    def planner(self, req):
        """ Plan route from start to goal.

        :param req: `geographic_msgs/GetRoutePlan`_ request message.
        :returns: `geographic_msgs/RoutePath`_ message.
        :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if invalid request.
        :raises: :exc:`NoPathToGoalError` if goal not reachable.
        # validate request parameters
        if req.network.uuid != self.graph.id.uuid: # different route network?
            raise ValueError('invalid GetRoutePlan network: '
                             + str(req.network.uuid))
        start_idx = self.points.index(req.start.uuid)
        if start_idx is None:
            raise ValueError('unknown starting point: '
                             + str(req.start.uuid))
        goal_idx = self.points.index(req.goal.uuid)
        if goal_idx is None:
            raise ValueError('unknown goal: ' + str(req.goal.uuid))

        # initialize plan
        plan = RoutePath(network=self.graph.id)
        plan.network = req.network

        # A* shortest path algorithm
        opened = [[0.0, start_idx]]
        closed = [False for wid in xrange(len(self.points))]
        closed[start_idx] = True
        backpath = [None for wid in xrange(len(self.points))]
        while True:
            if len(opened) == 0:
                raise NoPathToGoalError('No path from ' + req.start.uuid
                                        + ' to ' + req.goal.uuid)
            opened.sort()          # :todo: make search more efficient
            h, e = opened.pop()
            if e == goal_idx:
            for edge in self.edges[e]:
                e2 = edge.end
                if not closed[e2]:
                    h2 = h + edge.h
                    opened.append([h2, e2])
                    closed[e2] = True
                    backpath[e2] = [e, edge]

        # generate plan segments from backpath
        plan.segments = []
        e = goal_idx
        while backpath[e] is not None:
            e = backpath[e][0]
        assert(e == start_idx)
        return plan
    def planner(self, req):
        """ Plan route from start to goal.

        :param req: `geographic_msgs/GetRoutePlan`_ request message.
        :returns: `geographic_msgs/RoutePath`_ message.
        :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if invalid request.
        :raises: :exc:`NoPathToGoalError` if goal not reachable.
        # validate request parameters
        if req.network.uuid != self.graph.id.uuid: # different route network?
            raise ValueError('invalid GetRoutePlan network: '
                             + str(req.network.uuid))
        start_idx = self.points.index(req.start.uuid)
        if start_idx is None:
            raise ValueError('unknown starting point: '
                             + str(req.start.uuid))
        goal_idx = self.points.index(req.goal.uuid)
        if goal_idx is None:
            raise ValueError('unknown goal: ' + str(req.goal.uuid))

        # initialize plan
        plan = RoutePath(network=self.graph.id)
        plan.network = req.network

        # A* shortest path algorithm
        opened = [[0.0, start_idx]]
        closed = [False for wid in xrange(len(self.points))]
        closed[start_idx] = True
        backpath = [None for wid in xrange(len(self.points))]
        while True:
            if len(opened) == 0:
                raise NoPathToGoalError('No path from ' + req.start.uuid
                                        + ' to ' + req.goal.uuid)
            opened.sort()          # :todo: make search more efficient
            h, e = opened.pop()
            if e == goal_idx:
            for edge in self.edges[e]:
                e2 = edge.end
                if not closed[e2]:
                    h2 = h + edge.h
                    opened.append([h2, e2])
                    closed[e2] = True
                    backpath[e2] = [e, edge]

        # generate plan segments from backpath
        plan.segments = []
        e = goal_idx
        while backpath[e] is not None:
            e = backpath[e][0]
        assert(e == start_idx)
        return plan
    def _planner_seg(self, start_geo_point, start_seg, goal_geo_point, goal_seg):
        """ Plan route from start to goal. The actual search algorithm to find a path is executed here.
        :param start_geo_point: The start position.
        :type start_geo_point: geographic_msgs/GeoPoint
        :param start_seg: The nearest segment to the point.
        :type start_seg: geographic_msgs/RouteSegment
        :param: goal_geo_point: The goal position.
        :type goal_geo_point: geographic_msgs/GeoPoint
        :param goal_seg: The nearest segment to the point.
        :type goal_seg: geographic_msgs/RouteSegment
        :return: The planned path between start and goal, and its length.
        :rtype: (geographic_msgs/RoutePath, float)

        :raises: :exc: ValueError if invalid request.
        :raises: :exc: NoPathToGoalError if goal not reachable.
        # validate request parameters
        start__seg_start_idx = self.points.index(start_seg.start.uuid)
        start__seg_end_idx = self.points.index(start_seg.end.uuid)
        if start__seg_start_idx is None or start__seg_end_idx is None:
            raise ValueError('unknown starting segment: '
                             + str(start_seg.id))
        goal__seg_start_idx = self.points.index(goal_seg.start.uuid)
        goal__seg_end_idx = self.points.index(goal_seg.end.uuid)
        if goal__seg_start_idx is None or goal__seg_end_idx is None:
            raise ValueError('unknown goal segment: ' + str(goal_seg.id))

        # initialize plan
        plan = RoutePath(network=self.graph.id)

        # A* shortest path algorithm
        opened = []
        # add the distance from start point to the start and to the end of the nearest segment
        start_utm = geodesy.utm.fromMsg(start_geo_point)
        utm_seg_start = self.utm_points[self.points.index(start_seg.start.uuid)]
        utm_seg_end = self.utm_points[self.points.index(start_seg.end.uuid)]
        length_start2seg_start = self.distance2D(start_utm, utm_seg_start)
        length_start2seg_end = self.distance2D(start_utm, utm_seg_end)

        # distance of the last segment to the goal
        goal_utm = geodesy.utm.fromMsg(goal_geo_point)
        utm_goal_seg_start = self.utm_points[self.points.index(goal_seg.start.uuid)]
        utm_goal_seg_end = self.utm_points[self.points.index(goal_seg.end.uuid)]
        length_goal2seg_start = self.distance2D(goal_utm, utm_goal_seg_start)
        length_goal2seg_end = self.distance2D(goal_utm, utm_goal_seg_end)

        opened.append([length_start2seg_start, start__seg_start_idx])

        closed = [0 for wid in xrange(len(self.points))]
        closed[start__seg_start_idx] = -1.
        backpath = [None for wid in xrange(len(self.points))]
        reached_goal = None
        while True:
            if len(opened) == 0:
                raise NoPathToGoalError('No path from ' + str(start_geo_point) + ' to ' + str(goal_geo_point))
            h, e = opened.pop(0)
            if ((e == goal__seg_start_idx and goal__seg_start_idx != start__seg_start_idx) or (e == goal__seg_end_idx and goal__seg_end_idx != start__seg_start_idx)):
                reached_goal = e
            for edge in self.edges[e]:
                e2 = edge.end
                if e2 == start__seg_end_idx:
                    h2 = length_start2seg_end
                elif e2 == start__seg_start_idx:
                    h2 = length_start2seg_start
                    h2 = h + edge.h
                if e2 == goal__seg_start_idx:
                    h2 += length_goal2seg_start
                elif e2 == goal__seg_end_idx:
                    h2 += length_goal2seg_end
                if closed[e2] == 0 or closed[e2] > h2:
                    opened.append([h2, e2])
                    closed[e2] = h2
                    backpath[e2] = [e, edge, h2]

        # generate plan segments from backpath
        plan.segments = []
        if reached_goal is None:
            raise ValueError('no path to target found')
        e = reached_goal
        dist = backpath[e][2] if backpath[e] is not None else -1
            while backpath[e] is not None:
                e = backpath[e][0]
                # :TODO: sometimeswe we have an MemoryError
            print "Error, count of segments: ", len(plan.segments)
        assert(e == start__seg_start_idx or e == start__seg_end_idx)

        return plan, dist
    def _planner_seg(self, start_geo_point, start_seg, goal_geo_point, goal_seg):
        """ Plan route from start to goal.

        :param start_geo_point: `geographic_msgs/GeoPoint`

        :param start_seg: `geographic_msgs/RouteSegment`, the nearest segment to the point.

        :param goal_geo_point: `geographic_msgs/GeoPoint`

        :param goal_seg: `geographic_msgs/RouteSegment`, the nearest segment to the point.

        :returns: a tuple of `geographic_msgs/RoutePath`_ message and distance

        :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if invalid request.

        :raises: :exc:`NoPathToGoalError` if goal not reachable.
        # validate request parameters
        start__seg_start_idx = self.points.index(start_seg.start.uuid)
        start__seg_end_idx = self.points.index(start_seg.end.uuid)
        if start__seg_start_idx is None or start__seg_end_idx is None:
            raise ValueError('unknown starting segment: '
                             + str(start_seg.id))
        goal__seg_start_idx = self.points.index(goal_seg.start.uuid)
        goal__seg_end_idx = self.points.index(goal_seg.end.uuid)
        if goal__seg_start_idx is None or goal__seg_end_idx is None:
            raise ValueError('unknown goal segment: ' + str(goal_seg.id))

        # initialize plan
        plan = RoutePath(network=self.graph.id)

        # A* shortest path algorithm
        opened = []
        # add the distance from start point to the start and to the end of the nearest segment
        start_utm = geodesy.utm.fromMsg(start_geo_point)
        utm_seg_start = self.utm_points[self.points.index(start_seg.start.uuid)]
        utm_seg_end = self.utm_points[self.points.index(start_seg.end.uuid)]
        length_start2seg_start = self.distance2D(start_utm, utm_seg_start)
        length_start2seg_end = self.distance2D(start_utm, utm_seg_end)

        # distance of the last segment to the goal
        goal_utm = geodesy.utm.fromMsg(goal_geo_point)
        utm_goal_seg_start = self.utm_points[self.points.index(goal_seg.start.uuid)]
        utm_goal_seg_end = self.utm_points[self.points.index(goal_seg.end.uuid)]
        length_goal2seg_start = self.distance2D(goal_utm, utm_goal_seg_start)
        length_goal2seg_end = self.distance2D(goal_utm, utm_goal_seg_end)

        opened.append([length_start2seg_start, start__seg_start_idx])

        closed = [0 for wid in xrange(len(self.points))]
        closed[start__seg_start_idx] = -1.
        backpath = [None for wid in xrange(len(self.points))]
        reached_goal = None
        while True:
          if len(opened) == 0:
              raise NoPathToGoalError('No path from ' + str(start_geo_point)
                                      + ' to ' + str(goal_geo_point))
          opened.sort()          # :todo: make search more efficient
          h, e = opened.pop()
          if ((e == goal__seg_start_idx and goal__seg_start_idx != start__seg_start_idx)
              or (e == goal__seg_end_idx and goal__seg_end_idx != start__seg_start_idx)):
            reached_goal = e
          for edge in self.edges[e]:
            e2 = edge.end
            if e2 == start__seg_end_idx:
              h2 = length_start2seg_end
            elif e2 == start__seg_start_idx:
              h2 = length_start2seg_start
              h2 = h + edge.h
            if e2 == goal__seg_start_idx:
              h2 += length_goal2seg_start
            elif e2 == goal__seg_end_idx:
              h2 += length_goal2seg_end
            if closed[e2] == 0 or closed[e2] > h2:
              opened.append([h2, e2])
              closed[e2] = h2
              backpath[e2] = [e, edge, h2]

        # generate plan segments from backpath
        plan.segments = []
        if reached_goal is None:
          raise ValueError('no path to target found')
        e = reached_goal
        dist = backpath[e][2] if backpath[e] is not None else -1
          while backpath[e] is not None:
            e = backpath[e][0]
            # todo sometimeswe we have an MemoryError
          print "Error, count of segments: ", len(plan.segments)
        assert(e == start__seg_start_idx or e == start__seg_end_idx)
#        print "Distance", dist
        return plan, dist