 def get_initial_node(self, location):
     closest = -1
     dist = sys.float_info.max
     for n in self.map.nodes():
         coord_n = osmgraph.tools.coordinates(self.map, [n])[0]
         if geog.distance(coord_n, location) < dist:
             dist = geog.distance(coord_n, location)
             closest = n
     return closest
    def import_file(self, path):
        self.map = osmgraph.parse_file(path)

        # add distances
        for n1, n2 in self.map.edges():
            c1, c2 = osmgraph.tools.coordinates(self.map, (n1, n2))
            self.map[n1][n2]['length'] = geog.distance(c1, c2)
def summary_weather_report(results, daily_df, current_df, reporting_location, actual_hourly) -> str:
    summary = ''
    today = datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    utoday = datetime.timestamp(today)

    current = current_df.iloc[0].to_dict()
    daily = daily_df.iloc[0].to_dict()
    del daily["sunrise"]
    del daily["sunset"]

    summary += f'Current Conditions {current["dt"]}\n{conditions_summary(current)}\n'
    summary += f'Forecast {current["dt"]}\n{conditions_summary(daily)}\n'

    for hr in [7, 10, 13, 16]:  # 7,8,11,12,15,16
        dt_str = today.replace(hour=hr, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        df = actual_hourly[actual_hourly.dt == dt_str]
        if df.shape[0] > 0:
            summary += f'Conditions at {dt_str}\n'
            summary += conditions_summary(df.iloc[0].to_dict())
            summary += '\n'

    weather_station_location = (results["lat"], results["lon"])  # 1.0001*lat to move a bit

    summary += f'Weather station location: {weather_station_location}\n'
    summary += f'Reporting location      : {reporting_location}\n'

    # distance in meters
    dist_to_station_m = geog.distance(weather_station_location, reporting_location)
    dist_to_station = meters_to_miles(dist_to_station_m)
    summary += f'Reporting location is {dist_to_station:.2f} miles from weather station\n'

    return summary
def test_distance_n_to_n():
    points0 = [locs['bos'], locs['dc'], locs['la']]
    points1 = [locs['dc'], locs['la'], locs['bos']]
    result = geog.distance(points0, points1)
    expected = [_d['bos']['dc'], _d['dc']['la'], _d['la']['bos']]

    assert np.allclose(result, expected)
def test_distance_one():
    result = geog.distance(locs['bos'], locs['la'])
    # Make sure we didn't get back an array
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    expected = _d['bos']['la']
    assert np.allclose(result, expected)
def make_graphs(filenames, purge_func=default_purge):
  graphs = [osmgraph.parse_file(filename).to_undirected()
             for filename in filenames]
  accumulator = networkx.empty_graph()
  for graph in graphs:
    accumulator = networkx.compose(accumulator, graph)

  pure_g = accumulator

  names = make_node_dict(pure_g)
  for n1 in pure_g:
    pure_g.node[n1]['pretty_name'] = names[n1]

  # Assign lengths to all edges, even the ones we are going to purge.
  for n1, n2 in pure_g.edges_iter():
    c1, c2 = osmgraph.tools.coordinates(pure_g, (n1, n2))   
    pure_g[n1][n2]['length'] = geog.distance(c1, c2)

  # Never modify pure_g again.
  g = pure_g.copy()


  all_edge_names = set([g[n1][n2].get('name') for (n1, n2) in g.edges()])
  print "DEBUG: We are left with these %s streets: %s" % (len(all_edge_names), sorted(all_edge_names)

  # If a node has been isolated, just remove it for efficiency.
  for n1 in list(g.nodes()):
    if len(g[n1]) == 0:

  # assert(networkx.is_connected(g))

  # It's inefficient to do this twice but we kind of need it earlier for
  # debugging, but the names are prettier after purging.
  names = make_node_dict(g)
  for n1 in g:
    g.node[n1]['pretty_name'] = names[n1]
  out_g = networkx.MultiGraph(data=g) 
  return pure_g, out_g
    #lon_lat is a list of (longitude,latitude)
    a = utm.from_latlon(lon_lat[i + 1][1], lon_lat[i + 1][0])
    b = utm.from_latlon(lon_lat[i][1], lon_lat[i][0])
    m = (a[1] - b[1]) / a[0] - b[0]

    #tan inverse of slop to get angle and checking the quadrant of angle
    if a[0] - b[0] > 0:
        angle = atan(m)
        angle = np.pi + atan(m)
        if angle > 2 * np.pi:
            angle = angle - 2 * np.pi
    dist = geog.distance(lon_lat[i], lon_lat[i + 1])

    for l in np.arange(rang + 1, rang + dist + 1):
        #m= (latitude2 - latitude1)/(longitude2 - longitude1)
        a = utm.from_latlon(lon_lat[i + 1][1], lon_lat[i + 1][0])
        b = utm.from_latlon(line_points[int(l - 1)][1],
                            line_points[int(l - 1)][0])
        m = (a[1] - b[1]) / (a[0] - b[0])
        if a[0] - b[0] > 0:
            angle = atan(m)
            angle = np.pi + atan(m)
            if angle >= (2 * np.pi):
                angle = angle - (2 * np.pi)

for i in range(n-1):
    #print("---------------------------------   ",i,"    --------------------------------")
    #if lon_lat[i+1][0]-lon_lat[i][0]>0:
    #    line_points_utm.append(line_points_utm[i][0]+dx(distance,m), line_points_utm[i][1]+dy(distance,m))
    #    line_points_utm.append(line_points_utm[i][0]-dx(distance,m), line_points_utm[i][1]-dy(distance,m)) # going the other way

    while flag==True:
        if geog.distance(lon_lat[i+1],new_point_coordi) > distance/2:
            #print(geog.distance(new_point_coordi,lon_lat[i+1]),"---------   ",l)
            if lon_lat_utm[i+1][0]-lon_lat_utm[i][0]>0:
                new_point=[line_points_utm[int(l-1)][0]+dx(distance,m), line_points_utm[int(l-1)][1]+dy(distance,m)]

# In[20]:

user_data_np = user_data.as_matrix()
airport_data_np = airport_data.as_matrix()

# In[99]:

xx = airport_data_np[:, 1:3]

# In[50]:

geog.distance(zz, xx)

# In[94]:

airport_data_np[:, 1:3]

# In[ ]:

dist_min = []
for i in user_data_np:
    dist_i = geog.distance(airport_data_np[:, 1:3].astype('float64'),

# In[111]:
 def heuristic(self, src, dst):
     c1, c2 = osmgraph.tools.coordinates(self.graph, (src, dst))
     return geog.distance(c1, c2)
                    if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
                        cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
                        priority = new_cost + self.heuristic(goal, next)
                        frontier.put(next, priority)
                        came_from[next] = current
        return self.path_as_list(came_from, goal), cost_so_far

g = nx.Graph()
g.add_node(1, coordinate=(0, 0))
g.add_node(3, coordinate=(1, 1))
g.add_node(5, coordinate=(1, 2))
g.add_node(7, coordinate=(0, 3))
g.add_node(9, coordinate=(-2, 5))
g.add_node(8, coordinate=(-3, 3))
# g.add_node(2, coordinate=(-2,1.5))
g.add_node(2, coordinate=(-0.01, 2.99))
g.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 9), (9, 7), (3, 5), (5, 7), (2, 8)])

valid_nodes = []
for n1, n2 in g.edges():
    if n1 not in valid_nodes:
    if n2 not in valid_nodes:
    c1, c2 = osmgraph.tools.coordinates(g, (n1, n2))
    g[n1][n2]['length'] = geog.distance(c1, c2)

a_star = A_star(g, valid_nodes)
shortest_path, _ = a_star.a_star_search(1, 7)
def test_distance_one_to_n():
    points = [locs['bos'], locs['dc'], locs['la']]
    result = geog.distance(locs['bos'], points)
    expected = [0.0, _d['dc']['bos'], _d['la']['bos']]

    assert np.allclose(result, expected)
def dc_fixes(g):
  bad_road_types = set(['residential', 'service'])
  streets_to_skip = set(['11th St Alley',
                         '15th Street Northwest Cycle Track',
                         'Piney Branch Trail',
                         'Valley Trail',
  edges_to_purge = []
  edges_to_rename = {
    # TODO: Fix all of these in Open Street Map.
    'Belmont Rd NW': 'Belmont Road Northwest',
    'Bryant Street': 'Bryant Street Northwest',
    'Florida Ave NW' : 'Florida Avenue Northwest',
    'Howard Pl NW': 'Howard Place Northwest',
    'Lamont St NW': 'Lamont Street Northwest',
    'Monroe St NW': 'Monroe Street Northwest',
    'Mozart Pl NW' : 'Mozart Place Northwest',
    'Oak St NW' : 'Oak Street Northwest',
    'Ontario Rd NW': 'Ontario Road Northwest',
    'Spring Place' : 'Spring Place Northwest',

  for n1, n2 in g.edges_iter():
    if ((not g[n1][n2].get('name')) or
        g[n1][n2].get('name') in streets_to_skip):
        # and (g[n1][n2].get('highway') in bad_road_types):
      edges_to_purge.append((n1, n2))
    if g[n1][n2].get('name') in edges_to_rename:
      old_name = g[n1][n2]['name']
      g[n1][n2]['name'] = edges_to_rename[old_name]

    lon1, lat1 = g.node[n1].get('coordinate')
    if (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'west', 'Connecticut Avenue Northwest') or
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'north', 'Spring Road Northwest') and lon1 < -77.025532) or
        # TODO: Figure out why 1021561599 is listed as "dead end" when it's
        # still connected to 49776943.
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'west', 'New Hampshire Avenue Northwest') and lat1 > 38.935466) or
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'north', 'Rock Creek Church Road Northwest') and lat1 > 38.935328) or
        # East from Park Place north of Michigan Ave but we have to exclude that
        # one weird spot where Park Place becomes TWO PARK PLACES, or else we
        # will cut off a legitimate piece of Rock Creek Church Road.
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'east', 'Park Place Northwest') and ((lat1 > 38.928931 and lat1 < 38.936678) or (lat1 > 38.9373))) or
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'north', 'Michigan Avenue Northwest') and lon1 > -77.018030) or
        edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'east', '1st Street Northwest') or
        edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'east', '2nd Street Northwest') or
        edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'south', 'Rhode Island Avenue Northwest') or
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'south', 'Florida Avenue Northwest') and lon1 > -77.020592) or
        edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'south', 'S Street Northwest') or
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'west', '14th Street Northwest') and lat1 < 38.916850) or
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'south', 'U Street Northwest') and lon1 > -77.040668 and lon1 < -77.032636) or
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'south', 'Florida Avenue Northwest') and lon1 > -77.043839 and lon1 < -77.041453) or
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'south', 'Florida Avenue Northwest') and lon1 < -77.044568) or
        (edge_goes_direction_off_street(g, n1, n2, 'east', 'Florida Avenue Northwest') and lon1 < -77.041453)
      edges_to_purge.append((n1, n2))
  for n1, n2 in set(edges_to_purge):
    g.remove_edge(n1, n2)

  # 49821049 is on a weird offshoot of Connecticut Ave that goes outside the
  # ward.
  nodes_to_purge = [49821049]
  for node in g:
    streets = cpl.adjoining_streets(g, node)
    lon, lat = g.node[node].get('coordinate')
    if (('Rock Creek Trail' in streets and lat > 38.933061) or
        ('Connecticut Avenue Northwest' in streets and lon < -77.050140) or
        ('Calvert Street Northwest' in streets and lon < -77.048509) or
        ('1st Street Northwest' in streets and lat < 38.921247) or
        ('S Street Northwest' in streets and lon > -77.020756) or
        ('Beach Drive Northwest' in streets and lon < -77.048509)):
  for node in set(nodes_to_purge):

  # Having cut off the borders, we cull everything unreachable from within the
  # borders.
  ward1_nodes = set(networkx.dfs_preorder_nodes(g, 49745335))
  non_ward1_nodes = set(g.nodes()) - ward1_nodes
  for node in non_ward1_nodes:

  for n1, n2 in g.edges_iter():
    c1, c2 = osmgraph.tools.coordinates(g, (n1, n2))   
    g[n1][n2]['length'] = geog.distance(c1, c2)

  return g