def evaluate(self): data = Dataset('datasets/textures/') max_dist = -32 timer = genetics.speed_fitness(threshold=60, maximum=2 * 60) sensor = htm.EyeSensor(self.eye) sp = htm.SpatialPooler(self.sp, input_sdr=sensor.optic_sdr, column_sdr=SDR(self.columns), radii=self.radii, multisegment_experiment=None) classifier = htm.SDR_Classifier(self.sdrc, sp.columns, (len(data.names), ), output_type='pdf') baseline = htm.RandomOutputClassifier((len(data.names), )) time_per_image = int(round(self.time_per_image)) num_images = int(round(self.image_cycles)) if self.debug: sampler = htm.EyeSensorSampler(sensor, num_images, 30) memory_perf = 0 # Debug takes extra memory, this is disabled during debug. sp_score = 0 baseline_score = 0 # Outer loop through images. for img_num in range(num_images): # Setup for a new image data.random_image() sensor.new_image(data.current_image) # Determine where the eye will look on the image. positions = data.points_near_label(max_dist=max_dist, number=time_per_image) # Inner loop through samples from each image. for sample_point in positions: # Classify the image. sensor.randomize_view() # Get a new orientation and scale. sensor.position = sample_point sp.compute(input_sdr=sensor.view()) sp_prediction = classifier.predict(sp.columns) baseline_prediction = baseline.predict() # Compare results to labels. label_sample_points = sensor.input_space_sample_points(20) labels = data.sample_labels(label_sample_points) sp_score += data.compare_label_samples(sp_prediction, labels) baseline_score += data.compare_label_samples( baseline_prediction, labels) # Learn. sp.learn() classifier.train(sp.columns.index, labels) baseline.train(labels) # Sample memory usage. if img_num == min(10, num_images - 1) and not self.debug: # I want each process to take no more than 20% of my RAM or 2.5 # GB. This should let me run 4 processes + linux + firefox. memory_perf = genetics.memory_fitness(2e9, 4e9) sp_score /= sp.age baseline_score /= sp.age time_perf = timer.done( ) # Stop the timer before debug opens windows and returns control to user. if self.debug: print(sp.statistics()) sampler.view_samples() return { 'baseline': baseline_score, 'score': sp_score, 'time': time_perf, 'memory': memory_perf, }
def evaluate(self, debug): # SETUP inputs, objects = object_dataset() enc = EnumEncoder(self.enc_size, self.enc_sparsity, diag=False) enc.output_sdr = SDR(enc.output_sdr, average_overlap_alpha=self.alpha) sp = SpatialPooler( SpatialPoolerParameters(, permanence_dec=self.dec, permanence_thresh=self.thresh, potential_pool=self.pp, sparsity=self.col_sparsity, boosting_alpha=self.alpha, ), input_sdr=SDR(enc.output_sdr, activation_frequency_alpha=self.alpha), column_sdr=SDR((self.cols, )), multisegment_experiment=self.prox_segs, init_dist=self.init_dist, ) sdrc = SDR_Classifier(SDRC_Parameters(alpha=0.001), input_sdr=sp.columns, output_shape=(num_objects, ), output_type='index') def measure(): # Compute every sensation for every object. objects_columns = [] for obj in objects: objects_columns.append([]) for sensation in obj: enc.encode(sensation) sp.compute(input_sdr=enc.output_sdr) objects_columns[-1].append(SDR(sp.columns)) # Measure classification accuracy. score = 0 max_score = 0 for object_id, obj_cols in enumerate(objects_columns): for sp_cols in obj_cols: prediction = np.argmax(sdrc.predict(sp_cols)) if prediction == object_id: score += 1 max_score += 1 score = score / max_score # Measure column overlap within objects. overlap_stability = 0 comparisions = 0 for obj_cols in objects_columns: for c1, c2 in itertools.combinations(obj_cols, 2): overlap_stability += c1.overlap(c2) comparisions += 1 stability = overlap_stability / comparisions # Measure column overlap between objects. overlap_between_objects = 0 comparisions = 0 skip_compare = itertools.cycle([False] + [True] * 24) for obj1_cols, obj2_cols in itertools.combinations( objects_columns, 2): for c1 in obj1_cols: for c2 in obj2_cols: if next(skip_compare): continue overlap_between_objects += c1.overlap(c2) comparisions += 1 distinctiveness = overlap_between_objects / comparisions return stability, distinctiveness, score if debug: untrained_stability, untrained_distinctiveness, untrained_score = measure( ) print('NUM-OBJ ', num_objects) print("OBJ-SIZE", object_size) print(sp.statistics()) print('UNTRAINED INTER OBJECT OVERLAP', untrained_distinctiveness) print('UNTRAINED INTRA OBJECT OVERLAP', untrained_stability) print('UNTRAINED SCORE', untrained_score) print('Training ...') # RUN ONLINE prev_cols = SDR(sp.columns) for step in range(num_objects * (object_size**2) * 10): if step % 2 * object_size == 0: object_id = random.choice(range(len(objects))) sensation = random.choice(objects[object_id]) enc.encode(sensation) sp.compute(input_sdr=enc.output_sdr) sp.stabilize(prev_cols, self.min_stab) prev_cols = SDR(sp.columns) sp.learn() sdrc.train(sp.columns, (object_id, )) trained_stability, trained_distinctiveness, trained_score = measure() if debug: print('TRAINED FOR CYCLES', step + 1) print('TRAINED INTER OBJECT OVERLAP', trained_distinctiveness) print('TRAINED INTRA OBJECT OVERLAP', trained_stability) print('TRAINED SCORE', trained_score) print() print('Encoder Output', enc.output_sdr.statistics()) print(sp.statistics()) return { 'score': trained_score, 'ovlp': trained_stability / trained_distinctiveness, 'memory': genetics.memory_fitness(4e9, 5e9), }
def evaluate(self): cell_death_experiment = None reward_adjustment_experiment = False adversarial_dataset_experiment = False if adversarial_dataset_experiment: datastream = AdversarialDataset() else: datastream = Dataset(num_sequences=self.num_seq) # SETUP AI. start_time = time.time() enc = htm.EnumEncoder(self.enc_bits, self.enc_spar, diag=False) sp = htm.SpatialPooler( self.sp, input_sdr=enc.output_sdr, column_sdr=SDR((self.cols, )), ) sp_sdrc = htm.SDR_Classifier(htm.SDRC_Parameters(alpha=0.001), sp.columns, datastream.class_shape, 'index') tm = htm.TemporalMemory(, sp.columns) tm_sdrc = htm.SDR_Classifier(htm.SDRC_Parameters(alpha=0.001),, datastream.class_shape, 'index') bg = basal_ganglia.BasalGanglia(,, future_discount=.95) d1_sdrc = htm.SDR_Classifier(htm.SDRC_Parameters(alpha=0.001),, datastream.class_shape, 'index') d2_sdrc = htm.SDR_Classifier(htm.SDRC_Parameters(alpha=0.001),, datastream.class_shape, 'index') memory_score = genetics.memory_fitness(2e9, 3e9) # SETUP ACCUMULATORS. anom_rand = 0 anom_rand_total = 0 anom_pred = 0 anom_pred_total = 0 sp_seq_score = 0 tm_seq_score = 0 d1_seq_score = 0 d2_seq_score = 0 sequence_total = 0 td_error = 0 td_error_total = 0 # RMS of TD-Error baseline = 0 # RMS(reward). If EV === 0 then this is also the RMS TD-Error. event_step = None # A vertical line is drawn on the TD-Error graph at this step. if self.debug: input_history = [] reward_history = [] anomalous_input_history = [] ev_history = [] td_error_history = [] anomaly_history = [] def plot_striatum_performance_vs_reward(): # Measure classification accuracy of each sequence. d1_seq_scores = [] d2_seq_scores = [] for seq_idx, seq in enumerate(datastream.sequences): reward = datastream.rewards[seq_idx] d1_seq_scores.append(0) d2_seq_scores.append(0) seqence_classification_samples = 0 for measurement in range(3): # Add random inputs at the start of the seqence. reset_steps = random.randrange( min(datastream.filler_length), max(datastream.filler_length) + 1) reset_noise = [ random.choice(datastream.inputs) for step in range(reset_steps) ] seq = seq + reset_noise for step, inp in enumerate(seq): enc.encode(inp) sp.compute() tm.compute() bg.compute(, reward=None) # No learning. # Filter out the random noise at the start of the sequence. if step not in range(reset_steps): d1_seq_cls = d1_sdrc.predict( d2_seq_cls = d2_sdrc.predict( d1_seq_scores[seq_idx] += d1_seq_cls[ seq_idx] / np.sum(d1_seq_cls) d2_seq_scores[seq_idx] += d2_seq_cls[ seq_idx] / np.sum(d2_seq_cls) seqence_classification_samples += 1 d1_seq_scores[seq_idx] /= seqence_classification_samples d2_seq_scores[seq_idx] /= seqence_classification_samples # Plot the relationship between sequence value and which striatum # populations learned to recognise the sequence. plt.figure('Reward versus Striatum') plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.title('D1') plt.plot(datastream.rewards, d1_seq_scores, 'ro') plt.xlabel('Sequence Reward') plt.ylabel('Classification Accuracy') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.title('D2') plt.plot(datastream.rewards, d2_seq_scores, 'bo') plt.xlabel('Sequence Reward') plt.ylabel('Classification Accuracy') # RUN ONLINE. print("Num Cycles", self.cycles) for step in range(self.cycles): inp, reward = next(datastream) enc.encode(inp) sp.compute() tm.compute() bg.compute(, reward) sp.learn() tm.learn() if cell_death_experiment is not None and step == self.cycles // 2: print("KILLED %g %% OF CELLS" % (cell_death_experiment * 100)) event_step = step # Measure performance. if bg.td_error is not None: baseline += reward**2 td_error += bg.td_error**2 td_error_total += 1 if datastream.anomallous: anom_rand += tm.anomaly anom_rand_total += 1 else: anom_pred += tm.anomaly anom_pred_total += 1 # Train and test sequence classifiers for every part of the system. if datastream.state[0] == 'sequence': sp_seq_cls = sp_sdrc.predict(sp.columns) tm_seq_cls = tm_sdrc.predict( d1_seq_cls = d1_sdrc.predict( d2_seq_cls = d2_sdrc.predict( sequence_total += 1 seq_idx = datastream.state[1] # SDR Classifier outputs a PDF. At creation, PDF may be beneath # the minumum representable floating point value. sp_seq_score += np.nan_to_num(sp_seq_cls[seq_idx] / np.sum(sp_seq_cls)) tm_seq_score += np.nan_to_num(tm_seq_cls[seq_idx] / np.sum(tm_seq_cls)) d1_seq_score += np.nan_to_num(d1_seq_cls[seq_idx] / np.sum(d1_seq_cls)) d2_seq_score += np.nan_to_num(d2_seq_cls[seq_idx] / np.sum(d2_seq_cls)) sp_sdrc.train(sp.columns, (seq_idx, )) tm_sdrc.train(, (seq_idx, )) d1_sdrc.train(, (seq_idx, )) d2_sdrc.train(, (seq_idx, )) if self.debug: # Record everything for debugging. input_history.append(inp) reward_history.append(reward) anomalous_input_history.append(datastream.anomallous) ev_history.append(bg.expected_value) td_error_history.append( bg.td_error if bg.td_error is not None else 0) anomaly_history.append(tm.anomaly) if reward_adjustment_experiment and step == self.cycles // 2: plot_striatum_performance_vs_reward() print('ADJUSTING ALL REWARDS!') datastream.adjust_rewards() event_step = step # REPORT. sp_seq_score = sp_seq_score / sequence_total tm_seq_score = tm_seq_score / sequence_total d1_seq_score = d1_seq_score / sequence_total d2_seq_score = d2_seq_score / sequence_total anom_pred = anom_pred / anom_pred_total anom_rand = anom_rand / anom_rand_total baseline = (baseline / td_error_total)**.5 td_error = (td_error / td_error_total)**.5 fitness = { 'anom_pred': anom_pred, 'anom_rand': anom_rand, 'seq_sp': sp_seq_score, 'seq_tm': tm_seq_score, 'seq_d1': d1_seq_score, 'seq_d2': d2_seq_score, 'td_error': td_error / baseline, 'time': (time.time() - start_time) / 60, 'memory': memory_score, } if self.debug: print(sp.statistics()) print(tm.statistics()) print(bg.statistics()) print("TD-Error Baseline", baseline, "Measured", td_error) print(fitness) plot_striatum_performance_vs_reward() # Plot the Reward, Expected Value, and TD-Error. steps = np.arange(len(input_history)) plt.figure('Reinforcement Learning Graph') plt.title( 'Reward is Red, Expected Value is Green, TD-Error is Blue.') plt.xlabel('Step Number') plt.plot(steps, reward_history, 'r', steps, ev_history, 'g', steps, td_error_history, 'b') # Plot the Anomaly. plt.figure('Anomaly Graph') plt.title('Anomaly is Green, Unpredictable input is Red.') plt.plot(steps, anomaly_history, 'g', steps, anomalous_input_history, 'r') plt.xlabel('Step Number') # Smooth and plot the TD error alone. alpha = .005 td_err_cleaned = [] avg = 0 for td_err in td_error_history: avg = avg * (1 - alpha) + abs(td_err) * alpha td_err_cleaned.append(avg) plt.figure('TD Error') plt.title('Exponential Rolling average of |TD Error|, alpha = %g' % alpha) plt.plot(steps, td_err_cleaned, 'b') plt.xlabel('Step Number') if event_step is not None: plt.axvline(event_step) return fitness
def evaluate(self, debug): # Setup test and train datasets and perform lexical analysis. First get # full text of training dataset into a string. if self.dataset == 'gutenberg': text_stream = read_corpus(debug=debug) elif self.dataset == 'states': text_stream = state_name_reader(debug=debug) train_dataset = [] for i in range(self.train_time): char = next(text_stream) train_dataset.append(char) train_dataset = ''.join(train_dataset) # Search for words in the dataset. Store the words as keys in a # histogram of word occurances. word_regex = r"\w(\w|')*" word_iter = re.finditer(word_regex, train_dataset) word_hist = {} # train_word_spans stores where each word is located, list of pairs of # (start, end) index into train_dataset. train_word_spans = [] for match in word_iter: span = match.span() # Returns pair of (start-index, end-index) word = train_dataset[span[0]:span[1]] if word not in word_hist: word_hist[word] = 0 word_hist[word] += 1 train_word_spans.append(span) # Sort words by the number of times the occur in the train_dataset. # Break ties randomly. word_list = list(word_hist.keys()) word_freq = [ -(word_hist[word] + random.random()) for word in word_list ] word_rank = np.take(word_list, np.argsort(word_freq)) # Get word_list and word_freq out of memory, from here on use word_rank & word_hist. word_list = None word_freq = None # Select some common words to test vocabulary with. test_words = word_rank[:self.test_words].tolist() # Assign each vocabulary word an integer identifier. A test words # identifier doubles as its index into the test_words list. if False: test_words.sort() # Make the index easier for humans to use. # The first entry is special B/C when the SDRC can't identify the word # at all, it outputs all zeros. Then np.argmax() outputs as index 0 as # the best prediction. test_words.insert(0, "WORD_UNKNOWN") word_hist[test_words[0]] = 0 test_word_id_lookup = { word: index for index, word in enumerate(test_words) } # Search for examples of the vocabulary words used in sentances. First # read a large amount of sample text. Only relevant sections of the # test_dataset are used, the ranges of text are stored in variable # test_sentance_spans. test_dataset = [] for i in range(int(self.test_time)): char = next(text_stream) test_dataset.append(char) test_dataset = ''.join(test_dataset) word_iter = re.finditer(word_regex, test_dataset) # The following two lists hold pairs of (start, end) slice indexes into # test_dataset. They are NOT the same length because overlapping # test_sentance_spans are merged into a single example containing # several of the vocabulary words. test_word_spans = [] # Spans of just the test vocabulary words. test_sentance_spans = [ ] # Spans of test words with preceding context included. test_hist = {word: 0 for word in test_words} for match in word_iter: span = match.span() # Returns pair of (start-index, end-index) start, end = span word = test_dataset[start:end] if word not in test_word_id_lookup.keys(): continue # Ignore test vocabulary words after they've been seen many times. if test_hist[word] >= self.test_sample: continue test_hist[word] += 1 test_word_spans.append(span) context_start = max(0, start - self.min_context) if test_sentance_spans and test_sentance_spans[-1][ 1] >= context_start: # Extend the last test sentance and test this additional word using it. context_start = test_sentance_spans[-1][0] test_sentance_spans[-1] = (context_start, end) else: # Add a new test sentance. test_sentance_spans.append((context_start, end)) len_test_dataset = sum(e - s for s, e in test_sentance_spans) if debug: print('Training dataset size:', self.train_time, 'characters,', len(train_word_spans), 'words,', len(word_hist), 'unique words.') print('Test vocabulary size:', len(test_words), 'words.') min_freq = min(word_hist[word] for word in test_words[1:]) max_freq = max(word_hist[word] for word in test_words[1:]) print('Test vocabulary samples:', ', '.join(random.sample(test_words[1:], 6)) + '.') print( 'Test vocabulary min & max occurances in training dataset: %d - %d.' % (min_freq, max_freq)) test_hist_values = list(test_hist[word] for word in test_words[1:]) min_freq = min(test_hist_values) avg_freq = np.mean(test_hist_values) max_freq = max(test_hist_values) print( 'Test vocabulary min/mean/max occurances in testing dataset: %d / %.1f / %d.' % (min_freq, avg_freq, max_freq)) print('Test dataset size:', len_test_dataset, 'characters,', len(test_word_spans), 'vocabulary words.') print('Test sentance average length: %.1f characters.' % (len_test_dataset / len(test_sentance_spans))) if self.list_test_words: print('Index) Word, Train samples, Test samples.') if False: # Sort by number of samples in dataset. # TODO: This would be more useful if it sorted the actual test_words list. test_freq = [-test_hist[word] for word in test_words] test_rank = np.take(test_words, np.argsort(test_freq)) ordered_words = test_rank else: # Sort by index. ordered_words = test_words # Print index of test words. for word in ordered_words: index = test_word_id_lookup[word] train_samples = word_hist[word] test_samples = test_hist[word] fmt_str = '%3d) %-15s\t%2d, %2d' print(fmt_str % (index, word, train_samples, test_samples)) if True: # Look at some test sentances sample_spans = random.sample( test_sentance_spans, min(10, len(test_sentance_spans))) sample_sentances = [ test_dataset[s[0]:s[1]] for s in sample_spans ] print('Sample test sentances:\n\t', '\n\n\t'.join(sample_sentances)) print() # After seeing all of the words in either dataset, wait forever for the # next word, or until the dataset is finished playing. This case is # needed when the dataset ends with white space. train_word_spans.append((float('inf'), float('inf'))) test_word_spans.append((float('inf'), float('inf'))) # if len(test_words) != self.test_words + 1: # raise ValueError('Could not find %d test words'%self.test_words) # Setup AI. timer = genetics.speed_fitness(self.time_limit / 3, self.time_limit) enc = encoders.EnumEncoder(self.enc_bits, self.enc_sparsity, diag=False) # Make the context SDR which both L4 and L23 use to predict the future. context_size = self.l4.cells + self.l23.cells context = SDR((context_size, )) l4 = unified.Unified( self.l4, input_sdr=enc.output_sdr, context_sdr=context, macro_columns=(1, ), radii=self.l4_radii, ) l23 = unified.Unified( self.l23,, context_sdr=context, macro_columns=(1, ), radii=self.l23_radii, ) l4_sdrc = classifiers.SDR_Classifier(self.sdrc,, (len(test_words), ), 'index') l23_sdrc = classifiers.SDR_Classifier(self.sdrc,, (len(test_words), ), 'index') def reset(): l4.reset() l23.reset() def compute(learn=True): context.assign_flat_concatenate([,]) if self.l4_only: # Test L4 in isolation, Disable feedback from L2/3 to L4. zeros_like_l23 = SDR( context.assign_flat_concatenate([, zeros_like_l23]) l4.compute() l23.compute() if learn: l4.learn() l23.learn() if debug: print('SDR DEBUG:', sdr.debug) if self.l4_only: print("L4 Isolated, Disabled L2/3 -> L4 Feedback.") if False: print('L4', l4.statistics()) print('L23', l23.statistics()) # Train by reading books. if self.train_no_stability: self.l23.min_stability = 0 assert (debug) print('L23 min stability set to', self.l23.min_stability) if debug: print('Training ...') word = None # Current word or None, AI trains to predict this variable. word_index = None # Index of current word in test_data, or None if its not a test word. word_span_index = 0 # Index of current word in train_dataset reset() for step in range(self.train_time): # Determine the current word. start, end = train_word_spans[word_span_index] if step == start: word = train_dataset[start:end] try: word_index = (test_word_id_lookup[word], ) except KeyError: # Word is not in vocabulary test words, SDRC should ignore it. word_index = None if step == end: word = None word_index = None word_span_index += 1 # Process the next letter of the book. char = train_dataset[step] enc.encode(char) compute(learn=True) if word_index is not None and step == end - 1: l4_sdrc.train(input_sdr=None, out=word_index) l23_sdrc.train(input_sdr=None, out=word_index) # Test. Measure: # 1) Stability, # 2) Anomaly, # 3) Word recognition accuracy and cross-catagory confusion. real_min_stab = l23.args.min_stability if self.test_no_stability: l23.args.min_stability = 0 if debug: print('Testing ...') if l23.args.min_stability != real_min_stab: print('L23 min stability changed to', l23.args.min_stability) else: print('L23 min stability remains at', l23.args.min_stability) l23_stability = 0. # Accumulates the L2/3 stability. l4_anomaly = 0. # Accumulates the L4 anomaly. l23_anomaly = 0. # Accumulates the L2/3 anomaly. l4_accuracy = 0. # Accumulates the L4 word classificatioon accuracy. l23_accuracy = 0. # Accumulates the L2/3 word classificatioon accuracy. max_accuracy = 0. # Number of samples accumulated in variable 'l23_accuracy'. l4_end_accuracy = 0. # Like 'l4_accuracy' but only measured on the final letter of the word. l23_end_accuracy = 0. # Like 'l23_accuracy' but only measured on the final letter of the word. max_end_accuracy = 0. # Number of samples accumulated in variable 'l23_end_accuracy'. l23_confusion = np.zeros((len(test_words), len(test_words))) l4_confusion = np.zeros((len(test_words), len(test_words))) next_span_index = 0 # Index of current word in test_word_spans (or next word if not currently on a word). for sentance_start, sentance_end in test_sentance_spans: reset() word_index = None # Index of current word, or None. for index in range(sentance_start, sentance_end): # Determine the current word. Allow words to immediately follow # each other, they in case they're seperated by a reset and zero # characters of context. word_start, word_end = test_word_spans[next_span_index] if index >= word_end: word_index = None next_span_index += 1 word_start, word_end = test_word_spans[next_span_index] if index >= word_start: word = test_dataset[word_start:word_end] word_index = test_word_id_lookup[word] # Process the current character. char = test_dataset[index] enc.encode(char) compute(learn=False) # Measure. if real_min_stab > 0: l23_stability += min(l23.stability, real_min_stab) / real_min_stab else: l23_stability += 1 l4_anomaly += l4.anomaly l23_anomaly += l23.anomaly if word_index is not None: l4_prediction = l4_sdrc.predict() l23_prediction = l23_sdrc.predict() l4_best_guess = np.argmax(l4_prediction) l23_best_guess = np.argmax(l23_prediction) if l23_best_guess == word_index: l23_accuracy += 1 if index == word_end - 1: l23_end_accuracy += 1 if l4_best_guess == word_index: l4_accuracy += 1 if index == word_end - 1: l4_end_accuracy += 1 max_accuracy += 1 if index == word_end - 1: max_end_accuracy += 1 # Update confusion matixes. Prediction is a PDF, sum must equal 1. if True: l23_confusion[word_index, l23_best_guess] += 1 if index == word_end - 1: l4_confusion[word_index, l4_best_guess] += 1 else: l23_prediction_sum = np.sum(l23_prediction) if l23_prediction_sum != 0.: l23_prediction /= l23_prediction_sum l23_confusion[word_index, :] += l23_prediction l4_prediction_sum = np.sum(l4_prediction) if l4_prediction_sum != 0.: l4_prediction /= l4_prediction_sum l4_confusion[word_index, :] += l4_prediction # Divide all accumulators by the number of samples added to them. l23_stability /= len_test_dataset l23_accuracy /= max_accuracy l23_end_accuracy /= max_end_accuracy l23_anomaly /= len_test_dataset l4_accuracy /= max_accuracy l4_end_accuracy /= max_end_accuracy l4_anomaly /= len_test_dataset for label_idx, label in enumerate(test_words): # Divide by the number of PDF's which have accumulated at each # label, each PDF has sum of 1. l23_num_samples = np.sum(l23_confusion[label_idx, :]) if l23_num_samples != 0: l23_confusion[label_idx, :] /= l23_num_samples l4_num_samples = np.sum(l4_confusion[label_idx, :]) if l4_num_samples != 0: l4_confusion[label_idx, :] /= l4_num_samples def plot_sentance_stability(string): plt.figure('Stability') plt.ylim(-0.01, 1.01) plt.xlim(-0.5, len(string) - 0.5) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('L2/3 Overlap') plt.axhline(real_min_stab) stability = [] confidence = [] anomaly = [] reset() for step, char in enumerate(string): enc.encode(char) compute(learn=False) stability.append(l23.stability) anomaly.append(l23.anomaly) prediction = l23_sdrc.predict() best_guess = test_words[np.argmax(prediction)] confidence.append(np.max(prediction) / np.sum(prediction)) # plt.axvline(step + .5, color='grey', alpha=0.25) plt.text(step - 0.25, .98, char) if char.isalpha(): plt.text(step - 0.25, 0.95, best_guess, rotation='vertical') # TODO: Determine which steps it learns on by looking at the dataset. elif step - 1 >= 0 and string[step - 1].isalpha(): plt.axvspan(step - 1.5, step - .5, color='yellow', alpha=0.5) plt.axvspan(step - .5, step + .5, color='yellow', alpha=0.5) plt.plot( np.arange(len(string)), stability, 'r-', ) # np.arange(len(string)), confidence, 'b-',) # np.arange(len(string)), anomaly, 'b-',) # plt.title('L2/3 Overlap is Red, Confidence is Blue') # plt.title('L2/3 Overlap is Red, Anomaly is Blue') plt.title(( 'Top: Input Letter, Middle: Best Guess,\n' + 'Bottom Graph: Red Line L2/3 Stability, Blue Line: Target Stability, Learning Enabled on Yellow Steps.' )) # Report. fitness = { 'L23_stability': l23_stability, 'L23_accuracy': l23_accuracy, 'L23_end_accuracy': l23_end_accuracy, 'L23_anomaly': l23_anomaly, 'L4_accuracy': l4_accuracy, 'L4_end_accuracy': l4_end_accuracy, 'L4_anomaly': l4_anomaly, 'speed': timer.done(), 'memory': genetics.memory_fitness(2e9, 3e9), } if debug: print() print('L4', l4.statistics()) print('L23', l23.statistics()) span = random.choice(test_sentance_spans) sentance = test_dataset[span[0]:span[1]] sentance = sentance[ -100:] # Don't show too much text in one figure. if self.show_typos: sentance = ' '.join( [mutate_word(w) for w in sentance.split(' ')]) plot_sentance_stability(sentance) plt.figure('L23 Confusion Matrix') plt.imshow(l23_confusion, interpolation='nearest') plt.xlabel('Prediction') plt.ylabel('Label') plt.figure('L4 Confusion Matrix') plt.imshow(l4_confusion, interpolation='nearest') plt.xlabel('Prediction') plt.ylabel('Label') return fitness
def evaluate_recognition(parameters, debug=False): data = Dataset('datasets/textures/') train_data, test_data = data.split_dataset(75, 25, verbosity=0) max_dist = -32 timer = genetics.speed_fitness(threshold = 30, maximum = 2*60) eye_params = parameters.eye sp_params = parameters.sp sdrc_params = parameters.sdrc sensor = htm.EyeSensor(eye_params) sp = htm.SpatialPooler(sp_params, sensor.view_shape) classifier = htm.SDR_Classifier(sdrc_params, sp.column_dimensions, (len(data.names),), output_type='pdf') baseline_classifier = htm.RandomOutputClassifier((len(data.names),)) time_per_image = 10 training_time = int(round(time_per_image * parameters.image_cycles)) if debug: training_time = time_per_image * 2 for i in range(training_time): # Setup for a new image if i % time_per_image == 0: train_data.random_image() sensor.new_image(train_data.current_image) eye_positions = train_data.points_near_label( max_dist = max_dist, number=time_per_image) # Setup and compute for this cycle sensor.randomize_view() # Random scale and orientation sensor.position = eye_positions.pop() labels_pdf = train_data.sample_labels(sensor.input_space_sample_points()) view = sensor.view() columns = sp.compute(view) classifier.train(columns, labels_pdf) baseline_classifier.train(labels_pdf) # Sample the memory usage. if i == time_per_image-1: memory_performance = genetics.memory_fitness([sensor, sp, classifier], 0.5e9, 2e9) testing_time = min(1000, time_per_image * 100) if debug: testing_time = time_per_image * 2 score = 0 # Regular accuracy, summed results of dataset.compare_label_samples baseline_score = 0 for i in range(testing_time): # Setup for a new image if i % time_per_image == 0: test_data.random_image() sensor.new_image(test_data.current_image) eye_positions = test_data.points_near_label( max_dist = max_dist, number = time_per_image) # Setup and compute for this cycle sensor.randomize_view() sensor.position = eye_positions.pop() view = sensor.view() columns = sp.compute(view, learn=False) prediction = classifier.predict(columns) baseline = baseline_classifier.predict() # Compare results to labels labels = test_data.sample_labels(sensor.input_space_sample_points()) score += test_data.compare_label_samples(prediction, labels) baseline_score += test_data.compare_label_samples(baseline, labels) score /= testing_time baseline_score /= testing_time return { 'recognition': score, 'baseline': baseline_score, 'time': timer.done(), 'memory': memory_performance, }