def persistRun(runID, filename): result = db.session.query( func.ST_X(Prediction.location), func.ST_Y(Prediction.location), Prediction.certainty ).filter(Prediction.precogrun == runID) data = pd.read_sql( result.statement , result.session.bind) geojson = geojsonConvert_Predictions(data) file_path = os.path.join("/app/app/static", filename + ".geojson") with file_path, 'w', encoding="utf8") as fo: fo.write(geojson)
def persist_recommendations(): result = db.session.query(func.ST_X(Recommendation.location), func.ST_Y(Recommendation.location), Recommendation.recommendation, data = pd.read_sql(result.statement, result.session.bind) json = geojsonConvert_Recommendation(data) file_path = os.path.join("/app/app/static", "recommendations.geojson") with, 'w', encoding="utf8") as fo: fo.write(json)
def filter_within_radius(self, lat, lng, radius): """ Filter user within radius from a center (lat, lng) coordinate """ # Define center point point = 'POINT(%f %f)' % (lng, lat) wkb_element = WKTElement(point, srid=4326) # Define expression to calculate distance # from center point to users location if == 'sqlite': distance = func \ .distance(User.location, wkb_element, 1) \ .label('distance') else: distance = User.location \ .distance_centroid(wkb_element) \ .cast(db.Float) \ .label('distance') # Define lat, lng query set lat = func.ST_Y(User.location).label('lat') lng = func.ST_X(User.location).label('lng') # Filter user within radius from center point if == 'sqlite': qs = User.query.filter( func.PtDistWithin(User.location, wkb_element, radius)) else: qs = User.query.filter( func.ST_DWithin(User.location, wkb_element, radius)) # Append Query-time SQL expressions distance as mapped attributes # qs = qs.options(with_expression(User.distance, distance), with_expression(, lat), with_expression(User.lng, lng)) return qs
def update_heights(table): query = db.session.query(func.ST_X(table.geometry), func.ST_Y(table.geometry), table.osm_id) for res in query: x = res[0] y = res[1] transformer = Transformer.from_crs("epsg:3857", "epsg:4326") x, y = transformer.transform(x, y) print(x, y) try: url = ELEVATION_SERVICE_URL + "?lat=" + str(x) + "&lon=" + str( y) + "" with requests.get(url) as response: heightdict = response.json() # Set height to 0 if a HTTPError occurs except Exception as e: print(e) heightdict = {"geometry": {"coordinates": [0, 0, 0]}} result = db.session.query(table).filter(table.osm_id == res[2]).first() result.height = heightdict["geometry"]["coordinates"][2] db.session.commit()
class Cells(Base): __tablename__ = "cells" __table_args__ = {"schema": "infrastructure"} cell_id = Column("id", Text, primary_key=True) version = Column("version", Text, primary_key=True) site_id = Column(Text) geom_point = Column(Geometry("POINT")) select_stmt = select([ Cells.cell_id.label("cell_id"), Cells.version, Cells.site_id, func.ST_X(Cells.geom_point).label("lon"), func.ST_Y(Cells.geom_point).label("lat"), ]) df_cells = pd.read_sql(select_stmt, engine) # Pick only the latest version for each cell df_cells = df_cells.loc[df_cells.groupby("cell_id")["version"].idxmax("max")] df_cells = df_cells.reset_index(drop=True) cells = list(df_cells.itertuples(index=False, name="Cell")) print(f"Done.\nFound {len(cells)} cells.") # # Create list of transaction types and store them in dfs.transaction_types. # # Note that we insert the `transtype_id` column manually here; in a real ETL