                int(input("Please input the depth you want: "))))

        if (game_mode) == 2:
                int(input("Please input number of steps you want: ")),
                int(input("Please input the depth you want: ")))
        #input parameters
        if (game_mode) == 3:
            state = manual_scramble()
            scramble_depth = int(
                input("\nPlease input the module you want to load: "))
            depth = int(input("\nPlease input the number of depth: "))
            steps = int(input("\nPlease input the number of steps: "))

            node = gr.Node(state, depth, steps)

            #import trained nn
            net = nn.RubikNet()
            net.load_state_dict(tr.load("model_%d.pth" % scramble_depth))
            for step in range(steps):
                print("Turn %d" % step)
                #check goal
                if node.match == 27:
                    print("Path is :")
                #check if have goal in the pool of children, in-other word, check the size of heuristic, it has the goal or not
                #search if there is a result in the heuristic
    r_A_nn = list()

    for game in range(num_games):
        scramble = gr.scramble(scramble_depth)

        #random choice
        print("\nCalculate random process game: %d" % game)
        r_rand.append(oh.random_process_score(scramble, (depth * steps)))
        #r_rand.append(oh.random_process_score(gr.scramble(scramble_depth), (depth*steps)))
        #A* choice
        print("\nCalculate A* game: %d" % game)
        r_A.append(oh.A_star_solve_score(scramble, steps, depth))
        #r_A.append(oh.A_star_solve_score(gr.scramble(scramble_depth), steps, depth))
        #A*_NN choice
        print("\nCalculate A*_NN game: %d" % game)
        node = gr.Node(scramble, depth, steps)
        #node = gr.Node(gr.scramble(scramble_depth), depth, steps)
        for step in range(steps):
            #check goal
            if node.match == 8:

            #check if have goal in the pool of children, in-other word, check the size of heuristic, it has the goal or not
            #search if there is a result in the heuristic
            ind = gr.make_choice(node)
            #check goal in last step
            if node.children()[ind].match == 8:
                node = node.children()[ind]
            #no goal in the poll of children