def LinkSentineModisTiles(): session = SelectUser() userid = 'karttur' userData = session._SelectUserCreds(userid, '') if userData[2] < 10: exitstr = 'The user does not have sufficient rights for this process' exit(exitstr) #Open the db session for MODIS sessionModis = ManageMODIS() #Open the session for sentinel recs = sessionModis._SelectModisTileCoords({}) sessionModis._Close() sessionSentinel = ManageSentinel() sentileD = GetSentinelTilesDict(sessionSentinel) for rec in recs: print('rec', rec) hvtile, h, v, minxsin, minysin, maxxsin, maxysin, ullat, ullon, lrlat, lrlon, urlat, urlon, lllat, lllon = rec llptL = ((ullon, ullat), (urlon, urlat), (lrlon, lrlat), (lllon, lllat)) modtilegeom = mj_gis.Geometry() modtilegeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(llptL) west, south, east, north = modtilegeom.shapelyGeom.bounds #Get all sentinel tiles falling inside the bounding box (nothing is omitted?) sentiles = sessionSentinel._SearchTilesFromWSEN( west, south, east, north) for sentile in sentiles: mgrs, tilewest, tilesouth, tileeast, tilenorth, ullon, ullat, urlon, urlat, lrlon, lrlat, lllon, lllat, minx, miny, maxx, maxy = sentile llptL = ((ullon, ullat), (urlon, urlat), (lrlon, lrlat), (lllon, lllat)) sentilegeom = mj_gis.Geometry() sentilegeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(llptL) if modtilegeom.shapelyGeom.intersects(sentilegeom.shapelyGeom): #print (' overlap',productoverlap) #query = {'system':'system', 'regionid':regionid,'regiontype':'default', 'overwrite':False, 'delete':False, 'mgrs':mgrs,'utmzone':self.senTileD[mgrs]['utmzone'], 'mgrsid':self.senTileD[mgrs]['mgrsid']} #self.session._InsertSentinelRegionTile(query) print() queryD = { 'system': 'system', 'regionid': hvtile, 'regiontype': 'sintile', 'mgrs': mgrs, 'utmzone': sentileD[mgrs]['utmzone'], 'mgrsid': sentileD[mgrs]['mgrsid'], 'overwrite': False, 'delete': False } print('in') #query = {'system':'system', 'regionid':regionid,'regiontype':'default', 'overwrite':False, 'delete':False, 'mgrs':mgrs,'utmzone':self.senTileD[mgrs]['utmzone'], 'mgrsid':self.senTileD[mgrs]['mgrsid']} sessionSentinel._InsertSentinelMODISTile(queryD) #sessionSentinel._InsertSingleSentinelRegion(queryD) print('out') sessionSentinel._Close()
def LinkSentinelLandsatTiles(): session = SelectUser() userid = 'karttur' userData = session._SelectUserCreds(userid, '') if userData[2] < 10: exitstr = 'The user does not have sufficient rights for this process' exit(exitstr) #Open the db session for MODIS sessionLandsat = ManageLandsat() #Open the session for sentinel sessionSentinel = ManageSentinel() #Select all landsat tiles recs = sessionLandsat._SelectLandsatTileCoords({}) doneL = sessionSentinel._SelectSentineRegions({'regiontype': 'lsattile'}) for rec in recs: wrs, dir, wrspath, wrsrow, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, ullat, ullon, lrlat, lrlon, urlat, urlon, lllat, lllon = rec prD = ConvertLandsatTilesToStr(wrspath, wrsrow) if prD['prstr'] in doneL: continue print('adding sentinel region:', prD['prstr']) llptL = ((ullon, ullat), (urlon, urlat), (lrlon, lrlat), (lllon, lllat)) landsattilegeom = mj_gis.Geometry() landsattilegeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(llptL) west, south, east, north = landsattilegeom.shapelyGeom.bounds #Get all sentinel tiles falling inside the bounding box (nothing is omitted?) sentiles = sessionSentinel._SearchTilesFromWSEN( west, south, east, north) print('adding sentinel region:', prD['prstr'], len(sentiles)) for sentile in sentiles: mgrs, tilewest, tilesouth, tileeast, tilenorth, ullon, ullat, urlon, urlat, lrlon, lrlat, lllon, lllat, minx, miny, maxx, maxy = sentile llptL = ((ullon, ullat), (urlon, urlat), (lrlon, lrlat), (lllon, lllat)) tilegeom = mj_gis.Geometry() tilegeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(llptL) #Get the overlap overlapGeom = tilegeom.ShapelyIntersection(landsattilegeom) productoverlap = overlapGeom.area / tilegeom.shapelyGeom.area if productoverlap > 0: #Replace this with a COPY command, faster and assures that a tile is always complete queryD = { 'regionid': prD['prstr'], 'regiontype': 'lsattile', 'mgrs': mgrs, 'utm': int(mgrs[0:2]), 'mgrsid': mgrs[2:5] } sessionSentinel._InsertSingleSentinelRegion(queryD)
def LinkLandsatModisTiles(): session = SelectUser() userid = 'karttur' userData = session._SelectUserCreds(userid, '') if userData[2] < 10: exitstr = 'The user does not have sufficient rights for this process' exit(exitstr) #Open the db session for MODIS sessionModis = ManageMODIS() #Open the session for sentinel sessionLandsat = ManageLandsat() recs = sessionModis._SelectModisTileCoords({}) for rec in recs: hvtile, h, v, minxsin, minysin, maxxsin, maxysin, ullat, ullon, lrlat, lrlon, urlat, urlon, lllat, lllon = rec llptL = ((ullon, ullat), (urlon, urlat), (lrlon, lrlat), (lllon, lllat)) modtilegeom = mj_gis.Geometry() modtilegeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(llptL) west, south, east, north = modtilegeom.shapelyGeom.bounds #Get all sentinel tiles falling inside the bounding box (nothing is omitted?) landsattiles = sessionLandsat._SearchTilesFromWSEN( west, south, east, north) #loop for landsattile in landsattiles: wrs, ldir, p, r, tilewest, tilesouth, tileeast, tilenorth, ullon, ullat, urlon, urlat, lrlon, lrlat, lllon, lllat, minx, miny, maxx, maxy = landsattile llptL = ((ullon, ullat), (urlon, urlat), (lrlon, lrlat), (lllon, lllat)) tilegeom = mj_gis.Geometry() tilegeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(llptL) prD = ConvertLandsatTilesToStr(p, r) overlapGeom = tilegeom.ShapelyIntersection(modtilegeom) productoverlap = overlapGeom.area / tilegeom.shapelyGeom.area if productoverlap > 0: queryD = { 'regionid': hvtile, 'regiontype': 'sintile', 'prstr': prD['prstr'], 'dir': ldir, 'wrs': wrs, 'path': p, 'row': r } sessionLandsat._InsertSingleLandsatRegion(queryD)
def ReadXMLProcesses(projFPN,verbose): ''' Run processes ''' srcFP = path.join(path.split(projFPN)[0],'xml') #Read the textfile with links to the xml files defining schemas and tables print ('reading',projFPN) with open(projFPN) as f: xmlL = f.readlines() # Remove whitespace characters like `\n` at the end of each line xmlL = [path.join(srcFP, x.strip()) for x in xmlL if len(x) > 10 and x[0] != '#'] #Get the fileformats required for all processing ''' session = SelectFileFormats() gdalofD = session._SelectGDALof() session._Close() ''' #Loop over all xml files and setup the processes procLL = [] for xml in xmlL: procL = [] if verbose: print (' Reading xml',xml) with open(xml) as fd: doc = xmltodict.parse( #Get the root and the content rootid = next(iter(doc.items()))[0] content = next(iter(doc.items()))[1] #Get the userProj(ordered dictionary) userProjOD = content['userproj'] userid = userProjOD['@userid'] if '@userpswd' in userProjOD: userpswd = userProjOD['@userpswd'] else: userpswd = '' session = SelectUser() userData = session._SelectUserCreds(userid,userpswd) session._Close() if userData == None: exit('No user found with given password') if userData: userId, userCat, userStratum, userProjs, userTracts, userSites = userData #userProj._SetCredentials(userCat, userStratum, userProjs=userProjs, userTracts=userTracts, userSites=userSites) else: exit('no user found') #print ('You are entering as user:'******'userproj', 'root', 'userproj') userProj = UserProj(userProjOD,tagAttrL,xml) # set user credentials userProj._SetCredentials(userCat, userStratum, userProjs=userProjs, userTracts=userTracts, userSites=userSites) #Check that the user owns the project and the plot/site/tract requested projSetting = userProj._CheckUserProj() if not projSetting: warnstr = 'User does not own the project' print (warnstr) session._Close() continue #Get the default region for the tract/site projSetting = userProj._GetDefRegion(session) if not 'process' in content: exit('no process defined') processesDL = content['process'] #Check if this is a single process, if so create a list with the single process if not type(processesDL) is list: processesDL = [processesDL] for processD in processesDL: processid = processD['@processid'] #Instantiate Process proc = SetXMLProcess(userProj, processid, content, session, xml, verbose) #check that user has the right to this process permit = proc._CheckPermission(session) if not permit: NoPermitExit continue #Check the input parameters errorD = proc._CheckParams(processD, session) procL.append(proc) #all the data is read, process the data procLL.append(procL) session._Close() return procLL
def ModisTileCoords(): ''' ''' #Check the karttur password (local .netrc file session = SelectUser() userid = 'karttur' userData = session._SelectUserCreds(userid, '') if userData[2] < 10: exitstr = 'The user does not have sufficient rights for this process' exit(exitstr) #Open the db session for MODIS session = ManageRegion() SINproj = mj_gis.MjProj() SINproj.SetFromProj4( '+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs' ) LatLonproj = mj_gis.MjProj() LatLonproj.SetFromProj4( '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0') ptL = [] for lon in range(360): ptL.append((lon - 180, 90)) for lat in range(180): ptL.append((180, -1 * (lat - 90))) for lon in range(360): ptL.append((-1 * (lon - 180), -90)) for lat in range(180): ptL.append((-180, lat - 90)) #worldgeom = mj_gis.ShapelyPoygon('polygon',ptL) #print ('ptL',ptL) #worldgeom = mj_gis.Geometry() #worldgeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(ptL) #print (worldgeom.shapelyGeom) #SNULLEKOLLA worldgeom = mj_gis.ShapelyPolyGeom(ptL) worldgeom.ShapelyToOgrGeom() worldgeom.GeoTransform(LatLonproj, SINproj) worldgeom.OgrGeomToShapely() home = path.expanduser("~") tarShpFP = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'data') if not path.exists(tarShpFP): makedirs(tarShpFP) FN = 'modtiles-multi_karttur_global_epsg6842.shp' tarShpFPN = path.join(tarShpFP, FN) fieldDefD = { 'type': 'string', 'transfer': 'constant', 'source': 'globe', 'width': 8 } fieldDefL = [mj_gis.FieldDef('name', fieldDefD)] mj_gis.CreateESRIPolygonGeom(tarShpFPN, fieldDefL, worldgeom, SINproj.proj_cs, 'globe') # Create a shape file for all individual tiles in SIN proj FN = 'modtiles-single_karttur_global_epsg6842.shp' tarShpFPN = path.join(tarShpFP, FN) tarDS, tarLayer = mj_gis.ESRICreateDSLayer(tarShpFPN, SINproj.proj_cs, 'polygon', 'tiles', fieldDefL) # Create a shape file for all individual tiles in Geographic coordinates FN = 'modtiles_karttur_global_0.shp' tarShpFPN = path.join(tarShpFP, FN) tarDSLonLat, tarLayerLonLat = mj_gis.ESRICreateDSLayer( tarShpFPN, LatLonproj.proj_cs, 'polygon', 'tiles', fieldDefL) #create a region with all tiles tlen = 20015109.3539999984204769 tlen /= 18 #regioncat = 'globe' #regionid = 'globe' for h in range(36): minx = tlen * (18 - 36) + h * tlen maxx = minx + tlen for v in range(18): maxy = tlen * (9 - 18) + (18 - v) * tlen miny = maxy - tlen ptL = [(minx, maxy), (maxx, maxy), (maxx, miny), (minx, miny)] #TGTODO MOVE TO mj_gis tilegeom = mj_gis.ShapelyMultiPointGeom(ptL) #convert to ogr tilegeom.ShapelyToOgrGeom() #write target feature tilegeom.GeoTransform(SINproj, LatLonproj) tilegeom.OgrGeomToShapely() coordL = [] for point in [ptgeom for ptgeom in tilegeom.shapelyGeom]: coordL.extend( [list(point.coords)[0][0], list(point.coords)[0][1]]) ullon, ullat, urlon, urlat, lrlon, lrlat, lllon, lllat = coordL tilepoly = mj_gis.ShapelyPolyGeom([(minx, maxy), (maxx, maxy), (maxx, miny), (minx, miny)]) #Test if this tile is inside the globe if tilepoly.shapelyGeom.intersects(worldgeom.shapelyGeom): if h < 10: htile = 'h0%s' % (h) else: htile = 'h%s' % (h) if v < 10: vtile = 'v0%s' % (v) else: vtile = 'v%s' % (v) hvtile = '%s%s' % (htile, vtile) polytilegeom = mj_gis.ShapelyPolyGeom(ptL) polytilegeom.ShapelyToOgrGeom() fieldDefD = { 'type': 'string', 'transfer': 'constant', 'source': hvtile, 'width': 8 } fieldDefL = [mj_gis.FieldDef('name', fieldDefD)] #create target feature tarFeat = mj_gis.ogrFeature(tarLayer) print(polytilegeom.shapelyGeom) tarFeat.CreateOgrFeature(polytilegeom.ogrGeom, fieldDefL) if h == 17: pass else: #to be correct 5 points are needed and also the lat must be fitted if h < 18 and ullon > 0: ullon = -180 #continue if h < 18 and lllon > 0: lllon = -180 #continue if h < 18 and urlon > 0: urlon = -180 #continue if h < 18 and lrlon > 0: lrlon = -180 #continue if h > 18 and urlon < 0: urlon = 180 #continue if h > 18 and lrlon < 0: lrlon = 180 #continue if h > 18 and ullon < 0: ullon = 180 #continue if h > 18 and lllon < 0: lllon = 180 if hvtile == 'h24v01': urlon = 180 if hvtile == 'h24v16': lrlon = 180 if hvtile == 'h11v01': ullon = -180 if hvtile == 'h11v16': lllon = -180 if ullon > urlon: print('ERROR', 'ullon > urlon', hvtile, ullon, urlon) if lllon > lrlon: print('ERROR', 'lllon > lrlon', hvtile, lllon, lrlon) # polytilegeom = mj_gis.ShapelyPolyGeom([(ullon, ullat), (urlon, urlat), (lrlon, lrlat), (lllon, lllat)]) polytilegeom.ShapelyToOgrGeom() #polytilegeom.GeoTransform(SINproj,LatLonproj) #create target feature tarLonLatFeat = mj_gis.ogrFeature(tarLayerLonLat) tarLonLatFeat.CreateOgrFeature(polytilegeom.ogrGeom, fieldDefL) west, south, east, north = polytilegeom.shapelyGeom.bounds session._InsertModisTileCoord(hvtile, h, v, minx, maxy, maxx, miny, west, south, east, north, ullat, ullon, lrlon, lrlat, urlon, urlat, lllon, lllat) #print ('', query = { 'system': 'system', 'table': 'regions', 'h': h, 'v': v, 'hvtile': hvtile, 'regionid': 'global', 'regioncat': 'global', 'regiontype': 'default', 'delete': False } session._InsertModisRegionTile(query) tarDS.CloseDS() tarDSLonLat.CloseDS() session._Close() print('Check the shaoe file', tarShpFPN) return (tarShpFPN)
def DegreeTiles(): '''Setup default region tiles covering 1deg by 1deg, this is like tile system for any data ''' session = SelectUser() userid = 'karttur' userData = session._SelectUserCreds(userid, '') session._Close() if userData[2] < 10: exitstr = 'The user does not have sufficient rights for this process' exit(exitstr) headL = [ 'regioncat', 'regionid', 'regionname', 'parentid', 'title', 'label' ] headL = [ 'regioncat', 'regionid', 'regiontype', 'epsg', 'ullat', 'ullon', 'urlat', 'urlon', 'lrlat', 'lrlon', 'lllat', 'lllon', 'monx', 'miny', 'maxx', 'maxy' ] csvL = [] regionL = [] #the tile "region" naming is based on the lower left corner for lat in range(-90, 90): for lon in range(-180, 180): if lat < 0: latnr = abs(lat) latsign = 'S' if lon < 0: lonnr = abs(lon) lonsign = 'W' #tileid = 'S%(lat)dW%(lon)d' %{'lat':abs(lat),'lon':abs(lon)} else: lonnr = lon lonsign = 'E' #tileid = 'S%(lat)dE%(lon)d' %{'lat':lat,'lon':abs(lon)} else: latnr = lat latsign = 'N' if lon < 0: lonnr = abs(lon) lonsign = 'W' #tileid = 'S%(lat)dW%(lon)d' %{'lat':abs(lat),'lon':abs(lon)} else: lonnr = lon lonsign = 'E' #tileid = 'S%(lat)dE%(lon)d' %{'lat':lat,'lon':abs(lon)} ''' if lon < 0: tileid = 'N%(lat)dW%(lon)d' %{'lat':lat,'lon':abs(lon)} else: tileid = 'N%(lat)dE%(lon)d' %{'lat':lat,'lon':lon} ''' if latnr < 10: latstr = '0%(l)d' % {'l': latnr} else: latstr = '%(l)d' % {'l': latnr} if lonnr < 10: lonstr = '00%(l)d' % {'l': lonnr} elif lonnr < 100: lonstr = '0%(l)d' % {'l': lonnr} else: lonstr = '%(l)d' % {'l': lonnr} tileid = '%(latsign)s%(latstr)s%(lonsign)s%(lonstr)s' % { 'latsign': latsign, 'latstr': latstr, 'lonsign': lonsign, 'lonstr': lonstr } #if lonnr == 180: # print (lat,lon,tileid) # queryD = {'regioncat':'global', 'regionid':tileid,'regionname':tileid,'parentid':'global', # 'title':'1 deg square global','label': '1 deg square global'} csvL.append([ 'global', tileid, tileid, 'global', '1deqsquare', '1 deg square global' ]) regionL.append([ 'global', tileid, 'D', 4326, lat + 1.0, lon, lat + 1.0, lon + 1.0, lat, lon + 1.0, lat, lon, lon, lat, lon + 1.0, lat + 1.0 ]) [ 'regioncat', 'regionid', 'regiontype', 'epsg', 'ullat', 'ullon', 'urlat', 'urlon', 'lrlat', 'lrlon', 'lllat', 'lllon', 'minx', 'miny', 'maxx', 'maxy' ] home = path.expanduser("~") tmpFPN = path.join(home, '1degglobaltiles.csv') with open(tmpFPN, 'w') as csvfile: wr = csv.writer(csvfile) wr.writerows(csvL) regFPN = path.join(home, '1degglobalregions.csv') with open(regFPN, 'w') as csvfile: wr = csv.writer(csvfile) wr.writerows(regionL) #Open the db session for MODIS session = ManageRegion() #session._LoadBulkDefregions(tmpFPN) session._LoadBulkRegions(regFPN) session._Close()