def to_python(self, value): ''' Takes json string from database and builds a DotDict structure ''' if value == '': return DotDict() elif type(value) == DotDict: return value else: theDotDict = DotDict() try: jsonStruct = json.loads(value) theDotDict = convertToDotDictRecurse(jsonStruct) assert isinstance( theDotDict, DotDict), 'expected a DotDict object, found a %s' % type( theDotDict).__name__ for key in theDotDict.iterkeys(): assert type(key) in ( unicode, str ), 'expected unicode or str keys, found a %s' % type( key).__name__ except (ValueError, AssertionError), e: #print 'problem with json for %s ' % (value) raise ValidationError( 'Invalid JSON data in ExtrasDotField: %s' % e) return theDotDict
def exportPlan(self, plan, schema): # plan = copy.deepcopy(plan) context = DotDict({ 'plan': plan }) context.schema = schema self.initPlan(plan, context) return self.exportPlanInternal(plan, context)
def transformTopDown(obj, func): if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return [transformTopDown(v, func) for v in obj] elif isinstance(obj, (int, float, str, unicode, bool, long)) or obj is None: return obj else: return DotDict(((k, transformTopDown(v, func)) for k, v in func(obj).iteritems()))
def to_python(self, value): ''' Takes json string from database and builds a DotDict structure ''' if value == '': return DotDict() elif type(value) == DotDict: return value else: theDotDict = DotDict() try: jsonStruct = json.loads(value) theDotDict = convertToDotDictRecurse(jsonStruct) assert isinstance(theDotDict, DotDict), 'expected a DotDict object, found a %s' % type(theDotDict).__name__ for key in theDotDict.iterkeys(): assert type(key) in (unicode, str), 'expected unicode or str keys, found a %s' % type(key).__name__ except (ValueError, AssertionError), e: raise ValidationError('Invalid JSON data in ExtrasDotField: %s' % e) return theDotDict
def resolveInheritanceLookup(spec, parentSpecLookup, inheritFields=(), localOnlyFields=()): if 'parent' in spec: parent = parentSpecLookup.get(spec.parent) if parent: result = (DotDict( InheritDict(spec, parent, inheritFields=inheritFields, localOnlyFields=localOnlyFields))) result.pop('parent', None) return result else: raise UnknownParentError(spec.parent) else: return spec
def resolveSchemaInheritance(schemaDict): # resolve inheritance in paramSpecs rawParamSpecs = schemaDict.get('paramSpecs', []) paramSpecLookup = resolveSpecInheritance(rawParamSpecs) # resolve inheritance in commandSpecs rawCommandSpecs = schemaDict.get('commandSpecs', []) rawCommandSpecs.append( DotDict({ 'type': 'CommandSpec', 'id': 'Command', 'abstract': True, })) commandSpecsLookup = resolveSpecInheritance(rawCommandSpecs, inheritFields=('params'), localOnlyFields=('id', 'name', 'abstract')) # filter out abstract commandSpecs commandSpecs = [ commandSpecsLookup[] for spec in rawCommandSpecs if not spec.get('abstract', False) ] # abstract field no longer needed for c in commandSpecs: c.pop('abstract', None) # resolve inheritance of ParamSpecs found in params field of commandSpecs for c in commandSpecs: c.params = [ resolveInheritanceLookup(p, paramSpecLookup) for p in c.get('params', []) ] for f in ('planParams', 'stationParams', 'segmentParams', 'targetParams'): schemaDict[f] = [ resolveInheritanceLookup(p, paramSpecLookup) for p in schemaDict.get(f, []) ] if not KEEP_PARAM_SPECS: schemaDict.pop('paramSpecs', None) schemaDict.commandSpecs = commandSpecs
def planExport(request, uuid, name, time=None, outputDirectory=None, isAjax=False): """ Normally plan export urls are built up by the planExporter.url but some exporters (pml) can take a time. """ dbPlan = getDbPlan(uuid) formatCode = request.GET.get('format') if formatCode is not None: # user explicitly specified e.g. '?format=kml' exporterClass = choosePlanExporter.PLAN_EXPORTERS_BY_FORMAT.get(formatCode) if exporterClass is None: return HttpResponseBadRequest('invalid export format %s' % formatCode) else: # filename ends with e.g. '.kml' exporterClass = None for entry in choosePlanExporter.PLAN_EXPORTERS: if name.endswith(entry.extension): exporterClass = entry.exporterClass if exporterClass is None: return HttpResponseBadRequest('could not infer export format to use: "format" query parameter not set and extension not recognized for filename "%s"' % name) exporter = exporterClass() if time: try: thetime = dateparser(time) context = DotDict({'startTime': thetime.astimezone(pytz.utc)}) exporter.initPlan(dbPlan, context) except: pass if outputDirectory: # output the exported file to a directory exporter.exportDbPlanToPath(dbPlan, os.path.join(outputDirectory, name)) return True elif not isAjax: return exporter.getHttpResponse(dbPlan, attachmentName=name) else: return exporter.getHttpResponse(dbPlan, attachmentName=None)
def exportPlan(self, plan, schema): context = DotDict({'plan': plan}) context.schema = schema self.initPlan(plan, context) return self.exportPlanInternal(plan, context)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargsin): kwargs = dict(blank=True) if "default" not in kwargsin: kwargs["default"] = DotDict() kwargs.update(**kwargsin) super(ExtrasDotField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)