def MovetoScanStockingRange(): #Send Baxter back to starting point to find next stocking move_to_pose = PoseStamped() move_to_pose.header=Header(, frame_id='base') move_to_pose.pose.position=Point( x=-0.25, y=0.7, z=0.3, ) move_to_pose.pose.orientation=Quaternion( x=-0.5, y=0.5, z=0.5, w=0.5, ) #Send PoseStamped() message to Baxter's movement function pub_baxtermovement.publish(move_to_pose) rospy.sleep(10) global first_flag first_flag = True return
def add_bb_to_planning(self): coll_obj = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.s_coll_obj, ArmNavCollObj); mpose = PoseStamped() mpose.header.frame_id = '/map' mpose.pose = self.object_pose print "POSE of object which Im going to add to planning" print mpose try: coll_obj(object_name = self.unknown_object_name, pose = mpose, bb_lwh = self.object_bb, allow_collision=True, attached=False, attach_to_frame_id='', allow_pregrasps=False); except Exception, e: rospy.logerr('Cannot add unknown object to the planning scene, error: %s',str(e))
def select_arm_for_pick(self, obj, objects_frame_id, tf_listener): assert isinstance(obj, ObjInstance) free_arm = self.select_free_arm() if free_arm in [None, self.LEFT_ARM, self.RIGHT_ARM]: return free_arm objects_frame_id = ArtBrainUtils.normalize_frame_id(objects_frame_id) obj_pose = PoseStamped() obj_pose.pose = obj.pose obj_pose.header.frame_id = objects_frame_id # exact time does not matter in this case obj_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) tf_listener.waitForTransform( 'base_link', obj_pose.header.frame_id, obj_pose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(1)) obj_pose = tf_listener.transformPose( 'base_link', obj_pose) if obj_pose.pose.position.y < 0: return self.RIGHT_ARM else: return self.LEFT_ARM
def otld_callback(self, data): print "Heard: " + str(data) # get the depth image s = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/depth_registered/points", PointCloud2, self.p2callback) while not self.got_pointcloud: # do nothing print "Waiting for pointcloud" rospy.sleep(0.1) s.unregister() self.got_pointcloud = False # get the depth of the tracked area # Header header # int32 x # int32 y # int32 width # int32 height # float32 confidence # probably first get the centroid, we should do a median here or something centerx = data.x + data.width / 2 centery = data.y + data.height / 2 #print "self.pointcloud.row_step: " + str(self.pointcloud.row_step) + " self.pointcloud.point_step: " + str(self.pointcloud.point_step) print "centerx: " + str(centerx) + " centery: " + str(centery) #pointdepth =[self.pointcloud.row_step * centery : self.pointcloud.row_step * centery + self.pointcloud.point_step] #point = read_points(self.pointcloud, field_names=None, skip_nans=False, uvs=[centerx, centery]) point = read_points(self.pointcloud, field_names=None, skip_nans=False, uvs=[[centerx, centery]]) print "point is: " + str(point) for item in point: print "item is: " + str(item) print "x: "+ str(item[0]) + " y: " + str(item[1]) + ", z: " + str(item[2]) # create PoseStamped pose = PoseStamped() pose.header = std_msgs.msg.Header() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = "camera_link" pose.pose = Pose() pose.pose.position.x = item[2] # kinect Z value, [2], is X in TF of camera_link pose.pose.position.y = - item[0] # kinect X value, [0], is -Y in TF of camera_link pose.pose.position.z = - item[1] # kinect Y value, [1], is -Z in TF of camera_link pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 # send PoseStamped arrow = Marker() arrow.header.frame_id = "camera_link" arrow.header.stamp = arrow.type = Marker.ARROW arrow.points = [Point(0,0,0), Point(pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y, pose.pose.position.z)] #arrow.points = [Point(0,0,0), Point(0,0,1)] arrow.scale.x = 0.1 # anchura del palo arrow.scale.y = 0.15 # anchura de la punta # arrow.scale.z = 0.1 arrow.color.a = 1.0 arrow.color.r = 1.0 arrow.color.g = 1.0 arrow.color.b = 1.0 self.marker_publisher.publish(arrow)
def select_arm_for_drill(self, obj_to_drill, objects_frame_id, tf_listener): assert isinstance(obj_to_drill, ObjInstance) free_arm = self.select_free_arm() if free_arm in [None, self.LEFT_ARM, self.RIGHT_ARM]: return free_arm objects_frame_id = ArtBrainUtils.normalize_frame_id(objects_frame_id) # frameExists("marker") always returns False -> but it is probably not necessary to test it - it should exist # if tf_listener.frameExists( # "base_link") and tf_listener.frameExists(ArtBrainUtils.normalize_frame_id(objects_frame_id)): obj_pose = PoseStamped() obj_pose.pose = obj_to_drill.pose obj_pose.header.frame_id = objects_frame_id # exact time does not matter in this case obj_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) tf_listener.waitForTransform( 'base_link', obj_pose.header.frame_id, obj_pose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(1)) obj_pose = tf_listener.transformPose( 'base_link', obj_pose) if obj_pose.pose.position.y < 0: return self.RIGHT_ARM else: return self.LEFT_ARM
def distance(start_node, goal_node, make_plan=None): #Distance between two positions. Both start_node and goal_node are expected to be tuples (x, y) if make_plan is not None: start = PoseStamped() start.header.frame_id = '/map' start.pose = Pose() start.pose.position.x = start_node[0] start.pose.position.y = start_node[1] goal = PoseStamped() goal.header.frame_id = '/map' goal.pose = Pose() goal.pose.position.x = goal_node[0] goal.pose.position.y = goal_node[1] try: resp = make_plan(start, goal, 0) if len(resp.plan.poses) > 0: distance = plan_distance(resp.plan.poses) else: # The path wasn't computed for whatever reason distance = euclidean_distance(start_node, goal_node) except rospy.ServiceException: # The call to make_plan failed distance = euclidean_distance(start_node, goal_node) else: distance = euclidean_distance(start_node, goal_node) return distance
def move_cb(self, msg): fprint("Move request received!", msg_color="blue") if msg.move_type not in ['hold', 'drive', 'skid', 'circle']: fprint("Move type '{}' not found".format(msg.move_type), msg_color='red') self.move_server.set_aborted(MoveResult('move_type')) return self.blind = msg.blind p = PoseStamped() p.header = make_header(frame="enu") p.pose = msg.goal self.goal_pose_pub.publish(p) # Sleep before you continue rospy.sleep(1) yaw = trns.euler_from_quaternion(rosmsg_to_numpy(msg.goal.orientation))[2] if not self.is_feasible(np.array([msg.goal.position.x, msg.goal.position.y, yaw]), np.zeros(3)): fprint("Not feasible", msg_color='red') self.move_server.set_aborted(MoveResult('occupied')) return fprint("Finished move!", newline=2) self.move_server.set_succeeded(MoveResult(''))
def reach_position(self, x, y, z, timeout): # set a position setpoint pos = PoseStamped() pos.header = Header() pos.header.frame_id = "base_footprint" pos.pose.position.x = x pos.pose.position.y = y pos.pose.position.z = z # For demo purposes we will lock yaw/heading to north. yaw_degrees = 0 # North yaw = math.radians(yaw_degrees) quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw) pos.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion) # does it reach the position in X seconds? count = 0 while count < timeout: # update timestamp for each published SP pos.header.stamp = self.pub_spt.publish(pos) self.helper.bag_write('mavros/setpoint_position/local', pos) if self.is_at_position(pos.pose.position.x, pos.pose.position.y, pos.pose.position.z, 0.5): break count = count + 1 self.rate.sleep() self.assertTrue(count < timeout, "took too long to get to position")
def create_pose_stamped(pose, frame_id = 'base_link'): m = PoseStamped() m.header.frame_id = frame_id #m.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() m.header.stamp = rospy.Time() m.pose = Pose(Point(*pose[0:3]), Quaternion(*pose[3:7])) return m
def publishWayPoints(xPos, yPos, angle, w_p): print "publishing waypoint" pub = rospy.Publisher("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped) goal = PoseStamped() initTime = rospy.get_time() mapWidth = mapOriginX = int(math.floor( * 20)) mapOriginY = int(math.floor( * 20)) goal.header = g.header goal.header.stamp = goal.pose.position.x = xPos goal.pose.position.y = yPos goal.pose.position.z = 0 quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angle) goal.pose.orientation.x = quat[0] goal.pose.orientation.y = quat[1] goal.pose.orientation.z = quat[2] goal.pose.orientation.w = quat[3] valX = int(math.floor(d.way_points[w_p][0] * 20)) - mapOriginX valY = int(math.floor(d.way_points[w_p][1] * 20)) - mapOriginY r = rospy.Rate(0.7) while math.sqrt(math.pow(g.xPos - d.way_points[w_p][0], 2) + math.pow(g.yPos - d.way_points[w_p][1], 2)) > 0.5: print "d:", math.sqrt(math.pow(g.xPos - d.way_points[w_p][0], 2) + math.pow(g.yPos - d.way_points[w_p][1], 2)) finalTime = rospy.get_time() changeTime = finalTime - initTime if ([(valX * mapWidth) + valY] > g.threshold) or (changeTime > 120): break else: pub.publish(goal)
def getAnglesFromPose(self,pose): if type(pose)==Pose: goal=PoseStamped() goal.header.frame_id="/base" goal.pose=pose else: goal=pose if not self.ik: rospy.logerror("ERROR: Inverse Kinematics service was not loaded") return None goalstr="%f,%f,%f"%(goal.pose.position.x,goal.pose.position.y,goal.pose.position.z) ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest() ikreq.pose_stamp.append(goal) try: resp = self.iksvc(ikreq) if (resp.isValid[0]): return resp.joints[0] else: rospy.logerr("FAILURE - No Valid Joint Solution Found for %s"%goalstr) return None except rospy.ServiceException,e : rospy.loginfo("Service call failed: %s" % (e,)) return None
def interactiveMarkerLocationCallback(self, feedback): if feedback.event_type == InteractiveMarkerFeedback.MOUSE_UP: ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = feedback.header.frame_id ps.pose = feedback.pose self.current_goal_pose = ps if self.opt.robot == 'pr2': if feedback.event_type == InteractiveMarkerFeedback.MOUSE_DOWN: for marker in self.wp_im.controls[0].markers: marker.color = ColorRGBA(1,1,1,0.4) self.server.insert(self.wp_im) self.server.applyChanges() if feedback.event_type == InteractiveMarkerFeedback.MOUSE_UP: self._updateIKFeasibility(ps) self.server.insert(self.wp_im) self.server.applyChanges() if feedback.event_type == InteractiveMarkerFeedback.POSE_UPDATE: if self.continuous_update: ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = feedback.header.frame_id ps.pose = feedback.pose self.current_goal_pose = ps #weights_msg = haptic_msgs.HapticMpcWeights() #weights_msg.header.stamp = #weights_msg.position_weight = self.pos_weight #weights_msg.orient_weight = self.orient_weight #self.mpc_weights_pub.publish(weights_msg) # Enable position and orientation tracking self.goal_pos_pub.publish(self.current_goal_pose) self.server.applyChanges()
def ContourinfoLists_callback(self, contourinfolists): if self.initialized: nContours = len(contourinfolists.x) if (nContours==1): self.textError = '' poseContour = PoseStamped(header=contourinfolists.header, pose=Pose(position=Point(x=contourinfolists.x[0], y=contourinfolists.y[0])) ) poseVisual = PoseStamped() poseVisual.header = contourinfolists.header poseVisual.header.frame_id = 'Arena' poseVisual.pose = self.PoseArenaFromImage(poseContour) # Gives the position of the contour in millimeters. # Point to the cache non-working entry. iLoading = (self.iWorking+1) % 2 self.cachePose[iLoading] = poseVisual self.areaVisual = contourinfolists.area[0] self.eccVisual = contourinfolists.ecc[0] self.xMin = min(self.xMin, poseVisual.pose.position.x) self.xMax = max(self.xMax, poseVisual.pose.position.x) self.yMin = min(self.yMin, poseVisual.pose.position.y) self.yMax = max(self.yMax, poseVisual.pose.position.y) elif (nContours==0): #rospy.logwarn('ERROR: No objects detected.') self.textError = 'ERROR: No objects detected.' elif (nContours>1): #rospy.logwarn('ERROR: More than one object detected.') self.textError = 'ERROR: More than one object detected.'
def getWaypoints(self, list_of_gridpos, goal_pose, publisher=None): resolution = width = height = offsetX = offsetY = wp = Path() wp.header.frame_id = self.og.header.frame_id poses = [] lastdirection = -999 for i in range(0, len(list_of_gridpos) - 1): direction = getDirection(list_of_gridpos[i], list_of_gridpos[i + 1]) if direction != lastdirection: lastdirection = copy.deepcopy(direction) newPose = PoseStamped() newPose.header.frame_id = self.og.header.frame_id newPose.pose = Pose() newPose.pose.position = getPoint(list_of_gridpos[i], resolution, offsetX, offsetY) quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, direction) newPose.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] newPose.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] newPose.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] newPose.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] poses.append(newPose) newPose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.og.header.frame_id, fuck_the_time(goal_pose)) poses.append(newPose) wp.poses = poses if publisher is not None: publisher.publish(wp) return wp.poses
def MovetoScanRange(): #Combine position and orientation in a PoseStamped() message move_to_pose = PoseStamped() move_to_pose.header=Header(, frame_id='base') move_to_pose.pose.position=Point( x=-0.25, #-0.25 y=0.7, #0.7 z=0.3, #0.3 ) move_to_pose.pose.orientation=Quaternion( x=-0.5, y=0.5, z=0.5, w=0.5, ) #Send PoseStamped() message to Baxter's movement function pub_baxtermovement.publish(move_to_pose) rospy.sleep(2) global first_flag first_flag = True return
def positionCallback(event): # Transforms to the map frame from the base frame transform.waitForTransform('map', 'base_footprint', rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(2.0)) (pos, orient) = transform.lookupTransform('map', 'base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) # Updates the x and y values for the robot pose MyGlobals.robotPose.position.x = pos[0] MyGlobals.robotPose.position.y = pos[1] # Updates the orientation for the robot pose q = [orient[0], orient[1], orient[2], orient[3]] roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quaternion(q) MyGlobals.robotPose.orientation.x = orient[0] MyGlobals.robotPose.orientation.y = orient[1] MyGlobals.robotPose.orientation.z = orient[2] MyGlobals.robotPose.orientation.w = orient[3] # Publishes the robots position for visual use in rviz publishPose = PoseStamped() publishPose.pose = MyGlobals.robotPose publishPose.header.frame_id = 'map' publishPose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) MyGlobals.pubRobot.publish(publishPose)
def get_a_list_of_pose_to_goal(self, start, goal, tf_listener, dist_limit=None, pathpub=None, wppub=None, skip=1): resolution = width = height = offsetX = offsetY = tf_listener.waitForTransform('odom', 'map', rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(10.0)) tstart = tf_listener.transformPose(self.og.header.frame_id, fuck_the_time(start)) tgoal = tf_listener.transformPose(self.og.header.frame_id, fuck_the_time(goal)) if dist_limit is not None: tgoal = self.limit_max_dist(tstart, tgoal, dist_limit) if wppub is not None: ttgoal = tf_listener.transformPose('map', fuck_the_time(tgoal)) wppub.publish(ttgoal) start_grid_pos = pose2gridpos(tstart.pose, resolution, offsetX, offsetY) goal_grid_pos = pose2gridpos(tgoal.pose, resolution, offsetX, offsetY) try: path = aStar(self.make_navigable_gridpos(), start_grid_pos, goal_grid_pos, self.astarnodescb) wp = self.getWaypoints(path, tgoal, publisher=pathpub) list_of_pose = [] # magic number. skip a few waypoints in the beginning for stuff in wp: retp = PoseStamped() retp.pose = stuff.pose retp.header = self.og.header list_of_pose.append(retp) return list_of_pose except NoPathFoundException as e: raise e
def test_attctl(self): # set some attitude and thrust att = PoseStamped() att.header = Header() att.header.frame_id = "base_footprint" att.header.stamp = quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(0.15, 0.15, 0) att.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion) throttle = Float64() = 0.6 # does it cross expected boundaries in X seconds? count = 0 timeout = 120 while count < timeout: # update timestamp for each published SP att.header.stamp = self.pub_att.publish(att) self.pub_thr.publish(throttle) self.rate.sleep() if (self.local_position.pose.position.x > 5 and self.local_position.pose.position.z > 5 and self.local_position.pose.position.y < -5): break count = count + 1 self.assertTrue(self.control_mode.flag_armed, "flag_armed is not set") self.assertTrue(self.control_mode.flag_control_attitude_enabled, "flag_control_attitude_enabled is not set") self.assertTrue(self.control_mode.flag_control_offboard_enabled, "flag_control_offboard_enabled is not set") self.assertTrue(count < timeout, "took too long to cross boundaries")
def grasp_bowl(self, p0, x_angle, frame_id ="/base_link", side_grasp = False): dest = np.asarray(p0) if side_grasp: rospy.loginfo("Doing a side grasp") Q = utils.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, x_angle-np.pi/2) else: rospy.loginfo("Doing a top grasp") Q = utils.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( x_angle, np.pi/2, 0) rospy.loginfo("Got a quaternion of \n%s", Q) T = utils.transformations.quaternion_matrix(Q) T[:3, 3] = dest T[2,3] += 0.16 ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = frame_id ps.pose = utils.matrixToPose(T) return ps
def sanitizePS(ps): """ Converts Pose to PoseStamped() Converts lists of positions and orientations to the correct datatype :param ps: pose to repair :type ps: geometry.msgs.msg.Pose or geometry.msgs.msg.PoseStamped :return: repaired pose :rtype: geometry.msgs.msg.PoseStamped """ _ps=deepcopy(ps) if type(_ps)==Pose: ps=PoseStamped() ps.header.stamp=rospy.Time().now() ps.header.frame_id=FRAME_ORIGIN ps.pose=_ps elif type(_ps)==PoseStamped: ps=_ps else: raise Exception,"Unhandled data type for sanitizePS: %s"%str(type(_ps)) if type(ps.pose.position)!=Point: # Assume this is a list or numpy array ps.pose.position=Point(*ps.pose.position) if type(ps.pose.orientation)!=Quaternion: # Assume this is a list or numpy array ps.pose.orientation=Quaternion(*ps.pose.orientation) return ps
def update_cb(msg): global planning_started global tf global gr_pose global gr_lock if len(msg.poses) != 1: return if msg.poses[0].name != "MPR 0_end_control": return tmp = PoseStamped() tmp.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) tmp.header.frame_id = msg.poses[0].header.frame_id tmp.pose = msg.poses[0].pose tf.waitForTransform('/map',msg.poses[0].header.frame_id,rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1.0)) tmp = tf.transformPose('/map',tmp) gr_lock.acquire() gr_pose = tmp.pose gr_lock.release() if (planning_started == False): rospy.loginfo('Planning has been started!') planning_started = True
def nav_cost(self, p1, p2): ps1 = PoseStamped() ps1.header.frame_id = 'map' ps1.pose = p1 ps2 = PoseStamped() ps2.header.frame_id = 'map' ps2.pose = p2 if (ps1,ps2) in self.nav_cost_list: #rospy.loginfo("Retrieve nav cost from cache (p1,p2)") return self.nav_cost_dict[self.nav_cost_list.index((ps1,ps2))] if (ps2,ps1) in self.nav_cost_list: #rospy.loginfo("Retrieve nav cost from cache (p2,p1)") return self.nav_cost_dict[self.nav_cost_list.index((ps2,ps1))] lin_diff = math.sqrt( math.pow(ps1.pose.position.x - ps2.pose.position.x, 2) + math.pow(ps1.pose.position.y - ps2.pose.position.y, 2)) lin_cost = lin_diff / self.nav_lin_vel cost = lin_cost self.nav_cost_list.append((ps1,ps2)) self.nav_cost_dict[self.nav_cost_list.index((ps1,ps2))] = cost return cost
def chooseBestCandidate(self): # Wait for the availability of this service rospy.wait_for_service("move_base/make_plan") # Get a proxy to execute the service make_plan = rospy.ServiceProxy("move_base/make_plan", GetPlan) self.bestCandidate = None start = PoseStamped() start.header.frame_id = "map" start.pose = self.robot_pose goal = PoseStamped() goal.header.frame_id = "map" tolerance = 0.0 # Evaluation of each candidates for each criteria used c = [] # Find the candidate with the shortest path for eachCandidate in self.candidates.values(): # Execute service for each candidates goal.pose = eachCandidate plan_response = make_plan(start=start, goal=goal, tolerance=tolerance) # Compute the length of the path distance = self.computePathLength(plan_response.plan) # Compute new quantity of information criteria for the candidate qi = self.quantityOfNewInformation(eachCandidate) # We negated Distance because we want to minimize this criteria c.append({"Distance": -distance, "QuantityOfInformation": qi * 100, "pose": eachCandidate}) # Suppresion of candidates that are not on Pareto front filteredCandidates = PyMCDA.paretoFilter(c, self.criteria) decision = PyMCDA.decision(filteredCandidates, self.criteria, self.weights, self.preferenceFunction) if decision: self.bestCandidate = decision["pose"]
def chooseBestCandidate(self): # Wait for the availability of this service rospy.wait_for_service("move_base/make_plan") # Get a proxy to execute the service make_plan = rospy.ServiceProxy("move_base/make_plan", GetPlan) self.bestCandidate = None shortestLength = 0 firstCandidate = True start = PoseStamped() start.header.frame_id = "map" start.pose = self.robot_pose goal = PoseStamped() goal.header.frame_id = "map" tolerance = 0.0 # Find the candidate with the shortest path for eachCandidate in self.candidates.values(): # Execute service for each candidates goal.pose = eachCandidate plan_response = make_plan(start=start, goal=goal, tolerance=tolerance) # Compute the length of the path pathLength = self.computePathLength(plan_response.plan) # Set the shortestPath for the first candidate if firstCandidate: shortestPath = pathLength self.bestCandidate = eachCandidate firstCandidate = False # If this is the shortest path until now, we found a new bestCandidate if pathLength < shortestLength: self.bestCandidate = eachCandidate shortestLength = pathLength
def chooseBestCandidate(self): # Wait for the availability of this service rospy.wait_for_service("move_base/make_plan") # Get a proxy to execute the service make_plan = rospy.ServiceProxy("move_base/make_plan", GetPlan) self.bestCandidate = None start = PoseStamped() start.header.frame_id = "map" start.pose = self.robot_pose goal = PoseStamped() goal.header.frame_id = "map" tolerance = 0.0 maxUtility = 0.0 _lambda = 0.2 # Find the candidate with the shortest path for eachCandidate in self.candidates.values(): # Execute service for each candidates goal.pose = eachCandidate plan_response = make_plan(start=start, goal=goal, tolerance=tolerance) # Compute the length of the path pathLength = self.computePathLength(plan_response.plan) quantityInformation = self.quantityOfNewInformation(eachCandidate) # Compute the utility of eachCandidate utility = pathLength * math.exp(-_lambda * quantityInformation) if utility > maxUtility: maxUtility = utility self.bestCandidate = eachCandidate
def grasp_generator(self, initial_pose): # Pitch angles to try pitch_vals = [1, 1.57,0, 1,2 ] # Yaw angles to try yaw_vals = [0]#, 1.57, -1.57] # A list to hold the grasps grasps = [] g = PoseStamped() g.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME g.pose = initial_pose.pose #g.pose.position.z += 0.18 # Generate a grasp for each pitch and yaw angle for y in yaw_vals: for p in pitch_vals: # Create a quaternion from the Euler angles q = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, p, y) # Set the grasp pose orientation accordingly g.pose.orientation.x = q[0] g.pose.orientation.y = q[1] g.pose.orientation.z = q[2] g.pose.orientation.w = q[3] # Append the grasp to the list grasps.append(deepcopy(g)) # Return the list return grasps
def map_and_detect( self ): print "Get object pose" rospy.sleep(ROBUST_POSE_TIMEOUT) self.g_object_pose = False counter=0 while self.g_object_pose == False and counter < DETECTION_TIMEOUT: self.g_object_pose = self.get_object_pose() counter = counter+1 if self.g_object_pose == False: self.state = 12 return False object_mesh_pose = PoseStamped() object_mesh_pose.header = Header(stamp =, frame_id = '/world') object_mesh_pose.pose = self.g_object_pose object_mesh_pose.pose.orientation = rotate_orientation_quaternion(object_mesh_pose.pose.orientation) print "Adding the object mesh to the scene" rospy.wait_for_service('place_object') req = place_objectRequest(); req.object_pose = object_mesh_pose; req.object_name = self.g_decision_making_state.object_name; print self.g_decision_making_state.object_name; try: place_object_caller = rospy.ServiceProxy('place_object', place_object) resp1 = place_object_caller(req); except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed:"
def get_hand_frame_pose(self, robot_state=None, frame_id=None): ''' Returns the pose of the hand in the current or passed in robot state. Note that this function uses the TransformState get_transform function rather than FK. **Args:** *robot_state (arm_navigation_msgs.msg.RobotState):* The robot state in which you want to find the pose of the hand frame. If nothing is passed in, returns the pose of the hand frame in the robot state in the planning scene interface. *frame_id (string):* The frame in which you want the pose of the hand frame. If nothing is passed in, returns in the robot frame. **Returns:** A geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped that is the position of the hand frame. ''' if frame_id == None: frame_id = self._psi.robot_frame if robot_state == None: robot_state = self._psi.get_robot_state() trans = self._transformer.get_transform(self.hand.hand_frame, frame_id, robot_state) ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = frame_id ps.pose = conv.transform_to_pose(trans.transform) return ps
def callback(data): p = PoseStamped() p.header = data.header p.pose.position = data.transform.translation p.pose.orientation = data.transform.rotation pub.publish(p);
def handle_xy_goal(req): p = PoseStamped() p.header = req.header p.pose = req.pose.pose rospy.loginfo("GPS goal converted to xy: " + str(p.pose.position.x) + ", " + str(p.pose.position.y) + ". Publishing..") global pub_goal pub_goal.publish(p)
def picknplace(): # Initialize the planning scene interface. p = PlanningSceneInterface("base") # Connect the arms to the move group. g = MoveGroupInterface("both_arms", "base") gr = MoveGroupInterface("right_arm", "base") gl = MoveGroupInterface("left_arm", "base") # Create baxter_interface limb instance. leftarm = baxter_interface.limb.Limb('left') # Create baxter_interface gripper instance. leftgripper = baxter_interface.Gripper('left') # Define the joints for the positions. jts_both = [ 'left_e0', 'left_e1', 'left_s0', 'left_s1', 'left_w0', 'left_w1', 'left_w2', 'right_e0', 'right_e1', 'right_s0', 'right_s1', 'right_w0', 'right_w1', 'right_w2' ] jts_right = [ 'right_e0', 'right_e1', 'right_s0', 'right_s1', 'right_w0', 'right_w1', 'right_w2' ] jts_left = [ 'left_e0', 'left_e1', 'left_s0', 'left_s1', 'left_w0', 'left_w1', 'left_w2' ] pos1 = [ -1.4580487388850858, 1.627553615946424, 0.07669903939427068, -0.3539660668045592, -1.9155585088719105, -1.4124128104454947, -0.6438884357149024, 1.7238109084167481, 1.7169079948791506, 0.36930587426147465, -0.33249033539428713, -1.2160632682067871, 1.668587600115967, -1.810097327636719 ] pos2 = [ -0.949534106616211, 1.4994662184448244, -0.6036214393432617, -0.7869321432861328, -2.4735440176391603, -1.212228316241455, -0.8690001153442384, 1.8342575250183106, 1.8668546167236328, -0.45674277907104494, -0.21667478604125978, -1.2712865765075685, 1.7472041154052735, -2.4582042097778323 ] lpos1 = [ -1.4580487388850858, 1.627553615946424, 0.07669903939427068, -0.3539660668045592, -1.9155585088719105, -1.4124128104454947, -0.6438884357149024 ] lpos2 = [ -0.949534106616211, 1.4994662184448244, -0.6036214393432617, -0.7869321432861328, -2.4735440176391603, -1.212228316241455, -0.8690001153442384 ] rpos1 = [ 1.7238109084167481, 1.7169079948791506, 0.36930587426147465, -0.33249033539428713, -1.2160632682067871, 1.668587600115967, -1.810097327636719 ] rpos2 = [ 1.8342575250183106, 1.8668546167236328, -0.45674277907104494, -0.21667478604125978, -1.2712865765075685, 1.7472041154052735, -2.4582042097778323 ] placegoal = PoseStamped() placegoal.header.frame_id = "base" placegoal.header.stamp = placegoal.pose.position.x = 0.55 placegoal.pose.position.y = 0.28 placegoal.pose.position.z = 0 placegoal.pose.orientation.x = 1.0 placegoal.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 placegoal.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 placegoal.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 # Define variables. offset_zero_point = 0.903 table_size_x = 0.714655654394 table_size_y = 1.05043717328 table_size_z = 0.729766045265 center_x = 0.457327827197 center_y = 0.145765166941 center_z = -0.538116977368 # The distance from the zero point in Moveit to the ground is 0.903 m. # The value is not allways the same. (look in Readme) center_z_cube = -offset_zero_point + table_size_z + 0.0275 / 2 pressure_ok = 0 j = 0 k = 0 start = 1 locs_x = [] # Initialize a list for the objects and the stacked cubes. objlist = [ 'obj01', 'obj02', 'obj03', 'obj04', 'obj05', 'obj06', 'obj07', 'obj08', 'obj09', 'obj10', 'obj11' ] boxlist = [ 'box01', 'box02', 'box03', 'box04', 'box05', 'box06', 'box07', 'box08', 'box09', 'box10', 'box11' ] # Clear planning scene. p.clear() # Add table as attached object. p.attachBox('table', table_size_x, table_size_y, table_size_z, center_x, center_y, center_z, 'base', touch_links=['pedestal']) # Move both arms to start state where the right camera looks for objects. g.moveToJointPosition(jts_both, pos1, max_velocity_scaling_factor=1, plan_only=False) time.sleep(0.5) # cProfile to measure the performance (time) of the task. pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() # Loop to continue pick and place until all objects are cleared from table. while locs_x or start: # Only for the start. if start: start = 0 # Receive the data from all objects from the topic "detected_objects". temp = rospy.wait_for_message("detected_objects", PoseArray) locs = temp.poses locs_x = [] locs_y = [] orien = [] size = [] # Adds the data from the objects. for i in range(len(locs)): locs_x.append(locs[i].position.x) locs_y.append(locs[i].position.y) orien.append(locs[i].position.z * pi / 180) size.append(locs[i].orientation.x) # Filter objects list to remove multiple detected locations for same objects. ind_rmv = [] for i in range(0, len(locs)): if (locs_y[i] > 0.24 or locs_x[i] > 0.75): ind_rmv.append(i) continue for j in range(i, len(locs)): if not (i == j): if sqrt((locs_x[i] - locs_x[j])**2 + (locs_y[i] - locs_y[j])**2) < 0.018: ind_rmv.append(i) locs_x = del_meth(locs_x, ind_rmv) locs_y = del_meth(locs_y, ind_rmv) orien = del_meth(orien, ind_rmv) size = del_meth(size, ind_rmv) # Do the task only if there are still objects on the table. if locs_x: # Clear planning scene. p.clear() # Add table as attached object. p.attachBox('table', table_size_x, table_size_y, table_size_z, center_x, center_y, center_z, 'base', touch_links=['pedestal']) # Sort objects based on size (largest first to smallest last). This was done to enable stacking large cubes. ig0 = itemgetter(0) sorted_lists = zip(*sorted( zip(size, locs_x, locs_y, orien), reverse=True, key=ig0)) locs_x = list(sorted_lists[1]) locs_y = list(sorted_lists[2]) orien = list(sorted_lists[3]) size = list(sorted_lists[0]) # Initialize the data of the biggest object on the table. xn = locs_x[0] yn = locs_y[0] zn = -0.167 thn = orien[0] sz = size[0] if thn > pi / 4: thn = -1 * (thn % (pi / 4)) # Add the detected objects into the planning scene. #for i in range(1,len(locs_x)): #p.addBox(objlist[i], 0.05, 0.05, 0.0275, locs_x[i], locs_y[i], center_z_cube) # Add the stacked objects as collision objects into the planning scene to avoid moving against them. #for e in range(0, k): #p.attachBox(boxlist[e], 0.05, 0.05, 0.0275, placegoal.pose.position.x, placegoal.pose.position.y, center_z_cube+0.0275*(e-1), 'base', touch_links=['cubes']) if k > 0: p.attachBox(boxlist[0], 0.07, 0.07, 0.0275 * k, placegoal.pose.position.x, placegoal.pose.position.y, center_z_cube, 'base', touch_links=['cubes']) p.waitForSync() # Move both arms to the second position. g.moveToJointPosition(jts_both, pos2, max_velocity_scaling_factor=1, plan_only=False) # Initialize the pickgoal. pickgoal = PoseStamped() pickgoal.header.frame_id = "base" pickgoal.header.stamp = pickgoal.pose.position.x = xn pickgoal.pose.position.y = yn pickgoal.pose.position.z = zn pickgoal.pose.orientation.x = 1.0 pickgoal.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 pickgoal.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 pickgoal.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 # Move to the approach pickgoal (5 cm to pickgoal). pickgoal.pose.position.z = zn + 0.05 # Orientate the gripper --> uses function from (by Mike Ferguson) to 'rotate a pose' given rpy angles. pickgoal.pose = rotate_pose_msg_by_euler_angles( pickgoal.pose, 0.0, 0.0, thn) gl.moveToPose(pickgoal, "left_gripper", max_velocity_scaling_factor=1, plan_only=False) pickgoal.pose.position.z = zn # Move to the pickgoal. gl.moveToPose(pickgoal, "left_gripper", max_velocity_scaling_factor=0.3, plan_only=False) leftgripper.close() attempts = 0 pressure_ok = 1 # If the gripper hadn't enough pressure after 2 seconds it opens and search again for objects # 0-46: not attached to an object and 47-175: attached to an object\n176+: error while (leftgripper.vacuum_sensor() < 30 and pressure_ok == 1): time.sleep(0.04) attempts += 1 if (attempts > 50): pressure_ok = 0 print("----->pressure is to low<-----") # Move back to the approach pickgoal. pickgoal.pose.position.z = zn + 0.05 gl.moveToPose(pickgoal, "left_gripper", max_velocity_scaling_factor=1, plan_only=False) # Move both arms to position 1. g.moveToJointPosition(jts_both, pos1, max_velocity_scaling_factor=1, plan_only=False) if pressure_ok: # Define the approach placegoal. # Increase the height of the tower every time by 2.75 cm. placegoal.pose.position.z = -0.145 + (k * 0.0275) + 0.08 # Move to the approach pickgoal. gl.moveToPose(placegoal, "left_gripper", max_velocity_scaling_factor=1, plan_only=False) # Define the placegoal. placegoal.pose.position.z = -0.145 + (k * 0.0275) gl.moveToPose(placegoal, "left_gripper", max_velocity_scaling_factor=1, plan_only=False) while (leftgripper.vacuum_sensor() > 20): time.sleep(0.01) k += 1 # Move to the approach placegoal. placegoal.pose.position.z = -0.145 + (k * 0.0275) + 0.08 gl.moveToPose(placegoal, "left_gripper", max_velocity_scaling_factor=1, plan_only=False) # Move left arm to start position pos1. gl.moveToJointPosition(jts_left, lpos1, max_velocity_scaling_factor=1, plan_only=False) pr.disable() sortby = 'cumulative' ps = pstats.Stats(pr).sort_stats(sortby).print_stats(0.0) p.clear()
import random import math from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistStamped from flipkart.msg import detection from armf import armtakeoff rospy.init_node('navigation', anonymous=True) xpixel = 640 ypixel = 480 fovx = 1.047 bbox = detection() oldbbox = detection() setpoint = PoseStamped() current_position = PoseStamped() vel = TwistStamped() i = 0 def cvcallback(cv_msg): global bbox bbox = cv_msg def callback_pos(pos): global current_position current_position = pos
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import tf from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped from std.msg import string if __name__=='__main__': rospy.init_node('hoge') rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): target_pose = TransformSamped() starget_pose.header.frame_id = "/r_gripper_tool_frame" target_pose.pose. source_pose = PoseStamped() source_pose.header.frame_id = "/base_footprint" source_pose.header.stamp = source_pose.pose. try: target_frame = source_frame = listener = tf.TransformListener() listener.waitForTransform(target_frame, source_frame, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) tf = listener.transformPose(source_frame, target_frame, rospy.Time(0)) pub = rospy.Publisher('endcrd', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) pub.publish(tf)
import sys import copy import rospy import random import math from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistStamped from armf import armtakeoff rospy.init_node('navigation', anonymous=True) i = 0 current_position = PoseStamped() def callback_pos(pos): global current_position current_position = pos def main(): while True: rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, callback_pos) publish_vel = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel', TwistStamped, queue_size=10) vel = TwistStamped() # pose.pose.position.x = 0.7
def listener(): global current_state # In ROS, nodes are uniquely named. If two nodes with the same # node are launched, the previous one is kicked off. The # anonymous=True flag means that rospy will choose a unique # name for our 'listener' node so that multiple listeners can # run simultaneously. rospy.init_node('listener', anonymous=True) rospy.loginfo("start listenning") rate = rospy.Rate(100) rate.sleep() #rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/imu/data", Imu, callback) #rospy.Subscriber("/uav2/mavros/local_position/pose", PoseStamped, callback) rospy.Subscriber("/uav2/mavros/state", State, callback) arming_client = rospy.ServiceProxy("/uav2/mavros/cmd/arming", CommandBool) pub = rospy.Publisher("/uav2/mavros/setpoint_attitude/att_throttle", Float64, queue_size=10) pub1 = rospy.Publisher("/uav2/mavros/setpoint_attitude/attitude", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) #pub=rospy.Publisher("/uav2/mavros/setpoint_position/local",PoseStamped,queue_size=10) arm_cmd = CommandBoolRequest() arm_cmd.value = True pose = Float64() = 0.6 att = PoseStamped() att.pose.orientation.x = 0.5 att.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 att.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 att.pose.orientation.w = 0.866 ''' pose=PoseStamped() pose.pose.position.x=0 pose.pose.position.y=0 pose.pose.position.z=1 ''' rospy.loginfo("running") set_mode_client = rospy.ServiceProxy("/uav2/mavros/set_mode", SetMode) offb_set_mode = SetModeRequest() offb_set_mode.base_mode = 0 offb_set_mode.custom_mode = "OFFBOARD" now = rospy.get_rostime() last_request = now.secs while not (rospy.is_shutdown()): pub.publish(pose) pub1.publish(att) #rospy.loginfo(current_state.mode) if ((current_state.mode != "OFFBOARD") and (rospy.get_rostime().secs - last_request > 2)): rospy.loginfo(current_state.mode) rospy.loginfo("1") if ( #if( and offb_set_mode.response.success==True): rospy.loginfo("offbrd enabled") last_request = rospy.get_rostime().secs else: if ((current_state.armed == False) and (rospy.get_rostime().secs - last_request > 2)): rospy.loginfo("2") if ( rospy.loginfo("armed") last_request = rospy.get_rostime().secs rate.sleep()
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import mavros_msgs from mavros_msgs import srv from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, TwistStamped, Quaternion from mavros_msgs.msg import State import time import math goal_pose = PoseStamped() #Possicao que voce deseja ir local = PoseStamped() #capta a posicao q vc esta drone_pose = PoseStamped( ) #variavel que recebe a posicao q esta e usaremos para comparacoes current_state = State() #recebe o estado da maquina goal_rotation = Quaternion() #set_posicao recebe de parametros a posicao que deseja ir e publicara #rospy.init_node('Vel_Control_Node', anonymous = True) #rate = rospy.Rate(10) # class Circle: # def __init__(self): # self.local_position_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_position/local', PoseStamped, queue_size = 100) # # self.local_atual = rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, local_callback) # self.arm = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/cmd/arming', mavros_msgs.srv.CommandBool) # def callback(self, data)
import rospy from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry import math from pyquaternion import Quaternion import tf import sys vehicle_type = sys.argv[1] vehicle_id = sys.argv[2] local_pose = PoseStamped() local_pose.header.frame_id = 'world' quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, -math.pi / 2, math.pi / 2) q = Quaternion([quaternion[3], quaternion[0], quaternion[1], quaternion[2]]) def vins_callback(data): local_pose.pose.position.x = data.pose.pose.position.x local_pose.pose.position.y = data.pose.pose.position.y local_pose.pose.position.z = data.pose.pose.position.z q_ = Quaternion([ data.pose.pose.orientation.w, data.pose.pose.orientation.x, data.pose.pose.orientation.y, data.pose.pose.orientation.z ]) q_ = q_ * q local_pose.pose.orientation.w = q_[0] local_pose.pose.orientation.x = q_[1] local_pose.pose.orientation.y = q_[2] local_pose.pose.orientation.z = q_[3]
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_demo') # Construct the initial scene object scene = PlanningSceneInterface() # Create a scene publisher to push changes to the scene self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=5) # Create a dictionary to hold object colors self.colors = dict() # Pause for the scene to get ready rospy.sleep(1) # Initialize the move group for the right arm right_arm = MoveGroupCommander('right_arm') # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = right_arm.get_end_effector_link() # Allow some leeway in position (meters) and orientation (radians) right_arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) # 0.01 right_arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) # 0.05 # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution right_arm.allow_replanning(True) # Set the reference frame for pose targets reference_frame = 'base_footprint' # Set the right arm reference frame accordingly right_arm.set_pose_reference_frame(reference_frame) # Allow 5 seconds per planning attempt right_arm.set_planning_time(5) # Give each of the scene objects a unique name table_id = 'table' box1_id = 'box1' box2_id = 'box2' # Remove leftover objects from a previous run scene.remove_world_object(table_id) scene.remove_world_object(box1_id) scene.remove_world_object(box2_id) # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(1) # Start the arm in the "resting" pose stored in the SRDF file right_arm.set_named_target('right_arm_home') right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) # Set the height of the table off the ground table_ground = 0.45 # 0.75 # DAVES ADDED table_offset_x = 0.30 # meters (centemeters / 100) table_offset_y = -0.30 # meters (positive = left) # Set the length, width and height of the table and boxes table_size = [0.2, 0.7, 0.01] box1_size = [0.1, 0.05, 0.05] box2_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.15] # Add a table top and two boxes to the scene table_pose = PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame table_pose.pose.position.x = 0.26 + table_offset_x table_pose.pose.position.y = table_offset_y table_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] / 2.0 table_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(table_id, table_pose, table_size) box1_pose = PoseStamped() box1_pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame box1_pose.pose.position.x = 0.21 + table_offset_x box1_pose.pose.position.y = -0.1 + table_offset_y box1_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + box1_size[2] / 2.0 box1_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(box1_id, box1_pose, box1_size) box2_pose = PoseStamped() box2_pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame box2_pose.pose.position.x = 0.19 + table_offset_x box2_pose.pose.position.y = 0.15 + table_offset_y box2_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + box2_size[2] / 2.0 box2_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(box2_id, box2_pose, box2_size) # Make the table red and the boxes orange self.setColor(table_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box1_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box2_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) # Send the colors to the planning scene self.sendColors() # Set the target pose in between the boxes and above the table target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.2 + table_offset_x target_pose.pose.position.y = table_offset_y target_pose.pose.position.z = table_pose.pose.position.z + table_size[ 2] + 0.05 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Set the target pose for the arm right_arm.set_pose_target(target_pose, end_effector_link) # Move the arm to the target pose (if possible) right_arm.go() # Pause for a moment... rospy.sleep(2) # Return the arm to the "resting" pose stored in the SRDF file right_arm.set_named_target('right_arm_home') right_arm.go() # Exit MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit the script moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def getStampedPoseMsg(self, pose: Pose): msg = PoseStamped() msg.header.frame_id = 'map' msg.pose = pose return msg
def list_to_pose_stamped(self, pose_list, target_frame): pose_msg = PoseStamped() pose_msg.pose = self.list_to_pose(pose_list) pose_msg.header.frame_id = target_frame pose_msg.header.stamp = return pose_msg
def convert_pose(): pose = PoseStamped() pose.pose.position.z = tools.get_pose(manipulator)[2] return pose
def publish_state(self): pose = PoseStamped() pos, ori = self.get_pose() pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y, pose.pose.position.z = pos pose.pose.orientation.x, pose.pose.orientation.y, pose.pose.orientation.z, pose.pose.orientation.w = ori self._state_pub.publish(pose)
def special_case(self): # we hard code turning situation here # not the bast solution, but an achievable one at the moment if self.last_node == 0: self.normal = True return this_ang = self.tag_ang_init[self.guid_path[self.last_node]] if this_ang != 180: self.get_goal = False self.target_global = None while self.target_global is None: self.target_global = PoseStamped() self.target_global.pose.position.x = 5 * math.cos( math.radians(this_ang)) self.target_global.pose.position.y = 5 * math.cos( math.radians(this_ang)) self.target_global = self.transform_pose( self.target_global.pose, self.map_frame, self.bot_frame) self.target_global.header.frame_id = self.map_frame self.normal = True self.pub_robot_go.publish(True) rospy.sleep(5) self.get_goal = True else: self.get_goal = False # 180 degree turn, stage 1, tie up harness while self.joint_ang > math.radians(5): # play sound on robot self.pub_robot_sound('tie_up') rospy.sleep(4) # 180 degree turn, stage 2, turn 180 turn_goal = None print("turn_goal") while turn_goal is None: turn_goal = PoseStamped() turn_goal.pose.position.x = -5 turn_goal_bot = turn_goal turn_goal_pid = turn_goal turn_goal_pid.pose.position.x = -0.05 turn_goal_pid.pose.position.y = -0.005 turn_goal = self.transform_pose(turn_goal.pose, self.map_frame, self.bot_frame) turn_goal_dummy = turn_goal self.pub_robot_go.publish(True) print("after") while math.fabs( math.atan2( turn_goal_bot.pose.position.y, turn_goal_bot.pose.position.x)) >= math.radians(90): print("pub turn goal") self.pub_pid_goal.publish( self.transform_pose(turn_goal_pid.pose, self.map_frame, self.bot_frame)) rospy.sleep(0.1) turn_goal_bot = self.transform_pose(turn_goal.pose, self.bot_frame, self.map_frame) print( math.fabs( math.atan2(turn_goal_bot.pose.position.y, turn_goal_bot.pose.position.x))) self.pub_robot_go.publish(False) # 180 degree turn, stage 3, release harness while self.joint_ang < math.radians(45): # play sound on robot self.pub_robot_sound('release') rospy.sleep(4) self.normal = True self.get_goal = True
do() def amcl_callback(msg): global coords coords = msg rospy.init_node('Navigator') #Задание ноды vel = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) #Скорость робота, отправляемая нодой move_goal = rospy.Publisher('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) #Конечная цель, координаты sub = rospy.Subscriber('/base_scan', LaserScan, laser_callback) pose = rospy.Subscriber('/amcl_pose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, amcl_callback) min_pose = PoseStamped() #Отправляемые start_new_thread(command, ()) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg = Twist() if state == 2: msg = turn('right') if state == 1: msg = turn('left') if state == 0: msg = go_along() if (min_ranges > sum_ranges) or (min_ranges == 0): min_ranges = sum_ranges # print(min_ranges)
def getWaypoints(initPos, goalPos, grid): startCell = convertPointToCell(initPos, grid.origin, grid.resolution) goalCell = convertPointToCell(goalPos, grid.origin, grid.resolution) #Logic that gets the robot out of an obstacle (failure recovery) if grid.getCellValue(startCell) == CellType.Obstacle: print "The robot is inside the obstacle! Trying to find the shortest way out..." cellTypes = set() cellTypes.add(CellType.Empty) cellTypes.add(CellType.Unexplored) pathOutOfObstacle = PathFinder.findPathToCellWithValueClosestTo(grid, startCell, cellTypes, goalCell) startCell = pathOutOfObstacle.pop(len(pathOutOfObstacle) - 1) pathFinder = PathFinder(startCell, goalCell) if (startCell == goalCell): pathFinder.waypoints.append(goalCell) else: aStarDone = False while not aStarDone: aStarDone = pathFinder.runAStarIteration(grid) publishGridCells(expanded_cell_pub, pathFinder.expanded, grid.resolution, grid.cellOrigin) #Convert frontier queue to the frontier set frontierCells = set() for tuple in cell = tuple[1] if cell not in pathFinder.expanded and cell not in frontierCells: frontierCells.add(cell) publishGridCells(frontier_cell_pub, frontierCells, grid.resolution, grid.cellOrigin) pathFinder.findPath() #if robot was at an obstacle cell before, then prepend the path out of the obstacle try: pathOutOfObstacle except NameError: pass else: pathOutOfObstacle.extend(pathFinder.path) pathFinder.path = pathOutOfObstacle publishGridCells(path_cell_pub, pathFinder.path, grid.resolution, grid.cellOrigin) pathFinder.calculateWaypoints() #convert the waypoints to the trajectory offsets: waypoints = Path() waypoints.poses = [] for cell in pathFinder.waypoints: poseObj = PoseStamped() poseObj.pose.position = convertCellToPoint(cell, grid.cellOrigin, grid.resolution) waypoints.poses.append(poseObj) return waypoints
def publishTarget(self, trans, rot): msg = PoseStamped() msg.pose.position = Point(*tuple([x * 0.001 for x in trans])) msg.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*rot) self.move_pub.publish(msg)
# Pick the beer if grasping_client.pick(pringles, grasps, 1): break rospy.logwarn("Grasping failed.") # Goto grasping position grasping_client.goto_plan_grasp() # Point the head at the stuff we want to pick head_action.look_at(0.9, 0.1, table_height + .1, "base_link") # Place the block while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo("Placing object...") pose = PoseStamped() pose.pose = beer.primitive_poses[0] pose.pose.position.z += 0.01 pose.header.frame_id = beer.header.frame_id if, pose, gripper=0): break rospy.logwarn("Placing failed.") grasping_client.goto_plan_grasp() # Point the head at the stuff we want to pick head_action.look_at(0.9, -0.1, table_height + .1, "base_link") # Place the block while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo("Placing object...")
def tracking(self, event): if not self.normal: return st = #rospy.loginfo("tracking loop") if self.target_global is None: rospy.logerr("%s : no goal" % rospy.get_name()) return else: #rospy.loginfo("%s :have seen goal" % rospy.get_name()) pass #print("fuckkckckc why???") #print(self.target_global) end_p = self.transform_pose(self.target_global.pose, self.bot_frame, self.map_frame) #end_p = self.target_global #end_p.header.frame_id = self.map_frame if end_p is None: return end_p.header.frame_id = self.bot_frame start_p = PoseStamped() start_p.pose.position.x = 0 start_p.pose.position.y = 0 start_p.pose.position.z = 0 start_p.header.frame_id = self.bot_frame #start_p = self.transform_pose(start_p.pose, self.map_frame, self.bot_frame) if start_p is None: return req_path = GetPlanRequest() req_path.start = start_p req_path.goal = end_p oe = end_p for i in range(self.search_max): try: res_path = self.req_path_srv(req_path) self.last_plan = res_path #rospy.loginfo("%s : plan success" % rospy.get_name()) break except: rospy.logerr("%s : path request fail" % rospy.get_name()) if self.last_plan is None: return res_path = self.last_plan r = np.linalg.norm([oe.pose.position.x, oe.pose.position.y]) theta = math.atan2(oe.pose.position.y, oe.pose.position.x) theta += (-1)**(i) * (i + 1) * self.search_angle end_p.pose.position.x = r * math.cos(theta) end_p.pose.position.y = r * math.sin(theta) self.pub_target_marker.publish(self.to_marker(end_p, [0, 0, 1])) self.pursuit.set_path(res_path.plan) goal = self.pursuit.get_goal(start_p) if goal is None: rospy.logwarn("goal reached, to next goal") self.target_global = None self.set_lane(True) return # print("trace", goal) goal = self.transform_pose(goal.pose, self.map_frame, self.bot_frame) goal.header.frame_id = self.map_frame self.pub_goal_marker.publish(self.to_marker(goal)) self.pub_pid_goal.publish(goal) et =
#path= np.genfromtxt('/home/ubuntu/Desktop/PATH/pathshort.csv', delimiter=',') def go(msg): posestamped= PoseStamped() publish_heading_control.publish(posestamped) rospy.logwarn("Current Pose Initialized") publish_path.publish(path) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('Path_Visualizer', anonymous=True) patharray= np.genfromtxt('/home/ubuntu/Desktop/PATH/path.csv', delimiter=',') publish_heading_control = rospy.Publisher('/Heading_Control', PoseStamped, queue_size = 1) publish_path = rospy.Publisher('/excelpath', Path, queue_size = 1) pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = "my_frame" path = Path () path.header.stamp = path.header.frame_id = "my_frame" for i in patharray: pose.header.stamp = #pose.pose.position.x = patharray[i][1] #pose.pose.position.y = patharray[i][2] pose.pose.position.x = i pose.pose.position.y = i path.poses.append(pose) rospy.logwarn(str(pose)) global sub sub = rospy.Subscriber('rosout', Log , go) rospy.spin()
def do_playback_keyframe_demo(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("Received playback demo") ## input: keyframe demo goal has bagfile name and eef_only bool self.start_time = time.time() tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() tfListener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfBuffer) tfBroadcaster = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster() # Check if the bag file is valid # Example path if necessary bag_path = os.path.expanduser(goal.bag_file_name) if (not os.path.isfile(bag_path)): error_msg = "Playback bagfile does not exist: %s" % bag_path self.server.set_aborted(self.result, error_msg) rospy.logerr(error_msg) return with rosbag.Bag(bag_path) as bag: self.bag = bag # Check the number of playback - and warn/stop if we have more than X number of keyframes if self.bag.get_message_count() > self.KEYFRAME_THRESHOLD: error_msg = "Playback Keyframe Demo aborted due to too many frames: %d" % self.bag.get_message_count( ) self.server.set_aborted(self.result, error_msg) rospy.logerr(error_msg) return keyframe_count = 0 # Check if we have a gripper topic. If so add it to playback all_topics = self.bag.get_type_and_topic_info().topics.keys() playback_topics = [goal.target_topic] GRIPPER_TOPIC = 'gripper/stat' gripper_topics = [x for x in all_topics if GRIPPER_TOPIC in x] playback_topics.extend(gripper_topics) OBJECT_LOCATION_TOPIC = "object_location" playback_topics.append(OBJECT_LOCATION_TOPIC) gripper_msgs = dict() self.gripper_pos = dict() while not self.server.is_preempt_requested(): # Cycle through the topics and messages and store them into list for ordering all_messages = dict() for topic, msg, t in self.bag.read_messages( topics=playback_topics): if topic not in all_messages: all_messages[topic] = [] all_messages[topic].append(msg) # Pull out the playback topic playback_list = all_messages[goal.target_topic] for gripper_topic in gripper_topics: # either one or two grippers gripper_msgs[gripper_topic] = all_messages[gripper_topic] # Actually set the gripper value pos = gripper_msgs[gripper_topic][0].requested_position self.gripper_helper(gripper_topic, pos) for msg_count in xrange(len(playback_list)): msg = playback_list[msg_count] if goal.zero_marker: zeroMarker = None if not OBJECT_LOCATION_TOPIC in all_messages: rospy.logerr( "Playback specified a zero marker but no object locations were found in keyframe #{}" .format(msg_count)) self.server.set_aborted( text="Object locations missing") return for i, location in enumerate( all_messages[OBJECT_LOCATION_TOPIC] [msg_count].objects): if location.label == goal.zero_marker: zeroMarker = location break if not zeroMarker: rospy.logerr( "Specified zero marker not found in .bag file in keyframe #{}" .format(msg_count)) self.server.set_aborted( text="Zero marker not found in .bag file") return try: currentZero = tfBuffer.lookup_transform( "map", goal.zero_marker, rospy.Time(0), timeout=rospy.Duration(5)).transform except tf2_ros.LookupException: rospy.logerr( "Specified label \"{}\" not found in current scene. Disable locate objects to play back absolute keyframe positions." .format(zeroMarker.label)) self.server.set_aborted( text="Specified label not found") return rospy.loginfo( "Using zero marker \"{}\" (prob: {:.1%}) with position (x: {:.2f}, y: {:.2f}, z: {:.2f})" .format(zeroMarker.label, zeroMarker.probability, zeroMarker.pose.position.x, zeroMarker.pose.position.y, zeroMarker.pose.position.z)) rospy.loginfo( "Found corresponding zero marker in current frame (x: {:.2f}, y: {:.2f}, z: {:.2f})" .format(currentZero.translation.x, currentZero.translation.y, currentZero.translation.z)) else: rospy.loginfo( "No zero marker passed for keyframe #{}".format( msg_count)) # Check if we need to convert the msg into joint values if goal.eef_only: # Ask the arm planner to plan for that joint target from current position pt = Pose(msg.position, msg.orientation) if zeroMarker: # Remap the point to the global map frame for adjustment baseLinkToMap = tfBuffer.lookup_transform( "map", "base_link", rospy.Time(0), timeout=rospy.Duration(5)) mapToBaseLink = tfBuffer.lookup_transform( "base_link", "map", rospy.Time(0), timeout=rospy.Duration(5)) ptAbsolute = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose( PoseStamped(pose=pt), baseLinkToMap) # Compensate for new zero marker position ptAbsolute.pose.position.x += ( currentZero.translation.x - zeroMarker.pose.position.x) ptAbsolute.pose.position.y += ( currentZero.translation.y - zeroMarker.pose.position.y) ptAbsolute.pose.position.z += ( currentZero.translation.z - zeroMarker.pose.position.z) pt = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose( ptAbsolute, mapToBaseLink).pose rospy.loginfo( "Moving EEF to adjusted position: (x: {:.2f}, y: {:.2f}, z: {:.2f})" .format(pt.position.x, pt.position.y, pt.position.z)) plan = self.arm_planner.plan_poseTargetInput(pt) else: # Pull out the joint values for the arm from the message pts = self._get_arm_joint_values(msg) # Ask the arm planner to plan for that joint target from current position plan = self.arm_planner.plan_jointTargetInput(pts) # Check if we have a valid plan if plan == None or len(plan.joint_trajectory.points) < 1: print "Error: no plan found" else: rospy.loginfo("Executing Keyframe: %d" % keyframe_count) self.sendPlan(plan) keyframe_count += 1 # Execute Gripper if needed for gripper_topic in gripper_topics: pos = gripper_msgs[gripper_topic][ msg_count].requested_position if abs(pos - self.gripper_pos[gripper_topic] ) > self.GRIPPER_THRESHOLD: # Actually set the gripper value self.gripper_helper(gripper_topic, pos) self.result.time_elapsed = rospy.Duration.from_sec( time.time() - self.start_time) complete_msg = "Playback Keyframe Demo completed successfully" self.server.set_succeeded(self.result, complete_msg) rospy.loginfo(complete_msg) return self.result.time_elapsed = rospy.Duration.from_sec(time.time() - start_time) self.server.set_preempted(self.result, "playback keyframe demo preempted") print 'preempted' return
def pick_aruco(self, string_operation): if string_operation == "place": # Place the object back to its position rospy.loginfo("Gonna place near where it was") self.pick_g.object_pose.pose.position.z += 0.05 self.place_as.send_goal_and_wait(self.pick_g) rospy.loginfo("Done!") return self.prepare_robot() rospy.sleep(2.0) rospy.loginfo("spherical_grasp_gui: Waiting for an aruco detection") aruco_pose = rospy.wait_for_message('/aruco_single/pose', PoseStamped) aruco_pose.header.frame_id = self.strip_leading_slash(aruco_pose.header.frame_id) rospy.loginfo("Got: " + str(aruco_pose)) rospy.loginfo("spherical_grasp_gui: Transforming from frame: " + aruco_pose.header.frame_id + " to 'base_footprint'") = PoseStamped() = aruco_pose.pose.position = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time("base_footprint", aruco_pose.header.frame_id) = aruco_pose.header.frame_id transform_ok = False while not transform_ok and not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: transform = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform("base_footprint",, rospy.Time(0)) self.aruco_ps = do_transform_pose(, transform) transform_ok = True except tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException as e: rospy.logwarn( "Exception on transforming point... trying again \n(" + str(e) + ")") rospy.sleep(0.01) = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time("base_footprint", aruco_pose.header.frame_id) self.pick_g = PickUpPoseGoal() if string_operation == "pick": rospy.loginfo("Setting cube pose based on ArUco detection") self.pick_g.object_pose.pose.position = self.aruco_ps.pose.position self.pick_g.object_pose.pose.position.z -= 0.1*(1.0/2.0) rospy.loginfo("aruco pose in base_footprint:" + str(self.pick_g)) self.pick_g.object_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' self.pick_g.object_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.detected_pose_pub.publish(self.pick_g.object_pose) rospy.loginfo("Gonna pick:" + str(self.pick_g)) self.pick_as.send_goal_and_wait(self.pick_g) rospy.loginfo("Done!") result = self.pick_as.get_result() if str(moveit_error_dict[result.error_code]) != "SUCCESS": rospy.logerr("Failed to pick, not trying further") return # Move torso to its maximum height self.lift_torso() # Raise arm rospy.loginfo("Moving arm to a safe pose") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'pick_final_pose' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Raise object done.")
def go(msg): posestamped= PoseStamped() publish_heading_control.publish(posestamped) rospy.logwarn("Current Pose Initialized") publish_path.publish(path)
def get_command(self, msg): ''' Publishes the wrench for this instant. (Note: this is called get_command because it used to be used for getting the actual thruster values, but now it is only being used for getting the wrench which is then later mapped elsewhere). ''' if self.p_ref is None: return # C3 is killed # Compute timestep from interval between this message's stamp and last's if self.last_odom is None: self.last_odom = msg else: self.timestep = (msg.header.stamp - self.last_odom.header.stamp).to_sec() self.last_odom = msg # ROS read-in position = msg.pose.pose.position orientation = msg.pose.pose.orientation lin_vel_body = msg.twist.twist.linear ang_vel_body = msg.twist.twist.angular # ROS unpack self.position = np.array([position.x, position.y]) self.orientation = np.array([orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, orientation.w]) # Frame management quantities R = np.eye(3) R[:2, :2] = trns.quaternion_matrix(self.orientation)[:2, :2] y = trns.euler_from_quaternion(self.orientation)[2] # More ROS unpacking, converting body frame twist to world frame lin_vel and ang_vel self.lin_vel =[lin_vel_body.x, lin_vel_body.y, lin_vel_body.z]))[:2] self.ang_vel =[ang_vel_body.x, ang_vel_body.y, ang_vel_body.z]))[2] # Convert body PD gains to world frame kp = kd = # Compute error components (reference - true) p_err = self.p_ref - self.position y_err = trns.euler_from_quaternion(trns.quaternion_multiply( self.q_ref, trns.quaternion_inverse(self.orientation)))[2] v_err = self.v_ref - self.lin_vel w_err = self.w_ref - self.ang_vel #Adjust kp_body and kd_body based on p_err if heavy_pid was set if (self.heavy_pid == True) and (abs(p_err[0]) < self.x_thresh) and (abs(p_err[1]) < self.y_thresh) and (abs(y_err) < self.yaw_thresh): print("threshold hit") self.kp_body = self.kp_body_orig self.kd_body = self.kd_body_orig self.heavy_pid = False self.movement_finished = True # Combine error components into error vectors err = np.concatenate((p_err, [y_err])) errdot = np.concatenate((v_err, [w_err])) # Compute "anticipation" feedforward based on the boat's inertia inertial_feedforward = np.concatenate( (self.a_ref, [self.aa_ref])) * [self.mass_ref, self.mass_ref, self.inertia_ref] # Compute the "learning" matrix drag_regressor = np.array([ [ self.lin_vel[0] * np.cos(y)**2 + self.lin_vel[1] * np.sin(y) * np.cos(y), self.lin_vel[0] / 2 - (self.lin_vel[0] * np.cos(2 * y)) / 2 - (self.lin_vel[1] * np.sin(2 * y)) / 2, -self.ang_vel * np.sin(y), -self.ang_vel * np.cos(y), 0 ], [ self.lin_vel[1] / 2 - (self.lin_vel[1] * np.cos(2 * y)) / 2 + (self.lin_vel[0] * np.sin(2 * y)) / 2, self.lin_vel[1] * np.cos(y)**2 - self.lin_vel[0] * np.cos(y) * np.sin(y), self.ang_vel * np.cos(y), -self.ang_vel * np.sin(y), 0 ], [ 0, 0, self.lin_vel[1] * np.cos(y) - self.lin_vel[0] * np.sin(y), - self.lin_vel[0] * np.cos(y) - self.lin_vel[1] * np.sin(y), self.ang_vel ]]) # wrench = PD + feedforward + I + adaptation if self.only_PD: wrench = ( + ( self.drag_effort = [0, 0, 0] self.dist_est = [0, 0, 0] else: self.drag_effort = np.clip(, -self.drag_limit, self.drag_limit) wrench = ( + ( + inertial_feedforward + self.dist_est + self.drag_effort # Update disturbance estimate, drag estimates if self.learn and (npl.norm(p_err) < self.learning_radius): self.dist_est = np.clip(self.dist_est + ( * err * self.timestep), - self.dist_limit, self.dist_limit) self.drag_est = self.drag_est + ( * ( + errdot)) * self.timestep) # Update model reference for the next call if not self.use_external_tgen: self.increment_reference() # convert wrench to body frame wrench_body = # NOT NEEDED SINCE WE ARE USING A DIFFERENT NODE FOR ACTUAL THRUSTER MAPPING # # Compute world frame thruster matrix (B) from thruster geometry, and then map wrench to thrusts # B = np.concatenate((, # B_3dof = np.concatenate((B[:2, :], [B[5, :]])) # command = self.thruster_mapper(wrench, B_3dof) # Give wrench to ROS wrench_msg = WrenchStamped() wrench_msg.header.frame_id = "wamv/base_link" wrench_msg.wrench.force.x = wrench_body[0] wrench_msg.wrench.force.y = wrench_body[1] wrench_msg.wrench.torque.z = wrench_body[2] self.wrench_pub.publish(wrench_msg) # Publish reference pose for examination self.pose_ref_pub.publish(PoseStamped( header=Header( frame_id='/enu', stamp=msg.header.stamp, ), pose=Pose( position=Point(self.p_ref[0], self.p_ref[1], 0), orientation=Quaternion(*self.q_ref), ), )) # Publish adaptation (Y*theta) for plotting adaptation_msg = WrenchStamped() adaptation_msg.header.frame_id = "wamv/base_link" adaptation_msg.wrench.force.x = (self.dist_est + self.drag_effort)[0] adaptation_msg.wrench.force.y = (self.dist_est + self.drag_effort)[1] adaptation_msg.wrench.torque.z = (self.dist_est + self.drag_effort)[2] self.adaptation_pub.publish(adaptation_msg) try: self.theta_pub.publish(Float64MultiArray(data=self.drag_est)) except BaseException: traceback.print_exc()
import numpy import rospy from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, TwistStamped from std_msgs.msg import Float32, String, Bool from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry freq = 20.0 # hz dt = 1 / freq error = numpy.zeros(3) last_error = numpy.zeros(3) error_sum = numpy.zeros(3) velocity = numpy.zeros(3) vel = TwistStamped() localPose = PoseStamped() targetAcquired = False landingFlag = False kp = rospy.get_param("/vel_control_kp") kd = rospy.get_param("/vel_control_kd") ki = rospy.get_param("/vel_control_ki") altitudeSetpoint = rospy.get_param("/altitude_setpoint") descentRate = rospy.get_param("/descent_rate") # noinspection PyStatementEffect def move(msg): """
var1, var2, var3 = raw_input("Enter target position").split() sub_temp1 = rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/iris_1/temperature", Float64, tuto.temperature_1) sub_temp2 = rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/iris_2/temperature", Float64, tuto.temperature_2) sub_temp2 = rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/iris_3/temperature", Float64, tuto.temperature_3) #sub_dist1=rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/iris_1/fire_dist", Float64 , tuto.dist_1) #sub_dist2=rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/iris_2/fire_dist", Float64 , tuto.dist_2) #sub_dist3=rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/iris_3/fire_dist", Float64 , tuto.dist_3) while True: var = 0 vres = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) #iris_1 goal = PoseStamped() x_off = 0.0 y_off = 0.0 separation = tuto.separation("iris_1") cohesion = tuto.cohesion("iris_1") v2 = numpy.array([(float(var1) + x_off), float(var2) + y_off]) tuto.vres[0] = separation[0] + (0.3 * cohesion[0]) tuto.vres[1] = separation[1] + (0.3 * cohesion[1]) goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link" goal.header.stamp = goal.pose.position.x = tuto.vres[0] + x_off goal.pose.position.y = tuto.vres[1] + y_off goal.pose.position.z = float(var3) tuto.arm_pub[0].publish(goal) tuto.vres = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) #iris_2
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_demo') self.gripper_opened = [rospy.get_param(GRIPPER_PARAM + "/max_opening") ] self.gripper_closed = [rospy.get_param(GRIPPER_PARAM + "/min_opening") ] self.gripper_neutral = [rospy.get_param(GRIPPER_PARAM + "/neutral") ] self.gripper_tighten = rospy.get_param(GRIPPER_PARAM + "/tighten") # We need a tf listener to convert poses into arm reference base self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # Use the planning scene object to add or remove objects scene = PlanningSceneInterface() # Create a scene publisher to push changes to the scene self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=10) # Create a publisher for displaying gripper poses self.gripper_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('target_pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) # Create a dictionary to hold object colors self.colors = dict() # Initialize the move group for the right arm arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) # Initialize the move group for the right gripper gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER) # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = arm.get_end_effector_link() # Allow some leeway in position (meters) and orientation (radians) arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.04) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(1) # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution arm.allow_replanning(True) # Set the right arm reference frame arm.set_pose_reference_frame(REFERENCE_FRAME) # Allow 5 seconds per planning attempt arm.set_planning_time(5) # Set a limit on the number of pick attempts before bailing max_pick_attempts = 1 # Set a limit on the number of place attempts max_place_attempts = 1 rospy.loginfo("Scaling for MoveIt timeout=" + str(rospy.get_param('/move_group/trajectory_execution/allowed_execution_duration_scaling'))) # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(2) # Give each of the scene objects a unique name table_id = 'table' box1_id = 'box1' box2_id = 'box2' target_id = 'target' tool_id = 'tool' # Remove leftover objects from a previous run scene.remove_world_object(table_id) scene.remove_world_object(box1_id) scene.remove_world_object(box2_id) scene.remove_world_object(target_id) scene.remove_world_object(tool_id) # Remove any attached objects from a previous session scene.remove_attached_object(GRIPPER_FRAME, target_id) # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(1) # Start the arm in the "arm_up" pose stored in the SRDF file rospy.loginfo("Set Arm: right_up") arm.set_named_target('right_up') if arm.go() != True: rospy.logwarn(" Go failed") rospy.sleep(2) # Move the gripper to the closed position rospy.loginfo("Set Gripper: Close " + str(self.gripper_closed ) ) gripper.set_joint_value_target(self.gripper_closed) if gripper.go() != True: rospy.logwarn(" Go failed") rospy.sleep(2) # Move the gripper to the neutral position rospy.loginfo("Set Gripper: Neutral " + str(self.gripper_neutral) ) gripper.set_joint_value_target(self.gripper_neutral) if gripper.go() != True: rospy.logwarn(" Go failed") rospy.sleep(2) # Move the gripper to the open position rospy.loginfo("Set Gripper: Open " + str(self.gripper_opened)) gripper.set_joint_value_target(self.gripper_opened) if gripper.go() != True: rospy.logwarn(" Go failed") rospy.sleep(2) # Set the height of the table off the ground table_ground = 0.4 # Set the dimensions of the scene objects [l, w, h] table_size = [0.2, 0.7, 0.01] box1_size = [0.1, 0.05, 0.05] box2_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.15] # Set the target size [l, w, h] target_size = [0.07, 0.007, 0.10] # Add a table top and two boxes to the scene table_pose = PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME table_pose.pose.position.x = 0.36 table_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 table_pose.pose.position.z = (table_ground + table_size[2] / 2.0)-0.08 table_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(table_id, table_pose, table_size) box1_pose = PoseStamped() box1_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME box1_pose.pose.position.x = table_pose.pose.position.x - 0.04 box1_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 box1_pose.pose.position.z = (table_ground + table_size[2] + box1_size[2] / 2.0)-0.08 box1_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(box1_id, box1_pose, box1_size) box2_pose = PoseStamped() box2_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME box2_pose.pose.position.x = table_pose.pose.position.x - 0.06 box2_pose.pose.position.y = 0.2 box2_pose.pose.position.z = (table_ground + table_size[2] + box2_size[2] / 2.0)-0.08 box2_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(box2_id, box2_pose, box2_size) # Set the target pose in between the boxes and on the table target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = table_pose.pose.position.x - 0.03 target_pose.pose.position.y = 0.1 target_pose.pose.position.z = (table_ground + table_size[2] + target_size[2] / 2.0)-0.075 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 # Add the target object to the scene scene.add_box(target_id, target_pose, target_size) # Make the table red and the boxes orange self.setColor(table_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box1_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box2_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) # Make the target yellow self.setColor(target_id, 0.9, 0.9, 0, 1.0) # Send the colors to the planning scene self.sendColors() # Set the support surface name to the table object arm.set_support_surface_name(table_id) # Specify a pose to place the target after being picked up place_pose = PoseStamped() place_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME place_pose.pose.position.x = table_pose.pose.position.x - 0.15 place_pose.pose.position.y = -0.23 place_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 place_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 # Initialize the grasp pose to the target pose grasp_pose = target_pose # Shift the grasp pose by half the width of the target to center it grasp_pose.pose.position.y -= target_size[1] / 2.0 # Generate a list of grasps grasps = self.make_grasps(grasp_pose, [target_id], [target_size[1] + self.gripper_tighten]) # Track success/failure and number of attempts for pick operation result = MoveItErrorCodes.FAILURE n_attempts = 0 # Repeat until we succeed or run out of attempts while result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS and n_attempts < max_pick_attempts: rospy.loginfo("Pick attempt #" + str(n_attempts)) for grasp in grasps: # Publish the grasp poses so they can be viewed in RViz self.gripper_pose_pub.publish(grasp.grasp_pose) rospy.sleep(0.2) result = arm.pick(target_id, grasps) if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: break n_attempts += 1 rospy.sleep(0.2) # If the pick was successful, attempt the place operation if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.loginfo(" Pick: Done!") # Generate valid place poses places = self.make_places(place_pose) success = False n_attempts = 0 # Repeat until we succeed or run out of attempts while not success and n_attempts < max_place_attempts: rospy.loginfo("Place attempt #" + str(n_attempts)) for place in places: # Publish the place poses so they can be viewed in RViz self.gripper_pose_pub.publish(place) rospy.sleep(0.2) success =, place) if success: break n_attempts += 1 rospy.sleep(0.2) if not success: rospy.logerr("Place operation failed after " + str(n_attempts) + " attempts.") else: rospy.loginfo(" Place: Done!") else: rospy.logerr("Pick operation failed after " + str(n_attempts) + " attempts.") # Return the arm to the "resting" pose stored in the SRDF file (passing through right_up) arm.set_named_target('right_up') arm.go() arm.set_named_target('resting') arm.go() # Open the gripper to the neutral position gripper.set_joint_value_target(self.gripper_neutral) gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Shut down MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit the script moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def create_statemachine(self): try: response = self.relative_work_point_srv() except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr('servive call failed:{}'.format(e)) relative_grasp_pose = PoseStamped() relative_grasp_pose2 = PoseStamped() relative_grasp_pose3 = PoseStamped() relative_grasp_pose4 = PoseStamped() relative_grasp_pose5 = PoseStamped() relative_grasp_pose6 = PoseStamped() relative_assemble_pose = PoseStamped() relative_assemble_pose2 = PoseStamped() relative_assemble_pose3 = PoseStamped() relative_assemble_pose4 = PoseStamped() relative_assemble_pose5 = PoseStamped() relative_assemble_pose6 = PoseStamped() relative_grasp_pose.pose = response.grasp[0] relative_grasp_pose2.pose = response.grasp[1] relative_grasp_pose3.pose = response.grasp[2] relative_grasp_pose4.pose = response.grasp[3] relative_grasp_pose5.pose = response.grasp[4] relative_grasp_pose6.pose = response.grasp[5] relative_assemble_pose.pose = response.assemble[0] relative_assemble_pose2.pose = response.assemble[1] relative_assemble_pose3.pose = response.assemble[2] relative_assemble_pose4.pose = response.assemble[3] relative_assemble_pose5.pose = response.assemble[4] relative_assemble_pose6.pose = response.assemble[5] sm_top = StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'failed']) with sm_top: StateMachine.add( "InitialState", InitialState(relative_grasp_pose), transitions={ 'success': 'SUB1', 'failed': 'failed'}) sm_sub1 = StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'failed']) with sm_sub1: StateMachine.add( "BeforeGrasp", BeforeGrasp(), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterGrasp', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterGrasp", AfterGrasp(relative_assemble_pose), transitions={ 'success': 'BeforeAssemble', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "BeforeAssemble", BeforeAssemble(relative_assemble_pose), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterAssembleRepetition', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterAssembleRepetition", AfterAssembleRepetition(relative_grasp_pose2), transitions={ 'success': 'success', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "SUB1", sm_sub1, transitions={ 'success': 'SUB2', 'failed': 'failed'}) sm_sub2 = StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'failed']) with sm_sub2: StateMachine.add( "BeforeGrasp", BeforeGrasp(), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterGrasp', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterGrasp", AfterGrasp(relative_assemble_pose2), transitions={ 'success': 'BeforeAssemble', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "BeforeAssemble", BeforeAssemble(relative_assemble_pose2), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterAssembleRepetition', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterAssembleRepetition", AfterAssembleRepetition(relative_grasp_pose3), transitions={ 'success': 'success', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "SUB2", sm_sub2, transitions={ 'success': 'SUB3', 'failed': 'failed'}) sm_sub3 = StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'failed']) with sm_sub3: StateMachine.add( "BeforeGrasp", BeforeGrasp(), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterGrasp', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterGrasp", AfterGrasp(relative_assemble_pose3), transitions={ 'success': 'BeforeAssemble', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "BeforeAssemble", BeforeAssemble(relative_assemble_pose3), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterAssembleRepetition', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterAssembleRepetition", AfterAssembleRepetition(relative_grasp_pose4), transitions={ 'success': 'success', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "SUB3", sm_sub3, transitions={ 'success': 'SUB4', 'failed': 'failed'}) sm_sub4 = StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'failed']) with sm_sub4: StateMachine.add( "BeforeGrasp", BeforeGrasp(), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterGrasp', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterGrasp", AfterGrasp(relative_assemble_pose4), transitions={ 'success': 'BeforeAssemble', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "BeforeAssemble", BeforeAssemble(relative_assemble_pose4), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterAssembleRepetition', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterAssembleRepetition", AfterAssembleRepetition(relative_grasp_pose5), transitions={ 'success': 'success', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "SUB4", sm_sub4, transitions={ 'success': 'SUB5', 'failed': 'failed'}) sm_sub5 = StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'failed']) with sm_sub5: StateMachine.add( "BeforeGrasp", BeforeGrasp(), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterGrasp', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterGrasp", AfterGrasp(relative_assemble_pose5), transitions={ 'success': 'BeforeAssemble', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "BeforeAssemble", BeforeAssemble(relative_assemble_pose5), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterAssembleRepetition', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterAssembleRepetition", AfterAssembleRepetition(relative_grasp_pose6), transitions={ 'success': 'success', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "SUB5", sm_sub5, transitions={ 'success': 'SUB6', 'failed': 'failed'}) sm_sub6 = StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'failed']) with sm_sub6: StateMachine.add( "BeforeGrasp", BeforeGrasp(), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterGrasp', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterGrasp", AfterGrasp(relative_assemble_pose6), transitions={ 'success': 'BeforeAssemble', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "BeforeAssemble", BeforeAssemble(relative_assemble_pose6), transitions={ 'success': 'AfterAssemble', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "AfterAssemble", AfterAssemble(), transitions={ 'success': 'success', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "SUB6", sm_sub6, transitions={ 'success': 'FinalState', 'failed': 'failed'}) StateMachine.add( "FinalState", FinalState(), transitions={ 'success': 'success', 'failed': 'failed'}) sis = IntrospectionServer('p_and_p_example', sm_top, '/SM_ROOT') sis.start() sm_top.execute() rospy.spin()
class Tutorial: arm_pub = list() arm_pub.append( rospy.Publisher("gazebo/iris_1/go_to_destination", PoseStamped, queue_size=1000)) arm_pub.append( rospy.Publisher("gazebo/iris_2/go_to_destination", PoseStamped, queue_size=1000)) arm_pub.append( rospy.Publisher("gazebo/iris_3/go_to_destination", PoseStamped, queue_size=1000)) coordinates = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState) max = 0 previous_temp_1 = 0 previous_temp_2 = 0 previous_temp_3 = 0 previous_x_1 = 0 previous_y_1 = 0 previous_x_2 = 0 previous_y_2 = 0 previous_x_3 = 0 previous_y_3 = 0 vres = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) further_pose = PoseStamped() _blockListDict = { 'block_a': Block('iris_1', 'base_link'), 'block_b': Block('iris_2', 'base_link'), 'block_c': Block('iris_3', 'base_link') } def separation(self, uav_name): model_coordinates = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState) input_drone_coordinates = model_coordinates(uav_name, "base_link") c_x = input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.x c_y = input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.y a = random.random() f = random.uniform(-0.005, 0.005) #return vector v = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) #add random quantity #position=numpy.array([c_x+f,c_y+f]) position = numpy.array([c_x, c_y]) #radius radius = 3 n_count = 0 for block in self._blockListDict.itervalues(): blockName = str(block._name) if blockName != uav_name: resp_coordinates = model_coordinates( blockName, block._relative_entity_name) x1 = resp_coordinates.pose.position.x x2 = input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.x y1 = resp_coordinates.pose.position.y y2 = input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.y distance = math.sqrt(pow((x1 - x2), 2) + pow((y1 - y2), 2)) #Finding neibourghs if distance < radius: v[0] += x1 - x2 v[1] += y1 - y2 n_count = n_count + 1 #print "v after n count" #print v #Divide by the number of neibourgh if n_count == 0: print "I am moving randomly..." return position v[0] = v[0] / n_count v[1] = v[1] / n_count #calculate magnitude magnitude = math.sqrt(pow((v[0]), 2) + pow((v[1]), 2)) print "magnitude separation" print magnitude v = v / magnitude print "unitary vector" print v #print "v after n count division" #print v #Opposite direction v[0] *= -2 v[1] *= -2 print "negated vector" print v #print "v opposite direction" #print v #Normalize vector using min-max normalization #print "v after normalization" #print v return v #def alignment(self, uav_name): def cohesion(self, uav_name): model_coordinates = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState) input_drone_coordinates = model_coordinates(uav_name, "base_link") c_x = input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.x c_y = input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.y a = random.random() f = random.uniform(-0.005, 0.005) print "input drone" print uav_name print c_x print c_y #return vector v = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) #add random quantity position = numpy.array([c_x + f, c_y + f]) #radius radius = 50 n_count = 0 for block in self._blockListDict.itervalues(): blockName = str(block._name) if blockName != uav_name: resp_coordinates = model_coordinates( blockName, block._relative_entity_name) x1 = resp_coordinates.pose.position.x x2 = input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.x y1 = resp_coordinates.pose.position.y y2 = input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.y distance = math.sqrt(pow((x1 - x2), 2) + pow((y1 - y2), 2)) #Finding neibourghs if distance < radius: v[0] += x1 v[1] += y1 n_count = n_count + 1 #print "v after n count" #print v #Divide by the number of neibourgh if n_count == 0: return position #return center of mass v[0] = v[0] / n_count v[1] = v[1] / n_count #print "v after n count division" #print v #calculate directio for center of mass v[0] = v[0] - input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.x v[1] = v[1] - input_drone_coordinates.pose.position.y #Normalize vector using min-max normalization magnitude = math.sqrt(pow((v[0]), 2) + pow((v[1]), 2)) v = v / magnitude #print "v after normalization" #print v return v def temperature_1(self, temperature): print "I am in temperature" print temperature goal = PoseStamped() x_off = 0.0 y_off = 0.0 separation = tuto.separation("iris_1") cohesion = tuto.cohesion("iris_1") model_coordinates_1 = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState) model_coordinates = model_coordinates_1("iris_1", "base_link") v = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) if temperature > 60: if self.previous_temp_1 < temperature: current_x = model_coordinates.pose.position.x current_y = model_coordinates.pose.position.y v[0] = current_x - self.previous_x_1 v[1] = current_y - self.previous_y_1 magnitude = math.sqrt(pow((v[0]), 2) + pow((v[1]), 2)) v = (v + 0.8) * (-1) goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link" goal.header.stamp = goal.pose.position.x = 1.5 * v[0] + (0.7 * separation[0]) + ( 0.3 * cohesion[0]) + x_off goal.pose.position.y = 1.5 * v[1] + (0.7 * separation[1]) + ( 0.3 * cohesion[1]) + y_off goal.pose.position.z = 1 self.arm_pub[0].publish(goal) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.previous_temp_1 = temperature self.previous_x_1 = model_coordinates.pose.position.x self.previous_y_1 = model_coordinates.pose.position.y def temperature_2(self, temperature): print "I am in temperature" print temperature goal = PoseStamped() x_off = -2.0 y_off = -2.0 separation = tuto.separation("iris_2") cohesion = tuto.cohesion("iris_2") model_coordinates_2 = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState) model_coordinates = model_coordinates_2("iris_2", "base_link") v = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) if temperature > 60: if self.previous_temp_2 < temperature: current_x = model_coordinates.pose.position.x current_y = model_coordinates.pose.position.y v[0] = current_x - self.previous_x_2 v[1] = current_y - self.previous_y_2 magnitude = math.sqrt(pow((v[0]), 2) + pow((v[1]), 2)) v = (v + 0.8) * (-1) print "vector" print v goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link" goal.header.stamp = goal.pose.position.x = 1.5 * v[0] + (0.7 * separation[0]) + ( 0.3 * cohesion[0]) + x_off goal.pose.position.y = 1.5 * v[1] + (0.7 * separation[1]) + ( 0.3 * cohesion[1]) + y_off goal.pose.position.z = 1 self.arm_pub[1].publish(goal) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.previous_temp_2 = temperature self.previous_x_2 = model_coordinates.pose.position.x self.previous_y_2 = model_coordinates.pose.position.y def temperature_3(self, temperature): print "I am in temperature" print temperature goal = PoseStamped() x_off = -2.0 y_off = 2.0 separation = tuto.separation("iris_3") cohesion = tuto.cohesion("iris_3") model_coordinates_3 = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState) model_coordinates = model_coordinates_3("iris_3", "base_link") v = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) if temperature > 60: if self.previous_temp_3 < temperature: current_x = model_coordinates.pose.position.x current_y = model_coordinates.pose.position.y v[0] = current_x - self.previous_x_3 v[1] = current_y - self.previous_y_3 magnitude = math.sqrt(pow((v[0]), 2) + pow((v[1]), 2)) v = (v + 0.8) * (-1) print "vector" print v goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link" goal.header.stamp = goal.pose.position.x = 1.5 * v[0] + (0.7 * separation[0]) + ( 0.3 * cohesion[0]) + x_off goal.pose.position.y = 1.5 * v[1] + (0.7 * separation[1]) + ( 0.3 * cohesion[1]) + y_off goal.pose.position.z = 1 self.arm_pub[2].publish(goal) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.previous_temp_3 = temperature self.previous_x_3 = model_coordinates.pose.position.x self.previous_y_3 = model_coordinates.pose.position.y
def measurement_callback(msg): # rospy.logwarn(msg) for marker_detect in msg.markers: rospy.logwarn(marker_detect) marker = PoseStamped() marker.header.stamp = marker.header.frame_id = "aruco/detected" + str( marker.pose = marker_detect.pose.pose # rospy.loginfo(marker.header.frame_id) if not tf_buf.can_transform(marker.header.frame_id, 'map', marker.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(0.5)): rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5.0, 'No transform from %s to map' % marker.header.frame_id) return aruco_frame = 'aruco/marker' + str( detect_look = tf_buf.lookup_transform('cf1/odom', marker.header.frame_id, marker.header.stamp) aruco_look = tf_buf.lookup_transform('map', aruco_frame, marker.header.stamp) detect_look.transform.rotation.w = -detect_look.transform.rotation.w q_diff = quaternion_multiply(aruco_look.transform.rotation, detect_look.transform.rotation) rospy.sleep(0.1) rot_trans(detect_look, q_diff[1], q_diff[2], q_diff[3], q_diff[0]) rot_marker = TransformStamped() rot_marker.header.stamp = rot_marker.header.frame_id = 'odomRot' rot_marker.child_frame_id = 'rot_marker' + str( rot_marker.transform.translation = detect_look.transform.translation rot_marker.transform.rotation.w = 1 br.sendTransform(rot_marker) rospy.sleep(0.1) rot_marker_frame = 'rot_marker' + str( detect_look_new = tf_buf.lookup_transform('cf1/odom', rot_marker_frame, marker.header.stamp) odom = TransformStamped() odom.header.stamp = odom.header.frame_id = 'map' odom.child_frame_id = 'cf1/odom' odom.transform.rotation.x = q_diff[1] odom.transform.rotation.y = q_diff[2] odom.transform.rotation.z = q_diff[3] odom.transform.rotation.w = q_diff[0] odom.transform.translation.x = ( aruco_look.transform.translation.x - detect_look_new.transform.translation.x) odom.transform.translation.y = ( aruco_look.transform.translation.y - detect_look_new.transform.translation.y) odom.transform.translation.z = ( aruco_look.transform.translation.z - detect_look_new.transform.translation.z) br2.sendTransform(odom)
def trajectory_cb(self, msg): if len(msg.points) == 0: print("ToppTracker - empty input trajectory recieved, RESET") self.trajectory = MultiDOFJointTrajectory() return if not self.carrot_trajectory_recieved: print("ToppTracker - trajectory recieved but carrot unavailable") self.trajectory = MultiDOFJointTrajectory() return # Nicely interpolate points from current to first x, y, z, yaw = self.interpolate_points(self.carrot_trajectory, msg.points[0]) print(x) print(y) print(yaw) if len(x) == 0: x.append(self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].translation.x) y.append(self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].translation.y) z.append(self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].translation.z) yaw.append( tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].rotation.x, self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].rotation.y, self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].rotation.z, self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].rotation.w ])[2]) for point in msg.points: x.append(point.transforms[0].translation.x) y.append(point.transforms[0].translation.y) z.append(point.transforms[0].translation.z) yaw.append( tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ point.transforms[0].rotation.x, point.transforms[0].rotation.y, point.transforms[0].rotation.z, point.transforms[0].rotation.w ])[2]) # Fix Toppra orientation, at this point atleast two points are in trajectory if len(yaw) > 1: yaw[-1] = self.fix_topp_yaw(yaw[-1], yaw[-2]) for x_, y_, z_, yaw_ in zip(x, y, z, yaw): print("Recieved point: ", x_, y_, z_, yaw_) request = GenerateTrajectoryRequest() # Add waypoints in request waypoint = JointTrajectoryPoint() for i in range(0, len(x)): # Positions are defined above waypoint.positions = [x[i], y[i], z[i], yaw[i]] # Also add constraints for velocity and acceleration. These # constraints are added only on the first waypoint since the # TOPP-RA reads them only from there. if i == 0: waypoint.velocities = [ self.tracker_params.velocity[0], self.tracker_params.velocity[1], self.tracker_params.velocity[2], self.tracker_params.velocity[3] ] waypoint.accelerations = [ self.tracker_params.acceleration[0], self.tracker_params.acceleration[1], self.tracker_params.acceleration[2], self.tracker_params.acceleration[3] ] # Append all waypoints in request request.waypoints.points.append(copy.deepcopy(waypoint)) request.waypoints.joint_names = ["x", "y", "z", "yaw"] request.sampling_frequency = self.tracker_params.sampling_frequency request.n_gridpoints = self.tracker_params.n_gridpoints request.plot = False # Request the trajectory request_trajectory_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( "generate_toppra_trajectory", GenerateTrajectory) response = request_trajectory_service(request) # Response will have trajectory and bool variable success. If for some # reason the trajectory was not able to be planned or the configuration # was incomplete or wrong it will return False. print("ToppTracker: Converting trajectory to multi dof") joint_trajectory = response.trajectory self.enable_trajectory = False # Take the first point in the message, extract its roll / pitch and copy it in the # final trajectory angles = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ msg.points[0].transforms[0].rotation.x, msg.points[0].transforms[0].rotation.y, msg.points[0].transforms[0].rotation.z, msg.points[0].transforms[0].rotation.w ]) self.trajectory = self.JointTrajectory2MultiDofTrajectory( joint_trajectory, angles[0], angles[1]) # Publish the path path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.stamp = path_msg.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id self.trajectory_pose_arr.header.stamp = self.trajectory_pose_arr.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id self.trajectory_pose_arr.poses = [] self.trajectory_index = 0 for i, point in enumerate(self.trajectory.points): path_point = PoseStamped() path_point.header.stamp = path_point.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id path_point.pose.position.x = point.transforms[0].translation.x path_point.pose.position.y = point.transforms[0].translation.y path_point.pose.position.z = point.transforms[0].translation.z path_point.pose.orientation.x = point.transforms[0].rotation.x path_point.pose.orientation.y = point.transforms[0].rotation.y path_point.pose.orientation.z = point.transforms[0].rotation.z path_point.pose.orientation.w = point.transforms[0].rotation.w path_msg.poses.append(path_point) if i % 10 != 0: continue self.trajectory_pose_arr.poses.append(path_point.pose) self.path_pub.publish(path_msg)