def _load_techniques(yaml_file_lines):
    Loads the techniques (including detection and visibility properties) from the given YAML file.
    :param yaml_file_lines: list with the YAML file lines containing the techniques administration
    :return: dictionary with techniques (incl. properties)
    from generic import add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary, init_yaml, set_yaml_dv_comments

    my_techniques = {}
    _yaml = init_yaml()
    yaml_content = _yaml.load(''.join(yaml_file_lines))
    for d in yaml_content['techniques']:
        # Add detection items
        if isinstance(d['detection'], dict):  # There is just one detection entry
            d['detection'] = set_yaml_dv_comments(d['detection'])
            add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'detection', d['detection'])
        elif isinstance(d['detection'], list):  # There are multiple detection entries
            for de in d['detection']:
                de = set_yaml_dv_comments(de)
                add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'detection', de)

        # Add visibility items
        if isinstance(d['visibility'], dict):  # There is just one visibility entry
            d['visibility'] = set_yaml_dv_comments(d['visibility'])
            add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'visibility', d['visibility'])
        elif isinstance(d['visibility'], list):  # There are multiple visibility entries
            for de in d['visibility']:
                de = set_yaml_dv_comments(de)
                add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'visibility', de)

    return my_techniques
def check_yaml_file_health(filename, file_type, health_is_called):
    Check on errors in the provided YAML file.
    :param filename: YAML file location
    :param health_is_called: boolean that specifies if detailed errors in the file will be printed to stdout
    from generic import init_yaml

    # first we check if the file was modified. Otherwise, the health check is skipped for performance reasons
    if _is_file_modified(filename) or health_is_called:

        _yaml = init_yaml()
        with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file:
            yaml_content = _yaml.load(yaml_file)

            check_health_data_sources(filename, yaml_content, health_is_called)
            _check_health_techniques(filename, yaml_content, health_is_called)
        elif file_type == FILE_TYPE_GROUP_ADMINISTRATION:
            _check_health_group(filename, yaml_content, health_is_called)

    elif _get_health_state_cache(filename):
        print(HEALTH_ERROR_TXT + filename)
def _upgrade_data_source_yaml_10_to_11(file_lines):
    Upgrade the YAML data source administration file from 1.0 to 1.1.
    :param file_lines: array containing the lines within the data source admin. file
    :return: array with new lines to be written to disk
    from generic import ask_yes_no, fix_date_and_remove_null, init_yaml, get_platform_from_yaml

    # we will first do a health check on the data source admin file version 1.0. Having health issues in the file could
    # result in an upgraded file with errors.
        'Checking the health of the file before we do the upgrade from version 1.0 to 1.1'
    healthy_file = _check_yaml_file_health_v10(file_lines)
    if not healthy_file:
            '[!] Health issues found. It is advisable first to fix the health issues before continuing the upgrade.'
        if not ask_yes_no(
                'Are you sure that you want to continue the upgrade?'):
            print('Upgrade cancelled')
            ' - No health issues found. We continue the upgrade to version 1.1\n'

    _yaml = init_yaml()
    yaml_file = _yaml.load(''.join(file_lines))
    yaml_file_new = deepcopy(yaml_file)

    # upgrade to the new v1.1 data source admin. file
    yaml_file_new['version'] = 1.1

    platforms = get_platform_from_yaml(yaml_file_new, 'enterprise-attack')
    if platforms == []:
        platforms = list(PLATFORMS_ENTERPRISE.values())
    del yaml_file_new['platform']

    # ask for the applicable_to value to be used
    applicable_to = ''
    while not re.match(
        applicable_to = input(
            "What value for 'applicable_to' do you want to use for the to be created System object?\n\
Default = " + yaml_file['name'] +
            "\n\n >>   (Press Enter to use the default): ")
        if applicable_to == '':
            applicable_to = yaml_file['name']

    # add a new kv-pair systems
    idx = 0
    for k, v in yaml_file_new.items():
        if k == 'name':
        idx += 1
    yaml_file_new.insert(idx + 1, 'systems', [{
        'applicable_to': applicable_to,
        'platform': platforms

    # add a new kv-pair applicable_to to every data source
    yaml_file_new['data_sources'] = []
    for ds in yaml_file['data_sources']:
        ds_details_obj = {'applicable_to': [applicable_to]}
        for k, v in ds.items():
            if k != 'data_source_name':
                ds_details_obj[k] = v

            'data_source': [ds_details_obj]

    # remove the single quotes around the date
    new_lines = fix_date_and_remove_null(yaml_file_new,
    return new_lines
def _check_yaml_file_health_v10(file_lines):
    Check on error in the provided YAML data source admin. file version 1.0
    :param file_lines: YAML file lines
    :return: True for a healthy file, and False when encountering health issues
    from generic import init_yaml, get_platform_from_yaml
    has_error = False

    # check for duplicate tech IDs
    _yaml = init_yaml()
    ds_content = _yaml.load(''.join(file_lines))

    platform = get_platform_from_yaml(ds_content, 'enterprise-attack')

    if isinstance(platform, str):
        platform = [platform]
    if platform is None or len(platform) == 0 or platform == '':
        platform = ['empty']
    for p in platform:
        if p.lower() not in PLATFORMS_ENTERPRISE.keys():
            has_error = _print_error_msg(
                '[!] EMPTY or INVALID value for \'platform\' within the data source admin. '
                'file: %s (should be value(s) of: [%s] or all)' %
                (p, ', '.join(list(PLATFORMS_ENTERPRISE.values()))))

    for ds in ds_content['data_sources']:
        # check for missing keys
        for key in [
                'data_source_name', 'date_registered', 'date_connected',
                'products', 'available_for_data_analytics', 'comment',
            if key not in ds:
                has_error = _print_error_msg(
                    '[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] +
                    '\' is MISSING a key-value pair: ' + key)

        for key in ['date_registered', 'date_connected']:
            if key in ds and not ds[key] is None:
                    # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
                    # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
                    # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
                except AttributeError:
                    has_error = _print_error_msg(
                        '[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] +
                        '\' has an INVALID data format for the key-value pair \''
                        + key + '\': ' + ds[key] +
                        '  (should be YYYY-MM-DD without quotes)')

        if 'available_for_data_analytics' in ds:
            if not isinstance(ds['available_for_data_analytics'], bool):
                has_error = _print_error_msg(
                    '[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] +
                    '\' has an INVALID \'available_for_data_analytics\' value: should be set to \'true\' or \'false\''

        if 'data_quality' in ds:
            if isinstance(ds['data_quality'], dict):
                for dimension in [
                        'device_completeness', 'data_field_completeness',
                        'timeliness', 'consistency', 'retention'
                    if dimension not in ds['data_quality']:
                        has_error = _print_error_msg(
                            '[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] +
                            '\' is MISSING a key-value pair in \'data_quality\': '
                            + dimension)
                        if isinstance(ds['data_quality'][dimension], int):
                            if not 0 <= ds['data_quality'][dimension] <= 5:
                                has_error = _print_error_msg(
                                    '[!] Data source: \'' +
                                    ds['data_source_name'] +
                                    '\' has an INVALID data quality score for the dimension \''
                                    + dimension + '\': ' +
                                    str(ds['data_quality'][dimension]) +
                                    '  (should be between 0 and 5)')
                            has_error = _print_error_msg(
                                '[!] Data source: \'' +
                                ds['data_source_name'] +
                                '\' has an INVALID data quality score for the dimension \''
                                + dimension + '\': ' +
                                str(ds['data_quality'][dimension]) +
                                '  (should be an an integer)')
                has_error = _print_error_msg(
                    '[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] +
                    '\' the key-value pair \'data_quality\' is NOT a dictionary with data quality dimension scores'

    if has_error:
        return False
        return True
def _upgrade_technique_yaml_11_to_12(file_lines, attack_tech_data):
    Upgrade the YAML technique administration file from 1.1 to 1.2.
    :param file_lines: array containing the lines within the tech. admin. file
    :param attack_tech_data: Not used, but necessary to be compatible with other upgrade methods.
    :return: array with new lines to be written to disk
    from generic import ask_yes_no, fix_date_and_remove_null, init_yaml

    # we will first do a health check on the tech. admin file version 1.1. Having health issues in the file could
    # result in an upgraded file with errors.
    print('Checking the health of the file before we to the upgrade from version 1.1 to 1.2')
    healthy_file = _check_yaml_file_health_v11(file_lines)
    if not healthy_file:
        print('[!] Health issues found. It is advisable first to fix the health issues before continuing the upgrade.')
        if not ask_yes_no('Are you sure that you want to continue the upgrade?'):
            print('Upgrade cancelled')
        print(' - No health issues found. We continue the upgrade to version 1.2\n')

    keep_date_registered = ask_yes_no("Do you want to keep the key-value pair 'date_registered' in your technique "
                                      "administration file even though DeTT&CT no longer makes use of it?")

    date_for_visibility = ''
    print("Which date do you want to fill in for the visibility scores already present in the new key-value pair 'date'?")
    while not REGEX_YAML_VALID_DATE.match(date_for_visibility):
        date_for_visibility = input('  >>   YYYY-MM-DD: ')
        if not REGEX_YAML_VALID_DATE.match(date_for_visibility):
            print('  Invalid date format')

    auto_generated = ask_yes_no('Are ALL of the current visibility scores within the technique administration file directly derived from the nr. of data sources?\n'
                                ' * Generated using the option \'-y, --yaml\' from the \'datasoure\' mode in dettect.py\n'
                                ' * Which means NONE of them have been scored manually?')

    _yaml = init_yaml()

    yaml_file = _yaml.load(''.join(file_lines))
    yaml_file['version'] = 1.2

    # upgrade to the new v1.2 tech. admin file
    for tech in yaml_file['techniques']:
        if isinstance(tech['detection'], list):
            detections = tech['detection']
            detections = [tech['detection']]

        for d in detections:
            score = d['score']
            date = d['date_implemented']
                if not keep_date_registered:
                    del d['date_registered']
                del d['date_implemented']
                del d['score']
            except KeyError:

            d['score_logbook'] = [{'date': date, 'score': score, 'comment': ''}]

        if isinstance(tech['visibility'], list):
            visibility = tech['visibility']
            visibility = [tech['visibility']]

        for v in visibility:
            score = v['score']
                del v['score']
            except KeyError:

            v['score_logbook'] = [{'date': date_for_visibility, 'score': score, 'comment': ''}]
            if auto_generated:
                v['score_logbook'][0]['auto_generated'] = True

    # remove the single quotes around the date
    new_lines = fix_date_and_remove_null(yaml_file, date_for_visibility, input_type='ruamel')

    return new_lines
def _check_yaml_file_health_v11(file_lines):
    Check on error in the provided YAML file version 1.1
    :param file_lines: YAML file lines
    :return: True for a healthy file, and False when encountering health issues.
    from generic import init_yaml
    has_error = False

    # check for duplicate tech IDs
    _yaml = init_yaml()
    yaml_content = _yaml.load(''.join(file_lines))

    tech_ids = list(map(lambda x: x['technique_id'], yaml_content['techniques']))
    tech_dup = []
    for tech in tech_ids:
        if tech not in tech_dup:
            has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Duplicate technique ID: ' + tech)

    # checks on:
    # - empty key-value pairs: 'date_implemented', 'location', 'applicable_to', 'score'
    # - invalid date format for: 'date_implemented'
    # - detection or visibility score out-of-range
    # - missing key-value pairs: 'applicable_to', 'date_implemented', 'score', 'location', 'comment'
    # - check on 'applicable_to' values which are very similar

    dict_yaml_techniques = _load_techniques(file_lines)
    all_applicable_to = set()
    for tech, v in dict_yaml_techniques.items():
        for key in ['detection', 'visibility']:
            if key not in v:
                has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING ' + key)
            elif 'applicable_to' in v:
                # create at set containing all values for 'applicable_to'
                all_applicable_to.update([a for v in v[key] for a in v['applicable_to']])

        for detection in v['detection']:
            for key in ['applicable_to', 'date_implemented', 'score', 'location', 'comment']:
                if key not in detection:
                    has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING the key-value pair in detection: ' + key)

                # noinspection PyChainedComparisons
                if detection['score'] is None:
                    has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: score')

                elif not (detection['score'] >= -1 and detection['score'] <= 5):
                    has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an INVALID detection score: '
                                                 + str(detection['score']) + ' (should be between -1 and 5)')

                elif detection['score'] > -1:
                    if not detection['date_implemented']:
                        has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: ' + 'date_implemented')
                        # noinspection PyStatementEffect
                        # noinspection PyStatementEffect
                        # noinspection PyStatementEffect
                    except AttributeError:
                        has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech +
                                                     ' has an INVALID data format for the key-value pair in detection: ' +
                                                     'date_implemented (should be YYYY-MM-DD)')
                for key in ['location', 'applicable_to']:
                    if not isinstance(detection[key], list):
                        has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has for the key-value pair \''
                                                     + key + '\' a string value assigned (should be a list)')
                            if detection[key][0] is None:
                                has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: ' + key)
                        except TypeError:
                            has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: ' + key)
            except KeyError:

        for visibility in v['visibility']:
            for key in ['applicable_to', 'score', 'comment']:
                if key not in visibility:
                    has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING the key-value pair in visibility: ' + key)

                if visibility['score'] is None:
                    has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in visibility: score')
                elif not (0 <= visibility['score'] <= 4):
                    # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
                    has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an INVALID visibility score: '
                                                 + str(detection['score']) + ' (should be between 0 and 4)')
            except KeyError:

    if has_error:
        return False
        return True
def upgrade_to_sub_techniques(filename, notify_only=False):
    Upgrade the YAML technique administration file to ATT&CK with sub-techniques
    :param filename: YAML administration file
    :param notify_only: set to True by 'check_yaml_updated_to_sub_techniques' when no automatic upgrade of techniques can be performed because these require manual action
    from generic import init_yaml, backup_file, load_attack_data, get_technique, get_technique_from_yaml, remove_technique_from_yaml, ask_yes_no, local_stix_path, get_latest_score, get_latest_auto_generated

    if not notify_only and not ask_yes_no(
            'DeTT&CT is going to update \'' + filename +
            '\' to ATT&CK with sub-techniques. A backup of this file will be generated. Do you want to continue:'

    # Open the crosswalk file from MITRE:
    conversion_table = None
    with open(
                         'mitre-data/subtechniques-crosswalk.json'), 'r') as f:
        conversion_table = simplejson.load(f)

    # Open the techniques YAML file:
    _yaml = init_yaml()
    with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file:
        yaml_content = _yaml.load(yaml_file)

    # Get the MITRE ATT&CK techniques (e.g. to get the new name for renamed techniques):
    techniques = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH_ENTERPRISE)

    # Check if STIX object collection (TAXII server or local STIX objects) contain sub-techniques, by checking the existence of the first sub-technique (T1001.001)
    stix_sub_tech_check = get_technique(techniques, 'T1001.001')
    if stix_sub_tech_check is None:
        if local_stix_path:
                '[!] The local STIX repository \'' + local_stix_path +
                '\' doesn\'t contain ATT&CK sub-techniques. This is necessary to perform the update.'
                '[!] The TAXII server doesn\'t contain ATT&CK sub-techniques. This is necessary to perform the update.'

    # Keep an ignore list for techniques that are already been taken care of:
    ignore_list = []

    # Collect messages and show them at the end grouped by comparable messages:
    become_subtech_msgs = []
    deprecated_msgs = []
    renamed_msgs = []
    subtech_added_msgs = []
    warning_msgs = []
    for item in conversion_table:
        for element in item:
            if element.startswith('T'):
                for migrate_item in item[element]:
                    # Check if technique is in YAML file:
                    yaml_technique = get_technique_from_yaml(
                        yaml_content, element)

                    # Only apply changes to techniques that are in the YAML file:
                    if yaml_technique is not None and element not in ignore_list:
                        change_name = False
                        # Possible types of changes:
                        # - Remains Technique
                        # - Became a Sub-Technique
                        # - Multiple Techniques Became New Sub-Technique
                        # - One or More Techniques Became New Technique
                        # - Merged into Existing Technique
                        # - Deprecated
                        # - Became Multiple Sub-Techniques

                        if item['change-type'] == 'Remains Technique':
                            # No upgrade necessary because techniques "Remains Technique". Only name changes can occur, these will be handled beneath.
                            change_name = True
                            # Only check if "new sub-techniques added" is within the explanation:
                            if 'new sub-techniques added' in migrate_item[
                                has_detection = False
                                is_auto_generated = False
                                if isinstance(
                                        yaml_technique['detection'], dict
                                ):  # There is just one detection entry
                                    has_detection = get_latest_score(
                                        yaml_technique['detection']) >= 0
                                    is_auto_generated = get_latest_auto_generated(
                                elif isinstance(
                                        yaml_technique['detection'], list
                                ):  # There are multiple detection entries
                                    has_detection = len([
                                        d for d in yaml_technique['detection']
                                        if get_latest_score(d) >= 0
                                    ]) > 0
                                    is_auto_generated = any([
                                        for v in yaml_technique['visibility']

                                if has_detection or not is_auto_generated:
                        elif item['change-type'] == 'Became a Sub-Technique':
                            # Conversion from technique to sub-technique:
                            yaml_technique['technique_id'] = migrate_item['id']
                                '[i] Technique ' + element +
                                ' has become sub-technique: ' +
                                migrate_item['id'] +
                                '. Change applied in the YAML file.')
                            change_name = True
                        elif item[
                                'change-type'] == 'Multiple Techniques Became New Sub-Technique':
                            # No conversion possible: Multiple techniques became new sub-technique:
                                '[!] Technique ' + element +
                                ' has been consolidated with multiple other techniques into one sub-technique: '
                                + migrate_item['id'] +
                                '. You need to migrate this technique manually.'
                        elif item[
                                'change-type'] == 'One or More Techniques Became New Technique':
                            # No conversion possible: One or more techniques became new technique:
                                '[!] Technique ' + element +
                                ' has been consolidated (with multiple other techniques) into one technique: '
                                + migrate_item['id'] +
                                '. You need to migrate this technique manually.'
                        elif item[
                                'change-type'] == 'Merged into Existing Technique':
                            # No conversion possible: Technique merged into existing technique:
                                '[!] Technique ' + element +
                                ' is merged with ' + migrate_item['id'] +
                                '. You need to migrate this technique manually.'
                        elif item['change-type'] == 'Deprecated':
                            # Remove deprecated items:
                            remove_technique_from_yaml(yaml_content, element)
                                '[i] Technique ' + element +
                                ' is deprecated. Technique bas been removed from the YAML file.'
                        elif item[
                                'change-type'] == 'Became Multiple Sub-Techniques':
                            # No conversion: One technique became multiple sub techniques:
                            sub_ids = []
                            for i in item[element]:
                                '[!] Technique ' + element +
                                ' is deprecated and split into multiple sub-techniques: '
                                + ', '.join(sub_ids) +
                                '. You need to migrate this technique manually.'

                        # Get the latest description from ATT&CK:
                        if change_name and migrate_item['id'] != 'N/A':
                            new_name = get_technique(
                                techniques, migrate_item['id'])['name']
                            if yaml_technique['technique_name'] != new_name:
                                    '[i] Technique ' + element +
                                    ' is renamed from \'' +
                                    yaml_technique['technique_name'] +
                                    '\' to \'' + new_name + '\'.')
                                yaml_technique['technique_name'] = new_name

    # Print the results:
    if len(become_subtech_msgs + deprecated_msgs + renamed_msgs) > 0:
        print('Informational messages (no action needed):')

        for item in become_subtech_msgs:
        for item in deprecated_msgs:
        for item in renamed_msgs:

    if len(warning_msgs) > 0:
        print('Messages that need your attention:')
        for item in warning_msgs:

    if len(become_subtech_msgs + deprecated_msgs + renamed_msgs +
           warning_msgs) == 0:
            '[i] No techniques found that need to be updated to ATT&CK sub-techniques.\n'
        if len(subtech_added_msgs) > 0:
                'The following techniques remained the same technique. However, to multiple techniques, sub-techniques were added. Please review the following list as there might be a sub-technique that fits better. Techniques: '
                + ', '.join(subtech_added_msgs))

        if not notify_only:
            # Create backup of the YAML file:
            with open(filename, 'w') as fd:
                # ruamel does not support output to a variable. Therefore we make use of StringIO.
                string_io = StringIO()
                _yaml.dump(yaml_content, string_io)
                new_lines = string_io.readlines()
                print('File written:   ' + filename + '\n')
        print('Some last notes before you continue:')
            '- Please read MITRE\'s blog for more information on how to migrate techniques that need to be migrated manually: https://medium.com/mitre-attack/attack-with-sub-techniques-is-now-just-attack-8fc20997d8de'
            '- It is recommended to run the \'--update function\' in the datasource (ds) mode, to update the visibility scores for all new techniques, new sub-techniques and changed techniques.'

    # Quit DeTT&CT when manual work needs to be done:
    if len(warning_msgs) > 0:
def check_yaml_updated_to_sub_techniques(filename):
    Checks if the YAML technique administration file is already updated to ATT&CK with sub-techniques by comparing the techniques to the the crosswalk file.
    :param filename: YAML administration file
    :return: return False if an update is required, otherwise True
    from generic import init_yaml, backup_file, fix_date_and_remove_null, load_attack_data, get_technique, get_technique_from_yaml, remove_technique_from_yaml

    # Open the crosswalk file from MITRE:
    conversion_table = None
    with open(
                         'mitre-data/subtechniques-crosswalk.json'), 'r') as f:
        conversion_table = simplejson.load(f)

    # Open the techniques YAML file:
    _yaml = init_yaml()
    with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file:
        yaml_content = _yaml.load(yaml_file)

    # Keep track which techniques can be auto updated and which need manual updating
    auto_updatable_techniques = []
    manual_update_techniques = []
    for item in conversion_table:
        for element in item:
            if element.startswith('T'):
                for migrate_item in item[element]:
                    # Check if technique is in YAML file:
                    yaml_technique = get_technique_from_yaml(
                        yaml_content, element)
                    if yaml_technique is None:
                        # Possible types of changes:
                        # - Remains Technique
                        # - Became a Sub-Technique
                        # - Multiple Techniques Became New Sub-Technique
                        # - One or More Techniques Became New Technique
                        # - Merged into Existing Technique
                        # - Deprecated
                        # - Became Multiple Sub-Techniques

                        if item['change-type'] == 'Became a Sub-Technique':
                        elif item[
                                'change-type'] == 'Multiple Techniques Became New Sub-Technique':
                        elif item[
                                'change-type'] == 'One or More Techniques Became New Technique':
                        elif item[
                                'change-type'] == 'Merged into Existing Technique':
                        elif item['change-type'] == 'Deprecated':
                        elif item[
                                'change-type'] == 'Became Multiple Sub-Techniques':

    if len(auto_updatable_techniques) > 0:
            '[!] File: \'' + filename +
            '\' needs to be updated to ATT&CK with sub-techniques. Use the option \'--update-to-sub-techniques\' to perform the update.'
        return False
    elif len(auto_updatable_techniques
             ) == 0 and len(manual_update_techniques) > 0:
            '[!] File: \'' + filename +
            '\' needs some manual work to upgrade to ATT&CK with sub-techniques. See the list below on what needs to be changed.\n'
        upgrade_to_sub_techniques(filename, notify_only=True)
        return False
    elif len(auto_updatable_techniques) == 0 and len(
            manual_update_techniques) == 0:
        return True
        return False