def npm_install(skel_dir, options): shellCmd = ShellCmd() npm_install = 'npm install --loglevel warn' console.log("Adding Node.js modules...") shellCmd.execute(npm_install, skel_dir) if options.type == 'contribution': shellCmd.execute(npm_install, os.path.join(skel_dir, 'demo/default'))
def runMigration(jobconf, libs): if not jobconf.get('migrate-files', False): return console = Context.console"Please heed the warnings from the configuration file parsing")"Migrating Javascript source code to most recent qooxdoo version...") console.indent() migSettings = jobconf.get('migrate-files') shellCmd = ShellCmd() migratorCmd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filetool.root()), "bin", "") libPaths = [] for lib in libs: lib._init_from_manifest() # Lib()'s aren't initialized yet libPaths.append(os.path.join(lib.path, lib.classPath)) mig_opts = [] if migSettings.get('from-version', False): mig_opts.extend(["--from-version", migSettings.get('from-version')]) if migSettings.get('migrate-html'): mig_opts.append("--migrate-html") mig_opts.extend(["--class-path", ",".join(libPaths)]) shcmd = " ".join(textutil.quoteCommandArgs([sys.executable, migratorCmd] + mig_opts)) console.debug("Invoking migrator as: '%s'" % shcmd) shellCmd.execute(shcmd) console.outdent()
class JobLib(object): def __init__(self, config, console_): self._config = config self._console = console_ self._shellCmd = ShellCmd() def clean(self, cleanMap): assert isinstance(cleanMap, types.DictType) for item in cleanMap: for file in cleanMap[item]: file = self._config.absPath(file) # safety first if os.path.splitdrive(file)[1] == os.sep: raise RuntimeError, "!!! I'm not going to delete '/' recursively !!!" self._shellCmd.execute ("rm -rf %s" % file)
def runMigration(jobconf, libs): if not jobconf.get('migrate-files', False): return console = Context.console "Please heed the warnings from the configuration file parsing") "Migrating Javascript source code to most recent qooxdoo version...") console.indent() migSettings = jobconf.get('migrate-files') shellCmd = ShellCmd() migratorCmd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filetool.root()), "bin", "") libPaths = [] for lib in libs: lib._init_from_manifest() # Lib()'s aren't initialized yet libPaths.append(os.path.join(lib.path, lib.classPath)) mig_opts = [] if migSettings.get('from-version', False): mig_opts.extend(["--from-version", migSettings.get('from-version')]) if migSettings.get('migrate-html'): mig_opts.append("--migrate-html") mig_opts.extend(["--class-path", ",".join(libPaths)]) shcmd = " ".join( textutil.quoteCommandArgs([sys.executable, migratorCmd] + mig_opts)) console.debug("Invoking migrator as: '%s'" % shcmd) shellCmd.execute(shcmd) console.outdent()
def npm_install(skelDir, options): shellCmd = ShellCmd() npm_install = 'npm install --loglevel warn' console.log("Running '" + npm_install + "'") shellCmd.execute(npm_install, skelDir)
class ActionLib(object): def __init__(self, config, console_): self._config = config self._console = console_ self._shellCmd = ShellCmd() def clean(self, cleanMap): assert isinstance(cleanMap, types.DictType) for item in cleanMap: for file in cleanMap[item]: file = self._config.absPath(file) # resolve file globs for entry in glob.glob(file): # safety first if os.path.splitdrive(entry)[1] == os.sep: raise RuntimeError, "!!! I'm not going to delete '/' recursively !!!" self._shellCmd.rm_rf(entry) def watch(self, jobconf, confObj): console = Context.console since = time.time() interval = jobconf.get("watch-files/interval", 2) paths = jobconf.get("watch-files/paths", []) if not paths: return include_dirs = jobconf.get("watch-files/include-dirs", False) exit_on_retcode = jobconf.get("watch-files/exit-on-retcode", False) command = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/line", "") if not command: return command_tmpl = CommandLineTemplate(command) per_file = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/per-file", False)"Watching changes of '%s'..." % paths)"Press Ctrl-C to terminate.") pattern = self._watch_pattern(jobconf.get("watch-files/include",[])) while True: time.sleep(interval) ylist = [] for path in paths: console.debug("checking path '%s'" % path) part_list = filetool.findYoungest(path, pattern=pattern, includedirs=include_dirs, since=since) ylist.extend(part_list) since = time.time() if ylist: # ylist =[(fpath,fstamp)] flist = [f[0] for f in ylist] cmd_args = {'FILELIST': ' '.join(flist)} console.debug("found changed files: %s" % flist) try: if not per_file: cmd = command_tmpl.safe_substitute(cmd_args) self.runShellCommand(cmd) else: for fname in flist: cmd_args['FILE'] = fname # foo/bar/baz.js cmd_args['DIRNAME'] = os.path.dirname(fname) # foo/bar cmd_args['BASENAME'] = os.path.basename(fname) # baz.js cmd_args['EXTENSION'] = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] # .js cmd_args['FILENAME'] = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(fname)[0]) # baz cmd = command_tmpl.safe_substitute(cmd_args) self.runShellCommand(cmd) except RuntimeError: if exit_on_retcode: raise else: pass return def _watch_pattern(self, include): pattern = u'' a = [] for entry in include: e = textutil.toRegExpS(entry) a.append(e) pattern = '|'.join(a) return pattern def runShellCommands(self, jobconf): if not jobconf.get("shell/command"): return shellcmd = jobconf.get("shell/command", "") if isinstance(shellcmd, list): for cmd in shellcmd: self.runShellCommand(cmd) else: self.runShellCommand(shellcmd) def runShellCommand(self, shellcmd): rc = 0 self._shellCmd = ShellCmd()"Executing shell command \"%s\"..." % shellcmd) self._console.indent() rc = self._shellCmd.execute(shellcmd, self._config.getConfigDir()) if rc != 0: raise RuntimeError, "Shell command returned error code: %s" % repr(rc) self._console.outdent()
def npm_install(skel_dir, options): shellCmd = ShellCmd() shellCmd.execute('npm install', skel_dir) if options.type == 'contribution': shellCmd.execute('npm install', os.path.join(skel_dir, 'demo/default'))
class ActionLib(object): def __init__(self, config, console_): self._config = config self._console = console_ self._shellCmd = ShellCmd() def clean(self, cleanMap): assert isinstance(cleanMap, types.DictType) for item in cleanMap: for file in cleanMap[item]: file = self._config.absPath(file) # resolve file globs for entry in glob.glob(file): # safety first if os.path.splitdrive(entry)[1] == os.sep: raise RuntimeError, "!!! I'm not going to delete '/' recursively !!!" self._shellCmd.rm_rf(entry) def watch(self, jobconf, confObj): console = Context.console since = time.time() watcher = Watcher(jobconf, confObj) interval = jobconf.get("watch-files/interval", 2) paths = jobconf.get("watch-files/paths", []) if not paths: return command = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/line", "") if not command: return command_tmpl = CommandLineTemplate(command) per_file = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/per-file", False) exit_on_retcode = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/exit-on-retcode", False) exec_on_startup = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/exec-on-startup", False) if exec_on_startup: # simply set check-time to start of epoch since = 1.0 # (since=0 would disable time span checking)"Watching changes of '%s'..." % paths)"Press Ctrl-C to terminate.") while True: osince = since since = time.time() ylist = watcher.check(osince) if ylist: # ylist =[(fpath,fstamp)] flist = [f[0] for f in ylist] cmd_args = {'FILELIST': ' '.join(flist)} console.debug("found changed files: %s" % flist) try: if not per_file: cmd = command_tmpl.safe_substitute(cmd_args) self.runShellCommand(cmd) else: for fname in flist: cmd_args['FILE'] = fname # foo/bar/baz.js cmd_args['DIRNAME'] = os.path.dirname(fname) # foo/bar cmd_args['BASENAME'] = os.path.basename(fname) # baz.js cmd_args['EXTENSION'] = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] # .js cmd_args['FILENAME'] = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(fname)[0]) # baz cmd = command_tmpl.safe_substitute(cmd_args) self.runShellCommand(cmd) except RuntimeError: if exit_on_retcode: raise else: pass time.sleep(interval) return def runShellCommands(self, jobconf): if not jobconf.get("shell/command"): return shellcmd = jobconf.get("shell/command", "") if isinstance(shellcmd, list): for cmd in shellcmd: self.runShellCommand(cmd) else: self.runShellCommand(shellcmd) def runShellCommand(self, shellcmd): rc = 0 self._shellCmd = ShellCmd()"Executing shell command \"%s\"..." % shellcmd) self._console.indent() rc = self._shellCmd.execute(shellcmd, self._config.getConfigDir()) if rc != 0: raise RuntimeError, "Shell command returned error code: %s" % repr(rc) self._console.outdent()
class ActionLib(object): def __init__(self, config, console_): self._config = config self._console = console_ self._shellCmd = ShellCmd() def clean(self, cleanMap): assert isinstance(cleanMap, types.DictType) for item in cleanMap: for file in cleanMap[item]: file = self._config.absPath(file) # resolve file globs for entry in glob.glob(file): # safety first if os.path.splitdrive(entry)[1] == os.sep: raise RuntimeError, "!!! I'm not going to delete '/' recursively !!!" self._shellCmd.rm_rf(entry) def watch(self, jobconf, confObj): console = Context.console since = time.time() watcher = Watcher(jobconf, confObj) interval = jobconf.get("watch-files/check-interval", 2) paths = jobconf.get("watch-files/paths", []) if not paths: return command = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/line", "") if not command: return command_tmpl = CommandLineTemplate(command) per_file = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/per-file", False) exit_on_retcode = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/exit-on-retcode", False) exec_on_startup = jobconf.get("watch-files/command/exec-on-startup", False) if exec_on_startup: # simply set check-time to start of epoch since = 1.0 # (since=0 would disable time span checking)"Watching changes of '%s'..." % paths)"Press Ctrl-C to terminate.") while True: osince = since since = time.time() ylist = watcher.check(osince) if ylist: # ylist =[(fpath,fstamp)] flist = [f[0] for f in ylist] cmd_args = {'FILELIST': ' '.join(flist)} console.debug("found changed files: %s" % flist) try: if not per_file: cmd = command_tmpl.safe_substitute(cmd_args) self.runShellCommand(cmd) else: for fname in flist: cmd_args['FILE'] = fname # foo/bar/baz.js cmd_args['DIRNAME'] = os.path.dirname(fname) # foo/bar cmd_args['BASENAME'] = os.path.basename(fname) # baz.js cmd_args['EXTENSION'] = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] # .js cmd_args['FILENAME'] = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(fname)[0]) # baz cmd = command_tmpl.safe_substitute(cmd_args) self.runShellCommand(cmd) except RuntimeError: if exit_on_retcode: raise else: pass time.sleep(interval) return def runShellCommands(self, jobconf): if not jobconf.get("shell/command"): return shellcmd = jobconf.get("shell/command", "") if isinstance(shellcmd, list): for cmd in shellcmd: self.runShellCommand(cmd) else: self.runShellCommand(shellcmd) def runShellCommand(self, shellcmd): rc = 0 self._shellCmd = ShellCmd()"Executing shell command \"%s\"..." % shellcmd) self._console.indent() rc = self._shellCmd.execute(shellcmd, self._config.getConfigDir()) if rc != 0: raise RuntimeError, "Shell command returned error code: %s" % repr(rc) self._console.outdent()