(model, PolicyGradientLoss(off_policy_loss_type), plot_prefix + ' off-policy', lr=lr_off, model_process_fun=model_process_fun, loss_display_cap=125) def on_policy_gen(fitter, model): while True: model.policy = SoftmaxRandomSamplePolicy() yield next(fitter) def off_policy_gen(fitter, data_gen, model): while True: data_iter = data_gen.__iter__() try: x_actions = next(data_iter).to(torch.int64) model.policy = PolicyFromTarget(x_actions) yield next(fitter) except StopIteration: data_iter = data_gen.__iter__() return model, on_policy_gen(fitter1, model), off_policy_gen(fitter2, train_loader, model)
MAX_LEN = settings['max_seq_length'] feature_len = settings['feature_len'] dest_file = settings['data_path'] source_file = settings['source_data'] # Read in the strings f = open(source_file, 'r') L = [] for line in f: line = line.strip() L.append(line) f.close() # convert to one-hot and save, in small increments to save RAM #dest_file = dest_file.replace('.h5','_new.h5') ds = IncrementingHDF5Dataset(dest_file) step = 100 dt = h5py.special_dtype( vlen=str) # PY3 hdf5 datatype for variable-length Unicode strings for i in range(0, len(L), step): #for i in range(0, 1000, 2000): print('Processing: i=[' + str(i) + ':' + str(i + step) + ']') these_indices = list(range(i, min(i + step, len(L)))) these_smiles = L[i:min(i + step, len(L))] if grammar == 'new': # have to weed out non-parseable strings tokens = [ my_model._tokenize(s.replace('-c', 'c')) for s in these_smiles ] these_smiles, these_indices = list( zip(*[(s, ind)
def train_policy_gradient(molecules=True, grammar=True, EPOCHS=None, BATCH_SIZE=None, reward_fun_on=None, reward_fun_off=None, max_steps=277, lr_on=2e-4, lr_discrim=1e-4, p_thresh=0.5, drop_rate=0.0, plot_ignore_initial=0, randomize_reward=False, save_file=None, reward_sm=0.0, preload_file=None, anchor_file=None, anchor_weight=0.0, decoder_type='action', plot_prefix='', dashboard='policy gradient', smiles_save_file=None, on_policy_loss_type='best', off_policy_loss_type='mean', sanity_checks=True): root_location = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) root_location = root_location + '/../../' gen_save_path = root_location + 'pretrained/gen_' + save_file disc_save_path = root_location + 'pretrained/disc_' + save_file if smiles_save_file is not None: smiles_save_path = root_location + 'pretrained/' + smiles_save_file save_dataset = IncrementingHDF5Dataset(smiles_save_path) else: save_dataset = None settings = get_settings(molecules=molecules, grammar=grammar) codec = get_codec(molecules, grammar, settings['max_seq_length']) discrim_model = GraphDiscriminator(codec.grammar, drop_rate=drop_rate) zinc_data = get_zinc_smiles() zinc_set = set(zinc_data) lookbacks = [BATCH_SIZE, 10 * BATCH_SIZE, 100 * BATCH_SIZE] history_data = [deque(['O'], maxlen=lb) for lb in lookbacks] def originality_mult(smiles_list): out = [] for s in smiles_list: if s in zinc_set: out.append(0.5) elif s in history_data[0]: out.append(0.5) elif s in history_data[1]: out.append(0.70) elif s in history_data[2]: out.append(0.85) else: out.append(1.0) return np.array(out) def sigmoid(x): tmp = -x #( return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) def discriminator_reward_mult(smiles_list): orig_state = discrim_model.eval() discrim_out_logits = discrim_model(smiles_list)['p_zinc'] discrim_probs = F.softmax(discrim_out_logits, dim=1) prob_zinc = discrim_probs[:, 1].detach().cpu().numpy() if orig_state: discrim_model.train() return prob_zinc def adj_reward(x): p = discriminator_reward_mult(x) reward = np.maximum(reward_fun_on(x), 0) out = reward * originality_mult(x) + 2 * p return out def adj_reward_old(x): p = discriminator_reward_mult(x) w = sigmoid(-(p - p_thresh) / 0.01) if randomize_reward: rand = np.random.uniform(size=p.shape) w *= rand reward = np.maximum(reward_fun_on(x), p_thresh) weighted_reward = w * p + (1 - w) * reward out = weighted_reward * originality_mult(x) # return out if EPOCHS is not None: settings['EPOCHS'] = EPOCHS if BATCH_SIZE is not None: settings['BATCH_SIZE'] = BATCH_SIZE task = SequenceGenerationTask(molecules=molecules, grammar=grammar, reward_fun=adj_reward, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, max_steps=max_steps, save_dataset=save_dataset) model = get_decoder(molecules, grammar, z_size=settings['z_size'], decoder_hidden_n=200, feature_len=codec.feature_len(), max_seq_length=max_steps, drop_rate=drop_rate, decoder_type=decoder_type, task=task)[0] # TODO: really ugly, refactor! In fact this model doesn't need a MaskingHead at all! model.stepper.model.mask_gen.priors = True #'conditional' # use empirical priors for the mask gen # if preload_file is not None: # try: # preload_path = root_location + 'pretrained/' + preload_file # model.load_state_dict(torch.load(preload_path)) # except: # pass anchor_model = None from generative_playground.molecules.rdkit_utils.rdkit_utils import NormalizedScorer import rdkit.Chem.rdMolDescriptors as desc import numpy as np scorer = NormalizedScorer() def model_process_fun(model_out, visdom, n): # TODO: rephrase this to return a dict, instead of calling visdom directly from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem.Draw import MolToFile # actions, logits, rewards, terminals, info = model_out smiles, valid = model_out['info'] total_rewards = model_out['rewards'].sum(1) best_ind = torch.argmax(total_rewards).data.item() this_smile = smiles[best_ind] mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(this_smile) pic_save_path = root_location + 'images/' + 'tmp.svg' if mol is not None: try: MolToFile(mol, pic_save_path, imageType='svg') with open(pic_save_path, 'r') as myfile: data = data = data.replace('svg:', '') visdom.append('best molecule of batch', 'svg', svgstr=data) except Exception as e: print(e) scores, norm_scores = scorer.get_scores([this_smile]) visdom.append( 'score component', 'line', X=np.array([n]), Y=np.array( [[x for x in norm_scores[0]] + [norm_scores[0].sum()] + [scores[0].sum()] + [desc.CalcNumAromaticRings(mol)] + [total_rewards[best_ind].item()]]), opts={ 'legend': [ 'logP', 'SA', 'cycle', 'norm_reward', 'reward', 'Aromatic rings', 'eff_reward' ] }) visdom.append('fraction valid', 'line', X=np.array([n]), Y=np.array([valid.mean().data.item()])) if reward_fun_off is None: reward_fun_off = reward_fun_on # construct the loader to feed the discriminator def make_callback(data): def hc(inputs, model, outputs, loss_fn, loss): graphs = outputs['graphs'] smiles = [g.to_smiles() for g in graphs] for s in smiles: # only store unique instances of molecules so discriminator can't guess on frequency if s not in data: data.append(s) return hc # need to have something there to begin with, else the DataLoader constructor barfs def get_rl_fitter(model, loss_obj, train_gen, save_path, fit_plot_prefix='', model_process_fun=None, lr=None, extra_callbacks=[], loss_display_cap=float('inf'), anchor_model=None, anchor_weight=0): nice_params = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()) optimizer = optim.Adam(nice_params, lr=lr) scheduler = lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=100, gamma=0.99) if dashboard is not None: metric_monitor = MetricPlotter( plot_prefix=fit_plot_prefix, loss_display_cap=loss_display_cap, dashboard_name=dashboard, plot_ignore_initial=plot_ignore_initial, process_model_fun=model_process_fun, smooth_weight=0.9) else: metric_monitor = None checkpointer = Checkpointer(valid_batches_to_checkpoint=1, save_path=save_path, save_always=True) fitter = fit_rl(train_gen=train_gen, model=model, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, epochs=EPOCHS, loss_fn=loss_obj, grad_clip=5, anchor_model=anchor_model, anchor_weight=anchor_weight, callbacks=[metric_monitor, checkpointer] + extra_callbacks) return fitter class GeneratorToIterable: def __init__(self, gen): self.gen = gen # we assume the generator is finite self.len = 0 for _ in gen(): self.len += 1 def __len__(self): return self.len def __iter__(self): return self.gen() def my_gen(): for _ in range(1000): yield to_gpu(torch.zeros(BATCH_SIZE, settings['z_size'])) # the on-policy fitter history_callbacks = [make_callback(d) for d in history_data] fitter1 = get_rl_fitter(model, PolicyGradientLoss(on_policy_loss_type, last_reward_wgt=reward_sm), GeneratorToIterable(my_gen), gen_save_path, plot_prefix + 'on-policy', model_process_fun=model_process_fun, lr=lr_on, extra_callbacks=history_callbacks, anchor_model=anchor_model, anchor_weight=anchor_weight) # # # get existing molecule data to add training pre_dataset = EvenlyBlendedDataset( 2 * [history_data[0]] + history_data[1:], labels=False) # a blend of 3 time horizons dataset = EvenlyBlendedDataset([pre_dataset, zinc_data], labels=True) discrim_loader = DataLoader(dataset, shuffle=True, batch_size=50) celoss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() def my_loss(x): # tmp = discriminator_reward_mult(x['smiles']) # tmp2 = F.softmax(x['p_zinc'], dim=1)[:,1].detach().cpu().numpy() # import numpy as np # assert np.max(np.abs(tmp-tmp2)) < 1e-6 return celoss(x['p_zinc'].to(device), x['dataset_index'].to(device)) fitter2 = get_rl_fitter(discrim_model, my_loss, IterableTransform( discrim_loader, lambda x: { 'smiles': x['X'], 'dataset_index': x['dataset_index'] }), disc_save_path, plot_prefix + ' discriminator', lr=lr_discrim, model_process_fun=None) def on_policy_gen(fitter, model): while True: model.policy = SoftmaxRandomSamplePolicy( ) #bias=codec.grammar.get_log_frequencies()) yield next(fitter) return model, on_policy_gen(fitter1, model), fitter2