def main(): # Check if there is no arguments, then print help if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: print_help_fun() argparser.exit() args = vars(argparser.parse_args()) logger.debug('Extracting from inputs %s', args['input=']) if (args['help']): print_help_fun() elif (args['formats']): print_supported_formats() else: # Check if file is exists happens in parser validation, see readable_file_or_dir if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args['input='])): output = extent.fromFile(args['input='], bbox=args['bounding_box'], tbox=args['time_box']) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args['input='])): output = extent.fromDirectory(args['input='], bbox=args['bounding_box'], tbox=args['time_box']) if output is None: raise Exception("This file format is not supported") # print output if type(output) == list or type(output) == dict: print(str(output)) else: print(output)
def test_zipfile_one_file(): folder_name = "tests/testdata/folders/folder_one_file" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: zip_path = os.path.join(tmp, "") create_zip(folder_name, zip_path) result = geoextent.fromDirectory(zip_path, bbox=True, tbox=True) assert result["bbox"] == pytest.approx( [7.601680, 51.948814, 7.647256, 51.974624], abs=tolerance) assert result["crs"] == "4326" assert result["tbox"] == ['2018-11-14', '2018-11-14']
def test_zipfile_nested_folders(): folder_name = "tests/testdata/folders/nested_folder" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: zip_path = os.path.join(tmp, "") create_zip(folder_name, zip_path) result = geoextent.fromDirectory(zip_path, bbox=True, tbox=True) assert result["bbox"] == pytest.approx([7.601680, 34.7, 142.0, 51.974624], abs=tolerance) assert result["crs"] == "4326" assert result["tbox"] == ['2017-04-08', '2020-02-06']
def test_folder_nested_files(): result = geoextent.fromDirectory('tests/testdata/folders/nested_folder', bbox=True, tbox=True) assert "bbox" in result assert "tbox" in result assert "crs" in result assert result["bbox"] == pytest.approx([7.601680, 34.7, 142.0, 51.974624], abs=tolerance) assert result["crs"] == "4326" assert result["tbox"] == ['2017-04-08', '2020-02-06']
def test_zipfile_unsupported_file(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: filepath = os.path.join(tmp, "unsupported_file.txt") f = open(filepath, "a") f.write("No geographical data") f.close() zip_path = os.path.join(tmp, "") create_zip(tmp, zip_path) result = geoextent.fromDirectory(zip_path, bbox=True, tbox=True) assert "bbox" not in result assert "tbox" not in result
def test_folder_multiple_files(): result = geoextent.fromDirectory('tests/testdata/folders/folder_two_files', bbox=True, tbox=True) assert "bbox" in result assert "tbox" in result assert "crs" in result assert result["bbox"] == pytest.approx( [2.052333, 41.317038, 7.647256, 51.974624], abs=tolerance) assert result["crs"] == "4326" assert result["tbox"] == ['2018-11-14', '2019-09-11']
def test_folder_one_file(): result = geoextent.fromDirectory('tests/testdata/folders/folder_one_file', bbox=True, tbox=True) assert "bbox" in result assert "tbox" in result assert "crs" in result assert result["bbox"] == pytest.approx( [7.601680, 51.948814, 7.647256, 51.974624], abs=tolerance) assert result["crs"] == "4326" assert result["tbox"] == ['2018-11-14', '2018-11-14']
def test_folder_one_file_details(): result = geoextent.fromDirectory('tests/testdata/folders/folder_one_file', bbox=True, tbox=True, details=True) assert "bbox" in result assert "tbox" in result assert "crs" in result assert "details" in result assert result["bbox"] == pytest.approx( [7.601680, 51.948814, 7.647256, 51.974624], abs=tolerance) assert result["crs"] == "4326" assert result["tbox"] == ['2018-11-14', '2018-11-14'] details = result['details'] assert 'muenster_ring_zeit.geojson' in details
def test_folder_one_file_no_details(): result = geoextent.fromDirectory('tests/testdata/folders/folder_one_file', bbox=True, tbox=True, details=False) assert "details" not in result
def test_empty_folder(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp: result = geoextent.fromDirectory(temp, bbox=True, tbox=True) assert "bbox" not in result assert "tbox" not in result