def main(): # pylint: disable = C0103 """ This is the code for the executable file which downloads the current valid geometry. It takes the arguments of the download directory. It will download the geometry from the database and translates the geometry into MAUS Module format. """ # Read Config Arguments configuration = Configreader() dl_dir = configuration.geometry_download_directory # Set up target location for download gdml_cache = os.path.join(dl_dir, GDML_CACHE) try: os.mkdir(gdml_cache) except OSError: pass #Download file geometry_downloader = Downloader() if configuration.geometry_download_by == "run_number": geometry_downloader.download_geometry_by_run \ (configuration.geometry_download_run_number, gdml_cache) elif configuration.geometry_download_by == "current": geometry_downloader.download_current(gdml_cache) elif configuration.geometry_download_by == "id": geometry_downloader.download_geometry_by_id \ (configuration.geometry_download_id, gdml_cache) else: raise KeyError("Didn't recognise 'geometry_download_by' option '"+\ configuration.geometry_download_by+"'. Should be on of\n"+\ "run_number\ncurrent\nid\n") #Unzip file zip_filename = os.path.join(gdml_cache, geometry.GDMLtoCDB.GEOMETRY_ZIPFILE) zipped_geom = Unpacker(zip_filename, gdml_cache) zipped_geom.unzip_file() survey_fit = ElementRotationTranslation() survey_fit.execute() # format files gdmls = Formatter(gdml_cache, dl_dir) if gdmls.usegdml: gdmls.formatForGDML() else: gdmls.format() # convert to MAUS Modules maus_modules = GDMLtomaus(dl_dir) if gdmls.usegdml: maus_modules.generate_parent(dl_dir) else: maus_modules.convert_to_maus(dl_dir) # clean up if required if configuration.geometry_download_cleanup: shutil.rmtree(gdml_cache) print "Download Complete"
def setUp(self): #pylint: disable = C0103 """ TestGDMLFormatter::set_up This method creates a Formatter object ready for testing """ self.constructor = None path_in = '/tests/py_unit/test_geometry/testCases/mausModuleSource' self.path_in = os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'] + path_in self.path_out = os.path.join(os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'], 'tmp') self.gdml = Formatter(self.path_in, self.path_out)
def run_formatting(): """ Format the output files """ if os.path.exists(FORMAT_GDML_DIR): shutil.rmtree(FORMAT_GDML_DIR) os.mkdir(FORMAT_GDML_DIR) gdml = Formatter(DSTNTN_DIR, FORMAT_GDML_DIR) gdml.formatForGDML() maus_modules = GDMLtomaus(FORMAT_GDML_DIR) maus_modules.generate_parent(FORMAT_GDML_DIR)
def main(): """ This is the code for the executable file which downloads the current valid geometry. It takes the arguments of the download directory. It will download the geometry from the database and translates the geometry into MAUS Module format. """ # Read Config Arguments configuration = Configreader() dl_dir = configuration.geometry_download_directory # Set up target location for download gdml_cache = os.path.join(dl_dir, GDML_CACHE) try: os.mkdir(gdml_cache) except OSError: pass # Download file # geometry_downloader = Downloader() #if configuration.geometry_download_by == "run_number": # geometry_downloader.download_geometry_by_run \ # (configuration.geometry_download_run_number, gdml_cache) #elif configuration.geometry_download_by == "current": # geometry_downloader.download_current(gdml_cache) #elif configuration.geometry_download_by == "id": # geometry_downloader.download_geometry_by_id \ # (configuration.geometry_download_id, gdml_cache) #else: # raise KeyError("Didn't recognise 'geometry_download_by' option '"+\ # configuration.geometry_download_by+"'. Should be on of\n"+\ # "run_number\ncurrent\nid\n") #Unzip file #zip_filename = os.path.join # (gdml_cache, geometry.GDMLtoCDB.GEOMETRY_ZIPFILE) #zipped_geom = Unpacker(zip_filename, gdml_cache) # zipped_geom.unzip_file() # fit the detector information to the survey points. surveyFit = ElementRotationTranslation() surveyFit.execute() # format files gdmls = Formatter(gdml_cache, dl_dir) gdmls.format() # convert to MAUS Modules maus_modules = GDMLtomaus(dl_dir) maus_modules.convert_to_maus(dl_dir) # clean up if required if configuration.geometry_download_cleanup: shutil.rmtree(gdml_cache) print "Download Complete"
def test_constructor(self): """ TestGDMLFormatter::test_constructor This method tests the Formatter constructor The first test tries to create a Formatter object with an integer which isn't allowed. The Formatter class should raise an error. """ try: self.constructor = Formatter(1) # pylint: disable = E1120 self.assertTrue(False, 'should have raised an exception') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 #Now it tests the Formatter constructor by passing an #argument of a file which isn't a GDML. An error #should be raised. try: path = '/tests/py_unit/test_geometry/testCases/testFormatter' test_case = os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'] + path self.constructor = Formatter(test_case) # pylint: disable = E1120 self.assertTrue(False, 'Should have raised an exception') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 #this next section tests to make sure #the class object is created properly materialfile = 'fastradModel_materials.xml' self.assertEqual \ (self.gdml.material_file, materialfile) configfile = 'fastradModel.gdml' self.assertEqual(self.gdml.configuration_file, configfile) maus_information_file = 'Maus_Information.gdml' self.assertEqual(self.gdml.maus_information_file, maus_information_file) beamline_file = 'Beamline.gdml' self.assertEqual(self.gdml.beamline_file, beamline_file)
class TestGDMLFormatter(unittest.TestCase): #pylint: disable = C0103, R0904 """ class TestGDMLFormatter This ensures that is working as expected. """ def setUp(self): #pylint: disable = C0103 """ TestGDMLFormatter::set_up This method creates a Formatter object ready for testing """ self.constructor = None path_in = '/tests/py_unit/test_geometry/testCases/mausModuleSource' self.path_in = os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'] + path_in self.path_out = os.path.join(os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'], 'tmp') self.gdml = Formatter(self.path_in, self.path_out) def test_constructor(self): """ TestGDMLFormatter::test_constructor This method tests the Formatter constructor The first test tries to create a Formatter object with an integer which isn't allowed. The Formatter class should raise an error. """ try: self.constructor = Formatter(1) # pylint: disable = E1120 self.assertTrue(False, 'should have raised an exception') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 #Now it tests the Formatter constructor by passing an #argument of a file which isn't a GDML. An error #should be raised. try: path = '/tests/py_unit/test_geometry/testCases/testFormatter' test_case = os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'] + path self.constructor = Formatter(test_case) # pylint: disable = E1120 self.assertTrue(False, 'Should have raised an exception') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 #this next section tests to make sure #the class object is created properly materialfile = 'fastradModel_materials.xml' self.assertEqual \ (self.gdml.material_file, materialfile) configfile = 'fastradModel.gdml' self.assertEqual(self.gdml.configuration_file, configfile) maus_information_file = 'Maus_Information.gdml' self.assertEqual(self.gdml.maus_information_file, maus_information_file) beamline_file = 'Beamline.gdml' self.assertEqual(self.gdml.beamline_file, beamline_file) def test_format_schema_location(self): """ TestGDMLFormatter::test_format_schema_location This passes a file which is not a GDML to the relating method which should raise an error. """ #this next section calls format_schema_location #and checks the schema has been entered try: self.gdml.format_schema_location('Gemoetry.not_gdml') self.assertTrue(False, 'Should have raised an error') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 def test_merge_maus_info(self): """ TestGDMLFormatter::test_merge_maus_info This method tests merge maus info by checking to see if errors are raised when false arguments are entered. """ try: self.gdml.merge_maus_info('Gemoetry.not_gdml') self.assertTrue(False, 'Should have raised an error') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 def test_merge_run_info(self): """ TestGDMLFormatter::test_merge_run_info This method tests merge maus info by checking to see if errors are raised when false arguments are entered. """ try: self.gdml.merge_run_info('Gemoetry.not_gdml') self.assertTrue(False, 'Should have raised an error') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 def test_format_materials(self): """ TestGDMLFormatter::test_format_materials This pass a file which is not a GDML to the relating method which should raise an error. """ try: self.gdml.format_materials('Gemoetry.not_gdml') self.assertTrue(False, 'Should have raised an error') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 def test_insert_materials_ref(self): """ TestGDMLFormatter::test_insert_materials_ref This pass a file which is not a GDML to the relating method which should raise an error. """ try: self.gdml.insert_materials_ref('Gemoetry.not_gdml') self.assertTrue(False, 'Should have raised an error') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 def test_format_check(self): """ TestGDMLFormatter::test_format_check This pass a file which is not a GDML to the relating method which should raise an error. """ try: self.gdml.format_check('Geometry.not_gdml') self.assertTrue(False, 'Should have raised an error') except: #pylint: disable = W0702 pass #pylint: disable = W0702 def test_format(self): #pylint: disable = R0912 """ TestGDMLFormatter::test_format This method tests the format method. It does this by firstly calling the format method and then it opens the outputted (formatted) files. The input files are known and the output files should be of a known form. These files are read in and certain lines which are present are counted and compared to numbers which we are known. """ self.gdml.format() for gdml_file in [self.gdml.configuration_file]+self.gdml.stepfiles: (schema_found, material_found, formatted_found) = (0, 0, 0) (run_found, mice_found, path_out_found) = (0, 0, 0) filename = self.path_out+'/'+gdml_file fin = open(filename, 'r') if gdml_file == self.gdml.configuration_file: for line in fin.readlines(): if self.gdml.maus_information_file != None: if line.find('</run>') >= 0: run_found += 1 if self.gdml.beamline_file != None: if line.find('</MICE_Information>') >= 0: mice_found += 1 if line.find(self.gdml.schema) >= 0: schema_found += 1 if line.find(self.gdml.material_file) >= 0: material_found += 1 if line.find('<!-- Formatted for MAUS -->') >= 0: formatted_found += 1 maus = 'location="' + self.gdml.path_out + '"' if line.find(maus) >= 0: path_out_found += 1 self.assertEqual(run_found, 1, msg="Run tag not found "+filename) self.assertEqual(mice_found, 1, msg="MICE Info tag not found "+filename) self.assertEqual(path_out_found, 1, msg="path_out tag not found "+filename) else: for line in fin.readlines(): if line.find(self.gdml.schema) >= 0: schema_found += 1 if line.find(self.gdml.material_file) >= 0: material_found += 1 if line.find('<!-- Formatted for MAUS -->') >= 0: formatted_found += 1 self.assertEqual(schema_found, 1, msg="Schema "+self.gdml.schema+\ " found "+str(schema_found)+" times in "+filename) self.assertEqual(material_found, 1, msg="Material not found "+filename) self.assertEqual(formatted_found, 1, msg="Formatted tag not found "+filename) fin.close()
def main(): # pylint: disable = C0103, R0912 """ This is the code for the executable file which downloads the current valid geometry. It takes the arguments of the download directory. It will download the geometry from the database and translates the geometry into MAUS Module format. """ # Read Config Arguments configuration = Configreader() dl_dir = configuration.geometry_download_directory # Set up target location for download gdml_cache = os.path.join(dl_dir, GDML_CACHE) try: os.mkdir(gdml_cache) except OSError: pass #Download file geometry_downloader = Downloader() geoid = configuration.geometry_download_id if configuration.geometry_download_by == "run_number": geoid = geometry_downloader.download_geometry_by_run \ (configuration.geometry_download_run_number, gdml_cache) print "Downloading geometry id ", geoid, " for run number ", \ configuration.geometry_download_run_number elif configuration.geometry_download_by == "current": geoid = geometry_downloader.download_current(gdml_cache) print "Downloading geometry id ", geoid, " for current run" elif configuration.geometry_download_by == "id": if configuration.download_beamline_for_run != 0: geometry_downloader.download_beamline_for_run\ (configuration.download_beamline_for_run,\ gdml_cache) elif configuration.download_beamline_tag != "": geometry_downloader.download_beamline_for_tag\ (configuration.download_beamline_tag, gdml_cache) else: print "Default beamline currents will be used." if configuration.download_coolingchannel_tag != "": geometry_downloader.download_coolingchannel_for_tag\ (configuration.download_coolingchannel_tag, gdml_cache) else: print "Default MICE Channel currents will be used." geometry_downloader.download_geometry_by_id(geoid, gdml_cache) print "Downloading geometry id ", geoid else: raise KeyError("Didn't recognise 'geometry_download_by' option '"+\ configuration.geometry_download_by+"'. Should be on of\n"+\ "run_number\ncurrent\nid\n") #Unzip file zip_filename = os.path.join(gdml_cache, geometry.GDMLtoCDB.GEOMETRY_ZIPFILE) zipped_geom = Unpacker(zip_filename, gdml_cache) zipped_geom.unzip_file() # format files gdmls = Formatter(gdml_cache, dl_dir) if gdmls.usegdml: gdmls.formatForGDML(geoid) else: gdmls.format() # convert to MAUS Modules maus_modules = GDMLtomaus(dl_dir) if gdmls.usegdml: maus_modules.generate_parent(dl_dir) else: maus_modules.convert_to_maus(dl_dir) # clean up if required if configuration.geometry_download_cleanup: shutil.rmtree(gdml_cache) print "Download Complete"