 def _countPositionsFewPoints(self, xyzData, tolerance):
   '''for a list of list of xyz data, count the number of positions each 
   atom takes based on the tolerance and the distance. tolerance is compared
   to the euclidean difference squared to determine if a position is equal.
   actually uses a clustering algorithm and uses a unionfind data structure.'''
   self.posCount = []
   self.posClusters = [] #just save all the data since we made it
   self.posClusterLists = [] #just save all the data since we made it
   tolerance2 = tolerance ** 2. #square the tolerance since it is compared
   for oneSet in xrange(len(xyzData[0])): #goes from 0 to atom count
     clusters = unionFind()
     xyzList = []
     for oneIndex in xrange(len(xyzData)): #0 to number of positions (mol2#s)
       clusters.find(oneIndex) #initiate each position
     for oneIndex in xrange(len(xyzData)): #0 to positions
       oneXyz = xyzList[oneIndex]
       for twoIndex in xrange(oneIndex+1, len(xyzData)): #oneIndex to positions
         if geometry_basic.distL2Squared3(oneXyz, xyzList[twoIndex]) \
                                                                  < tolerance2:
           clusters.union(oneIndex, twoIndex)
     tempLists = clusters.toLists()
 def getRMSD(self, xyzOne, xyzTwo):
   '''calculates just the rmsd of the two conformations'''
   sumSquared = 0.0
   for atomIndex in xrange(len(self.atomXyz[xyzOne])):
     sumSquared += geometry_basic.distL2Squared3( \
   rmsd = (sumSquared / len(self.atomXyz[xyzOne])) ** 0.5
   return rmsd
 def getWithin(self):
   '''returns pairs of points within the tolerance. 
   only compare within buckets. slower but doesn't require unionfind 
   data structure, kept for testing, etc.'''
   returnPairs = set()
   for bucket in self.possiblyNearbyPoints:
     for oneIndex, oneXyzIndex in enumerate(bucket):
       oneXyz = self.pointList[oneXyzIndex]
       for twoIndex in xrange(oneIndex + 1, len(bucket)):
         twoXyzIndex = bucket[twoIndex]
         twoXyz = self.pointList[twoXyzIndex]
         if distL2Squared3(oneXyz, twoXyz) < self.tolerance2:
           if twoXyzIndex < oneXyzIndex:
             oneXyzIndex, twoXyzIndex = twoXyzIndex, oneXyzIndex
           returnPairs.add((oneXyzIndex, twoXyzIndex))
   return returnPairs
 def decide(self, mol2data, xyzData):
   '''mol2data is the mol2.Mol2 object. xyzData is a list of coords. 
   use self.rules to return True (clashed) or False (not clashed).'''
   dists = defaultdict(list) #format is atomNum -> (otherNum, dist, bondDist)
              #all dists in list are euclidean distance squared
   atomNums = range(len(xyzData))
   for atomNumOne in atomNums:
     for atomNumTwo in atomNums:
       if atomNumTwo > atomNumOne:
         thisDist = distL2Squared3(xyzData[atomNumOne], xyzData[atomNumTwo])
         bondDist = mol2data.bondsBetweenActual(atomNumOne, atomNumTwo)
         dists[atomNumOne].append((atomNumTwo, thisDist, bondDist))
         dists[atomNumTwo].append((atomNumOne, thisDist, bondDist))
   for rule in self.rules:
     #match atom types first
     for atomNum in atomNums:
       if rule[3] == "*" or \
                0 == string.find(mol2data.atomType[atomNum], rule[3]):
         for dist in dists[atomNum]: #for every distance
           if rule[4] == "*" or \
                    0 == string.find(mol2data.atomType[dist[0]], rule[4]):
             brokeRule = False
             if rule[0] == "max": #is a max distance constraint
               if dist[1] > rule[6]: #broke the rule
                 brokeRule = True
             elif rule[0] == "min": #is a min distance constraint
               if dist[1] < rule[6]: #broke the rule
                 brokeRule = True
             if brokeRule: #check to make sure actually broken
               if not cmp(dist[2], rule[1]) == rule[2]: #this basically amounts
                   #to checking to see if the right number of bonds lie between
                   #the atoms in question.
                 brokeRule = False
               if brokeRule: #rule has been broken so there is a clash
                 #print rule, atomNum, dist #debug the rules broken
                 return True #can quit after first broken rule
   #if everything passed, return False indicating no clashes
   return False
 def getWithinCluster(self, clusters):
   '''souped up for speed version of code. puts nearby points into the 
   unionfind data structure 'clusters'. does every possible shortcut i can
   think of for now. super fast now.'''
   #for bucket in self.possiblyNearbyPoints:
   #  print len(bucket), 
   #print "bucket lengths"
   for bucket in self.possiblyNearbyPoints:
     #print len(bucket), len(self.pointList)
     indicesLeft = set(xrange(len(bucket)))
     while len(indicesLeft) > 0:
       oneIndex = indicesLeft.pop()
       oneXyzIndex = bucket[oneIndex]
       if len(bucket) > self.bigBucket: 
         thisCluster = clusters.getList(oneXyzIndex) #this is O(n), don't do lots
         #print "trying to skip", len(thisCluster), len(bucket)
         if len(thisCluster) >= len(bucket): #means we should at least quit
           #doing this bucket, nothing left to union
       oneXyz = self.pointList[oneXyzIndex]
       for twoIndex in xrange(len(bucket)):
         twoXyzIndex = bucket[twoIndex]
         if len(bucket) > self.bigBucket:
           if twoXyzIndex in thisCluster:
             continue #skip this iteration of the twoIndex for loop
         twoXyz = self.pointList[twoXyzIndex]
         if distL2Squared3(oneXyz, twoXyz) < self.tolerance2:
           clusters.union(oneXyzIndex, twoXyzIndex)
           except KeyError:
             pass #really quite okay
       if len(bucket) == len(self.pointList): #might be able to quit now if all
             #unioned together already after a single pass. 
         clusterList = clusters.toLists()
         if len(clusterList) == 1: #only one cluster means quit now
           return None #just quit entirely